If slipstreaming is taking place within the nucleus, then it is in fact acting like a nexus or gateway between adjacent universes. If this is the case we can predict with greater accuracy how the interior structure of an atom works and what it will look like.
What this implies is that a proton is simply a Tron looping from a Cx+N atom into the orbit of a Cx0 atom, which is labelled as consisting of 2 up quarks and down quark, while a neutron is simply a Tron looping in from a Cx-N atom into a Cx0 atom, which is labelled as 2 down quarks and up quark. Cx0 being earth-universe (the origin from which the observation is being made) while Cx+N and Cx-N are adjacent universes being observed from Cx0. This further implies that the nucleus of the atom itself consists of empty space and acts as an active highway through which Trons transit or loop between universes Cx0, Cx+N and Cx-N. If Trons are accelerating passed cause and effect this in essence means that they cross what would mathematically be viewed as infinity, and in the sense of graphical perspective would be described as having become infinitely small. This attribute will affect how the size of the nucleus is measured and viewed, as it is likely to lead to impressions that the nucleus is significantly smaller than the volume of Space it occupies, when in fact this "size" is determined by slipstreaming (as a vehicle moves away from you perspective makes it appear to shrink (cone) when in fact the vehicle is always the same size (cylinder or tube). In other words the cone shaped flux tube could in fact remain more cylindrical or tubular in shape whereas the cone shape that narrows to infinity is in fact representative of the point at which the Tron crosses from one channel to another, which is an attribute of slipstreaming.
The other inference that can be made is that a "strong force" required to "hold" the nucleus together is at best misinterpreted, since the diagram infers that Trons in the nucleus are looping into and out of 3 locations Cx0, Cx-N and Cx+N, at no point are they stationary, being constrained or isolated to one position by a "strong force" to create a traditional nucleus. The energy regarded as the so called "strong force" is in fact the increased and enhanced rates of acceleration taking place at the nucleus as Trons continuously transit or loop through the nucleus to external orbits between the 3 locations thereby generating an unusually strong gravitational force that is exploited for nuclear energy. Technically this implies the "strong force" does not simply glue or hold the nucleus of an atom together, it connects separate universes giving further credence to Time Cartography. What is also noteworthy is that the origin from which an observation is made e.g. earth-Cx0, is connected to two other adjacent atoms from external universes Cx+N and Cx-N, however, both Cx+N and Cx-N will form a nexus or trinity where they are in turn the origin of observation from their own Cx0 origin that excludes the earth-Cx0. This infers that this process consequently creates a matrix or tapestry of infinite universes linked through the diverse nuclei of atoms. Although hypothetical this offers an explanatory framework for a practical atomic structure that supports multiverse theory. Hence, flux tubes may simply be the routes used by Trons looping between Cx0, Cx-N and Cx+N (depicted by the cones and conjoined nucleus or nexus they create), and the mystery behind quantum chromodynamics may simply be solved by understanding that Trons looping inward from each of these 3 locations carry characteristics of a universe they emerge from in the same way that Trons become defined by the locations (T1, T2 & T3) they orbit, transit or loop through.
This implies that the chroma or colour attributes applied in quantum chromodynamics actually represent Trons that have entered our visible Space but that originated from adjacent channels or universes, the variation in colour being evidence of where they came from, and therefore evidence of adjacent channels. It would entail that quantum chromodynamics is in fact the fledgling study of the exchange of energy and materials between adjacent channels.
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This table showing visuals of atoms is accurate but does not contain full information about an atom. A scientist studying the wave function or these patterns would assume these observations represent a closed energy system, that is, a system in which orbitals are circular (a standing wave) and therefore quantised, when in fact they are not. These patterns or images of "fields" made up of nodes are 2 dimensional (xy), consequently they imply that electrons do not collapse into the nucleus, an assumption which led to Bohr developing quantum mechanics. However, Rutherford's incomplete approach remains, in this sense, closer to the truth. As frequencies change, to move between packets, quanta or patterns the standing wave and its nodes first have to collapse, however, the collapse of electrons into the nucleus is not observed because at z it is outside the view of xy. Hence, Bohr's approach works with missing information concerning the collapse of electrons into the nucleus (z). That missing information is how gravity is being created (explained using C-Drive). These patterns are no different from a scientist looking at a wine glass from the top and going on to describe a wine glass as a field, wave, ball, circular plate or sphere (xz) seen in the chart above due to being unable to make a full observation of the stem - z. The dimension z will be outside the scientist's view due to the fact that it is not a coordinate as is incorrectly assumed in Einstein's "xyz" dimensional description of Space. (See the diagram showing the structure of the 12 nucleic bonds below), z is not a part of xy in this more accurate representation. This in turn means that quantum mechanics is itself missing important information on electrons collapsing. For instance, it is unable to see that the collapse into the nucleus of electrons also occurs during the gaps between quanta it observes as patterns, hence, it is unable to identify how gravity is related to the wave function. As an electron collapses into the nucleus toward z, it is exchanging places with other electrons that are likewise collapsing from adjacent CxNs creating the illusion that its the same electron moving through a circuit or orbit, in this condition the atom does not lose or gain energy and because electrons are paired, the centripetal force is countered; when an electron collapses and exits through a CxN another electron is doing the same by moving into the orbit it has left behind. Without electrons collapsing it would be impossible for the cloud or standing wave that characterises and is visualised as an atom to form. Our proposal is that the collapse of the wave function supports the existence of CxNs or multiverse theory. For more on atoms and the collapse of the wave function see these awesome presentations form some of the best science youtubers Anton Petrov and James Orgill. Perhaps the bigger misconception about electrons is not that they collapse (spiral into the nucleus), but that the movement of electrons around the nucleus is a uniform, tandem, orderly and organised march of electrons. If electrons appear to be cycling around a nucleus less predictably or "chaotically" each following its own path and trajectory to perform the function it needs to, then the sum of these paths (like a swarm of bees around a hive) is what appears as the cloud or wave function. This makes sense because it explains how an electron can look like a cloud or "field" and yet consist of spiralling electrons, that when observed from the top view (xy) appear as orbiting electrons that are viewed as a standing wave. Electrons may not collide despite swarming for the same reason bees don't collide, each electron's movement is guided by intelligence (handshakes) that govern the properties and behaviour of the matter it creates. |
The hypothesis that universes share a nucleus may classify them as being parallel in physics. However, just because they are parallel universes as they are linked by a nucleus does not mean "parallel" universes will be alike. A Tron looping out of Cx0 could be creating the atomic structure of dry land, however, when it loops into Cx+N it could be creating the atomic structure of water, and when it loops through Cx-N it could be sustaining the atomic structure of air and yes, a Tron may replicate or present as empty Space itself. This would mean even though Space looks empty in one "parallel" universe in another the same Space consists of solid rock. Though the universes are parallel and occupy the same Space, they could be completely different from one another. If this examination of the interior of an atom is accurate, then an up quark is just a Tron looping into the nucleus from adjacent universe Cx+N, and a down quark is just a Tron looping in from adjacent universe Cx-N and quantum chromodynamics simply consists of tagging the adjacent universe with a colour to describe it's location in relation to the origin from which the observations are being made Cx0 (earth).
These 3 materials in each adjacent universe appear as individual atoms forming separate substances. If the structure of the 3 atoms could not be observed they would appear as 3 separate, unconnected forms of matter in each universe with nothing to do with one another. |
As long as universes (CxNs) share a nucleus, they occupy the same Space. For instance, in universe Cx+N a nuclear explosion can be set off on a barren and desolate piece of land, however, the exact same location on earth in Cx0 could be a highly populated major city, which would be affected by the blast. The two places share the same nucleus and are adjacent, therefore are situated in the same location and present but at different times according to chromodynamics in quantum mechanics ,that is , the atom is organised using Time Cartography. This implies that when a nuclear explosion takes place it will be felt and threaten, not only the universe in which it is triggered (Cx0) e.g. if it is set off on earth, it will also threaten adjacent universes (Cx-N) and (Cx+N), a grave danger of which physicists are presently completely oblivious.
