Brain Matter Interface: Handshakes between organic and inorganic materials

1st November 2023

There is a lot of hype today in the scientific community concerning the ability to link computers  directly with the human brain and physiology. There are also fears about AI becoming more intelligent than human beings and more capable. However, these fears may arise as a result of a lack of adequate knowledge about the human brain, physiology and matter itself. Throughout human history there have been belief systems that allude to the ability of the human brain or mind to interface directly with matter to enhance its self awareness, intelligence, memory and knowledge. While humans interfacing with computers using a neural link or interface is gaining momentum it is unlikely that even AI or a supercomputer can outclass a brain that has developed the science with which to interface with matter, i.e. with the universe itself.

Using the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH) the relationship between organic and inorganic matter needs to be revisited and better understood.

We mentioned how a grain of salt has more quantum processing power than the human brain. Why would an inorganic seemingly unintelligent and inert object have more processing power than the human brain, in fact more processing power than the most powerful computers in the world today? See the analysis comparing the processing power of a grain of salt (1.32x1019 qubits) and Google's Sycamore which as 25-53 qubits. If this comparison is accurate why does the grain of salt need all this processing power? here

Like the grain of salt, fundamentally all organic materials are made of inorganic substances. Inorganic substances have more processing power than the organic substances they help create. Why does an inorganic substance need to be more intelligent than an organ like a brain or nervous system? Just because inorganic substances are inert does not mean they should lack intelligence. Water or a stone lying on the ground have a different existence from a mouse foraging in the bush or a tree spreading its leaves up toward the sun for photosynthesis. To assume the biological ability to move and search for sustenance is a pre-requisite for intelligence may be a false assumption on the part of human beings. In fact, for the sake of argument, a stone that does not need to forage for sustenance, ages slowly and can remain inert for indefinite periods observing its surroundings, may regard its state of existence as superior to an animal that must do these things, face mortal danger and eventually die - once again, this point of view is expressed merely for the sake of argument.

As human beings our interactions with inorganic objects and materials is superficial in that we only interact with their physical properties and therefore treat them as dumb, we will even say naively - "that guy is as dumb as rock". However, the fact that the atomic fabric of a rock contains more processing power than the human brain points to an object with a life very different from an organic human being, however, the fact that it is created from the Bose-Einstein Condensate i.e. code (or spirit) entails that it must have consciousness and a form of intelligence relevant to its existence as an inert inorganic object, in the same way the complex organic brain is conscious and has an intelligence relevant to its need to move about and forage. To say life is a simulation or code is no different from saying life consists purely of spirit. If inorganic objects and materials are conscious by virtue of the complexity of their atomic structures and the huge amounts of processing power these structures possess then it can be deduced that this processing power is linked to handshakes that determine where in space and time the rock resides and how it interacts with its environment. Remember all matter being intangible must be capable of motive force in order to gain mass and become tangible, by determining how it responds or interacts with its environment (the coffee cup does not rest on the table, the coffee cup and the table hold positions relative to one another).

Biological entities have brains with thought processes, which can be referred to as handshakes. As much as a human being is an intact entity, in order to move an arm or leg there must be instructions from the brain to the limb via the nervous system. In other words handshakes must take place between the limb and the brain for any action or movement made by a living biological creature. Similarly, for a rock to remain inert, there must be handshakes taking place between itself the ground where it rests.

When a person picks up a rock, there are organic handshakes between the person's limbs so he or she can move to pick up the rock, however, for the rock being picked up to move there must be handshakes between the rock and the inorganic substances from which the biological entity is created. These movements have to be coordinated to simulate a tangible world with mass. (We have used how a multitude of drones creating images in the sky must coordinate their movement). 

Technically, the rock is not picked up, it moves itself in relation to contact made with the hand that appears to pick it up. Technically, this means a rock is not an inanimate object as is assumed in the sciences. If this analysis is true then, like the grain of salt, why the rock needs such prodigious amounts of processing power that rival a human organic brain becomes evident. You are not picking it up, it is allowing you think you are physically picking it up and throwing it. In other words it is interacting intelligently with you and its environment to create what outwardly appear as the "laws of physics". It cannot do this without processing power.

