Science of Collision Drive Continued

C-Drive Philosophy

"Matter can pick itself up and suspend itself in mid air, without the need for an external medium to rest upon." It uses this autonomous ability to move to create gravity and all the matter and forces known to humanity"

By reverse engineering this process we were able to design, create and test the collision drive (C-Drive)

The Concept of Autonomous Matter

The concept of autonomous matter is based on the hypothesis that all forms of matter inherently contain motive force that acts at the atomic and subatomic level. [This motive force is quantum gravity, it is the same process used by C-Drives to create propulsion technically it means quantum gravity and Newtonian gravity are essentially one and the same thing]. It proposes that this mobility consists of rules negotiated between particles that when observed become the laws of physics observed by science in areas such as fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, collision theory, chemistry and Newtonian Laws. When a primitive society observes and studies matter it does not see the underlying interaction between particles that creates observable scientific phenomena driven by the autonomous nature of particles and consequently ascribes what is observed in the behaviour of matter to "fields", when in fact these "fields" do not exist, but can be better described as a "field effect" or by-product of matter interacting autonomously. 

The rules of engagement between particles when executed are prescribed as rules or laws in physics. A simple example of this is the earth suspended in space and a magnet levitating in mid air. The concept follows the premise that none of these phenomena are created by "fields" but by the interaction of particles negotiating how and where to autonomously position themselves in relation to one another. A simple, but pertinent example of this would be Archimede's Principle. To a primitive society observing a log or boat floating on water, the flotation may be scientifically and competently explained as any body completely or partially submerged in a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest is acted upon by an upward, or buoyant, force, the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid. In this example the object or boat (e..g. earth) is resting on a body of water (field). However, as our understanding of particles broadens the concept of autonomous matter comes into play. In this analysis the particles of the log or boat negotiate where and how to position themselves relative to the body of water and do so using an autonomous internal motive force. When this interaction is observed between particles it becomes science or scientific rules used to predict the behaviour of matter. In other words the suggestion is that Archimede's Principle  though accurate is created by the autonomous interaction of matter, the log and the boat are not held up by the water (fields do not exist), this can be described as an understandably plausible but uninformed interpretation of what is being observed. Rather, the particles of the log/boat and body of water autonomously position the atoms they create using internal motive force relative to one another, when this movement is observed in physics with objects floating on water it is described as buoyancy, when it is observed between floating magnets it is referred to as magnetism, when observed in Space between the earth and moon, it is referred to as gravity. In all these scenarios it is simply the interplay of particles functioning autonomously to orchestrate the behaviour of atoms and how they interact with each other. In this light the belief in fields by modern physics can be described as being summarily misinformed. 

It is also important for scientists to note that the "fields do not exist" method of analysis identifies or points to the fact that even though the concept of "fields" as the source of gravity proposed by Einstein, like Archimedes, is also inherently flawed or inaccurate it is still currently being taught to students in schools, colleges and universities. For instance, a common method used by physicists to explain gravity to students is to place marbles on spandex, where the spandex represents the imaginary geodesic, field or Space-Time.  As marbles move along the spandex their velocity is affected by depressions in the fabric. However, the  objects and marbles placed on the spandex must already have mass to create the depressions and movement in the first place, which in and of itself rules out the spandex or "fields" in the demonstration as the fundamental source of gravity. The spandex experiment which is often used to demonstrate or re-enact Einstein's proposed Space-Time being based on "fields" as the source of gravity actually does the very opposite, it disqualifies it as the fundamental source of gravity. This being the case entails that the ongoing spandex or "field" method for explaining gravity is a glaring example of how little is actually understood about particles. For instance, to the untrained eye a cup placed atop a table is cognitively rationalized to rest or be supported by the table at its surface, when in fact this observation and assumption is false. If a cup placed on the surface of a table rests and remains there because the particles of which the cup and table are comprised agree to hold those positions using internal motive or propulsive force then the table is not holding up the cup, neither is the cup resting on the table but their particles generate atoms that position the cup there as does the table. This observation proposes that despite having mass matter is inherently intangible. This would require that, to be tangible, particles must agree to interact with one another and must apply internal mobility. If they did not, even objects with mass would be incapable of being solid for e.g.  were the atoms of the cup to suddenly stop coordinating their movement or stop cooperating with the atoms of the table strange aspects of matter thought impossible may have a simple explanation, for instance the cup could  hypothetically "ghost through" or pass through the table as though it did not exist, even though both the table and the cup appear to have mass and this offers a simple explanation for how radio waves are able to pass through walls and other solid objects. These strange attributes created by the interactivity of autonomous matter may explain how matter can "appear" to be both a particle and a wave, to have mass or be mass-less. It should also explain how particles can "appear" to have mass by what is thought to be the "Higgs Field". It also may explain quantum vacuum fluctuations (particles that appear and disappear out of no-where) without the need for a "field" or gluons to make this possible. Basic and strange phenomena encountered in the sciences become easily and practically explained.