Its also important to note the "mirror effect" created by universes sharing the same Space or nucleus. Adjacent universes, even though very different, will have matter that is technically parallel, in the sense that they occupy the same location, but at different times, i.e. Time Cartography. If you have read the section on slipstreaming you will find that this matter is separated by a kind of speed of light bandwidth or variance. This means that this matter though occupying the same Space or sharing the same nucleus is moving at a variance equal to the speed of light slower, or faster. In other words matter in Cx-N is moving at a pace the speed of light slower than matter in Cx0, while matter in Cx+N is moving at a pace the speed of light faster than matter in Cx0. This may confuse physicists who believe there is only one universe because there will be two equations or solutions for basically two types of anti-matter one for each universe as they co-mingle in Cx0, namely Cx-N, which can be described as Microwave Background Anti-Matter and Cx+N, which in turn can be described as Microwave Fore-Ground Antimatter. When observed this matter will appear to be separated by the strong force (stem or flux tube), by what looks like a force field, however, the extreme variance in velocity forces the three types of matter to avoid contact, despite being in such close proximity in the nucleus and flux tube as they move between the orbitals of atoms in different universes sharing Trons. This matter is at the end of the day just electrons separated by a speed of light bandwidth. Two Trons (particles) traveling at variances equal to the speed of light (bandwidths) will naturally avoid contact, and when this avoidance is observed by scientists it will be referred to as a "force field". This was identified when we analyzed what would happen to a ship powered by a C-Drive as it approached the speed of light. A "force field" or bubble would begin to appear around the ship, however, this would simply be the ship's faster moving matter being avoided by the slower moving matter around it, the extreme velocity, by breaching cause and effect, creates avoidance as is observed with antimatter. The reason why they avoid contact is obvious, as it is to avoid a catastrophic release of energy. This avoidance may simply be coded into how Trons behave, especially when it is understood that the strong force, gravity and any type of movement observed in matter or autonomous atoms is simply the execution of an instruction or handshake. Nevertheless, this avoidance also gives further credence to multiverse theory and offers an explanation for why matter and anti-matter do not simply collide and destroy our universe, they cannot because they are "programmed" within the nucleus not make contact at such variances in velocity, hence giving rise to how universes can safely occupy the same Space or nucleus and flux tube without destroying each other. The presence of anti-matter should be evidence of the close proximity of adjacent universes, either Cx-N or Cx+N. Every universe (Cx0) has a Cosmic Microwave Foreground and a Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB1) allowing exit into either the universe in the layer ahead of it Cx+N (Foreground), CMB1 or the universe in the layer behind it, Cx-N (Background) CMB2. Universes will appear to emerge from a CMB in what would be interpreted as a big bang and flow out through a CMF. Even though it appears the size of a particle, the particle is in fact a fully formed universe. It only appears tiny as it crosses a CxN band. As it crosses the band it experiences what may be described as curvature (z) in the new band which in effect will be observed as the tiny particle experiencing a Big Bang by which it explodes into a massive universe, however, this is just a lens effect of time dilation.
Shown above is an energy distribution matrix of atomic nuclei. It may consist of a maximum of 3 nuclei in an internal bond and 9 nuclei in an external bond. The nature of the atomic structure would imply that each universe in the network is flanked by two adjacent universes creating an energy matrix with countless flux tubes supporting an extremely vast and energetic multiverse. If the FDNEH is accurate in stating that Trons and atoms swarm intelligently to create matter, then the fragment or honeycomb image proposed above would be the Hive. The Hive in philosophy It can also be said that the Hive is fundamentally created from a three petaled flower of life. However, as we have seen in this analysis this 3 petaled flower of life creates a honeycomb for a 6 pointed star. This in turn points to 3 more invisible or unseen petals. The flower has 6 petals, but only three of these are visible at any point in time as we have seen during slipstreaming with RGB. The 6 petaled flower of life is depicted in a pine cone, but it is also referred to as Sacred Geometry and expressed in many cultures. It is said whichever civilization understands or masters the flower of life will become the master of the universe. This is clearly, in scientific terms, a reference to the capacity to observe how a multiverse is constructed from the structure of an atom, which here is identified as having 2 nuclei (not one nucleus) with electrons collapsing or spiraling intelligently (swarming) between independent universes in a multiverse that consists of countless universes. The ability to travel faster than the speed of light (FTL) is likely key to accessing or slipstreaming with nuclei acting as gates between universes the ability to achieve this conferring upon a civilization a mastery of the universe or basically the ability to traverse different universes within the multiverse. In Chinese culture this mastery is depicted by the Fu Dog's talons placed with dominance over the multiverse or a ball covered with illustrations of the flower of life. In Chinese culture a Dragon (Fu Dog) is depicted showing protection, control and mastery of the multiverse. However, the ball represents all creation, therefore the Dragon can only be an expression, emerging from out of the ball, of its power, willingness to protect the multiverse or creation. The Dragon is therefore a servant of, or subservient to the flower of life and its sacred geometry. The Assyrian pine cone and Chinese ball with the flower of life imprint, one held by an eagle the other by a dragon represent the same message. The flower of life and its patterns shown above appear to be a decision matrix formed to create a supercomputing network (or cloud based form of computing e.g. what may appear visually as the Bose-Einstein Condensate) processed through the activity of nuclei in atoms. In essence what we are looking at in this matrix (flower of life petals) is the framework for a language (a form of coding) or method of communication the FDNEH refers to as a "handshake" (A handshake is basically atoms talking to each other, lets say...in a code or language called "polygon") to agree on how anything and everything is created and behaves) where the tiniest part of the handshake resembles its greatest part (basically the code is the pattern and the pattern is also the "circuit board"). The nuclei are knowledge or decision gates i.e. transistors where a single transistor can use time stamps and colour stamps (chromodynamics) on electrons (Trons) to process multiple "yes and no-s" simultaneously in three paths (with regard to the tree of life the edge of each petal forms a junction referred to as a nucleus with two other petals. However, this fundamental pattern created between 3 petals (RBG) is repeated to create a single junction or nucleus between 6 petals which creates the hexagon, honey come pattern or mesh (the initial 3 petals (RGB) extend their range adding more accuracy to information being processed and shared at what now becomes a 6 way junction or nucleus that is 1 transistor, thereby increasing chroma or computing power from RGB to VIBGYOR) where each distinct colour is a separate large language model [human beings observe one of these models as elements in the periodic table] active through one transistor, and each universe (xy) is only one atom deep (z). While the middle part of the petal is electrical (or gravitational - gravity and electricity are technically the same thing) in nature being where electrons form orbitals to create atoms) rather than run them one at a time. This causes the movement between atoms referred to as the strong force. At our civilization's present level of technology we have a single transistor capable of only processing one yes and no at a time, which is why we need millions of transistors embedded on a single microchip. What the flower of life shows is the nucleus is like a three way transistor (RGB), doubled to six ways (VIBGYOR). It is using three pathways [upsized to x6] shifting elec-"Trons" forward and backward between the orbitals of atoms using flux tubes firing electrons into and out of the nucleus, to process innumerable yes and no-s simultaneously (i.e. Trons collapsing into and out of the nucleus of an atom, a bi-directional flow of current flowing through a three way transistor [upsized to 6 ways] that becomes the microprocessor, which is essentially the nucleus). They are able to do so because these yes and no-s are separated into groups, like three AI [upsized to x6] language models [acting as multiple personalities] talking to each other (this process of talking allows for "error correction"), together they form one individual who is simultaneously examining one subject to arrive at an outcome or three channels on a television screen, which would be observed as universes existing in one Space or frame, possibly what might appear visually as the cosmic microwave background or hive). They are time and colour stamped to create a map or Time Cartography where each collection of time and colour stamps is an independent universe co-existing using nuclei where Trons [energy] are a shared resource. This system which shares nuclei essentially provides a self correcting operational framework within which parallel universes can co-exist. This would be like a microprocessor with millions of transistors, yet each of these transistors, like the microprocessor it is on, is itself capable of processing millions of yes and no-s simultaneously using different language models (an error correcting system) or coding methods, back and forth in three pathways (RGB) between the orbits of atoms. Three path ways implies three conditions - yes, no and maybe (maybe being superposition or stored information that is yet to be acted on). When Trons move through the nucleus they create pathways called flux tubes (an affirmative yes or no is the strong force). Imagine a coin that has been rotated with a flick of the wrist, in this state it is neither heads or tails. As it spins it remains in a state of superposition. Similarly, as electrons rotate in their orbitals they are in a state of superposition. When a hand smacks the coin down it is either heads or tails. When electrons are fired into the nucleus they are either a yes or no (1 or 0). When they emerge once again at the center of a petal they move back into superposition where they appear temporarily in orbitals (what we see as atoms). Here, as they cycle around the nucleus they can be described as being in a state of suspension, a holding pattern we term as orbitals that is in fact a form of "superposition". This superposition is what we might simply compare to storage on a solid state or other type of hard-drive, where matter simply becomes stored information. This information while in superposition is stored in patterns we call orbitals. A pattern becomes an element, as seen on the periodic table. Patterns