What separates Collision Drives used for energy and makes them more advanced than any type of energy generation in the world today, even nuclear and fusion energy, is the fact that C-Drives have the unusual ability of turbo-boosting or amplifying a source of energy, by taking a smaller input source and creating a greater output from the same source. This is generally thought impossible to do. However, how C-Drives are able to amplify energy within conventional laws of physics (without over unity) is explained in detail below.
Humanity's energy demands, in the coming years are likely to grow to unprecedented levels, especially as populations grow, the move toward EVs and ventures into Space progress. Every source of energy available in every nook and cranny will be needed to feed humanity's need for electrical juice to keep the lights on.
Therefore, the ability to amplify existing energy sources, which is what C-Drives can do using the efficiencies inherent in their design can play an important role in bridging any gaps that may emerge between what electricity generation is available and the demand that outstrips what is available, especially in circumstances where there is a long wait ahead for new power plants of various kinds to be built.
As it is with the innovations that we promote there is "no smoke and mirrors" or levels of science and physics that are convoluted and so lofty that no-one can understand how and if it really works and is truly viable.
We want you, whether you are layperson or scientist and highly seasoned professional to be able to judge the innovation we propose on the facts presented in a manner that is digestible, where you can judge for yourself how useful or beneficial the innovation may be.
C-Drives can use Gravity Assist to Boost or Amplify an input Force Since proportionally less force is required to lift the mass or weight in C-Drives this is like having a shaft depth or height that is infinite with a "load-advantage" that is constantly falling. What is lost in exchange is propulsive force, which is instead converted into torque that drives a generator boosted by gravity assist. Renewable energy Tests show that electricity generated by gravity assist is the cheapest form of electricity generation in the world. C-Drives can "turbo-boost" or amplify force by using gravity assist, and other efficiencies. See the SRMF animation below.Generating electricity from gravity is nothing new. However, generally a mass or weight is attached to a cable and as it descends it is used to turn a dynamo that generates electricity. In order for this to be commercially viable usually a deep and extensive hole or tower from which to lift and lower the mass or weight is required. |
The collider arm of a C-Drive is designed in a manner that allows it to act as the massive weight being lowered to generate electricity. Technically, since the collider arm requires much less force to lift it than to lower it as it rotates it is constantly falling and this process uses gravity conveniently to amplify the generation, storage and distribution of electricity.
The advantage is that there is no need for a deep shaft or a high tower from which the weight can be lowered and lifted. Furthermore, since technically the collider arm is designed in such a way that it is constantly falling (lift force is exchanged for torque) the amplification is not limited to how deep the shaft is or how high a tower should be built creating a more compact energy management system.
The ability to amplify or turbo-boost energy generation and supply from an existing installation by substituting torque for lift or thrust and by using gravity assist offered by C-Drives can in crease profitability for power generation and supply companies or utilities.
As long as engineers can prevent the C-Drive from moving the earth, it is secured on, the faster the the C-Drive is rotated the greater the amplification of torque, and therefore, the greater the generation of electrical energy. In these circumstances lift, thrust or propulsion is being sacrificed in exchange for energy.
When it comes to energy C-Drives have more efficiencies up their sleeves than simply the ability to exploit gravity.
Amplification of Force and its Advantages in the Generation of Electricity
The collider arm which will attempt to swing all the way out to C will be contained by the Wing (Circular Harness) causing the C-Drive to generate a lift force. However, the C-Drive is in turn fixed to the ground and kept from deploying this lift at D. Amplifying torque from a C-Drive is much easier than generating lift and thrust for propulsion. This is because lift and thrust must be carefully vectored to control movement whereas generating torque does not need much if any vectoring. As described in #3, when the area of Force "B" is restrained and kept from moving the Wing toward "C" it is instead converted into a massive increase in torque. [Should the lift force be too great as to lift or move the ground, steel and concrete mountings fixed in the earth and designed to anchor it (since C-Drive collider arms deployed by power generation companies can weigh thousands of tonnes), the other option is, instead of just having the constraints at D, two C-Drives can also be configured in such a way that they cancel flight by pushing against one another, which achieves the same objective.] The C-Drive basically acts like a mechanical turbo booster. The Hydropower from a dam used to rotate the C-Drive shown above would generate far greater amounts of electricity and would do so more efficiently than torque from a turbine used in conventional configurations to run dynamos. More electricity can be generated from the same size or smaller powerplant using points #1, #2 and #3 allowing increased profitability for power generation companies as well as the supply of electricity at lower costs that can be passed on to consumers, making electricity consumption much more affordable.
