Safety First

 A Collision Drive will bring considerable improvements to road safety. Every year around the world millions of people are injured by or die in road accidents. Many of these fatalities can be prevented by deploying a C-Drive. 

 There  will be many advantages to having a vehicle propelled by a C-Drive. For instance, accidents where drivers lose control of a vehicle due to making a sharp turn or failing to negotiate a curve such that a vehicle flips or overturns should become a thing of the past. A vehicle that moves using torque applied to wheels alone only maintains its grip with the road through tyres, its weight and friction with the road surface. 

Unparalleled levels of safety:
C-Drives will be able to generate their own traction using force vectoring 
and will actually be able to be driven, even in zero-g. 

The vehicle survives careering off-road and is hanging out, on
the cliff-face: Note that C-Drive Force-Vectoring and Magnetic Levitation (Maglev)
are one and same. See the explanation in Science of Collision Drive for corrections
required on magnetism based on the FDNEH.  Read about how C-Drives can
neutralize gravity by redirecting it in a process called "Gravity Assist" or Anti-gravity,
and gain high levels of stability from the Lateral Locking of Vectors (LLV).

A C-Drive very high density, static recycled mass flow (SRMF)
is 6,747 times more efficient at producing thrust
than a rocket or jet engine. It can generate this thrust
with zero emissions, no air, no exhaust plume and no pollution.

The device is simple, the design is sheer engineering excellence, 
the science is straight forward and easy to understand
and the technology is understated. 

1 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional Levels of Control

1D and 3D safety
1D propulsion can cause fatalities from road imperfections
as simple as a pothole. 

In conventional vehicles driven today the primary ability to remain in control of a vehicle is determined by the contact of the tyres with the ground or road surface. This control is therefore 1 Dimensional (1D). Should that 1 Dimension be lost due to slick road conditions caused by snow or moisture, launching off a cliff face or steep incline or any situation where the tyres lose contact with the ground the driver is no longer able to remain in control of a vehicle. 

A C-Drive propulsion system offers 3 Dimensions of control. The driver is able to continue to steer the vehicle even where tyres lose contact with the ground. He or she can continue to steer the vehicle in any direction in 3 Dimensional space. In terms of safety C-Drives will be able to maintain steering ability and control of the movement of a vehicle where conventional 1D systems offer none.

Vehicles with C-Drives can be designed to detect earthquakes and lift the car off the ground

Powerful C-Drives can also be engineered into the architecture of buildings allowing the footings to raise them a few centimetres above ground during earthquakes. The force which C-Drives can secure the footings of a building can exceed the force with which foundations secure a building on the ground. In other words for the time that the building is suspended in the air it is actually safer by being in a tighter grip than when it is on the ground. The weight, mass or height of the building is not a concern because custom C-Drives can be designed to lift any load cost effectively.


Force Vectoring in 3D: 360 degrees of safety

Wings are old school and no longer required since
 C-Drives are 6,424 times more efficient at generating
lift force than an aircraft wing, even in a vacuum.

A Boss Drive is a C-Drive synchronizing 16 collider arms that
will generate 32 collisions to the circular wing per rotation.

Displacement that generates thrust takes place using a static
recycled mass flow - see Science of a Collision Drive.
There is no need for exposed propeller blades or the
inconvenient displacement of air and dust
around the vehicle.

A C-Drive can take 1000HP and amplify it to 150,336HP . This will allow
vehicles to achieve civilian benchmarks. 45,000HP though sufficient for
Supersonic and Hypersonic velocities is too slow
to meet civilian benchmarks, however, C-Drives can exceed these
with higher amplified HP.

At this juncture you should be familiar with how C-Drives work and what they
can do. The 0.45m elevation above ground or height restriction is steadily maintained using
force vectoring from collisions. This means that various heights and elevations can be used
to create multiple lanes e.g. a sky lane every 15 meters above ground for traffic to flow more efficiently.
The amplification of horsepower is gained from angular
velocity and the ability of C-Drives to transform pan-directional force into uni-directional force.
Velocity is gained from high density static recycled mass flow (HD-SRMF) which is more
efficient than propulsion systems that depend on air. Range increase is gained by the C-Drive requiring
less fuel or energy to do the same work. All the equations, engineering and method
by which the vehicle is able to implement what is displayed on the console is explained
in a manner that allows you to work out and verify how to achieve these outcomes for yourself.
These are straight up facts, no smoke and mirrors see Introduction to the C-Drive, Science of
, Airlines, Safety First and Cars & Transportation.