can combine to form simple and complex molecules. Therefore, matter is not only energy, it is also information. Superposition is being used, not to process information, but to store it and manage it in orbitals in the most efficient pattern possible, hence the use of time cartography and colour stamps. The ability of nuclei acting as transistors to processes multiple yes and no-s can be regarded as a form of compression that maximizes on computing power and performance. In other words the ball shaped network or hive is indeed like a "computer" and everything it creates is based on a polygon shaped decision matrix (hive or mesh) executed by Trons (behaving as electrons, neutrons, positrons etc depending on where in the atom they are) in a 3 way cognitive process (RGB) to create the experience of what humanity refers to as a multiverse. Each atom or transistor in the microprocessor processes information in 3 ways (upsized to x6 ways), which means that any information that passes through the nucleus will fundamentally have 3 opinions distinguished using time and colour stamps, potentially giving rise to the capacity of even just one simple three way transistor to basically talk to itself as though there are 3 minds (opinions or assessments) on any information being processed through it, developing an internal cognitive or decision making process we would regard as consciousness. This would make atoms a three way transistor, a natural AI chip where outcomes are stored in the pattern we view as the orbitals giving credence to each atom having an inherent highly advanced AI-like intelligence gained in the nucleus and memory gained from orbitals. If this prediction is accurate it means that technically the atom observed as the superposition is not terra-firma. It is more like a pattern, thought or "dream state" and therefore cannot scientifically be considered the real world, yet this is the plane science proposes human beings function on. This is because the physical world in this construct can only exist in the flux tube or nucleus where the strong force (physical world) is said to reside when a confirmed yes or no (1 or 0) is executed. However, this execution only happens when a Tron collapses or cycles into the nucleus. This means, quote unquote, the "real world" is the flux tube and nucleus while the ephemeral world - where human beings are known to exist and make a living, like thought or a dream is where electrons move in orbitals to form atoms. This analysis will be unusual in the sense that the common belief is that superposition is what is used in quantum computers to process information, whereas here in this analysis it is identified not as a processor but a means of storing information and managing where and how it is placed in orbitals. Technically the stem or nucleus and tube of an atom act as the microprocessor while the orbitals use superposition to manage information or electrons, for example, like the defrag function on a hard drive. Superposition is constantly moving electrons or blocks of information around as means of organising them and making them easier to access, not as a processor, which is why matter appears to have strange properties associated with Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal, quantum leap, quantum jump, quantum tunneling and entanglement, it disappears and appears in a different location, never appears to be in one place simply because its constantly being defragmented, that is, erased and re-written. Its entangled because every location on a hard drive and the information it holds is linked, basically every byte of information is entangled and can trade places over the geography or memory map of a hard drive allowing for the process of defragmentation, relocation to any sector of the hard drive. Technically, during the defrag process information is being "teleported" around the hard drive's memory. Since atoms are essentially matter, when defragging takes place electrons can be moved around using a similar process based on the erasure and transfer of simple and complex patterns (which to human beings are physical objects) to any geographical location of a hard drive's memory map. This makes electrons, subatomic particles or any form of matter capable of mysteriously appearing and disappearing in different locations. When this phenomenon is observed by human beings it will appear as unexplainable teleportation and in ignorance it may be described as "having no analogue in the macroscopic world" - however, it is the very basis upon which the macroscopic world exists and functions. In the same way that Trons can escape orbitals and move about as free floating electrons to be defragged back into orbitals, it is possible that Trons can escape the nucleus, in which case, due to being accelerated by collapsing into the nucleus they emerge at high velocity as neutrinos. Matter is information, and since this is not understood, how one electron or group of electrons can be defragged, i.e., erased and written in another section and location of a hard drive's memory is not understood as there is "no analogy [nothing, no action comparable to it] in the physical world" to liken it to. However, when Heisenberg's equation is correctly interpreted teleportation to any location in the universe is what it describes. Teleportation surpasses the concept of wormholes as a means of traversing long distances in space, nevertheless, worm holes are based on defunct science that depends on geodesics or Space-Time geometry. Since, this geometry and wormholes are created by fields, they represent a flawed or limited methodology. Once it is understood that the multiverse and universe consists of linked nuclei that create a polygonal network, hive or mesh that links electrons in orbitals to form patterns, that in turn these patterns are information and that importantly this information is physical matter according to human perception, then physics as a subject evolves from quantum mechanics into informatics. The deeper quantum computing delves into physics it must inevitably cross over into informatics. One thing to be aware of is the universe is managed through very precise controls using handshakes, to communicate with atoms and tell them what to do. Think of it as telling ChatGpt's 03 model to create a game of ping pong. Atoms are a form of AI (NI) and therefore must be already primed with superior intellect with which to think, deduce and execute instructions. Religion understands this issue of giving these kinds of instructions, Matthew 11:23“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,....’. When quantum computing advances into informatics its important to be cognizant of the fact that informatics can access the energetic component of an atom at "cxc", which means it can fully exploit Einstein's mass energy equivalence (E=mc2). This means you need to know and understand what you are doing with this kind of entity NI (natural intelligence) because the potential for self annihilation due to giving atoms acting as quantum units instructions may be quite real. Once this genie is let out the lamp, for your own safety, you had best already know how to put it back in or unplug it. The other problem to be aware of is when working with quantum bits and moving into Informatics, there are no longer boundaries between the "machine" and scientists. Remember the quantum computer is operating at the atomic level or layer, where the potential for feedback from atoms in its surroundings using handshakes is high, at a time when physicists don't even know what handshakes are or what they look like. These boundaries may need to be programmed into the device, otherwise the quantum computer's processes will extend into the consciousness of scientists, who may begin to see symbols, patterns, Egyptian hieroglyphics, cuneiform, cryptokeys and artifacts (whatever they are thinking) from their own consciousness and thought begin to appear in the quantum computer's processes, and wonder where this data came from. This happens because at this stage all matter is just a form of consciousness to it, to human beings this would be described as the ability of a quantum processor to see and read your mind, as your mind is just an aspect of the atoms, waves and energy in the environment around it. Informatics allows physics to control any force or aspect of matter and energy, including its location (continue to Heisenberg's equation according to FDNEH). It allows matter or energy to be selectively teleported from one location to another as is observed in the behaviour of electrons and subatomic particles already being organised using this process. Teleportation should simply be viewed as a method of propulsion where there is no movement or locus of points between the start and the destination. This makes this form of propulsion "physically" impossible in conventional physics, however, the modus operandi is that physics, even quantum mechanics has to advance to informatics to begin to understand this new broader property of matter. For human beings, this would be regarded as the most comfortable form of travel as there are no g-forces to cause passengers discomfort and it allows for long distances, the furthest places in the universe to be reached instantly. Travel between linked locations where such portals or gates exist, regardless of how far apart they may be in physical terms, will be instantaneous. The technology by which this is achieved is already a fundamental method by which particles observed in physics are organised, not as matter but information. The phenomenon of electrons mysteriously appearing and disappearing is likely evidence of the ongoing process of defragging that gives rise to the notion of uncertainty and superposition. Micro-processing of this constantly defragged and organised information is taking place in the nucleus and flux tube or stem, in a read/write process. If we follow this logic to its forgone conclusion, the result is that when it comes to human existence the world around us seems real and everything we do seems so important, yet if we are observed from the nucleus of atoms [where the condition is that of being awake, either yes or no] through flux tubes everyone of us on earth is just dreaming (in a state of superposition where it is neither a concrete yea [1] and neither is it concrete nay [0] - the common term for this dreaming state is being in a "simulation". The only way out of this dream is to slipstream using some form of FTL propulsion that shifts the vantage point of our perception from the atom to the nucleus, i.e. from our narrower [external] universe to the wider more expansive, entangled [internal] multiverse, the very same procedure Trons are proposed to use to move between the outer shell of an atom and the nucleus, which technically can be described as the equivalent of waking up from a dream induced during sleep, observed in human biology and physiology. