Artificial Gravity & Other Advantages offered by C-Drive

There are currently 2 patents pending for the Collision Drive, one is for a generic C-Drive which is simple and easier to build (depicted in the video clip) the other is for a high speed C-Drive which is expected to be able to easily handle exceptionally high levels of rpm. The C-Drive in the clip although early in development is technically the most advanced propulsion system in the category of thrust generated by reaction force. Some of the advantages of the C-Drive method of propulsion shown in the video clip are:

1. The thrust it exerts horizontally also works vertically therefore it can operate in any medium e.g. on roads, air, over and under water, and in the vacuum of space. Depending on where and what it will be used for a C-Drive can be harnessed to any kind of powerplant e.g. electric motors, jet engine, piston engine, rocket-turbine engine etc 

2. Vehicles such as cars are driven by torque applied to an axle and wheels that require contact with the ground or other surface, though effective for mobility they are limited to ground level movement, whereas C-Drive thrust is a reaction force and functions both horizontally (e.g. on roads) and vertically (above ground) allowing vehicles to move seamlessly between these environments.

3. Unlike rockets, engines and jets a C-Drive does not have to vent any air, plasma, ions or exhaust of any kind whatsoever to generate thrust, it will therefore be useful in the drive to zero emissions. Excessive emissions, especially from rocket engines burning large amounts of fuel are an environmental hazard and even where these emissions are clean the excessive exhaust may not be conducive for integration into public transport systems as they encumber the public nearby. In comparison, vehicles propelled by collision drives will be able to depart and arrive from from any destination (including space ) from conventional airports.

4.  The C-Drive's maximum velocity is determined by the build quality of the device and the torque supplied to drive it. It is therefore expected to be capable of achieving speeds greater than any vehicle that requires air or any type of exhaust to directly generate thrust be it ionic thrust, plasma, rocket, jet or hypersonic craft and will be able to do so with minimal heat caused by the exertion required to reach such velocities. Read how a custom built C-Drive hypothetically only requires 3,000 rpm to achieve the fastest 0-99% here: faster than you can blink. Read an introduction to Collision Drive Theory here. 

5. The payload capacity is expected to be greater than any other form of propulsion currently available, making it useful for heavy lifting vast payloads over ground or into space that it was not possible to carry before. 

6. The C-Drive is quiet, which means that if a powerplant that supplies it torque is also silent (e.g. batteries and electric motors) then it is able to move virtually without sound, lowering noise pollution.

7.  It has internal mechanisms that enhance the efficiency with which the torque it is supplied is converted into thrust that current propulsion systems based on air and emitting exhaust to gain thrust lack. It is expected to be able to neutralize gravitational resistance to lift by as much as 75%. The C-Drive can also use gravity itself to slow down descent and use it as an assist to create lift during ascent instead of fuel thereby making it very cost effective.

8. As seen in the video clip, unlike propellers, helicopters, quad-copters, rockets, engines and jets the C-Drive does not need to move any air whatsoever to generate thrust and move, it can be sealed in a vacuum and still work. This means it is able to move without spreading a curtain of wind and without spewing vast amounts of exhaust and spent gas that may disturb buildings, people and other vehicles nearby.

9. Safety: Most importantly a Collision Drive's internal propulsion system entails it will not be susceptible to crashes caused by changing air currents resulting from gale force winds, storms and other inclement weather. It potentially offers the safest and most maneuverable form of "air" travel. On the ground this same system will give vehicles significant new options for avoiding collisions, maintaining control on surfaces where tyres experience complete loss of traction and control of a car even where it overturns, or goes over an edge such that wheels lose contact with the ground. C-Drives can turn and move around in the zero-g vacuum of space even more easily than they do in air, they will not need hot or cold air thrusters to do this. The power, maneuverability and versatility of C-Drives as a propulsion system will provide the safest method for travel, launches and re-entry that secure the lives and well-being of astronauts. This will lead to fewer fatalities in the transport sector in general.

10. Artificial Gravity

A Collision Drive is the only device designed to be capable of cumulative acceleration (constant acceleration) with fuel efficiency. This means that it is designed such that it will be able to accelerate at 1G or 9.8067 meters per second squared. It will be able to do so with the throttle in one position making this gain predominantly from mechanical efficiency rather than from increases in the volume of fuel or energy. This means that the net gain in acceleration can be done without having to match the gain that maintains 1G with inordinate increases in fuel consumption. This is why it is currently believed a special fuel or fusion energy is required to achieve constant acceleration in Space. A C-Drive will prove that constant acceleration can be achieved using mechanical engineering without the immediate need for exotic sources of energy.

