

Airlines connect cities and regions. They are a vital part of keeping the wheels of development turning. Most planes depend on jet engines as a direct source of propulsion and ride on air. A C-Drive is designed to generate lift without the need for air and it does so more efficiently. Planes built with C-Drives as the means of propulsion will not need wings, can carry more passengers significantly bringing down costs for airlines. 

C-Drives can move above ground at very low or high altitudes. They can also withstand cross-winds, gale-force winds that would otherwise make a plane inoperable. V-TOL is also a standard feature on planes of any size. This will enable them to land anywhere, safely. Regions without airports and runways can be opened up to create new routes for carriers further spreading development.  

Wingspan on modern day aircraft are iconic in the aviation industry.

Collision Drives (C-Drives) are more efficient and more powerful than aircraft wings currently deployed on conventional  aircraft. A study of C-Drive technology will show that these wings have become redundant.

C-Drives will use a highly dense (HD) static recycled mass flow (SRMF) to generate lift without the need for air or wings on commercial aircraft. How C-Drives generate this lift is explained below.

C-Drives can generate this lift even in a vacuum. Since wings take up such a large area of modern aircraft, C-Drive propelled commercial vehicles will look very different from planes seen today. 

Compare lift generated by the aircraft wing shown in the lower half and 
that created by counter rotating C-Drives in the upper half of the visual above.

Counter rotating high density (HD) static recycled mass flow (SRMF)

Force-Grip: The animation above depicts counter rotating vector forces (Ki) 
in terms of net direction.

C-Drives will generate extremely large and efficient lift force
that makes wing spans seen on modern day commercial airliners redundant.

C-Drives naturally generate lateral stability and will be able to resist dangerous cross winds
drops in atmospheric pressure making then much safer than current airliners.

Chart Showing Ki as a Vectored Force or using Net Direction  

The chart above shows that the single C-Drive circular harness or "wing" is like the left
and right wing of an aircraft rolled/combined into one. Nevertheless, the edge
where air would bleed off the tip of each wing can be compared to where switches
in polarity (+ -) take place every 180 degrees of rotation, when the C-Drive moves
collisions from inside to outside the wing whilst maintaining the same
net direction of force.   

C-Drives use force vectoring to generate lift as shown 
in the chart above. Although this is a leap forward in design
as illustrated engineering HD-SRMF is fairly simple and straight forward.

Lift and Thrust is Gravitational

If you are an engineer who specializes in hydrodynamics (fluid dynamics), aerodynamics, aeronautics and lift, you can use the chart above to work out the force required for lift using the vectors shown in the charts and the centripetal/centrifugal force applied by the mass attached to the collider arm to
work out the HD-SRMF lift force. Technically air striking the wing of an aircraft and how lift is worked out is really just a form Collision Theory, like the equations applied to a C-Drive. The first detail you may notice is that the vectors are "disciplined" in that they follow a set net direction of force A - B and provide lateral support for the net direction in which force is applied. This makes it easier to predict how the counter rotating arms will work together to uniformly apply lift using HD-SRMF, thereby allowing for navigation with much greater stability and precision than the use of air, which is
much more difficult to analyse because it consists of a mass where each molecule or group of molecules can exert a lift force vector at variance with other molecules - this is why vehicles
propelled on air often appear precarious, unstable or to lose stability especially 
when hovering or during V-Tol.

This will make C-Drives much safer
to fly than modern day commercial aircraft that rely on air for lift to remain aloft.
C-Drives will also allow small and large commercial planes to safely navigate close to the ground around obstacles like buildings, trees and street lights with very high levels of stability and precision.

The other advantage that C-Drives bring to the aviation industry is speed. Aircraft propelled
by rockets, jet engines, scramjet engines are limited in terms of the amount of force in 
Newtons they can exert to induce thrust. Air and gas, being low density, are not an efficient
means of generating propulsive force. It limits how fast and where vehicles of this kind can go.
Rockets driven by ions (plasma), which are the hope for the future face similar constraints.
Rockets for instance generate huge plumes of 
exhaust and must processes copious amounts of fuel and gas to generate thrust.
Despite this and how powerful they can appear engineered to be
they can only achieve speeds that can be expected max out at around Mach 30,
which, quite frankly, is simply far too slow.

C-Drives on the other hand process HD-SRMF and the force they can exert to generate
thrust and lift will exceed that generated by similarly rated rockets and jet engines. Speeds of
Mach 30 where propulsion by air and gas max out will hardly register on the scale
of velocities C-Drives with a similar power rating are expected to be able to churn out.  
This will be especially useful to the exploration of Space, Space tourism and the ability to 
realistically journey to newly discovered habitable planets in relatively short duration.

The difference between lift and thrust. When thrust is applied to propulsion using a rocket
the rocket's power in newtons must be proportional to the mass it is lifting. This is not the 
case with aircraft with wings. The surface area of the wings act as an assist that increases the efficiency by which wings generate lift and thrust allowing the mass of the aircraft and momentum from lower levels of thrust from a jet engine to lift heavier planes or loads. When it comes to lift and air molecules striking a wing to generate lift Collision Theory needs to be taken into account because collisions vary from being elastic to inelastic consequently altering the characteristics of lift. If the collisions
between air and the wing are elastic they will generate less efficient lift or even have
the opposite effect if the mass or density of the air is low in comparison to the load they must lift,
 if they are inelastic they will generate higher levels of lift.
The elasticity of collisions between air molecules that form the air 
mass will determine the quality of the lift force generated. However, since
elasticity cannot be observed, even in a wind tunnel and air pressure also cannot
reveal elasticity engineers are often confused about how lift forces actually work. 
While an elastic or inelastic collision is easy to demonstrate and observe in
a lecture hall by bumping cars into each other, this process taking place between
air and a wing is not as obvious and may be invisible to observation. It can to some 
extent be determined using viscosity (stickyness), as inelastic collisions should appear to have higher levels of viscosity only if this is understood to mean there is a longer delay between the air 
molecules striking, moving with then leaving the wing. Also if the air molecules slide
down the wing rather than immediately bounce off it, then they are effectively converting
the duration of contact with the wing from an elastic into an inelastic collision, which will create the highest and most effective levels of lift, until they exit the surface of the wing, where the exit may be assumed to be what provided the most lift, when in fact it is due to the collision
being inelastic. 

When it comes to the upper section of the wing, the air molecules striking the nose, leading edge or front of the wing will create a vacuum or lower pressure area above the wing, pulling any air above the wing down into a low impact elastic collision causing the impact below the wing to be greater than that above the wing. Lift will be further generated because as the air colliding with the upper part of the wing slides or deflects and accelerates to the upper edge of the wing tallies with the air sliding off the bottom of the wing, exiting air generates a vectored thrust which enhances lift from the lower section of the wing through Newtonian cause and effect, although this type of downforce from the upper half of the wing will be quite weak as most of the energy is converted into thrust. This thrust reduces the effort required from the jet engine to lift heavier loads. This means that the majority of the lift force generated in an aircraft wing occurs due to the fact that the collision between the air and the bottom of the wing is inelastic. Inelastic collisions give the air molecules much more time to transfer their momentum into the wing slowing them down, which is where the highest and most efficient lift force will come from. This is interesting because inelastic collisions are what generate the lift and propulsive
force in C-Drives. This means that C-Drives can be used to help engineers to better understanding how
lift forces work. Nevertheless, if the upper section of the wing is generating thrust more than lift any enhanced forward movement of this kind will induce a greater lift force from the bottom of the wing. This combination of vectors, thrust and lift, is why an aircraft wing is good for flight.

Basically air moving over or above the wing will mostly generate forward movement
while air moving under the wing will mostly generate upward movement or lift. Increased forward
movement will cause the bottom of the wing to exert higher lift force. This is
why the shape of a wing is very effective for flight: the upper and lower systems feed off each other.
Changes in the density of air will cause
changes in elasticity. The denser the air the more inelastic the collision with the wing will be
causing it to generate more lift and vice versa. 