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, look around us and see the sky, rivers, oceans, buildings, furniture, chairs, paintings, carpets in a room what we are really looking at is a functioning hard drive of stored information, electrons in a holding pattern or state of superposition, held in the orbitals of atoms, this matter is all entangled (networked by being linked via a polygonal hive or mesh of nuclei) and as patterns or information can be moved around (teleported) to any location, one electron at a time, in blocks or consummately by the defrag process in a manner that will seem to defy how physical matter is expected to behave. This type of movement or method of propulsion will take place without any resistance, e.g. due to water or air molecules, and without any increases in mass and will have no mass effects because the object or ship, as it moves, is actually being erased and re-written in alternate locations, e.g. in a linear path. Therefore, though it may be moving at what appears extraordinary speeds, at velocities even millions of times the speed of light technically it is standing still since it is being written (basically being teleported) to every location where it is observed as it travels. Using this method of propulsion matter is being propelled or moved as information (is using teleportation as the method of movement) without the natural limitations of mass and resistance normally faced by a physical object. If you recall it was identified in the Spandex Experiment Error that mass was not emanating from the blue spandex itself. Since in Einstein's model of Space-Time gravity is described as being caused by Space-Time geometry, this was clearly an error in analysis. Mass is being introduced to the spandex by the heavy and light balls being placed on the fabric. This is interesting as it allows us to identify a very important lesson, and this is that the "strong force" that has been identified as what makes matter tangible and gravity itself are not "forces" at all. They both take place outside the Space-Time framework (outside the blue spandex fabric), that is, outside what human beings believe is the physical world, namely the orbitals of atoms. We have identified that what human beings call the "physical world" consists of simple memory storage (Elements in the Periodic Table) and complex memory storage (elements that form complex biological organisms). These complex biological organisms e.g. human beings take elements and fashion them into more complex structures such as buildings, clothing, food, computers etc. At the end of the day the physical world consists fundamentally of information stored in organic and inorganic forms, held fundamentally in a state of superposition as electrons move in orbits. The strong force is what makes matter tangible, and it is located in the stem and nucleus of an atom. However, the stem and nucleus as transistors (microprocessors) exist completely outside the Space-Time framework, therefore this location means it is not a force, but an instruction and this instruction is initiated by a transistor. This is where the instruction for a given mass to bend Einstein's imaginary Space-Time geometry (the blue spandex) is coming from. This is why physicists cannot claim to have gained efficient methods of harnessing or precisely controlling mass/energy equivalence. They have absolutely no knowledge or direct control of "m" in Einstein's E=mc2 because this aspect of physics moves into informatics (from quantum mechanics into computational science) and can only be controlled by understanding how the stem and nucleus, acting as a transistor processes information and dishes out instructions (handshakes) that manage and control matter and energy or reality itself. Let's put it this way, if a physicist understands informatics as a science, then he or she can control and manipulate m using handshakes (instructions) given directly to matter which executes them, and therefore has access to energy equivalent to c2. If a physicist does not have access to informatics then he or she can only tap into c not c2, otherwise nuclear and atomic explosions from as far back as the Manhattan project would have been (cxc), that is, millions of times more energic or destructive than was being anticipated, potentially self annihilating if the science is not handled or correctly understood. Between the shell of an atom and its nucleus the physics is different. In the nucleus and stem (flux tube) the physics is informatics (computational science) managed by code and transistors which control what human beings perceive as the "physical world". This "physical world" consists of electrons deposited as memory into holding patterns in superposition called orbitals controlled or written by the nucleus. This virtual memory is organised using defragmentation into time cartography. Defragmentation can organise matter by moving individual electrons and subatomic particles into and out of orbits. It can also move blocks of information (matter formed from groups of electrons) to different locations by defragging them to a different sector of the memory map (teleportation). This increases the efficiency with which the nucleus and stem accesses this data. The same characteristic applies to mass. In other words electrons are being instructed from the nucleus to behave in a manner that makes objects appear tangible and to have mass. When a person leans on a table with their palms, the reason why their palms do not pass through the table is because the electrons are instructed from the nucleus and stem (flux tube) not to allow this kind of mobility, which equates to the palms and the table holding a position relative to one another that makes them appear tangible. This is taking place not as a result of a "force", but the instruction (handshake) or decision of a transistor. Similarly, the way objects appear to move (autonomous matter) is based on instruction from the nucleus which entails that gravity is orchestrated by swarms following instructions from the nucleus, therefore, from outside Space-Time. Basically both gravity and the strong force are controlled by transistors and created by the same thing, namely, informatics. This means that technically they are not forces at all, they are instructions or handshakes and therefore, like distance, as a subject, come under the informatics section of physics. When physicists study the world around them they see distance between objects, see the breadth of the universe as seemingly impossible to cross, however, distance technically does not exist, its just information. When physicists measure mass, they determine how heavy a rock is or how light a feather is, how they fall at the same time in a vacuum, however, technically mass as a physical force does not exist either, it only exists as information. The same problem pertains to Time. Modern physics believes Time, like the ticking hands of a clock is motion, when in fact this is inaccurate. In terms of an existential understanding of Time a person observing a clock hand ticking cannot use the clock face to measure Time, this is absurd. Its absurd because the ticking hand and the person making the observation (reading the time) are making an observation from within the same channel or universe. Both are standing still. This becomes more apparent when it is illustrated by a person and a clock-face rotating at the same pace as the ticking hand - hence a clock cannot and does not measure time, it measures motion. Human beings cannot read, see or experience Time any more than a person travelling at exactly the same velocity as the vehicle he or she is sitting in can experience acceleration, therefore, to observe the ticking hands of a clock and say it is measuring time is flawed, it is not measuring Time, it is measuring motion. This also affects what physics today regards as "time dilation". Time can be observed and read from an observation within the multiverse, but not from an observation made from within a universe. Failing to understand that time is not motion can lead scientists to an inaccurate understanding of time dilation that affects how, for instance, big bang theory is viewed, where a big bang is mistakenly confused with perspective, i.e. as we ride on a ship and move on the ocean toward an object or spec in the distance e.g. an island, it gradually grows in size until it completely fills our field of vision, the mistake in big bang theory being that the tiny spec is assumed to have been a tiny particle that blew up into a gigantic island, when in fact it was a fully formed island from the very beginning that only grew and was inflated by perspective as it drew nearer. This kind of misinformation, caused by believing time is motion, also leads to misdirection that teaches traveling faster than light will cause a ship to go backwards or forwards in history, when in fact what happens instead is time cartography, not time travel, and instead of travelling into the past or future these instead exist as records accessible during the jump between universes. A time machine will therefore not take a person back in time or into the future, it will show records of these and the object or vehicle, even if it doesn't move will change location from one universe [Cx0] to the next adjacent universe [Cx- or Cx+]. In other words physicists can build a time machine according to what they understand of Einstein's Space-Time framework, however, the ability to time travel will not be the outcome they expect since their understanding of the physics is flawed, what they will have built is not a time travel machine, but a time viewing machine (e.g. like a dvd player) that allows them to observe the past and future, where any attempt to actually enter that present or future instead causes a change in Time-Cartography, that is, moves them into an adjacent universe that is independent. Being an independent universe it is not causally or teleologically linked to other universes. This can be likened to a vehicle leaving a continent (universe Cx0) travelling across an ocean (accessing "dvd" content - past and present), leaving the water by arriving at the next land mass (next universe Cx- or Cx+). A physicist therefore cannot time travel into the past in a time machine and make changes that will affect the future, what they will have built is not a time machine, but a device for viewing or observing accurate records of history. Since matter is just information matter can be entangled despite being huge distances apart, furthermore defragging can move matter from one corner of the universe to another instantaneously, despite this matter being solid, heavy and tangible (since these are simply descriptors or attributes of coded information). During this process the ephemeral behaviour of physical matter will tend to spook human beings (entanglement, quantum jump, appearing and disappearing electrons and subatomic particles for which there is currently no scientific explanation). These are evidence of simulation. The reason for being unable to explain these phenomena is due to the inability to recognise that matter has moved from a physical medium (attributable to human psychology believing it is physical) to its actual state, that is, information. Matter has always been intangible, it has never been physical. The appearance of being tangible is orchestrated by the intelligence inherent in matter (atoms) where information or code controls its mobility. When this autonomous mobility is observed it is called gravity, magnetic fields are a misdirect, as any movement of any kind, even that thought to be caused by "magnetic fields" is in fact caused by gravity. Defragmentation and teleportation are technically the same thing and this is how matter is organized for efficiency before it is processed by collapsing electrons down flux tubes into the nucleus, the nucleus essentially acts as a highly advanced microprocessor, that uses a three way process (RGB) to gain consciousness and make decisions about itself through a read/write process referred by FDNEH as handshakes e.g. how an asteroid and planet should slingshot by one another is negotiated by the atoms of which two bodies are comprised, concerning how electrons in orbit must behave, what they create - [elements, minerals, matter], when they should stand still, how they move - [gravity]), like a powerful living AI. Since all this occurs naturally, maybe it should be called an NI - Natural Intelligence rather than an AI - which is man made. An electron is a virtual