The precision of the collider arms, which are rotated and coordinated around a center, sometimes referred to in engineering as a "boss", ensures that each arm moves in tandem with other arms. The number of arms on a Boss C-Drive can vary depending on its intended purpose. With more arms and more collisions per rotation the Boss Collision Drive (BC-Drive) can achieve high speeds, higher levels of lift and propulsive force at much lower rpm, for instance lift-force that required 15,000 rpm can be achieved by 1,000 rpm or less and 25,000 rpm by 1,500 rpm or less.
C-Drives can also act as Batteries or a cheap Energy Storage Solution
Alternatively if storage is the priority over amplification, with very large installations the C-Drive can be raised and stopped at its apex to store energy and dropped when energy is required. Note that when the collider arm and the mass it carries is dropped the force acting around the driveshaft applies principles of moments, thereby amplifying the gravity assist being harnessed to supply energy.
Although it is described here as amplification, the fact that something is being lost to gain what appears as "additional" energy means that conservation of energy is maintained. This is not free energy or over unity as the lift force or vector must be sacrificed to obtain the increase in torque, the addition of which becomes viewed as the amplified energy. However, since the objective is energy in exchange for flight, the exchange is a worthwhile one.
How the stages of Charging, Storage and Generation work
are easy to see and understand
As demonstrated above, C-Drives have 2 generating phases per rotation.
As the C-Drive rises, it is positioned at 45 degrees (X-Formation) such that instead of lifting the collider arm and its mass it instead moves it predominantly horizontally which requires less energy/effort until it reaches its apex position where the full weight of the collider arm and height of the drop generates electricity using gravity assist.
Not only can the momentum of the fall be used to generate power, it can also be used as a gravity assist for a motor such that it will require less energy to move the C-Drive back into the apex position. This continual movement or cycle will transfer energy from lift and thrust, converting it into torque that further amplifies the capacity of the C-Drive to generate power.
It can be hypothesized that the C-Drive used for power generation carries 20 tonnes of cheap concrete slab on its collider arms. As this 20 tonne load falls, it turns a generator. Taking advantage of the X-Formation and the conversion of lift/thrust into torque, as well as using the momentum of the falling mass and a small motor it then cycles back into the Apex position to generate power and continues to rotate at an optimal rpm.16 individual collider arms could supply power continuously using this procedure.
Should it be required to store power like a battery, collider arms stop in the Apex position. They remain in this position until the energy they have stored is required.
To build a C-Drive comparable to the size of modern wind turbines, let us increase the size of the concrete mass attached to the collider arms from 20 tonnes to 200 tonnes..
Making the impossible, possible: (Y is the load and X is the force applied to lift it through principles of moments.) Note how when the change in polarity takes place at A, the condition X>Y prevails, this allows the collider arm and its load (e.g. 200 tonnes) to gain the advantage of X over Y which constantly increases where principals of moments make the load being lifted lighter as it is raised higher to the point where its mass becomes negligible. After switching polarity again at B, at the upper half cycle this condition will change to X'>Y', which means that as the load falls (200 tonnes) through X1, X2 and x3, the force it exerts at the drive shaft C to the generator is greater due to principles of moments. Where X',Y' is the same sequence as X,Y except in a reversed polarity. Hence, what appears as "over unity" is achieved, when it is in fact not over unity but amplification, which in turn is the conversion of propulsive force into torque.
What is a practical use of this innovation?: If you have an electric vehicle (EV) with a battery pack capacity of 82Kwh and a range of 260 miles, it implies that with the C-Drive it could achieve the same range with just 10% of the battery pack. Therefore, instead of traveling 260 miles on one charge, the 82Kwh battery pack could instead travel 2,600 miles or 4,184 Km, on a single charge.In the case of an EV the load becomes the force in Newtons or Kg-Force required to move the vehicle (instead of the 200 tonne load).Gravity assist can be harnessed to improve EV performance.