Gravity without the need for rotating sections

There are significant advantages with being able to do this. One of them is the ability to have earth gravity on ships without the need for developing a rotating section. It may even be advantageous and healthy for gravity on these ships to be calibrated slightly higher than 1G. 

Physics, Cosmology and Astronomy

In addition to this it opens the way to exploring more of the universe that is presently thought unreachable due to being too far away and too expensive for current propulsion technologies to reach, one of the most useful and exciting features of a C-Drive. 

For instance actually visiting star systems and regions of Space with potentially habitable planets to scrutinize them first hand rather than just being able to view them through a telescope becomes a possibility. Venturing near the edge of a black hole and sending in a probe to investigate what lies beyond the event horizon becomes something feasible for science. The ability to do this in normal gravity will be a major advantage.

Constant Acceleration

Achieving constant 1G is a propulsion technology that at present no one has been able to realistically design.The fact that a C-Drive mechanism emulates how gravity is created by increasing the efficiency of conservation of momentum should make it no surprise that it will be capable of achieving constant 1G efficiently.

In terms of the gain from conservation of momentum when Newtons 3rd Law is applied to propulsion, rockets and jets are close to 100% inefficient as a means of propulsion. This inefficiency is generally accepted as the price of propulsion and generally why rockets and jets consume tremendous amounts of fuel for getting very little done. On the other hand, in comparison in terms of gains from conservation of momentum a C-Drive is designed to be close to 90% or more efficient which is why the design is far more advanced and more appropriate to use. This may seem like a huge jump in efficiency, but anyone with common sense would see that it is quite negligible compared to the vast distances in Space that will need to be covered regularly in future and the inordinate energy demands for lifting cargo and large vessels from planets into Space. Without the balance this kind of efficiency can bring the foray into Space would inevitably become impractical.  

Safe sources of energy 

Rockets tend to be unsafe and unpredictable, everyone has to hold their breath every time they are launched, they are costly to build and maintain, even with re-usability. Despite this the payload they can lift into orbit is tiny and the cost per kilo extremely high. Nuclear rockets as a future means of propulsion (see links below) create harmful radiation and fusion applied to rockets would still require inordinate amounts of fuel to achieve constant acceleration. 

A Collision Drive is safe, simple to use and will outperform all these technologies in terms of their direct use as means of propulsion. It allows the continued use into Space of the current energy mix by allowing it to go further distances and lift heavier loads. In addition to this, it being a tier 1 gravitational device entails there are 4 more tiers or stages of evolution for the device that offer much more effective solutions to future more advanced methods of propulsion.

Cumulative acceleration will be useful for generating buoyancy with fuel efficiency that makes the levitation of vehicles more cost effective than it would be without it.

You've seen acceleration at 1G in science fiction like
the Expanse. The reality is that the know how for creating
a fuel or device that can do this seems far fetched.

Until now. A Collision Drive is expected to be able to 
generate continuous acceleration at 1G.
Moving this technology from science fiction, to 
science fact. 

The equations applied to a C-Drive above show
the device will maintain 9.84 m/s2 or 1G consistently
using mechanical efficiency. Even though 1G may seem slow it builds
 up cumulatively and over time very high speeds can be achieved that allow
a ship to cover very long distances which will be useful for manned
Space travel. Drones could of course travel at much higher Gs and speeds for 
long durations bringing even the impossible distances at the edge of
universe within reach in conventional periods of time.

A Collision Drive does not need a special fuel or 
special engine as is seen with the fictional Epstein Drive, and other current concepts 
for achieving constant acceleration. The device itself will have this ability in its design and
how it achieves constant acceleration is quite easy show mathematically.

Improved propulsion for vehicles on the ground

Constant acceleration is not just vital for being able to reach further into Space within reasonable durations of time .e.g 50 - years to reach the edge of the universe travelling at 1G, importantly it is what will enable a C-Drive to more efficiently generate buoyancy. When it comes to vehicles moving on the ground on earth for instance, generating lift and keeping a vehicle in the air requires consistent thrust which can place a significant strain on a fuel budget. However, if the consistent thrust is delivered by a mechanism capable of cumulative or constant acceleration then lift and buoyancy can be achieved with fuel efficiency making it affordable and available to more people.

Where is propulsion tech right now

No idea what travelling at constant 1G is? Follow this link to learn about what travelling at constant 1G is about. A Collision Drive does not use a special fuel or special rockets to achieve 1G, because of this it will conserve fuel while achieving the same objective.

Think designing a propulsion system that can allow travel at 1G or constant acceleration is easy? Watch some of these links to see how difficult it is and where the state of the art is currently:

Collision Drive


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C Clarke

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