Since changes in elasticity are invisible or difficult to detect, even in a wind tunnel, should
the collision beneath the wing change from being inelastic to being elastic there will be a sudden 
drop in the lift force for no readily apparent reason. Changes in elasticity of collisions during
flight can cause what is described as a bumpy flight, especially where the sky looks clear,
but consists of patches of air of varying density.

Collision Theory:
 The change in elasticity shown above which is the main
cause of lift may not be visible, even in a wind tunnel with smoke. The elasticity/inelasticity of collisions in Collision Theory is affected by multiple factors which is why lift and thrust for 
an airfoil will tend be very difficult to understand, predict and engineer. For instance a 
wing can be steeply inclined and create an inelastic collision which generates powerful
lift, however, if the density or mass of the air falls the collision can change from being inelastic
to being elastic despite the wing being in the same inclined position, which will cause the
plane to stall. 

Collision Theory possibly offers the most accurate explanation for how an  
aircraft wing generates lift. Since the nature of the elasticity of collisions will determine 
how energy or force is transferred from air molecules to the wing and how both behave post impact, Collision Theory must offer the most accurate scientific method for determining how lift is generated. 

The diagram shows that the more horizontal or the less inclined the angle of the wing the more elastic the collisions between air and the wing become generating lower or less efficient lift.

The lower pressure above the wing creates a vacuum that  acts as a decompression pump that pulls in and accelerates air faster over the wing generating more thrust than lift as it exists. The more vertical or steeper the angle of the wing the more inelastic the collisions between the air molecules and the surface of the wing which generates more lift, when this air exits the wing it generates more lift than thrust through action reaction, since it is moving slower. The elasticity of collisions between the air 
and the wing will not be visible even in a wind tunnel using smoke to reveal airflow, this
creates some confusion as to where and how a wing generates the most lift force. For instance
increasing the weight of a plane can alter the elasticity of collisions between air and the wing
making them more elastic which increases the potential for a plane stalling or crashing, whilst
all other factors and flight parameters remained constant.

Elastic collisions will generate lift but with low efficiency.

If the mass of the air striking
the wing is smaller than the mass of the aircraft the lift will be negative, i.e. it
will pull a wing down instead of lift it. In other words it will cause an 
aircraft to stall, the cause of this kind of negative lift may often be
attributed to turbulence.

Tests show that the conditions above cause a C-Drive to move backwards instead of
forwards, that is, it generates negative lift or negative thrust, confirming
the hypothesis. (see spin test with no load/weight)

Smoke moving over and under a wing in a wind tunnel
is missing vital information required for accurate analysis

(Without clear knowledge about elasticity/inelasticity of collisions technically the
smoke in wind tunnel test tells an engineer nothing scientific about how lift and flight
are taking pace.)

Smoke moving over the wing in a wind tunnel does not reveal any information
about whether the collision between air molecules and the wing is elastic or inelastic.
This is problematic, since technically, it means a scientific means of
accurately deciphering how lift is being generated by what is being observed is limited.
Elasticity is nuanced in that it can be affected by the mass or density of the airflow, its speed,
its direction and angle of attack/impact in relation to the mass or weight of the airplane, its velocity and the angle of the wing. Subtle changes in these variables can alter elasticity affecting (even reversing) lift and thrust without this change being externally obvious, visible or readily observable in the smoke moving over and under the wing. An intimate knowledge of Collision Theory is therefore required to clearly understand how lift and thrust is being created. For instance the vanes of smoke 
moving over and under the wings could appear exactly as they do in the image despite 
whether the impact is elastic or inelastic, yet this is what determines the lift force as it governs the efficiency of the transfer of momentum from the air molecules to the wing. Any description of how a wing generates lift and thrust that does not provide detailed analysis of elasticity/inelasticity as they are understood in Collision Theory must be regarded as inherently potentially misleading, flawed, inadequate or incomplete as this can lead to misconceptions and flawed theories about how lift and thrust are being created in aviation.

In this simple example, if  Collision Theory is applied to how an aircraft wing creates lift, 
with two basic conditions , .i.e. Inelastic collisions and Elastic collisions
there are 360 directions from which air can move toward the wing.
If the wing can pitch downward by 45 degrees then for the bottom half of
the wing alone there are 360x45 Inelastic and 360x45 Elastic
combinations that will affect how collisions between air molecules
and the wing transfer momentum to generate positive or negative lift
all other conditions, such as pressure, the density of
air and air-speed held constant.

It is unlikely that how lift is created in a wing can be explained
or understood without applying Collision Theory and any 
attempt to create a theory on lift without it
should be considered inadequate, incomplete
or potentially misinformed.

The animation above shows how a Circular Wing uses 
internal and external collisions to work as an Airfoil
with the exception that it uses recycled mass (HD-SRMF) instead of air.

"Air" leaving the edge of the wing will be evident in a C-Drive where changes
in polarity (+-) take place. This thrust will accelerate into each new half cycle and is
the same as rotation speed or rpm.
C-Drives reveal that there is no lift generated above the wing.

It makes sense in terms of the laws concerning the conservation of energy and momentum that the top of the wing should be acting or exerting itself in manner that is opposite to the bottom of the wing, which coincides with the opposites of thrust being high and lift being low from above the wing and lift being high while thrust is low below it.

Any modern theory on lift that 
teaches a lift force is generated by low pressure above the wing is inherently misguided
or patently bogus. Low pressure above the wing generates thrust, but no lift. The wing does
not rise to fill the vacuum, rather air descends to fill the vacuum pushing the wing forward.
This forward push from the upper section of the wing feeds into the upward lift
being generated by the lower section of the wing. Technically the airfoil is being squeezed
or "pinched" between the air rushing in to fill the vacuum which will collide with the
surface of the upper section of the wing creating a weak elastic downward push or force
but a stronger forward push on the wing before it exits which results in the 
air leaving the upper wing generating forward thrust. The air striking the lower surface of
the airfoil generates an inelastic collision, which creates a strong lift force but weak thrust.
This means that flight that keeps an aircraft in the air is governed by
and created purely from Collision Theory.

This becomes evident in how C-Drives work to create similar lift and thrust (rotation). 

Similar Characteristics

Buoyancy in an airfoil (wing) that makes it rise in air is caused by the relationship between lift below the wing and thrust above the wing. Thrust induces lift, and lift induces thrust which consequently creates a propensity for buoyancy even in heavy vehicles such as large commercial aircraft. 

The same condition can be observed in C-Drives where rotation is equivalent to thrust. In C-Drives the faster the rpm, the greater the lift force or Force Vectors acting on the circular wing. If the collider arm experiences resistance due to the mass of a vehicle or being anchored, this force will transfer into torque (turning force). However, increasing turning force, in turn induces lift. Therefore, the two systems feed off and into each other consequently creating a tendency toward buoyancy or lift. This is why at low rpm C-Drives will hop, and at high enough rpm levitate, float and fly. This process is in some cases similar or exactly the same for an airfoil. 

The main difference between an airfoil and C-Drive, is that the latter generates its own energy, Force Vector, Chi/Ki or "wind" without the need for air by using HD-SRMF. As a result C-Drives will be able to lift and generate buoyancy, even in unconventional vehicles that are extremely heavy and do so without the need for wings. 

"Flying without wings"

C-Drives will have fairly complex control parts for force vectoring but,
do not need wings or the complex control surfaces for air seen on modern
commercial airplanes since they don't need air for propulsion.
This can help reduce the cost of manufacturing planes.
It will allow commercial airliners to occupy much less space yet
be propelled by a safer more powerful technology. 