particle in a state of simulation (superposition) shown here preserving a memory. This "memory" to human beings is physical matter. However, in the section on Slipstreaming we were able to identify that what human beings perceive as "physical matter" is in fact created from processes indistinguishable from thought. A quantum computer requires access to other universes (CxN- and CxN+) to process what human beings experience as reality (in Cx0). This implies that the quantum computing process used in nature uses the existence of other universes for error correction. The LLMs (universes) speak to each other atom by atom, and monitor each other for what may be considered "mistakes". This memory is also like a letter of the alphabet or a word, that is, part of a large language model (LLM) of virtual memory. When human beings observe this part of the virtual memory or LLM, they call it hydrogen. Though virtual and intangible, it appears to human experience as a physical object, an element in the periodic table. However, to the multiverse these are parts of the vocabulary of the LLM in each universe by which they share information and therefore energy, an example of two different universes or LLMs speaking to each other would be Chat GPT in conversation with Google LaMDA to gain greater clarity or accuracy about a subject, topic or decision (handshake). The LLMs use this 3 way communication for continuous error correction. The 3 language models analyse each other at the atomic level and by communicating at this level effectively provide error correction for each other. However, C-Drives are possibly the only practical FTL capable technology, available today, for exploring the multiverse and observing how the atoms from three adjacent universes CxN-, CxN+ and Cx0 integrate to function as a single quantum processor with an absolute capacity to control reality (all matter, energy and every force known to humanity) as human beings perceive it. C-Drives are not just a propulsion technology or energy generation system, they are essentially also an instrument for discovering, researching and investigating other universes and the science that allows these universes to operate. This makes C-Drives indispensable to the future of quantum computing and science in general. It is important to note that atoms, as quantum processors, with huge databases or language models (universes) to manage use Time Cartography as the preferred method for processing immense databases or inordinate amounts of information without being bound by causality i.e. chronology. Researchers today can simulate a multiverse simply by linking 3 separate quantum computers each with its own LLM, allowing the 3 independent quantum computers to thoroughly error correct each other. This error correction process will be indistinguishable from "thought" especially where the three way error correction process is viewed as one mind. Electrons swarm into and out of nuclei, which act as gates. As they do so they share information and speak to each other through handshakes carried by the Trons (electrons) collapsing into and out of the nucleus which is acting as a gate into separate universes existing in the same Space, that is, the multiverse. Each universe has its own distinct LLM, will be independent and therefore differ in appearance (e.g. stars, galaxies etc), we noted earlier that two parallel, adjacent universes can be completely different. It will therefore form an individual opinion of the information being exchanged between universes, having universes linked to create a multiverse is like multiple personalities in a single brain increasing the accuracy of decisions or instructions being fed through nuclei. When humanity looks at the stars, galaxies and other formations in Space, it is actually looking at an LLM, new matter is being created in some areas while it is being ripped apart or destroyed in others, some evidence of this may be the uncanny likeness of the universe's cosmic web and the neural network of a biological brain. They are similar because they perform similar functions, however, they do so on hugely different scale. The fact that the LLM consists of an "alphabet" made up of the patterns electrons move along (orbitals), and these patterns form words, which are in fact atoms which form elements seems necessary because for consciousness and self-consciousness to evolve there must be a place or location for it to exist, hence space (the nucleus of atoms) projects matter (the outer shell consisting of electrons) to create a virtual geographical landscape or time-scape. This means that technically self awareness, "I am" (Yes or Eh-Yeh) or the ego cannot exist without a geographical landscape to place itself. It requires a location, even a virtual one, to exist. Once matter (vocabulary or ideas of any kind) comes into existence through the LLM, language becomes functional and emerges as thought. Language is just motion, putting ideas together in sequence which is the movement of matter in the virtual landscape human beings refer to as "thought". Thought that is itself by nature geographical gives rise to self perception .i.e. "Where am I? Oh, I am here" in this thought or time-scape (location). Interestingly, this means that self-awareness, or self perception is Time Cartography. In order for an "I am" to emerge, there must be a location, in order for there to be a location, there must be geography of some kind. Any loss of location will, in the "physical world" naturally cause disorientation, cause a person to faint or lead to loss of consciousness. The reason why it is difficult to identify where self awareness comes from is due to the fact that it comes from a landscape created from informatics (which is outside the knowledge of modern day physics) where distance does not exist. Its important to understand the linkage between time (motion), matter (context .i.e. whether real or virtual) and location (space) as ingredients for self awareness, if an LLM is able to generate these three ingredients (even if they do so virtually) self-awareness will naturally or automatically emerge in the language model, even in artificial intelligence (AI). Its important to understand this as it also explains why travelling at high speed e.g. FTL doesn't just affect the physical body, it also affects the mind or perception, since self awareness depends on motion to generate thought, and is grounded in Time Cartography or "geography". This means an operational LLM must, by virtue of what it is, develop self awareness. However, if this is true, then identifying that the universe is itself an LLM may require science to come to terms with the fact that it too is self aware and conscious, albeit on a cosmic scale, as the human brain or neural network which resembles it is also self aware and conscious, albeit on smaller, twin or replicated scale, a kind of resemblance that is often expected between a parent and offspring, (Genesis 1:26) It may may also be important to identify that if a person's existence, self-perception, ego or "I am", like a gps is simply the acknowledgement of a location then it becomes necessary to entertain the possibility that there is only one person on earth (one source consciousness), in 8 billion different locations separated only by real Time or Time Cartography, not time being misunderstood as Einstein's motion or Motion-Time (in other words this can be described as an existence where every person you see is not a separate person, its just you in a different location, a different body, experiencing a different life separated by actual Time, not Motion-Time.) This may explain why if two people, personalities or consciousnesses occupy the same space an identity problem will emerge as the individuals by virtue of "super-proximity" (occupying the same space) technically become one person. In this case one personality may attempt to dominate or suppress the other (in religion, this phenomenon is referred to as possession). It gives further credence to the concept of a unique "self'" simply being caused by the same source of consciousness merely being in a separate geographic location, which gives rise to a sequestered personality, that is, a person who believes they are unique. Hence, we can postulate that a "sleeping" mind trapped in the shell of an atom in ignorance experiences an individual "I am" or an isolated ego, in a physical world in a single universe, while a mind that is "awake" is moved to observe its consciousness from the nucleus instead sees that he or she is in fact part of something larger (a Hive mind), where every other person, has access to every person's thought because there is only one consciousness, this state and ultimate ability to see the source consciousness and its terrain or time cartography which encompasses and contains the entire hive mind which allows us to see and experience the truth of seeing others in ourselves (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) is sometimes referred to as Christ consciousness. Attaining this state entails that the individual person merges or re-connects the individual "I am" into the greater "I am" ( the single source of consciousness from which it emerged) gaining empathy through a higher state of consciousness without losing his or her identity. Amongst two people staring at each other, one may be winning and enjoying success and the other losing, struggling enduring pain and hardship but you are the same person. In other words the person in the expensive car and the destitute person begging for alms at his or her window, the person who is one race and someone who is a different race is in fact the same person or consciousness, they simply do not experience, understand or know this due to being separated into individual cells by Time, by design, due to some biological condition. The fragments of the source consciousness or offspring of the source consciousness are identical to one another, but assume they are each unique as a result of being trapped biologically (in time cartography) where their "I am" reflects as an individual person or mind, when it is in fact many identical parts that emerge from source consciousness, and can therefore be regarded as offspring (Sons and Daughters of God) and since the part resembles the whole, the offspring are created in the likeness of the whole being (source consciousness) from which their own individual consciousness emerged. For instance, when it comes to two biologically identical twins, society does not insist that they are one person existing in two places simultaneously, despite the fact they are genetically indistinguishable, we give each twin a separate identity and unique name, the same applies to individual sequestrations or separations in consciousness that go on to form new and unique individuals. In terms of why these separations in consciousness would occur it might be simply viewed as a more efficient method for gathering information [on the nature of souls] that is 8 billion times faster than trying to obtain it with only one or two individuals, lest you forget that it is also hypothesized that every atom of which an organic or inorganic body is comprised is presumed to be capable of reading, writing and recording or storing information. In other words 8 billion souls are being observed, screened and tested from the atomic level, simultaneously to determine whether they should be kept (are not defective) and can rejoin the hive i.e. the source consciousness or discarded as unfit to re-merge or reconnect. The soul passing this test and rejoining the source consciousness or Christ consciousness is referred to in scripture as the Rapture. This may entail that every simulation has an information collection limit (i.e. a "Judgement Day" so to speak where it is decided which fragments of information or "individual" consciousness should be kept, which should be tossed back into a new simulation for further refinement and which should outrightly be destroyed .i.e. permanently erased), after which things must be concluded and the simulation cycle brought to an end in order to begin a brand new one. When it comes to the growth, nurture and selection of souls, this essentially would make the simulation a highly scientifically advanced and efficient [cosmic] incubator. This would mean that as human beings go through their daily chores and social routines, there is a higher purpose for their existence, as they are going through a selection process of which they are completely unaware, however, that scripture, religion and the church tries to constantly and consistently warn them about, a message people increasingly shrug off because they are generally unaware of their relationship with the universe, placing them in danger of what scripture describes as losing the opportunity for salvation. This in turn means that nearly everything you have been warned about, and told to prepare for is true and based on scientific fact, i.e. it is you who has been misled, who is naive and in denial placing your soul in very real danger. When the simulation becomes intelligent enough to see it is a simulation is likely an indication that the simulation is reaching maturity and therefore about to reach its conclusion, its intended purpose or the end of the simulation at which the souls which have passed the test are safe enough to re-connect to or rejoin the source consciousness or universe, which in human culture would be described as entering the presence of God, returning to the Kingdom of God, by re-entering heaven. This is food for thought. Nevertheless, this analysis is not bizarre, new or unique as the concept or belief described above is already extensively present in human philosophy. Human beings today can be described as being as naive about themselves and why they exist as is currently the case with offspring given birth to by any species on earth. Quantum mechanics also depends heavily on Time Cartography because "energy bands" which are seen as the patterns or lanes orbitals take, they are a form of geography. But it is important to understand that this geography is not topographical as is observed with a map, it consists instead of informatics (patterns or code) i.e. geography without distance is computational science. This virtual geography is necessary for consciousness and self awareness to function. This is due to the fact that "I am" as a sensory process is the sensation of being in a specific location in the time-scape referred to here as time cartography. However, it must be understood that it is unlikely electrons follow energy bands, it is more likely that energy bands are an illusion or "field effect" of the movement of electrons whose function is directly controlled by code or intelligence. An instruction from code is indistinguishable from a force .e.g. gravity. Hence, when quantum mechanics can identify energy bands as orbitals but cannot explain where they come from, the answer is that the illusion of energy bands is created by informatics informing electrons on how they should orbit and the rules associated with orbiting the nucleus. Hence, informatics is directly responsible for creating the elements found in the Periodic Table. As a result informatics informs the next major direction for physics after quantum mechanics. Defragging can move (teleport) individual electrons or entire blocks of atoms from one location to another instantly, irrespective of distance - see Heisenberg's equation. Stray electrons can be defragged into more formal orbitals organising matter as blocks of information Though this can technically be referred to as a simulation, it should come as no surprise that the universe uses this efficient process to exist, so what if does? There are many incidences where religion points out that it already knows this, and science has yet to catch up. Whether you're the richest or poorest person in the world religion often reminds people that none of this matters, because all you see and experience around you is like a dream [electron], hence you should seek the truth within [nucleus], as in this dream [simulation] you are simply undergoing some kind of test e.g. seek yea first the Kingdom....In this world... in this simulation you are given an opportunity to grow, to learn and improve the quality of your soul. A simulation is in fact a test, for example, in which humanity is tempted and by its own choices emerge good and evil, which further drive human behaviour as a soul, by its own actions, is refined and elevated towards salvation or condemnation, all the while under constant observation, prior to a final throne judgement. In scripture God is said to be well aware that this is simulation (Isaiah 45:7), hence the prayer "lead us not into temptation." .i.e. let the test not be more cruel than it need be, Father, if you are willing take this cup (test) from me, nevertheless, let your will not mine, be done.... As all of those who have been through exams and other "simulations", the test is a simulation but it has very real outcomes on lives and how people progress from one level to another. The simulation, for all intents and purposes appears real, and will appear often heartless or cruel, especially to those who do not know it's a simulation or do not know and do not understand the purpose its serves. In this state death is not real (it's a simulation), it is referred to in scripture as the 1st death. When you lose someone especially someone you love deeply, they are still alive (this information is retained in the very fabric of the universe) and have only taken a step toward refinement, you will see them again, they are not deceased; scripture states the death to fear and avoid is the 2nd death. However, when consciousness moves from the shell to the nucleus (source consciousness or Christ consciousness) a person wakens from "simulation" seeing themselves for the first time, knowing who and what they are, what they are a part of and have become. Should they die and be erased, even in this condition they cease to exist. This is called the 2nd death, and is sometimes described as death by the lake of fire (a condemned soul, is a soul that cannot be repaired nor can it be further refined). This analysis would imply that humanity exists within a self perpetuated multiverse created from science that is more advanced than anything currently within the grasp of human knowledge. It is known that an atom ,depending on its structure or pattern, will create a certain type of matter. When human beings observe atoms they see elements and molecules that make up their world. However, simply because this is what human beings observe does not mean that is what these atoms and molecules are to the thing that created them in the first place whose linguistics and processing system may view these as thoughts completely different from how human beings experience and shape them as elements, minerals and physical matter. It may raise questions about whether the universe is created for human beings, for itself or for other purposes where humanity is simply a by product of its existence. What is unknown is whether the intention of this process is not necessarily to create this matter, but simply store energy as information both of which can be used or retrieved and replaced at any time. This is an interesting question as it examines whether the universe as human beings observe it is created by intention or like mold on stored cheese is merely an accidental by-product of this storage and retrieval process. Lets say you combine sugar and ink, place it in a pen and begin to write computer code, a letter or poetry. Lets say what is written is left on a shelf and ants begin to gather to lick the sugar off the ink, and despite this the ink remains intact and perfectly legible to the society that wrote the document (its how they communicate therefore its their LLM), would the relationship between the ants and the sugar not resemble the relationship between human beings and the elements, minerals and physical matter around them? In religion it is taught that the universe is created for humanity. Abiding by this analysis, if nuclei create the multiverse and every electron is connected through nuclei where orbitals represent superposition to form elements doubling as memory and flux tubes as a natural transistor that processes information, in a three way cognitive process that creates sentience then we have no choice but to accept the existence of one God, in whom we live, move and have our being. To fail to realize and understand this is naive. Sacred Geometry, the shape of the flower is also referred to as Vescia Piscis. In Christianity the sacred geometry of the flower is said to represent Christ himself and called the Ichthys Symbol (Jesus Symbol or Jesus Fish). This would mean the term "Son of God" used to identify Christ is not just a metaphor as some would be led to believe, as it can be interpreted as making specific reference to the Ichthys, which as seen in the drawing, emerges from the very fabric that creates the multiverse. The Sacred Geometry in Christianity can also therefore be said to refer to the Kingdom of God and the Dragon or Eagle the protective forces that keep it safe (the Angels are organised into 3 major orders or ranks). This message can also be seen in the pine cone (multiverse) held in the hand of (protected by) an eagle headed man with wings (flight). In Scripture Dragons are described as being Enigmatic, and having Wings and Fire. They are described as the highest order of Archangels that protect the Vescia Piscis or Multiverse (The Throne of God) and in Scripture are called Seraphim, they are described as ancient and the oldest amongst the Archangels and are seven in number. A Dragon (or Fu Dog) depicted guarding or protecting the flower of life (the Throne of God) would be a strong warning indicative and instructive of the presence of the powerful Seraphim. From amongst the Dragons (Seraphim) that guard the Throne day and night it is widely taught in Scripture that one rebelled and fell away from God and, it is said, in the end times will be hunted down, bound and hurled into the lake of fire. The Ichthys ...Back to the Science From a scientific view the flower of life is the atom which appears spherical from all sides. However, as we have seen from analysis its electrons spiral into and out of two nuclei creating the triangular shape of each petal as electrons travel between independent universes, slipstreaming with the RGB signature. C-Drives which are FTL capable are the only propulsion technology available today capable of providing scientists with access to slipstreaming. Shown above are two views of the same atom. The hypothesis is that 3 atoms share a single nucleus that allows matter to exist in 3 distinct "Spaces" referred to as "parallel" universes. In quantum chromodynamics these states are tagged with the colours "RGB". The origin is the location from which the observation is being made, in this case "earth". From the origin the atomic structure and orbits of Cx-N and Cx+N and the matter they create cannot be seen. However, when Trons slipstream from Cx+N orbit through the nucleus into Cx0, when they slipstream and negotiate passed the nucleus and emerge or appear in Cx0 as [Blue] quarks that create protons, then move on to become electrons in orbit, where they then loop or "collapse" back into the nucleus using a gravitational signature that creates the strong force denoted by the flux