If all matter has this internal motive force, then there is more than one way to pick up the rock. In the first instance, a person can physically reach out, pick up the rock and throw it. In the second instance the rock can replicate the exact same action without any physical contact, in both cases the rock moves itself using its own internal motive force (earlier we noted that all matter (m) is inherently capable of moving itself in any direction at the velocity of the speed of light squared - c2 (E=mc2). Unlike the explosive force usually associated with this equation instead it is being associated with extremely fine movement and dexterity as well as the capacity for incredible velocity - c2*. This is referred to as the motive force inherent in autonomous matter with which it can appear to remain inert or move at great velocity as it interacts with other forms of matter. 

[*Einstein's own equation E=mc2 tells us matter is capable of exceeding the speed of light. How can this be known for sure? M in the equation is outside Einstein's Space-Time geometry. Einstein incorrectly assumes Space-Time geometry exists and creates gravity. However, the spandex experiment expressly shows that mass comes from outside Space-Time, the heavy ball that stretches the spandex comes from outside the geometry represented by the blue fabric, therefore the blue fabric which is Space-Time cannot be considered responsible for creating gravity or mass as Einstein postulated. The ball moves under its own autonomous motive force, with a velocity that mimics curvature, it is therefore constrained by c2 not by the imaginary spandex and its curvature. Since mass originates from outside the Space-Time framework, it cannot constrain what it does not contain. There can be no "resistance" creating gravity because fundamentally the blue fabric does not exist, therefore, neither does Space-Time. Space-Time geometry is an imaginary friend, that is, merely a crutch for understanding gravity, but its limitations need to be understood in order not to draw false assumptions. If Space-Time does not exist, then neither does the speed of light as a limit to how fast objects can move, in fact Einstein's own mass-energy (velocity) equivalence equation states that any matter of a given mass (m) has the internal energy with which to travel at the speed of light squared (c2) or 90,000,000,000 (km/sec)2 , hence E=mc2. For a more detailed discussion on this topic click hereThis correct interpretation of the equation will inevitably be proven accurate.] Physicists at present work on the assumption the limit is c, what are the implications where the velocity matter can reach is in fact c2, what habitable planets and locations in Space become accessible with this shift in perspective? Especially in light of the fact that C-Drives will be able to achieve velocities many times greater than the speed of light. 

The problem of misinterpreting equations is quite deep. Where E=mc2 is concerned mass "m", as mentioned earlier, is not inside the Space-Time framework. Therefore, the belief held by physicists that the geometry of Space-Time creates gravity is false. In the equation E=mc2, Energy can be viewed as Force (F=E) or momentum P and the speed of light c2 is acceleration (a=c2) or velocity (v=c2), E=mc2 can be simply seen as the force or momentum equations F=ma or P=mv related to autonomous matter. However, we also know that distance is a Field Effect, therefore, it does not exist. Distance is fundamental to geometry, in fact one can go as far as to say distance is geometry (xyz). If distance does not exist, then technically neither does geometry itself. If you recall we corrected Heisenberg's equation by removing distance and in so doing removed uncertainty. Code, the Bose Einstein Condensate or Spirit expresses Space, where Space does not exist. For instance, we can write the term "300 million lightyears", as code it is just 4cm wide, however, as Space it is a huge distance. Spirit or code has no need for this distance to actually exist, hence all of the vastness of Space is located in a single point, that is, in spirit. Geometry is just a construct of the experiential universe, it does not exist "out there" as a physical object because this type of physical or material structure is wholly inefficient and unnecessary, why create 300 million lightyears of Space, when all you need, even to experience it, is 4cm of spirit (code)? All of existence is spirit and nothing else. If geometry does not exist, then neither does motion, and motion in Einstein's model of the universe is Time. Hence, we can deduce that Einstein's entire corporate understanding of the universe, though brilliant in his day, is now limited and dated, capable of creating many false assumptions, that are sadly backed by empirical evidence that is also falsely interpreted. For instance, the belief that Space-Time will cause light to bend when it passes a strong gravitational field. If Space-Time does not exist this is a false assumption, and since "fields" do not exist this is a poor application of science that leads to a weak understanding of how electrical energy and the generation of power work without any knowledge of amplification. For more on this scroll down to: The belief a medium exists reduces efficiency here.

When 100m sprinters position themselves at blocks, they wait for the starting gun to be fired and then they take off running toward the finish line. As the runners walk towards the blocks to start the race, technically they are following instructions. With the level of processing power it is presumed to have, there is no reason to believe that the behaviour of inorganic matter can be just as readily given a set of instructions to execute certain actions or behaviours when certain conditions are met. Inorganic matter already needs to be able to do this for the action of a rock being picked up and thrown. 