Does your cup rest on the table...or does the table hold up your cup?


Matter is fundamentally intangible.

The cup and table hold agreed positions negotiated through handshakes.

When you finish your coffee and place your hands on the table to push up as you
stand, remember...its not the table your hands are resting on, but the motive force of
the atoms in your hands negotiating that position with the table.

And.. the next time you see planets or astronauts floating in Space, the buoyancy they
experience and exhibit is generated by their atoms.

Atoms, as autonomous matter, can be hypothesised to hold, move and negotiate a position with a vector force associated with mass energy equivalence. In other words matter can be intangible or it could increase its velocity, move, hold or negotiate its position by a force equivalent to E=mc2,
alternatively, force equations F=ma and P=mv apply when it comes to autonomous matter rather than measuring energy E, it consists instead of measuring motive force F. For instance in an atomic explosion where a quantity of energy E is released in what appears a chaotic manner in every direction, every element being released during the explosion is in fact following an intelligent path using
its own motive force F or P. It only appears chaotic and energetic when observed. At present, when it comes to mass energy equivalence the focus is primarily on energy E. However, motive force consisting of F and P which it is much more desirable to control is completely ignored because stage 2 scientists believe "fields" are real, when they are not. They are in fact field effects. This makes stage 2 scientists  completely oblivious to the fact that matter can be instructed on precisely how to move using handshakes.  Hence F=P=E, v=c2 or a=c2.
In other words any object and all matter has the inherent ability to hold its position (maintain
inertia) or move itself (move autonomously) by a motive force F or P, equivalent to mass energy equivalence E. This ability to move or remain inert is governed by inorganic intelligence created by its
inherent atomic structure which functions like qubits (at the Bose-Einstein Condensate level). Since matter is also technically a field effect and therefore intangible it must use
this inorganic intelligence or processing power to co-ordinate its movement with other matter it interacts with. Remember even a rock which appears at rest, e.g. on the ground, is in fact in motion
as it must coordinate its movement intelligently with that of the earth by applying the exact motive force required to do so and move in tandem with the earth where it will "appear" at rest. From the FDNEH, the ability to do this becomes fundamental to the physics and general science
concerning the architecture of this layer of reality and how human beings perceive and interact 
with it. As will be explained later this experiential universe or layer is perceived by human beings
as Space-Time, or the Space-Time Framework.

However, this layer is itself not fundamental,
and can be described as a field effect and therefore as "non-existent". This layer, like skin, needs to
be further peeled away to reveal the quantum bit processes that generate or project
reality using what can be described as a Reverse Superposition, more on this will follow. 

If the attributes of matter such as being visible, tangible or solid are governed purely by the interactive dynamics of internal autonomous mobility, it cannot be ruled out that when particles partially or fully choose not to interact with other particles they can generate atoms that are there, have mass but are invisible or outside each other's reality or "universe" and therefore they are unable to detect or "see" one another, for example, such as dark energy and dark matter. If particles can be present in the same space and opt to be intangible or selectively tangible then this explains how multiverse theory is very likely a fundamental aspect of how the universe functions, even though some physicists dismiss the idea of a multiverse. All this demonstrates is that many current theories in physics on how the universe functions may be flawed and lead to further inaccurate assumptions, such as the belief a magnet is surrounded by a non-existent magnetic "field".   

This approach can be applied, for instance, to magnetism. When iron filings become arranged around a magnet, the assumption in modern physics is that they are being moved into place by a magnetic "field" or force when in fact this observation is false, in that, the iron filings move themselves into positions using the internal motive force described above where particles negotiate where and how to position themselves in relation to one one another - there is no field whatsoever. If the presence of a "field" is construed, it is imaginary.  However, when the iron filings are in position and a pattern is observed this can be described as a by product of the interaction of particles. The same applies to any observable magnetic phenomenon be it the aurora borealis or cosmic scale magnetic fields.