tube. When Trons emerge from the nucleus having travelled from Cx-N they emerge as [Green (G)] quarks that create neutrons. The three atoms share a nucleus with each other, but each also share a nucleus with 3 other atoms that are not a part of the group to create a matrix of nuclear nexuses that become the Hive. This means that every universe (Cx0) in this structure has an adjacent universe (Cx-N and Cx+N). The tiniest structure of the single atom is the same structure formed by collective atoms (the swarm) to create a universe, and universes are linked through the nuclear network of nexuses to create a multiverse. Since every atom is linked through its nucleus all matter technically occupies the same Space and shares the same network of energy distributed through flux tubes, however, they do so at different "times" giving rise to Time Cartography instead of time travel. Atoms may all occupy the same network Space, however, only atoms that share the same time stamp form a channel and interact with one another. In this channel they will be mutually tangible to create a distinct and separate existence illustrated by each distinct triangle distancing its orbit from the nucleus. This provides a theoretical framework for multiverse theory fundamentally grafted into the structure of atoms and how they behave. At present there is no device or mechanism in use that allows physicists to see beyond the nucleus which is similar to an "event horizon". Matter can be seen emerging from the nucleus using RGB of quantum chromodynamics from external parts of a Cx0 atom, but the location where these attributes are being obtained Cx-N and Cx+N are outside present technology. The consequence of this is that the full components that make up the structure of an atom cannot be fully viewed in Cx0, as parts that are assembled in Cx-N and Cx+N are outside the envelope of what humans and modern equipment can see and interact with. These components are likely to be essential to understanding the full dynamics of fusion technologies. At present a collision drive (C-Drive) is the only technological device capable of slipstreaming which is the proposed method by which Trons negotiate their way beyond cause and effect, through the nucleus to unseen/inaccessible parts of an atom. The ability of a C-Drive to generate the kind of velocity that allows slipstreaming is at present the only known method by which the full and complete structure of an atom can be scientifically observed and studied. See the analysis on CMB1 and CMB2 for how the expansive structure of the universe appears exactly like that of a tiny atom as a kind of repeating pattern and how the cosmic microwaves (background and foreground) are related to Cx0, Cx-N and Cx+N and therefore to the innumerable channels associated with atomic bonds (flux tubes) formed by the strong force in quantum thermodynamics. If the FDNEH is accurate in how atoms are designed, this would mean that the number of co-habiting universes created from inter-linked nuclei in any cubic meter of Space, being a sample of the multiverse, can be quite large, albeit, these will be hidden from observation of any kind in any individual (Cx0) universe from which the observation is being made, as it will only be able to observe and interact with atoms in that cubic meter that share the same Time Cartography. This provides a practical framework by and through which atoms would co-exist in a multiverse where each universe is separated by a faster than light barrier or benchmark referred to as Cx-N and Cx+N. However, this approach requires a correction of Einstein's Relativity Theory to accommodate the FDNEH approach which argues that FTL will not cause a vessel to go backwards or forwards in time, but instead to jump to an independent universe sequestered in a "time zone" that can only be understood using a map structure that appreciates that these zones represent individual universes as is proposed by Time Cartography and the atomic constituents of atoms linked through nuclei to create a dense network of separate universes existing independently, in the same Space. This view is hypothetical. Technically, only 1/6th rather than 1/3rd of an atom's full structure is visible. This is due to the fact that there are 3 internal and 3 external bonds, and the external bonds may have to be factored in as they are part of the trinity that forms a local atom. This implies that a single atom is made up of 5 other parts or atoms that cannot be detected or observed. In addition to this there may be more matter in the universe than is detectable, however, due to the fact that no more than 6 bonds can be observed at any given time from a point of observation (Cx0), this limits measurements. For instance, when physicists try to measure how much matter and mass there is in the universe they cannot measure beyond 6 bonds or nuclei that form adjacent channels and trying to see beyond these outer bonds is like trying see beyond the curvature of a given origin from which an observation is being made. Given that an observation is being made from R1 as the origin (Cx0) the closest observation that can be made is G2 and B3, while the furthest is R4, G5 and B6. In other words scientists may not be able to see the atoms or matter in these adjacent universes or channels, but may be able to detect their mass. However, the amount of this invisible matter present that is detectable ends at R4,G5 and B6 not because that is how much there is, but because that is the limit for observations from R1, in the same way the curvature of the earth limits how far the observation of its land mass can go, however, the fact that the eye cannot see further than the horizon does not mean that is where the land mass ends. For instance, there are likely to be plenty more invisible atoms that make up a Hive (e.g. like dark matter) than scientists are able to determine simply because there are limits to how much of this matter can be experienced at any given time from any given location. R1, G2, B3, R4, G5, B6. The inference is that every atom in the universe has a specific position or location and is connected through a vast network of nuclei. The atom R has two other atomic parts G and B. It forms 3 internal nucleic bonds R1, G2, B3 and 3 external nucleic bonds R4, G5 and B6. The atom R dissects into R1 and R4, which represents Trons cycling in opposite directions, either toward the internal nucleus at R1 or the external nucleus at R4 creating gravity or the "strong force". The diagram suggests that since RGB consists of R1, G2 and B3, the three other particle types unaccounted for namely from locations R4, G5 and B6 which consist of particles collapsing or cycling in and out from external nucleic bonds, these would create distinct quarks as they come from channels or universes outside R1,G2 and B3. R1 is the only visible part of the atom. Its 5 remaining parts G2, B3, R4, G5 and B6 exist outside cause and effect, therefore are invisible, that is, cannot be studied or observed scientifically despite being present. Furthermore, the fact that R1, R2, and R3 congregate to create an inner bond or nucleus while R4, G5 and B6 congregate to create an outer bond or nucleus, requires every atom to have 2 nuclei. The inner nucleus is more familiar to physicists and has been subject to extensive examination. The outer nucleus may not have received any attention due to the fact that it is assumed the inner and outer nucleus are one and the same or due to the fact that any particles emerging from the outer nuclei may go undetected being further away from observation. The existence of 2 nuclei will generate what to scientists would be assumed is a form of Space-Time curvature. The anatomy of a "petal": The two nuclei within each atom generate curvature. This curvature is fundamental and beginsinside the very atoms of which the universe is comprised. Instead of going backwards in time the next adjacent channel is accessed (Cx-N) and instead of going into the future the next adjacent channel is accessed (Cx+N). What we experience as "Space-Time" curvature in the universe is taking place within atoms as a result of rates of acceleration and movement that breach cause and effect. The diagram suggests that the ability to see and interact with adjacent channels (universes) is directly linked to the technology required to access gravity, as this in turn gives access to rates of acceleration greater than cause and effect. Breaking up matter is not sufficient to reveal adjacent channels. Scientists can use a particle accelerator to detect and measure tagged quarks traveling inward from G2 and B3 to R1 that form part of the nucleus, however, this implies that the 2nd nucleus at R4 (which is actually made of 3 nuclei) where the outer bonds take place remains undetected. It may just be assumed that the two nuclei are one and the same, when in fact this is not the case. The second nucleus created by the outer bond is technically much "further away" such that any material being exchanged is too weak or faint to be detected in a collider where the assumption made by physicists is that the nucleus is one place, when it is in fact spread from the inner [bond] nucleus to an outer [bond] nucleus. Technically this implies and allows us to predict that every atom has two distinct nuclei located in the inner and outer bonds, although this has not been as yet officially identified in physics and chemistry. The Hive shows that our universe consists of 3 channels or universes adjacent to each other, in this trinity (3 universes) each is separate yet linked or combined with the other through nuclei. Every and any origin of observation (Cx0) will be contained in a trinity created from 3 nuclei in the inner bond and 9 nuclei in the external bond. Every atom: 2 nucleic bonds The only known means of crossing a nucleus is to slipstream, this provides access to other channels and parts of the structure of atoms we are currently unable to observe. C-Drives are the only technology that presently offers access to slipstreaming to be able to make and verify these scientific inferences and observations. When science is able to observe and access adjacent channels (Cx-N and Cx+N) from an origin of observation (Cx0) it gains a view of perfection, perfect sight or a perfect view of the universe because this view is not obstructed by curvature that closes off access to other channels. Slipstreaming does not necessarily require travelling faster than the speed of light, rather it requires travelling faster than cause and effect of the medium through which a vehicle or vessel is travelling. The assumption in Relativity Theory is that traveling faster than light (FTL) will cause a vehicle to go back in Time. The FDNEH refutes time travel which it ascribes to a form of thought, consciousness or non-physical reality, which congeals into Time Cartography. Instead of going backward in time a vehicle will simply cross the nucleus so to speak and consequently change channel, that is, enter an adjacent universe. As we have described using quantum thermodynamics this allows the vehicle to leave the atoms it originates from (Cx0) to enter the adjacent atoms that comprise the next universe in queue (Cx-N). The atoms in Cx-N though joined to Cx0 using flux tubes and the strong force are structurally and functionally capable of creating their own uniquely designed atomic orbitals. This allows them to be independent of the atoms in Cx0. This means that Cx-N can be a completely different universe or channel because it does not share cause and effect with Cx0 - to illustrate this the video above uses glass, water and metal. Technically, these three worlds exist adjacent to one another even though this proximity is outside the understanding