HD-SRMF & Amplification of Force: When the 100 tonne load is raised it is >10% or more lighter to lift as it reaches the Apex energy generation position and when it drops to generate electricity from 160 meters it is >100% and more heavier, due to the unique way the C-Drive reverses polarity, redirects lift/thrust into torque and applies principles of moments (XY, X'Y') to the load on the collider arms.
This kind of amplification is generally thought impossible, however, it is made possible by design without violating any laws in physics as a result of the C-Drive's ability to reverse mechanical polarity and the conversion/transfer of force from propulsion (lift/thrust) to torque when the device is anchored.
at 1 - 5 rpm per minute. Since it uses a cheap material like concrete and uses HD-SRMF, it would not require, wind, water etc to operate creating a low cost source of renewable power generation and storage with a significant profit margin for power utility and distribution companies. Anchored power generation C-Drives would need to be paired for counter rotation to stop propulsion and convert it into torque. An installation of this size could easily have collider arms weighing 100 tonnes each. This would provide a 200 tonne drop from 160 meters with each rotation. A small motor would induce a minimal 10% turning force during each drop to ensure each rotation reaches a minimum rate of acceleration that returns the collider arm to the Apex position for continuous power generation or storage. 200 tonnes of continuously falling mass multiplied by the rate of acceleration due to gravity would be comparable to the water mass generated by a hydroelectric dam that could conveniently be situated anywhere. |
Its difficult to imagine a 200 tonne mass moving or rising off the ground. However, the C-Drive is primarily a propulsion system, the mass is of no consequence when subjected to a relevant rpm, it will generate lift proportionate to its mass and rpm. The mass and size of the C-drive will not prevent it creating lift and thrust. The propulsive force generated by collider arms carrying a 200 tonne load would be so great that it only makes sense to use two counter rotating C-Drives to push or pull against one another to cancel out propulsion and redirect it into torque with which to drive generators. |
If the C-Drive has a diameter of 140 meters, the collider arms together weigh 200 tonnes and are falling from a height of 160 meters, are rotating at 1 rpm (one rotation per minute), the density of the concrete mass is 2,400 Kg/m3, then it will generate a volumetric flow rate of approximately 573 cubic meters per second, and a mass flow rate of 1,376 tonnes per second. In comparison the 3 Gorges hydro-electric dam in Hubei China has a flow rate of 650 m3/s and has a generating capacity of 22,500 MW (3 Gorges has x13 the power generation capacity of Kariba Dam, which has a generation capacity of 1,626 MW). Since the 200 tonnes falls at the rate of gravity 9.8 m/s2 with an advantage from principles of moments the potential energy that can be generated for a C-Drive installation of this size could be potentially greater than 3 Gorges, yet it would only stand the same height as a wind turbine (including the length of its propeller).
Furthermore the 3 Gorges dam has a hydraulic head height of 80 meters. This C-Drive is designed to have a head height of 160 meters, double that of the 3 gorges dam.
At 2 rpm the C-Drive's volumetric flow rate will be 1,146.7 cubic meters, and the mass flow rate will be approximately 2,752 tonnes per second (Twice the capacity of the 3 Gorges hydro-electric dam). Depending on build quality, it may be possible to move the C-Drive from 2 to 5 rpm or more.
[Technically, at 3 rpm which generates a volumetric flow rate of 1,963.5 m3/s and mass flow of 4,712 tonnes per second, 10 anchored C-Drives of this size could generate a volumetric flow rate/mass flow, potentially capable of electrifying all of China, the United States and Canada* combined - with plenty of spare capacity.]
This example uses simple C-Drives with two collider arms, however, Boss C-Drives on this scale could have 16 collider arms working together to generate power, with a small and compact footprint.
Not only can energy generation from C-Drives outpace areas such as Nuclear energy and Nuclear Fusion, in terms of cost to output, green credentials, generation capacity, duration from concept to roll out, C-Drives are a gateway mechanism to gravity and propulsion technologies - where one mechanism can fulfill two technological advancements very highly critical to humanity's future, namely energy and propulsion.