 C-Drives do not ride on air, they ride on force vectoring generated by a mass-turbine. Riding on air, as is seen in quad copters and other similar air propelled systems can be very precarious because air can be an unsteady and noisy medium. C-Drive propulsion will be similar to magnetic levitation. It incorporates Lateral Locking of Vectors (LLV) to enhance stability and offers much safer driving conditions that conventional 1D systems do not provide.

Driving off a cliff face in a 1D propulsion system would be fatal, whereas driving over a cliff face or ditch in a 3D propulsion system will ensure the safety of the occupants of a vehicle,.

For this reason it is predictable that 1D propulsion systems will be phased out in mass transportation in preference of C-Drives that offer 3 Dimensional safety in the transport sector. This appears inevitable.

Accidents where cars flip


When a car lifts off the ground to overturn a C-Drive 
can physically prevent it rising or force it back down. Accidents and deaths 
from cars over-turning should become a problem of the past.

A conventional car that uses a driveshaft to rotate wheels applies torque as a one dimensional force in the direction the car is being driven. This is why cars can be very unsafe especially where a hard turn is made trying to stay on the road or avoid an obstacle. A C-Drive on the other hand can encourage or resist momentum in any direction.

Accidents and vehicle pile ups caused by loss of traction

Most people are familiar with that feeling of helplessness when car tyres completely lose traction with the road surface. Loss of traction can lead to injury and on highways it can lead to pile ups where multiple vehicles plunge into one another .

Even where traction with the road is completely lost due to slick conditions a C-Drive will be able to maintain control of a vehicle allowing the driver to stop it or direct it where he or she wants it to go. For cars with a C-Drive accidents and pile ups caused by slick conditions will no longer be a concern.

Head on Collisions


There are times when head on collisions cannot be avoided due to the fact that other cars or an obstacle was not seen on the road. Should the head on collision be caused by inadequate braking force or loss of grip with the road surface a C-Drive can provide the braking power to stop a vehicle before impact.

During braking, should the danger become the braking force being too high such that the occupants may be thrown through the winds screen, it can be designed to raise the nose of the car vertically while providing reverse thrust such that the braking force is toward the passenger's seats where even if impact is made it is much safer for the occupants of a vehicle. 

Should impact be unavoidable it also offers the option to be able lift the car up and over the obstacle with which the vehicle would have made head on impact and can bring down the car safely in another location nearby.   

Conventional Vehicles will be replaced by Collision Drives 

A vehicle weighing several tonnes is kept in control by just a few square inches of surface area where tyres make contact with the ground, creating a tiny envelope for safety. Conventional vehicles lose control when traction between the tyres and ground is lost. This coupled with the fact that they move at high speeds yet depend on friction for navigation, face congestion, easily flip when moving around sharp bends, are bound to the ground by the need for friction to move or maintain control and face many different kinds of risks makes it inevitable that C-Drives will become the more popular propulsion method.

The safety specs for C-Drives will be significantly higher. They can be driven over a cliff and still recover bringing the passengers back to the ground in a safe location. They can avoid head on collisions by rising above obstacles before impact. Not only do they offer a more efficient method for propulsion, they offer complete and continuous control of a vehicle whether its wheels are on the ground and making contact with asphalt or whether the wheels lose contact with the ground due to poor road conditions, loss of control by the driver or the many reasons that accidents frequently occur.  

Compared to C-Drive propulsion conventional vehicles, in comparison, will be considered less safe for use in mass transportation.

Steep slopes and inclines

There are moments near steep or vertical inclines where a driver becomes powerless as to what happens next in a vehicle. Accidents such as these can still be prevented. A C-Drive has almost constant control of what happens to a car, even if all its wheels have lost all contact with the ground. Whether the driver loses control because of a vertical incline or even an airborne vehicle  it can still control what happens next and return control of the vehicle to the driver.



Asteroids are an ever present danger of collision with earth. For more than a century science has been unable to develop a means of controlling gravity as the best option for propulsion. Rockets remain too primitive and far too expensive to offer a broad means of protection. The science required to develop the propulsion that improves humanity's  safety and opportunity for surviving an asteroid are presently underdeveloped. Though humanity is currently an apex species at the top of the food chain and therefore nonchalant about the danger posed by collisions with asteroids, so too were the dinosaurs.  

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