The V-Tol capabilities of C-Drives also entails that commercial
C-Drive airliners will no longer need long runways. Since C-Drives move
with the precision of force vectoring it is feasible to imagine
that with this new technology planes will simply descend into and 
depart from specialized docking ports that form part of airports where passengers
disembark from the plane directly into the airport terminal. (See below how the Force Vector
is calibrated for precise navigation during propulsion)

Expect much shorter travel times for commercial airlines even between far off
destinations as C-Drives are capable of achieving speeds beyond the capability
of jets and propeller methods of propulsion.

Force vectoring in -Drives should be regarded as just another term for gravity or
forms of propulsion created by gravity.

see Science of C-Drives for more information.

Old School propulsion technology

How C-Drive's harness Gravity Assist (GA). The ability of C-Drives to deploy GA is another reason why in comparison to rockets, though rockets are a technological marvel, they are Old School of thought and cannot possibly compete. Although we love rockets and think the technology is amazing, compared to C-Drives rockets and the interest in them belong in museums as fascinating period pieces for exhibitions about humanity's early albeit primitive, impressive albeit futile attempts to venture into Space that none the less deserve our respect.

A collision drive is not "reactionless". The collider arm is like "exhaust" reacting to the curvature of the [circular] wing to create a recycled mass flow. It is also not an "over unity" device. Increases in/amplification of mass is gained from acceleration by increasing rpm, which is then exploited by being converted into lift/thrust or torque. Any gains in power are achieved using amplification and mechanical efficiency. For more detail on this scroll to this section of the science.

C-Drives and Zero Emission

The rotating C-Drive in the animation and the exhaust from the
rocket engines perform the same function in terms
of continuous
 mass flow that generates thrust.
The exhaust from the rocket looks impressive, however,
C-Drives will generate a highly dense (HD) static recycled mass flow
(SRMF) that is 6,747 times more efficient than a rocket engine.
Unlike the extensive exhaust plume from the rocket engine a
C-Drive can generate thrust with zero em
ission and can operate
in a vacuum.  

C-Drives are designed to maintain a SRMF by reversing the polarity of counter
rotating collider arms which causes them to generate powerful force vectors
in a net direction every 180 degrees of rotation around the
head of a mass turbine. The continuous reversal of polarity
occurs around the head of the mass turbine which processes mass 

instead of air to generate propulsive force.

A main reason why rockets need so much power and to expend huge amounts of fuel to get into Space is  because they have to achieve escape velocity. However, for C-Drives earth's gravitational
pull is not the nemesis of launches, in fact it is quite the opposite. C-Drives can convert the pull of 
gravity into Gravity Assist. Instead of resisting the vehicle's exit, earth's gravity helps provide
the C-Drive part of the energy it needs to launch from the ground into orbit (see Gravity Assist (GA) in Science of Collision Drives). Whereas rockets need to achieve very high speeds to escape gravity, C-Drives can escape gravity even with zero velocity, that is, while standing still, simply by using their rpm to cancel gravity using GA. Vehicles and payloads can weigh tens of thousands of tonnes, however, as long as C-Drives and minimum rpms proportional to their mass are used to redirect gravity there is technically no limit to the mass that can be lifted into Space.

If materials at the time can only withstand low rpms, Boss C-Drive efficiency
can be applied. For instance, at 450 rpm a 16x Boss Drive will generate a force
as though it is rotating at 7,200 rpm. 

What difference to the energy and payload expense during escape velocity and exiting earth would being able to reduce the pull of gravity down to 10% or less using C-Drive engineering? 

In the animation below is explained how C-Drives exploit gravity to create more
efficient buoyancy.

C-Drives are able to neutralize gravity using GA 

The downward pull of gravity is redirected into upward thrust. Losses of acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s) that reduce lift are prevented from affecting flight.

When gravity is used to cancel gravity in this way this creates buoyancy. In other words this is like a commercial airline flying weightless, despite being fully loaded. Buoyancy can dramatically lower fuel costs.

To put this in context a fully loaded Airbus A380-900 weighs 84,000 kg, and a fully loaded Boeing 747-800 weighs 134,000 kg at take off, if C-Drives are applied to these gravity assist (GA) can be used to first reduce these kgs to 0 or less. Consequently the airplanes first gain buoyancy (gravity is used to cancel gravity) after which very little fuel is required for the jet engines to get them airborne to their destination. This
procedure would create significant fuel efficiency.

Another example, is that a fully loaded Falcon 9 weighs 549,054 kg at launch. C-Drives can reduce this mass to 0 kgs or less. The advantage being that a rocket then launches from earth into space with no 9.8 m/s resistance from gravity. Most of the energy required to achieve this advantage comes from the redirection of gravity itself, hence the term gravity assist (GA) shown in the animation above.  

The ability of C-Drives to neutralize gravity using GA can also be compared to the way 
a dirigible or airship uses a gas like helium or hydrogen to gain buoyancy. The C-Drive uses GA to cause a vehicle to behave as though it is lighter than air effectively 
taking the pace of the gas by mimicking the lighter than air effects of helium or hydrogen.

Counter Rotating collider arms
(shown without wing section):

The net force moves in one direction, there is
no backward acting propulsive force due
to continuously alternating polarity
every half rotation, shown by blue and red arrows below.

Horizontal stabilization or Lateral Locking of Vectors (LLV) shown in green in the
animation below, discourages the
the propulsive force from drifting from side to side see Science of Collision Drives.

Like aerodynamics, I to X force vectoring determines 
how C-Drives are propelled. The arrows show the direction of
Force or "Current" (propulsive energy) being generated by the counter rotating collider

By reading the net direction of the Force Vector above you should be able to read for 
yourself the resulting propulsion, the direction in which the vehicle will move
and how it will respond to the forces being applied to it. Force Vectors pointing in the same direction will generate lift just like a rocket or jet engine, except that the vehicle moves in the 
same direction as the vector creating Tier 1 gravity. The Force Vectors pointing in the 
same direction will lock movement in that plane. Reading these combinations
will allow pilots and engineers to understand how best to "tune" a 
C-Drive by dialing collider arms up or down between I and X to 
select a specific form of movement to get the most optimal 
utilization of the Force Vector.

C-Drives driven by propellants should be suitable for use in Space, while 
C-Drives used in earth's atmosphere are best as zero emission devices,
for obvious reasons. 

The jet engine above is force vectoring to direct its mass flow.
C-Drives force vector with HD-SRMF,
without the need for air, fields or other medium.
The C-Drive below force vectors using calibration.

The C-Drive above can vector force from 3 parts, namely from dialling the right
collider arm, left collider arm and being swivelled on its axis. It is able to 
select 46,656,000 combinations as vectors or directions for precise
movement. This host of vectors or directions makes it highly maneuverable
during propulsion. Since C-Drives do not need an atmosphere for propulsion this
vectoring used for navigation is as effective in earth's atmosphere as it is in the
vacuum of Space.

A C-Drive
on earth would compensate for gravity in its calibration and still lock its
position, allowing it to remain suspended in one position, in the air, where
it would be immovable, even in cross winds, unless any external force
applied to it exceeded the vector force by which it is being held in position.
By collider arms being able to generate millions of Newtons of vector force a vehicle
suspended in the air by C-Drives could not be moved out of position, even by
hurricane force winds. 

C-Drives being able to move in 3D with such high levels of calibrated precision, as shown
above, is likely to be extremely useful when applied to nano technology. For instance, in medicine
a nano probe inserted into a physical body or object propelled by remotely guided C-Drives could be
controlled with such high levels of precision it could guided through orifices tissue and
used to perform internal surgery or deliver medication internally directly at a
given internal position. By being able to hold a position in 3D space, C-Drives could also be used in
external surgery, in place of a robotic arm. Surgical equipment could be mounted on more maneuverable C-Drives able to move more flexibly around patients with great precision.

See if you can work out the direction the C-Drive vectors will move
a vehicle as the  left arm dials clock-wise. 