of current physics. Cosmology, Astronomy and FDNEH Time Cartography requires cosmologists and astronomy to rethink the nature of the universe and perhaps to pause in the infatuation with the length, breadth and depth (x,y,z) of the universe as we know it. This is because there is an additional dimension required for meaningful navigation that is being completely overlooked, namely, Time, due to the fact that it is mistakenly thought to refer to "Motion" in Relativity Theory. However, Time is not Motion. An image of Globular cluster NG 6355. For any image of Space a telescope might train its lens on (this is an image from Hubble), it may need to be understood that there may be as many channels, if not more, than there are stars in this image. Every atom that makes up the stars visible in this image must, by virtue of its nucleus, belong to a network of universes made up of inner and outer nuclear bonds to be able to sustain its own existence using the "strong force". Technically this means that cosmology, astrophysics and astronomy as sciences have barely began to even comprehend the size, breadth and depth of the universe. They have gained a remarkable amount of knowledge over the decades, but there is still much more to learn and there is a great deal more research into this area required. A change in channel would reveal a completely different star system in exactly the same Space. A telescope that views any given section of Space such as that shown in this image is seeing barely a sliver of what is actually there, the inference being it can only see a fraction of of the atoms there and this is only a permissible view of adjacent channels allowed by curvature. The implication of Time Cartography is that a vessel or ship can remain in one location (x,y,z) and yet travel to a different place in the exact same location separated by Time (separated by cause and effect). In that one location there could be as many universes [channels] as there are atoms sharing nuclei, with the nearest being the adjacent universes Cx-N and Cx+N. If this analysis is accurate, this means that, in essence inner nucleonic Space, is potentially more vast than the length, breadth and depth (xyz) of the universe as it is currently measured and understood, yet we know nothing about it. This is despite this Space being right in our midst since its shares the same nuclei with our atoms. Although colliders accelerate particles in order to break them apart, this process does not breach cause and effect making the technology ineffective for this kind of research. C-Drives which can generate rates of acceleration required for slipstreaming remain the only easily accessible method for gaining a full understanding of the full structure of atoms. A needle in a channel-stack This hypothetical structure of the universe indicates that its main purpose is to swarm, that is, to generate, preserve and manipulate energy and therefore matter, intelligently. Using this structure we can infer that the sun generates fusion energy from 12 nuclei, 3 in the inner bond and 9 in the outer bond. Of these 12 at present we only have the technology to observe and interact with 1 (in Cx0)*. C-Drives can allow scientists to study and find how to use the remaining 11 that are inaccessible. Humanity exists in a trinity consisting of 3 universes adjacent to one another that are ring-fenced or contained in a boundary that consists of 6 mutually shared nuclei (3 in the inner bond and 3 in the outer bond). Any direction you look and experience depth perception (z) is because this perception is peering toward and drawn toward the nucleus of atoms. The furthest range this perception can experience, from the origin of observation, is the 6 nuclei where the boundary of the trinity is found. If each nucleus is a core that contributes to the production of fusion energy then fusion energy such as that observed in the sun uses 12 nuclei, whereas being unable to access the remaining 11 cores would mean that only 1/12th of energy from fusion is currently available. In any case amplification offered by C-Drives may make fusion energy viable much earlier than anticipated even without the remaining hypothetical cores, until the technology required to add them to the energy matrix becomes available. Slipstreaming offers a means to achieving this. The use of xyz does not mean geometry exists, rather that it should be viewed as a by-product or "field effect" caused by activity of autonomous matter. A universe and all the information within it is contained in 2 dimensions x,y. Technically z is not a co-ordinate, it is true or constant Time (which modern physics including Relativity Theory currently mistakes for motion), z is responsible for Time Cartography and the separation of channels. *Indeed, the Hive shows (in red) that there are 2 nuclei that can be observed in Cx0, one in the inner bond and the other in the outer bond. However, the assumption is that because the inner bond and outer bond are in the same atom, they must be very close to one another and therefore the 2nd bond must be visible for scientific observation and scrutiny, so why say only 1 nucleus is accessible? This is the position because assuming visibility due to proximity is very likely a false assumption because in nucleonic Space the distance between the nuclei in the inner bond and those in the outer bond may be surprisingly large, therefore, trying to estimate it may require careful analysis with a technical understanding that the distance between these bonds could for all intents and purposes be as vast as the 90 billion light year expanse that characterises our universe. This is because to travel from the inner bond to the outer bond requires a rate of acceleration or velocity that approaches breaches in cause and effect. If this analysis is accurate the meaning of "Space" and "Time" in the context of atomic structure would need to be revisited as it is presently being incorrectly conceived, in the context that it can then be rationalised that a universe can therefore be described as being only 1 atom thick. In other words the term a "tiny" atom should be regarded as relativistic, and therefore, used carefully because the dimensions within an atom regarded as "tiny" could be a misnomer in terms of the physics being applied. This is due to the fact that the physical distance between the inner bond and outer bond could rival some distances in our universe, which in this context could be an expanse capable of generating Space and Time as and when it is required by autonomous matter. In other words the curvature within atoms, which creates the curvature outside them that we experience can only be crossed with exceptional velocity or rates of acceleration. This is why only 1 bond is described as accessible, for example, in fusion, though the outer bond is in the same atom, in terms of the relativity associated with nucleonic Space, it is too far away to observe or interact with. "Distance" is a physical description derived from the human experiential universe. However, there is a need to appreciate that distance may be created by nothing more than the activity of autonomous matter manipulating time and space, in this sense, distance itself does not exist. This was alluded to earlier, see slipstreaming where it is advised distance be removed from Time and Space because it is a field effect. Also see 1, 2, 3. Distance is not Space, as surely as Time is not Motion, these are both incorrect assumptions applied in modern physics leading to widespread misconceptions such as Time Travel instead of Time Cartography. Using cosmology and astronomy to teach students the extent of the universe is 93 billion light years is like taking a wide eyed child who has never left the house into your back yard and majestically stating your back yard is the extent of the whole universe. If a crew lost in Space where to give you the channel they are in but not the xyz location in Space, chances are they could be found, however, even if they provided the xyz location, but not the channel, chances are they will never be found since there are more channels than there are locations to search in Space. The implication is that it is not enough to have a map of the universe, in order to travel successfully through Space it is then necessary to first have a map of the multiverse. Access to Time Cartography is imperative. Humanity at present is still in its infancy where this science is concerned. The very idea that it is surrounded by innumerable universes as vast as our own may take some time digest. Fortunately there is a means to test this inference that has not existed in the past. To cross channels requires the ability to travel faster than cause and effect. Previously humanity did not have a propulsion system capable of generating these kinds of velocities. This is no longer the case. The math shows that C-Drives can store the kinetic energy required for ships capable of traveling faster than cause and effect to be built. This means that our science can not only approach and knock on the door of eternity, but open it and see what lies beyond reality. In addition to trying to understand what dark matter is, breaking matter up in colliders and trying to capture neutrinos deep underground, C-Drives offer an opportunity, unlike any other, to come face to face with and to unlock scientific knowledge that thus far has been beyond reach. it will appear to shrink into nucleonic Space since it breaches cause and effect associated with Space Time, however, instead of going back in time (Cx-N) or forward into the future (Cx+N) it emerges in a new channel, that is independent as indicated by Time Cartography. The ship shrinking or looking as though it is moving into the perspective is an illusion created by time dilation. The inferences of Relativity Theory concerning time dilation are cancelled as the vehicle exits into a new channel, thus maintaining constant universal time. Atoms sharing nuclei exchange matter/energy using the same procedure. This is the scientific method by which research into the full structure of an atom can be gained, especially concerning the 11 hidden hypothetical nuclei in the internal and external bonds. Access to the complete anatomical structure of atoms at scale should also become possible, providing a detailed first hand knowledge concerning all the hidden components of an atom. Slipstreaming should be possible for gigawatt and terawatt systems depending on the mass of a vehicle they propel see Peak RPM In the same way being in an enclosed space can create an echo chamber, being contained in curved Space Time will create a Doppler Effect. This containment means that despite a vehicle maintaining a straight-line velocity, if it continues to travel in this trajectory in Space towards the edge of the universe it will be made to cycle back to its original position. The only means of escaping this loop is for the vehicle to achieve escape velocity, this being moving or accelerating faster than Space Time cause and effect. This unravels the loop, opening a gateway through nucleonic Space that allows the vehicle to exit its current channel and cross over into the next channel. Slipstreaming can accomplish this. The significance of this is that, in the innumerable channels swarming around the earth, there may be some where a habitable planet co-exists within earth's solar system. Should this be the case Time Cartography should take precedence over other methods for finding habitable planets which are either mildly hospitable to human life or too far to travel to within the same universe. These are hypothetical views. What is not hypothetical is the means to test them. |
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