* Note that these calculations do not factor in gains from principles of moments, that is the 200 tonne mass falling is at least 140 meters from the drive shaft that applies a substantially greater torque (turning force) that goes to power generation is not included.
C-Drives have several layers of efficiency that improve power generation performance:
- When the 200 tonnes falls from the Apex position, it doesn't just fall, it also exerts principles of moments around the drive shaft, making it able to increase torque.
- Since the C-Drive is anchored and prevented from moving, as much as 90% of propulsive force is converted into torque, which boosts or amplifies the generation of electrical energy (see section shaded in blue).
- When the mass attached to the arm falls it is accelerated by gravity assist.
- In the cycles where the C-Drive rotates upward, the collider arm rotates the mass horizontally more than vertically reducing the effort required to reach the apex storage position and optimal rpm.
- The rotation cycle feeds into the next cycle conserving energy through each cycle of rotation.
- Once it is in Apex energy storage position, the C-Drive can store this energy for very long periods, until it is required.
- As long as there is a residual charge for the power charging phase to induce acceleration that maintains optimum rotation speeds from Apex to Apex energy storage positions, the C-Drive can supply cheap electricity indefinitely, making it cost effective for suppliers and distributors of electricity.
- A 160x160x40meters C-Drive may take up the space of 1 wind turbine, yet when the collider arms and their 200 tonne load falls they can generate renewable energy equal to a large hydro-electric power station.(Building a C-Drive power station is of course many times cheaper than building a huge hydro-electric dam such as 3 Gorges or the Grand Coulee, yet it can potentially generate more electricity than installations such as these.)
- The High Density Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF) means C-Drives can serve two functions in that they can both store and generate electrical energy. HD-SRMF possibly offers the cheapest, and most practical method for storage and generation of electricity available today. There is control of both the the mass flow and the turbine.
- C-Drives do not need deep mine shafts or cable systems to store and generate power and can therefore be made more compact.
Electrical energy can be amplified by C-Drives sacrificing lift and thrust
At present it is believed that it is impossible to amplify electrical energy. Though it is true that you cannot get more energy out of a system than you put into it, C-Drives adhere to this rule. However, they can convert energy that would otherwise be exerted as lift, thrust or propulsion into torque for electricity generation. Though the gain in additional electrical energy results from an improvement in efficiency that is for most part indistinguishable from "over-unity" it is in fact amplification not "over-unity" since lift is sacrificed to gain an increase in torque .
Static Recycled Mass Flow (SRMF)
Efficiency: Note how as the C-Drive rotates upward at 45 degrees the collider arm and its mass are pushed horizontally instead of vertically on approaching the zenith of the cycle. This procedure can significantly reduce the the effort or work required to reach the Apex energy storage position potentially by as much as 90%.
It may take 10% of the work done or effort to lift the C-Drive to the Apex power generation position using C-Drive efficiencies , however, once in this position and the 200 tonnes begins to fall with 100% of its mass. However, when it falls the turning force it applies being approximately 140 meters from the centre pivot or drive shaft exerts a force greater than >100% of the falling 200 tonne mass.
When the collider arm falls it does so with the force of the full 160 meter plunge to generate electricity. The 10% effort (20 tonne) to reach the apex position and 100% (200 tonne) gain in generating capacity during the generation phase is not "over unity" because it is caused by anchoring the C-Drive where amplification or gain, which is made possible by sacrificing 90% of the lift force or thrust, is instead converted into torque possibly making C-Drives the most efficiently engineered method for generating electricity currently available (for clarity see the sacrificed lift/thrust area or blue section labelled "C" in previous diagrams).
Movement of one of the 16x arms.
This movement generates more thrust and lift force
than a rocket/jet engine (see static recycled mass flow),
and is capable of doing so with zero emissions
C-Drives can generate huge amounts of thrust as a lift force
in a static recycled mass flow applied to the Wing or Circular harness, when
the C-Drive is fixed in place instead of lift or thrust
they can also convert this thrust into tremendous levels of
torque supplied to wheels, levels of torque possibly
never seen before in power generation, EVs, cars and trucks.