How the C-Drive functions will be affected by whether there is a large
gravitational force in close proximity. If there is it will calibrate the 3 dials 
in a manner that exploits gravity, however, if it is in Space where there
is no use for gravity assist, how it calibrates propulsion will be different.
Calibration of dials to select how vector force is directed will cause C-Drives
to have very precise movement.

(The inference for autonomous matter is that
atoms are vehicles able to orchestrate how they move. By moving very precisely using this process atoms are able to use calibration, even on a minute scale, to lock into positions in 3 dimensional space in the manner demonstrated by the C-Drive to construct molecules of different materials and generate their properties. The ability to lock positions is also how atoms, being intangible, are able to simulate being tangible, e.g. the cup does not rest on the table, but is positioned there by this process, simulating tangibility)


Movement is indistinguishable from
gravitational force or magnetic levitation
Force vectoring will determine the direction of

The blue and red arrows show there is no backward acting 
vector force. The C-Drive generates lateral stability (LLV)
combined with lift or vectored thrust.

Thrust, lift and LLV are Zero Emission, no propellant is required.

2 Collisions Per Rotation (S^2)
(shown without wing)

Note in the animation that for -180 degrees of rotation
the collider arm is rotating back it is generating a forward vector force (shown in red)
and as it rotates forward through +180 degrees it is still generating a forward vector
force (shown in blue). This generates HD-SRMF  thrust continuously through 360 degrees of
rotation. How to achieve this continuous forward thrust
was the most difficult and challenging to design. Nevertheless, it was accomplished
by creating a change in polarity that reverses the action of the collider arm during each
alternate stage of half-rotation.

 The animation above demonstrates how per second, per second acceleration (S^2) referred to as gravitational force (G-Force) is created - for example in an object falling towards the earth. This rate of acceleration is created by the cumulative force of each strike between changes in polarity. Collision Theory is central to how this rate of acceleration occurs. The C-Drive replicates it.  

The red and blue arrows depict Force Vectoring, which is indistinguishable from 
gravitational propulsion. Like the study of Aerodynamics and Fluid Dynamics, the study of Force Vectoring which uses no air or atmosphere for propulsion is just as complex a field of study.
C-Drives can be integrated with powerful electric motors for V-Tol propulsion,
and achieve acceleration, velocities and lift capable of exceeding 
any type of air breathing aircraft.

Counter Rotating Collider Arms & Changes in Polarity

The C-Drive above demonstrates Zero emission thrust using High Density Static
Recycled Mass flow (HD-SRMF)
with action forces depicted by the blue arrows.

Analysis shows that Rockets must apply negative and positive polarity
to exhaust gases to achieve unidirectional thrust, just like C-Drives.

What does this mean? Fundamentally, it means the thrust observed in a rocket's exhaust is being created purely by Collision Theory. We see that this is the same for how aircraft wings work, in terms of how they generate lift and thrust.

Notice the similarity in the shape of reaction forces (shown in yellow in the C-Drive below on the left) to the exhaust gases emerging from the rocket's bell shaped nozzle on the right. The similarity is highlighted by the black line drawn across the pattern formed by the C-Drive reaction vectors and the rocket's exhaust gases. This implies that, in terms of vector activity the C-Drive and the rocket are generating thrust the same way, the difference being the C-Drive is doing so using a more advanced recycled mass flow (HD-SRMF) with no need for air or gas while the rocket ejects copious amounts of  exhaust in a trail that leaves a mess of spent gases that pollute the atmosphere.

Technically this means the C-Drive on the left and the vehicle on the right shown below are both simply "rockets" in terms of Collision Theory. If a corporation where to choose which of the two types of "rockets" to advance to or build in future it would naturally be the C-Drive which can be likened to the next most meaningful and advantageous phase in advanced rocket propulsion. 

In terms of propulsion, anything a rocket can do, a C-Drive can do thousands of times more  proficiently. C-Drive propulsion is mass-ively more powerful and efficient than propulsion deployed by conventional rocket engines. On this same page see  List of basic C-Drive Efficiencies for Tackling FTL Acceleration.

The reaction forces in the C-Drive (shown with red arrows and in yellow)
generate exactly the same pattern
created by the exhaust gases leaving the rocket engine. Whereas the
rocket's thrust consists purely of hot gases emerging from the bell shaped nozzle
the C-Drive's thrust consists purely of Ki (vector forces created by collisions..

The advantage of the C-Drive is that it can generate thrust with
zero emissions, unlike the huge exhaust plumes produced by
rockets such as the one on the right.

Even though the C-Drive and the rocket engine are both churning out hundreds of thousands
of pounds of thrust, the gases emerging from the rocket would send air, exhaust and debris
in every direction which is a primitive sight at all rocket launches. There would 
eerily, be no movement whatsoever beneath the C-Drive exerting the same
thrust using Ki.

Notice how the inside collisions to the circular Wing of the C-Drive mirror
the top half of the rocket's Exhaust, furthermore notice how the bottom half of the
rocket's Exhaust mirrors the outside collisions on the C-Drive Wing. This similarity
in how vectors act between the C-Drive and Rocket points to the fact that the
exhaust gases exiting the bell shaped nozzle are deploying negative and positive
polarity to induce unidirectional thrust or vectors. Rocket science may be unaware that 
exhaust gases, must exploit changes in polarity as they emerge from the nozzle
to create unidirectional thrust. This attribute of matter may be generally overlooked 
in physics. However, it can be readily identified in how the C-Drive operates.

It is interesting how the collisions inside the circular wing coincide with the downward pointing
v-shaped exhaust from the rocket while the collisions outside the circular wing coincide in shape 
with the rockets upward pointing v shaped exhaust or skirt. 

An examination of reaction vectors shown by the red arrows shows that 
C-Drives harness similar force vectors as rockets for generating thrust. Its worth
noting that the mass flow density of C-Drives is 6,747 times greater than
the exhaust gases from rockets making C-Drives remarkably more efficient. 

Interestingly, both the rocket and the C-Drive produce downward and upward
thrust triangles, even though the two technologies are very different

C-Drive launches are "Baby Safe" or "Passenger Safe" there can be people, buildings, grass, plants
and other fauna beneath the ship, not even a blade of grass will be harmed or will
stir beneath the C-Drive propulsion system. Currently rockets do not create "Baby Safe"
launch areas. The Ki which the C-Drive uses for propulsion will be such that the air will
be barely stirred during launches and landings. On the other hand conventional rockets
are like a blow torch that burns everything beneath them, even the sturdy launch pad
will be burnt to a crisp and as a result require constant maintenance and repainting to 
prevent corrosion. 

The absence of emissions from C-Drives means ships can land and dock 
directly into airports and spaceports making travel convenient.

In Search of the FTL Cxn Crown: Do you feel the need...the need for Speed?

Reading on to understand how C-Drives are expected to perform, provides a clear explanation for why current propulsion systems such as rockets and jets cannot compete with C-Drives. C-Drives are simply out of their league.

The extreme distances in Space need a propulsion system capable of making journeys, even to far of destinations such as Proxima B practical. C-Drives are the solution to shortening the estimated arrival time (ETA) to these far off destinations.

An objective of C-Drives, is to maximize all inherent efficiencies to tackle the problem of achieving exceptional velocities that encroach on the speed of light. C-Drives should be the first propulsion system in the world capable doing this:

By being able to process higher density mass flows C-Drives are able to increase the efficiency of propulsive force or lift, by reducing the size or area of the exhaust whilst maintaining or increasing thrust in Newtons.

The lower the density of the mass flow, the greater the amount of exhaust required to generate thrust. Technically this means that lower density mass flows become less efficient at generating propulsive force. The large burn and profuse exhaust plume from rockets that are dispersed in the atmosphere causing pollution is a demonstration of this inefficiency and the consequences of low density mass flows.