However, to be thrown, the rock must be interacted with or connected to, and given the instruction related to being thrown. When the human mind can interface or connect with the rock's processing power (or proposed atomic quantum bit anatomy or mind) a person does not physically have to pick up the rock, he or she can simply give the rock the instruction, with requisite conditions and its throwing will take place. Hence, we have a scientific basis for telekinesis. This is the natural ability of the brain to query and instruct matter, manipulate its environment, control an instrument panel or fly a ship using the mind alone. In both cases, being picked up physically and being picked up mentally handshakes are taking place that give a set of instructions for it to move and be thrown. This means that throwing a rock with your physical hands and with your mind relies on exactly the same processes, namely instructions or handshakes. When you pick up a rock handshakes are taking place between the rock and your hands that allow it to move in such a manner that it appears to be thrown. Without these handshakes, your hands would not even be able to pick up the rock, they could pass straight through it, remember, nothing is tangible. Alternatively, the rock could simply refuse to be moved, which means it could resist any attempt to relocate it with a force equivalent to the square of the speed of light (c2). For instance, the belief that Space-Time will cause light to bend under strong gravity. Read how this could be proven empirically, but fundamentally misinterpreted 

This entails that for the rock to remain still and inert also requires internal instruction and action. A rock will respond readily to an instruction from another inorganic element, that is, the inorganic elements that create your biological hand and will coordinate its movement into the throwing action orchestrating its own movement with yours. However, for some reason it does not respond to instructions from a brain instructing it through thought to be thrown possibly because it does not recognise this connection and instruction. The reason for this may be that biological instructions or handshakes that move fingers and limbs are different from inorganic instructions that create the instructions that initiate movement in inorganic objects and substances. It may be as simple as the underlying code or language used for handshakes or instructions between organic and inorganic matter is different.

Nevertheless though the brain uses organic handshakes to communicate with and move limbs, it is created from inorganic base elements from the periodic table endowed with inorganic intelligence. The two forms of intelligence are operating through handshakes independently. In other words, we often marvel at how AI will become more intelligent than your average human being and have a near infinite memory. However, addressing theory using the FDNEH approach a biological organism in fact consists of two brains namely, its biological brain, as we see with human beings and the limitations of their memory or intellect and an inorganic brain consisting of entangled quantum bits that make up the fundamental elements in the periodic table. The inorganic brain contains infinite or broad amounts of information and memory it can access through entanglement. To therefore believe that AI will surpass the human brain and physiology, may have more to do with little knowledge about the full abilities of human physiology and brain when organic and inorganic intelligence merge and handshakes can be exchanged across the two different systems.

The question then is how does an organic or biological handshake communicate (interface) such that it is able to instruct an inorganic object or intelligence? 

Once again religion appears way ahead of modern science when it comes to the relationship between what can be described as organic and inorganic consciousness. For instance, in Mark 11:23 Scripture clearly identifies that organic handshakes can instruct the intelligence (qubits) of inorganic matter. Scripture states that the link between the organic and inorganic is created when doubt is erased in the execution of a given instruction. But what does this really mean in terms of science? Referring to Scripture once again, God instructs Moses to simply "speak" to the rock for it to release water; Num. 20:8 ......speak to the rock before their eyes, that it may yield its water." 

The human biological brain and nervous system has a conventional organic consciousness created by cells, synapses, nerves and other tissue. However, this complex tissue is made from inorganic elements from the periodic table. As discussed there are therefore 2 scientific layers of consciousness of which the human mind consists existing side by side but not interacting. This means that merely by virtue of organic brain tissue being created from inorganic elements from the periodic table there already exists an interface between the organic brain and inorganic intelligence of elements created from qubits. For most human beings these two types of consciousness will remain separated for all of their living existence offering no chance for handshakes to move between them. They remain separated, as it were by what can be described as a "membrane". It is only when these two types of consciousness become connected inside the human brain, that the consciousness of the biological brain recognizes how to communicate with the consciousness of its own inorganic elements. It is only at this union of the two types of consciousness, that are in close proximity at the cellular level, that the biological mind gains the ability to convey instructions to the inorganic consciousness thereby gaining the ability to instruct matter from a distance, without the need for physical movement.

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