![]() |
C-Drives will be used for propulsion and to enhance power generation |
C-Drives are a practical and simple technology that offers power companies a simple way of scaling up power supply from existing installations. Since C-Drives increase efficiency, they can also allow power companies to lower the cost of supplying power, which means greater profitability coupled with lower end prices for their electricity customers. C-Drives can prove exceptionally useful as a cost effective way for power supply corporations to increase supply in regions where there is insufficient energy to meet local needs.
Game Changer
Though hugely innovative C-Drive science is easy to understand, explain and speaks for itself. Patented Collision Drive Technology is a game changer potentially as big, if not bigger than current advancements in battery technology and self driving. It has the potential to completely terraform the energy, transport, electric vehicle and aerospace sectors bringing about improvements even the best analysts in these areas of expertise are completely clueless about.
Amplification of Impact Force (Thrust)
The down-force from gravity is converted into an amplified impact force for collisions into the circular harness or wing. In conventional EVs driven on roads today this method is more advantageous than a driveshaft going directly to the wheels and can increase propulsive efficiency by 75% or more.
See the animation above for how a C-Drive converts or redirects the downward pull of gravity into an amplified upward impact or collision that increases propulsive force. Amplification takes place due to moments around the mass turbine and drive shaft by the factor X, where the increase in propulsive force gained from gravity and fed to collisions can be 75% or more. This advantage over gravity can also be used as lift force that generates mechanical buoyancy.
Increases in efficiency by applying moments to driving forces are key to the advantages gained by the C-Drive.
An ICE engine or EV motor sending power to wheels through a drive shaft will experience a 75% and above drop in propulsive efficiency compared to C-Drives due to being unable to amplify force.
Amplifying 98.07 kN·m to 998,562.33 kN·m of torque
In countries where there is a critical shortage of energy that needs to be addressed quickly the technology offered by C-Drives should be considered.
Amplifying existing electricity power plants should be considered and evaluated before building new power generation plants as a lucrative opportunity for national power distributors.
The size and structure of the C-Drive that provides this level of amplification is illustrated below.
As long as Pan-Directional force cannot be converted into Uni-Directional force a net gain from amplification cannot be created or harnessed.
In the example above the C-Drive takes 10,000 kgf.m which is equivalent to 98.07 kN·m of torque and amplifies it to 101,825,019 kgf·m of lift force, which is also equivalent to 998,562.33 kN·m of torque [should the C-Drive be anchored and prevented from moving] that can be applied to a dynamo to generate the equivalent in electricity instead of gravity .i.e. the thrust or lift force.*
Note that amplification of the collider arm load from 10,000 kgs to 101,825,019 kg-force
due to rpm is referred to as "1st amplification". This is because C-Drives have more stages of amplification from Principals of Moments (turning force) and Gravity Assist which have not been included. 1st Amplification
therefore does not represent full capacity when C-Drives take the
input energy source and magnify it when applied as lift (thrust) or torque (watts).
Therefore, the 18.6 gigawatts of amplification used in the example below should be regarded
as baseline, as the value will be significantly higher than this should further stages
of amplification which have been left out be included in the calculations.
and amplify it to a lift force of 18.6 gigawatt hrs (101,825,019 kg-force). If lift or
flight is prevented this will be converted into torque.
Meanwhile a rocket will take an input energy source of 100 megawatt hrs
or 9,600 litres of fuel and generate a lift force (thrust) from exhaust gases or mass flow equivalent to 100 MW hrs (1:1), there is no amplification in the action/reaction design of a rocket. This makes it very inefficient as a means of propulsion.
* In Science of Collision Drives continued, it is pointed out how the misapplication of "fields" in physics and a lack of knowledge concerning what gravity is and how it works leads to poor or mediocre results in electricity generation and weak electric motors. This is an example of the case in point. The erroneous belief in and application of "fields" causes a drop from 1:∞ to 1:1 (with and without amplification harnessed using unidirectional lift force (Tier 1 gravity)) leading to a drop or loss in potential electricity output capacity from 998,562.33 kN·m to 98.07 kN·m of torque.
The tremendous demand for electricity which will grow exponentially, as humanity begins to depend on and transition to technologies that are more intensely dependent on electricity, makes it imperative that the supply of energy rise to meet this challenge. C-Drives are an immediate means of bridging this gap.
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