When it comes to hypersonic speeds a conventional rocket may be capable of Mach 1 to Mach 50, however, a comparative C-Drive, due to the improvement in efficiency in handling the density of the mass flow, could then be rated at the baseline as Mach 6,747  to Mach 337,350. This comparative speed should be regarded as low and baseline as it does not factor in G-Force, rpm, GA, AWSD and so on. Therefore, Mach 320 or 0.37%C, i.e., the speed at which lightning moves, may seem extraordinary to rockets and jets, but it will be arbitrary to C-Drives  built to propel vehicles designed to travel at extremely high velocity. Its also fairly easy to understand why its not necessary to travel faster than this on earth, why would anyone need a travel time, e.g. to send goods from New York to Tokyo faster than 1.6s? There is no need to have speeds much higher than Mach 320 for inter-continental or intra-earth travel. 

The speeds proposed here for C-Drives will seem bizarre if not impossible, however, this simply emphasizes how far behind C-Drives propellers, jets, rockets and other present day systems used in propulsion are in terms of design.

The problem of air resistance and friction may be the argument against these speeds, but these are simple obstacles science, engineering and innovation will have solutions to, one being to exit the atmosphere at launch and have cold re-entry from brake assist (BrA) at the destination. However, it is likely a greater understanding of how fields (field-effects) work and materials science will allow vehicles propelled by C-Drives at very high velocities to travel directly from a location to a destination unhindered by air resistance, for example, using a process of "slip-streaming" through the atmosphere.

Understanding the ability to process High Density Mass Flows (HDMF) and the proficiency of C-Drives concerning the Speed of Light - C

Rockets as a propulsion system cannot compete with C-Drives. While rockets max out in early mach velocities C-Drives can be designed to process velocities as % of the speed of light.

Jets and Rockets, the lower and upper limits of mass flow densities from gaseous combustion are:

Mach 1  to Mach   50

Collision Drives Comparison of lower and upper limits of HDMF (more efficient by a factor of 6,747x):

Mach 6,747  to  Mach 337,350     or
7.7%C          to  38.6%C

The speed of light C is Mach 874,040

The increase in operating efficiency and velocity created by high density mass flow alone brings C-Drives less than 1/3 within reach of C (2.59).

Earth bound minimum travel time benchmark 

Circumnavigation within 1s to 6s [Mach 320 to Mach 1,947]

The circumnavigation benchmark is the ability to reach any location on earth in 1s. Circumnavigation in 1s is below the lower threshold of the efficiency of HDMF in C-Drives (.i.e. Mach 1,947 required for 1s circumnavigation is well below Mach 6,747). 

Max Speed Comparison

Even at Mach 50 conventional engines after being launched might 
as well be stationary or standing still in comparison 
to the velocity of similar C-Drives. 

Note that RPM is able to bridge the gap from HDMF to C.

Accelerating to the speed of light (C) is a huge challenge for rockets. Not for C-Drives.

Its important to understand that this will not be the case for C-Drives. Lets look at the physics: To accelerate to the speed of light in one second the physics, resistance or g-force is 30,600,000 Gs or 30,600 kg-force (C/9.807 m/s²) per gram or 30,600,000 kg-force per kilogram or 30,600,000 tonne-force per tonne. Its important to understand that the force applied to the circular harness (wing) at 15,000 rpm is constant and consistent (see AWSD). Each strike to the wing generates a cumulative rate of acceleration (see CCV and Collision Theory). There are two collisions to the wing per rotation (2CPR) per collider arm. Each collision is capable of a thrust force of 3.38 billion Newtons applied to the wing in two collisions or twice per rotation per collider arm.

How C-Drives can use B-Ken to accelerate faster than the speed of light (C)

C-Drives are the first propulsion system with a theoretical framework based on Collision Theory capable of generating a propulsive force able to accelerate a vehicle faster than the speed of light (FTL#, Cxn#).

At present many people think accelerating to the speed of light is outside humanity's reach or a fantasy. However, if you take the time to understand how C-Drives work, the speed of light is not a big deal for purpose built C-Drives. 

[Note that the heading says to accelerate faster than the speed of light, which is acceptable physics - not to exceed the current unchallenged 99%C caveat.] 

Earlier it was shown that @15,000 rpm, the C-Drive generates 172,700,000 kg-force, (where moving 1kg to the speed of light in 1 second requires 30,600,000 kg-f). This is sufficient to propel a 5.6 tonne vehicle to the speed of light in 16.4 minutes [1000 seconds] (172,700,000 kg-f / 30,600,000 kg-f x 1000s). In terms of the energy required to achieve this, which is 3.38bn N [1.694 billion Newtons per collider arm]. The C-Drive does not need to have an extreme energy source, engine or motor capable of generating 3.38bn N, it just needs an engine to store this value as pre-launch kinetic energy (B-Ken). 

It does this easily by first moving into neutral, where it can rotate freely without any resistance (load). In neutral the C-Drive is rotated upto 15,000 rpm or higher (e.g. 25,000 rpm @2 collisions per rotation*) . At this speed it will launch the 5.6 tonne vehicle  with 172,700,000 kg-force which is the kinetic energy required to move it to C or 300,000 km, in 16.4 minutes. The math and physics shows the speed of light is not a big deal for C-Drives. 

Technically if this same force were applied to a 2.8 tonne vehicle it would accelerate to twice the speed of light Cx2 making the jump to the speed of light (Mach 874,040) in 8.2 minutes and twice the speed of light in 16.4 minutes, and a 1.4 tonne vehicle at Cx3 would make the jump in 4.1 minutes and travel at 3 times the speed of light in 16.4 minutes.

It has thus far been the general belief that humanity will only travel at the speed of light when warp technology or some other exotic form of propulsion is invented. However, the velocity itself is not unobtainable, its not something we can only fantasize about achieving in some far off future that never seems to arrive, it can be done today.

30,600,000 kg-force per 1kg mass required to launch at the speed of light is not a big deal for custom developed C-Drives, if how they work is understood, they can be designed and configured to generate propulsive force thousands, if not millions of times greater than this using C-Drive efficiencies. Where C-Drives can generate 172 billion kg-force the jump to light speed for a 5.6 tonne ship can take place in 1 second or less, which technically is not impossible because a vessel or object can accelerate faster than the speed of light while it remains below the speed of light caveat, albeit very briefly - this can be referred to as "slip-streaming". A longer collider arm e.g 2 - 3 meters and more powerful motor or engine can dramatically increase propulsive force. What this explains and shows mathematically is that C-Drives can accelerate faster than the speed of light C. They can do so conventionally using mechanical efficiency. This should not be impossible for custom built Boss Drives. In order to exploit "Slipstreaming" the assumption is that the vessel may need to exploit high acceleration. If C-Drives can do this it means they can instantly form a warp bubble within which the effects of acceleration are immediately cancelled and within which g-forces do not apply.

This means that theoretically Boss Drives can store enough kinetic energy to launch faster than the speed of light (Cxn) at lower rpm and achieve velocities that seemed out of reach only just recently. If you had a camera capable of taking images faster than the speed of light, that is, trillions of images per second, like that developed by Lund University in Sweden, what you would observe in those brief moments, is a vessel accelerating like the beam of light emerging from a torch. The fact that it can reach the speed of light in a short space of time means that a C-Drive can be classified as a "Warp Drive".

RPM arguments: For arguments that high rpms in the range of 25,000 and 15,000 are too high for materials to withstand, rpms can be scaled down using Boss Drives, that is, C-Drives with multiple collider arms. For instance a x16 arm Boss Drive achieves the same results of 25,000 rpm at lower rpm, e.g. at just 1,562 rpm.

C-Drives are the only practical, ready to build, propulsion system available today capable of generating this kind of acceleration. 

C-Drives can anchor a vehicle that is hovering in mid air or in space 
with a greater force or ability to hold a fixed position, while suspended in mid air,
than a vehicle or building with its foundations secured to the ground.

Its worth noting that there is very little strain exerted on the
collider arm itself most of the force is induced in the harness 
which has a natural structural design suitable for withstanding these 
levels of stress. 

The C-Drives Circular Wing or Harness is ideal for
with-standing the extreme forces applied by 
collider arms during collisions and for reaching 
the uncompromising velocities available to this 
kind of propulsion system.

A Circle, which consists of two Arches joined together
is considered one of the strongest physical structures both man made
and found to occur in nature. It is ideal to form the structure of 
the C-Drive Circular Wing.

Of course there are limits to the G-Forces modern materials and human beings can withstand, however, that set aside, this serves the purpose of what rates of acceleration can be achieved without being constrained by those factors. The circular wing is one of the hardiest structures capable of transmitting the driving forces that induce propulsion.

*Boss Drive's capable of 32 collisions per rotation lowers required rpm e.g. to the 1,000 range. A Boss Drive rotating at 5,000 rpm can be the equivalent of a normal C-Drive rotating at 240,000 rpm - 400,000 rpm. This pushes force required for achievable FTL acceleration (Cxn) to very high values at lower rpm that materials used in modern machinery can withstand when generating FTL velocities.

[It may also be worth noting that at just 100 rpm the same C-Drive configuration will lift the 5.6 tonne vehicle off the ground with a Thrust to Weight (TWR) of 2.7.]

What is "Slipsteaming"?

Slipstreaming is the hypothetical ability to accelerate faster than the limits or chains of cause and effect. This is faster than the natural rate of cause-and-effect observed in chemical reactions and found in the properties of all physical matter at the fundamental atomic scale. At this rate of acceleration matter relative to the vessel being propelled is theorized to lose its tangible properties allowing a vessel to "slip" right through its physical properties like a "stream" before the reaction times governed by cause and effect can act. In this condition a ship can slipstream through mass as it does other properties of physical matter therefore it should also be considered that at certain velocities and rates of acceleration g-forces no longer act on ships that are slipstreaming, simply due to the fact that g-forces themselves are governed by cause and effect. Different materials such as air, water and space will slipstream at different velocities and rates of acceleration. 

Basically, what this means is that as a vehicle begins to accelerate at velocities greater than cause and effect, a warp bubble begins to form naturally around it.It is proposed that a warp bubble can be created around a vehicle from rapid acceleration. Different materials such as air, water and space will therefore slipstream at different velocities and rates of acceleration. For further discussion on this....

....continue reading more on sliptreaming

B-Ken Manoeuvre: The process of storing kinetic energy for advanced acceleration

C-Drive acceleration based on Collision Theory is relentless due to being induced by constant striking distance (AWSD). This kind of acceleration is expected to be a first in propulsion technology.

C-Drives can first use B-Ken to rapidly gain the rpm and kinetic energy with no load, if they need to instantly launch at very high velocities. Assuming total mass of the vehicle is taken into account, the C-Drive is designed to withstand these forces and the torque is available, the speed of light is a challenge for rockets, not for C-Drives. C-Drives represent a new era in propulsion technology and its important for thought not to remain trapped in the more mundane, primitive or constrained performance envelope of rockets and other conventional engines .

B-Ken Maneuver

In a B-Ken maneuver illustrated in the animation above the C-Drive [Boss Drive] is first spun up in neutral (where there is no load and there is less resistance to torque) until it reaches the required rpm. The mass turbine is then moved from neutral (the centre of the wing) to launch (towards the circumference of the wing) which allows the C-Drive to make the jump in velocity in the chosen direction using all or part of the kinetic energy it previously stored. 

Factoring in other C-Drive efficiencies bridges the gap to C

The increase in mass flow efficiency excludes factors such as RPM, G-Force, Combined Cumulative Velocity (CCV), Gravity Assist (GA), Braking Assist (BrA),  G-Force Assist (G-FA),2CPR, AWSD, B-Ken etc the inclusion of which make C-Drives able to generate the propulsive force several times greater than that required to reach C, but is limited by theory to the 99%C threshold in physics. This threshold can and should be tested empirically. 

Rapid deceleration to a standstill (by applying BrA) for cold re-entry or maintaining  1G, is as important as rapid acceleration more or less within the required benchmark

List of basic C-Drive Efficiencies for tackling FTL Acceleration

Distances in Space require extraordinary velocities able to bring the speed of light within reach. C-Drive basic efficiencies are the means of achieving this and are listed below:

1. 2CPR - Tier 1 G-Force or Two Collisions Per Rotation (m/s^2 gravitational acceleration) per collider arm

2. CCV - Combined Cumulative Velocity (Collision Theory)

3. AWSD - Always Within Striking Distance (Constant Acceleration e.g. 1G to any G,  with fuel economy)

4. GA - Gravity Assist, G-FA - G-Force Assist, and BrA - Braking Assist (C-Drives are as effective at deceleration as they are at acceleration

5. LLV - Lateral Locking of Vectors (horizontal stabilization)

6. HD-SRMF - Ability to process High Density-Static Recycled Mass Flows 

7. B-KEN - Rapid build up of kinetic energy when in neutral for advanced acceleration

8. Boss Drives - C-Drives operating multiple collider arms to enhance propulsive power, acceleration, thrust and velocity even at lower rpm

9. MBPS: Mass-less Battery Propulsion System: C-Drives designed to replace all or part of the weight/mass of the collider arms with the mass/weight of batteries that power the motors that turn the collider arm. (In rockets the fuel mass is dead weight, in C-Drives it generates momentum)

10. Amplification of Mass: through the increase of rpm causing increases in torque or propulsion (lift/thrust)

Comparison between Falcon 9 and C-Drive (single collider arm)


To demonstrate how effective C-Drives are...

Shown above is a comparison between a Falcon 9 and C-Drive (single arm)
when both apply approximately 100 mega-watts of power. The Falcon 9 applies
this to thrust with an exhaust plume. The C-Drive HD-SRMF applies this as torque from
electrical energy with no emissions. 

Whereas the Falcon 9 lifts only one rocket (1:1) with a payload weighing a total of 540 - 550 metric tonnes using approximately 100 mega-watts hours of energy the C-Drive using the same amount of energy or power applied as torque lifts 101,825 metric tonnes (1:186). The C-Drive lifts x186 times the load carried by the Falcon 9, using the same amount of energy (or 68 Falcon Heavies in this configuration). It can lift the same mass as the Falcon 9 with a colossal TWR of 181 against the Falcon 9s tiny TWR of 1.18.

End of an Era

As mentioned earlier, launching 1 rocket when C-Drives can launch x186 with the same energy may represent a colossal misuse and waste of time, energy, effort, manpower and resources going forward.

As long as Pan-Directional force cannot be converted into Uni-Directional force a net gain from amplification cannot be created or harnessed.

In the example above the C-Drive takes 10,000 kgf.m which is equivalent to 98.07 kN·m of torque and amplifies it to 101,825,019 kgf·m  of lift force, which is also equivalent to 998,562.33 kN·m of torque [should the C-Drive be anchored and prevented from moving] that can be applied to a dynamo to generate the equivalent in electricity instead of gravity .i.e. the thrust or lift force.*

 Note that amplification of the collider arm load from 10,000 kgs to 101,825,019 kg-force
due to rpm is referred to as "1st amplification". This is because C-Drives have more stages of amplification from Principals of Moments (turning force) and Gravity Assist which have not been included. 1st Amplification 
therefore does not represent full capacity when C-Drives take the
input energy source and magnify it when applied as lift (thrust) or torque (watts). 
Therefore, the 18.6 gigawatts of amplification used in the example below should be regarded
as baseline, as the value will be significantly higher than this should further stages
of amplification which have been left out be included in the calculations.

This C-Drive configuration would take an input energy source of 100 megawatt hrs
and amplify it to a lift force of 18.6 gigawatt hrs (101,825,019 kg-force). If lift or
flight is prevented this will be converted into torque.

Meanwhile a rocket will take an input energy source of 100 megawatt hrs
or 94,600 litres of fuel and generate a lift force (thrust) from exhaust gases or mass flow  equivalent to 100 MW hrs (1:1), there is no amplification in the action/reaction design of a rocket. This makes it very inefficient as a means of propulsion. 

* In Science of Collision Drives continued, it is pointed out how the  misapplication of "fields" in physics and a lack of knowledge concerning what gravity is and how it works leads to poor or mediocre results in electricity generation and weak electric motors. This is an example of the case in point. The erroneous belief in and application of "fields" causes a drop from 1:∞ to 1:1 (with and without amplification harnessed using unidirectional lift force (Tier 1 gravity)) leading to a drop or loss in potential electricity output capacity from 998,562.33 kN·m to 98.07 kN·m of torque.

The tremendous demand for electricity which will grow exponentially, as humanity begins to depend on and transition to technologies that are more intensely dependent on electricity, makes it imperative that the supply of energy rise to meet this challenge. C-Drives are an immediate means of bridging this gap.

= Amplification

Collision Drives are the first technological device to identify and exploit the genuine linkages between gravity (Independent flight/lift force/thrust) and energy. 

The C-Drive takes equal and opposite pan-directional non-propulsive force (1:1) seen in rockets, drive shafts and most other propulsion systems in use today, and converts it into amplified unidirectional propulsive force, where thrust is equal or proportional to the rate of amplification (1:). See the C-Drive Equation to understand how this force is applied in Collision Theory.

Although the C-Drive seems easy to explain and understand - after the fact, the level of technical difficulty concerning how to create a unidirectional propulsive force or propulsion system conveyed above is evident in the fact that no-one has been able thus far to design it, this includes the best and most advanced physics or aerospace engineering institutions, universities, and institutes of technology specialized in developing  advanced propulsion systems in the developed world today.*

See the video were the C-Drive was built to provide proof of concept

*[The C-Drive is Patented]

In this example the rotational Always Within Striking Distance (AWSD) velocity of the collider arm and its mass is constant at 2,119m/s while the combined velocity of the collider arm and vehicle is shown as the change in velocity above the vehicle. In the example above the C-Drive deploys 1 collision per rotation (its not a Boss Drive).

The animation above shows how CCV is capable of launching a 540 tonne vehicle at Mach 5 (in under 1s) at 450 rpm

0m/s to 1,863m/s in under 1s

"Faster than you can blink"

In the example above the C-Drive deploys 2 collisions per rotation (This is a standard collision rate for C-Drives. Its also not a Boss Drive .e.g. 32 collisions per rotation). Increasing  the number of collisions per rotation from x1 to x2 doubles the rate of acceleration.

The animation above shows how CCV and AWSD are capable of launching a 540 tonne vehicle at 
Mach 11 (in under 1s) at 450 rpm. It also offers extraordinary rates of acceleration. 

0m/s to 4,073m/s in under 1s

[These are negligible or entry level rates of acceleration for C-Drives and Boss Drives, which are capable of much higher rates of acceleration than this. 

It should also be noted that C-Drives can achieve and maintain these rates of acceleration
with fuel economy for extended durations. Therefore, maintaining these rates for hours, days or months on end in Space, for example, will shorten travel times, even to the most distant locations which thus far are thought of as unreachable.]

0 to Hypersonic

Though the vehicle used in this illustration weighs half a million kgs, at this rate of acceleration after 15 seconds it could cover Mach 120. At this pace, in 40s it could reach Mach 320, lightning speed (or 0.37%C), which for C-Drives forms part of the minimum benchmark for earth bound (intercontinental) travel times.
(Boss drives with 32 collisions per rotation can reduce
0 - 0.37%C to lower ETAs with higher rates of acceleration at lower rpm.
Vehicles travelling at these speeds would first have to exit earth atmosphere and
re-enter at the destination.)

What makes C-Drives so powerful that, though a mechanical device, they can generate FTL levels of thrust is the fact that as far as the collider arm is concerned the wing (vehicle) is standing still no matter how fast the vehicle is moving, therefore every impact (internal and external collision) induces the full impact-force of the collider arm (101,825,019 kg-force) in the vehicle. This is referred to as being Always Within Striking Distance (AWSD) .i.e. in terms of velocity "its always 0-60", which when each impact is added to acceleration creates Combined Cumulative Velocity (CCV). In other propulsion systems without AWSD it takes more and more energy to increase acceleration, this does not apply to C-Drives where AWSD can use the same amount of energy to achieve and maintain constant acceleration (.e.g. 1G to any G.) This makes C-Drives formidable when it comes to generating propulsive force, in fact so formidable that achieving thrust to accelerate to velocities required for FTL is not a challenge, a feat that at present is thought can only be achieved by out of reach, costly, complex and sophisticated "warp drive" technology.

Of-course, there are limits to rates of acceleration modern materials can withstand. It does not have to launch at these speeds. C-Drives can delicately control thrust and lift force either by adjusting rpm or the distance of the mass turbine from the circular wing. A C-Drive rotating at an appropriate speed that just counters gravity will float. If a C-Drive locks itself into a position it becomes immovable, unless a force applied is greater than the vector force holding it in position.

projection = [vectored] amplification,

With no need for an external medium for propulsion.

C-Drive mechanical engineering debunks 
external medium gravitational field theory in physics 

As the collider arm rotates (rpm), it projects mass. However, the attempt to reach the projection (amplification) is restrained by inner and outer collisions to the circular harness or wing. In the example above the C-Drive is projecting mass equivalent to 101,825,019 kg-force. The fact that C-Drives can project mass that draws, pulls or attracts a vehicle attached to the wing towards the projection is technical evidence that the requirement for objects to rest on an external field or medium to move, float or remain suspended in mid air or a vacuum is false. This independent internal process in atoms is referred to, using the FDNEH, as what gives "autonomous matter" mobility and it is hypothesised to  allow atoms to move freely through Space or to hold a fixed a position without the need to rest on an external "field" or  "medium", this being the fundamental basis for how [Tier 1] gravity works. C-Drives use this same process to generate movement and lift as a Tier 1 gravitational force. 

Two collider arms rotating in the same direction but out of phase.
4 collisions per rotation (S^4).

The requirement that gravity depends on geodesics or needs to rest on and bend an external medium referred to by Einstein as "Space-Time" is consequently debunked as inaccurate.

In fact the inaccurate assumption that there is an external geodesic, medium or "field"  prevents physicists from properly diagnosing the accurate origin and workings of gravity in a manner that becomes an impediment to the sciences in general. From this point of view, Space-Time is dead.

Baring this in mind it can similarly be determined that electromagnetic fields as an external medium or "fields" do not exist and were in this aspect inaccurately theorised by early proponents of this framework such as Faraday. New findings back the inference, therefore, that there is in fact no difference between gravity and magnetism (for more in depth analysis on this see Science of Collision Drives Continued)

When in neutral the C-Drive faces very little resistance and can be rotated freely upto many thousands of rpm before the head of the mass turbine is shifted toward the wing. It should therefore be noted that even minute shifts of this kind can induce significant thrust or lif force in the same direction.

From Front View to Top View

How C-Drives change polarity

Tier 1 Gravity

The reset that allows a continuous mass flow occurs every 180 degrees of rotation.
Although the collider arms and the mass they carry flow like a continuous jet stream
as is shown above, unlike a jet stream or rocket the mass flow is very high density
and propulsion is created by collisions that push the vehicle forward depicted by the
red arrows. This alongside the other efficiencies, makes C-Drives significantly more powerful than jet engines and rockets. 

In neutral, when the head of the mass turbine moves to the centre of the wing the collisions automatically switch to internal collisions due to the distribution of mass. Similarly, when the
head of the mass turbine moves to launch the distribution automatically switches to inside and outside collisions which project mass and induce propulsion.

Genuine Amplification of Energy

Note that the C-Drive shown does this with a single collider arm to make the comparison with the rocket simpler.  Boss drives can have less or more than 16 collider arms. In terms of energy the Falcon 9 is using (1:1), the equivalent of 100 megawatts hours of energy or 94,600 litres of fuel to generate 100 megawatt hours of lift force (kg-force) or thrust. The C-Drive at (1:186) will take the same 100 megawatt hours and generate 18.6 gigawatt hours of lift force. This can be verified using equations. This provides authentic feedback for the ability of C-Drives to amplify electrical energy, that is, take a lower amount of electrical energy and amplify it into a greater amount of energy (see C-Drive Energy Technology). In this example the energy input is 100 megawatt hours and the amplification is to 18.6 gigawatt hours. If the C-Drive is secured or anchored, instead of generating the equivalent of 18.6 gigawatts of flight, it will instead generate the equivalent of 18.6 gigawatts of torque which can be used to turn generators to produce 18.6 gigawatt hours of electricity. Various C-Drive parameters will affect torque or amplification such as rpm, radius of collider arm, the mass of its load and so on. The main advantage this brings is that energy suppliers can opt to apply energy from existing energy powerplants to C-Drive Energy Technology to amplify/increase generation capacity and maximize an installation's utility value to meet increasing demand for energy before scaling up power plant size. The ability to amplify electricity in this manner will make C-Drives more advanced and more advantageous than any energy technology in the world. The ability of C-Drives to genuinely amplify electrical energy lowers the cost of distribution for energy suppliers, increases their profitability, while at the same time allowing them to lower end user consumption costs. Amplification is currently thought of as impossible in physics, however, C-Drives show how this is achieved, revealing that it is simply a gap in the knowledge paradigm and therefore not insurmountable. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the C-Drive is technically not an "over unity" device as it is merely re-routing, diverting or converting lift force into torque.

Do the math: You can apply the C-Drive Equation to go through the comparison.

It should be noted that there is very little strain on the C-Drive collider arm itself. Most of the strain is against the circular harness or wing, which being circular or shaped like two conjoined arches is structurally suitable for withstanding much higher rpm and larger structural loads, which could potentially be doubled.

Should the collider arm load be increased from 10,000 kgs to 20,000 kgs, whilst raising rpm slightly to 600 rpm at the same radius of 45 m the C-Drive would lift 362,311,043 kgs or x670 Falcon 9s.

Should the circular harness be able to withstand 1,000 rpm* and the collider arm carries a 20,000 kg load the C-Drive's single arm rotating at a radius of 45 m would be able to lift 1,005,679,200 kg (1 billion kg-force) or 1,862 Falcon 9s. 

To provide some context the heaviest cruise liner in the world,the Royal Caribbean Wonder of the Seas weighs 236,857 tonnes. 1 billion kg-force would lift this vessel with a TWR of 4.25. This vessel, despite its massive weight and size, would launch, accelerate faster and with greater thrust than the Falcon 9's TWR of 1.18. Technically, even though the rocket is smaller, it would not be able to keep up with the massive vessel propelled by C-Drives, which could easily outrun and outpace it. The ability of C-Drives to lift loads this massive into Space will have new implications for Space Tourism and other specialized industry specific builds for vessels with industrial applications intended for use in Space. 

*Using Boss C-Drives lowers rpm requirements


(this comparison is with state of the art rocketry and the very best in the industry)

Though this cruise ship weighs 236,857 tonnes, custom built C-Drives can
effortlessly lift a vehicle of this mass into Space, 
have V-TOL as standard and launch at speeds of Mach 4.
The ability to do this for vehicles on on this scale is outside the performance envelope of any 
propulsion system in use today.

The very high speeds and agility with which C-Drives can propel even super-massive objects and vessels such as the one shown above will be impressive.

Even though the Wonder of the Seas is massive C-Drives customized to its mass
could move the ship faster than the fastest aircraft in the world available today.
This should come as no surprise, if it can generate a greater thrust to weight (TWR)
than a state of the art rocket.

C-Drives perform with CCV, AWSD and GA therefore the way they move and pace at which 
they accelerate will be different from conventional vehicles and aircraft.

Kinetic propulsion systems are key to the future of high velocity travel.

Kinetic energy propulsion systems

Think its impossible to take 10,000 kg and amplify it to 100 million kg-f (equivalent to 182 Falcon 9s) using rpm? Let Real Engineering explain exactly how an aerospace company is building a spin-launch system that does exactly that, to "throw" rockets into space, demonstrating where the future of the aerospace industry is heading.

C-Drive's take a 10,000 kg to 100 million kg amplification and converts this amplification directly into unidirectional mass flow (HD-SRMF) applied to a circular wing for lift or thrust and acceleration using Collision Theory, with which propulsion is generated for flight. To see how C-Drives process amplified mass from rpm into a unidirectional force for propulsion see Science of the Collision Drive.

Not only are C-Drives designed to be faster than rockets, they are capable of carrying heavier payloads than rockets.

If you do the math, the same amount of fuel and energy used to lift and launch x1 Falcon heavy, when applied to a C-Drive, could lift more than x158 Falcon heavies. This implies that every rocket launched by NASA, ESA and so on, is a missed opportunity to launch much larger and heavier payloads. In terms of cost, C-Drives potentially offer the best option for addressing how best to get into Space.

Now every time you see a rocket launch, think of the missed opportunity.

Meet the Boss C-Drive

The Boss Drive:
With 32 collisions per rotation, the kind of thrust and lift force a Boss C-Drive
can generate will be in a class of its own. C-Drives are 
the most powerful and most advanced propulsion technology 
available today and are without doubt the future of
commercial travel.

Collision Drives harness HD-SRMF and are 6,747 times more efficient at generating thrust than rockets and jet engines. In addition to this, C-Drives can be housed in vacuum and produce very little noise. This means that C-Drives can be small yet generate tremendous amounts of thrust. They can be integrated into electric motors such that the source of torque and the C-Drive are one unit. The weight of batteries can be integrated into the collider arms such that they supply power and are what is used to generate mass flow, creating a mass-less propulsion system. They will seamlessly move between Space and earth's atmosphere since the propulsion technology does not need air or an atmosphere. At present there is no propulsion system as advanced or powerful as C-Drives, not even rocket engines created from ion thrusters that are considered the cutting edge of rocket propulsion and aerospace technology today. 

Public Transportation

C-Drives will also be capable of the kind of buoyancy observed in airships or dirigibles. They can do so by using gravity assist (GA). This is where the downward pull of gravity is redirected into upward thrust that neutralizes gravitational force 

C-Drives are nimble and can be designed to port or descend into airport terminals where
they rest on "O" rings that allow passengers and cargo to 
disembark. Force vectoring would allow for buoyancy and very precise 
maneuverability of vessels entering and departing from terminals.
When a ship ports in this manner it becomes part of the building 
architecture it is docked with.

When C-Drive propulsion technology is applied to commercial travel it will have a transformative influence on the industry. This seems inevitable.

Without the need for wings there's likely to be 
dramatic changes in aircraft design, wider, more spacious cabins
with plenty of room, with several decks.

New School
What to expect

What to expect from Tier 1, 1st Generation
Gravitational Propulsion.

No comparison. No contest.

Calculations will show that C-Drives should be the first propulsion system
that can be built today capable of conventionally generating the thrust required to accelerate a vehicle up to 99% the Speed of Light, in minutes. Scroll up to read how C-Drives can use a B-Ken maneuver to accelerate faster than the speed of light (C)

Exit: Earth II Ops

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