Wave Particle Duality

When the "fields do not exist" method of analysis is applied to the concept of wave particle duality further clarity is required to understand these observations and make accurate interpretations of what physicists see. If fields do not exist then the assumption that follows is that waves cannot possibly be fields. From this view waves do exist, but they are not "fields" as is commonly thought. There is in this sense no real duality, this too, like "fields"can be considered a figment of the imagination or a "field-effect". We discussed how matter can take on wave properties as an attribute. In this case a particle becomes a wave when it is observed at a higher scale of magnification where the sub-particles that create a particle become visible. This scale goes beyond the Standard Model, beyond quarks, muons and other exotic descriptions of matter where a particle breaks up into sub-particles or refined uniform bits that generate waves that appear like fields. Evidence of this is when lasers are used to cool sodium atoms down to 177 nano Kelvin. At these sub-zero temperatures a particle should not become viewed as a "field" but rather a cloud of the refined sub-particles of which it is comprised. This cluster or cloud of uniform sub-particles is referred to as the Bose-Einstein Condensate. Further evidence of this may be revealed in so called double-slit experiments where an electron is forced to pass through double-slits and consequently forced to break up into smaller parts. What is observed is not the electron transforming into a wave i.e. a "field", but rather the rarefaction of the electron causing it to break up into smaller more refined uniform bits or parts that behave like a "field", just as sodium atoms do when when subjected to sub-zero temperatures.  The likely reason why wave particle duality emerges in this case is due to the fact that particles are and were considered fundamental, the belief that there is nothing smaller than a particle or nothing further beyond the particle scale is then what misdirects analysis into the mistaken belief that refined sub-particles and the manner in which they behave, which tends to be synchronized, are "fields" when they are not.  

Quantum Mechanics in the absence of "fields"

Applying the "fields do not exist" hypothesis to quantum mechanics requires a re-assessment of "energy bands" that are currently believed to govern the activity of electrons. Since these energy bands are where the "quantum" in quantum mechanics is derived, dismissing the existence or importance of fields will have a profound effect on how physicists rationalize quantum mechanics and physics of the very small in general. The "fields do not exist" hypothesis easily shows that energy bands, which are just a "field-effect" are not responsible for how electrons move and behave, the orbitals in atoms and molecules, even when it comes to autonomous matter. What governs this behaviour is uniform sub-particles on a magnitude smaller than quarks and other small particles found in the Standard Model of which electrons are comprised. Fully understanding quantum mechanics therefore requires a completely new or different type of physics from material or particle physics with which scientists are currently familiar and pre-occupied. The origin of gravity goes beyond autonomous particles functioning at the scale of particles identified in the Standard Model, because, the "fields do not exist" hypothesis identifies that these should consist of much smaller, refined uniformed sub-particles which do not function on the laws of conventional particle-physics. They follow different rules of engagement and therefore conventional particle-physics cannot be used to analyse, interpret or diagnose what these sub-particles do or how they work [i.e. they are governed by Informatics]. More on this will be explained at a later stage as it may be too much, too early to delve into here just yet since to do so we would have to push beyond the boundaries of quantum mechanics, which at present offers the most advanced widely accepted understanding of this kind of physics. Nevertheless, as orders of magnitude decrease in terms of scale the underlying rules of engagement between particles change. The laws of physics that govern an electron before it crosses double slits, are not the same laws that govern particles after they emerge from the double slits. When physicist are unaware that these changes in laws in physics have taken place but continue to apply the same principles to what they observe paradoxes, dualities, idiosyncrasies, and conundrums arise that inevitably mislead how what is observed in quantum mechanics is interpreted. This hinders the ability of physicists to find a Unified Field Theory or a theory of everything. 

Unified "Field" Theory and the search for a "theory of everything"

Scientists have for a long time searched for a scientific theory that explains everything. Eliminating "fields" by default leads to a universal theory that can accomplish this and explain how it's done. It becomes redundant to think of magnetism, gravity, a cup resting on a table and floating boats as separate phenomenon to "unify". They are all simply products of particles interacting autonomously to form and manipulate atoms following rules of engagement which when observed become science, physics or the universe and the manner in which it is understood to function when studied through research and tests that yield empirical evidence. Although unification or a unified "field" theory such as that sought by Einstein and endeavors such as String Theory are to some extent possible the assumption a modern scientist will make in this endeavor to find a method that explains everything may once again be imprecise, much in the same way Archimede's understanding of buoyancy was inaccurate. Fields may be a means to offer descriptions of the activity of autonomous particles garnered from scientific observations of physical phenomena, leading to the assumption that physical laws are fixed, when in fact this assumption is also imprecise because it assumes autonomous particles act without intelligence, and without the ability to identify mistakes and correct them in the execution of the construct within which humanity exists and construes as its reality. For instance, if particles change rules of interaction/engagement depending on scale, then this explains why physics of the very small - quantum mechanics is difficult to reconcile with physics of the very large. It also explains how failing to identify this fluidity in laws of physics and consequently misapplying or misinterpreting observable phenomena can occur as a result of not adjusting inferences in situations (such as that which occur across different scales of magnitude) can lead to avoidable juxtapositions such as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and superposition. 

When the “fields do not exist” hypothesis is applied to a classical particle approaching a physical barrier whether it will cross the barrier simply depends on the rules of engagement between the converging parties. Since, using this approach, matter is generally intangible and mass is a “field effect” the only issue preventing the particle from crossing the barrier is the "hand-shake" between the particle and the wall as they come into proximity, as would be expected of autonomous matter. This reconciles quantum and non-quantum particles being able to pass through a potential wall. It basically shows that quantum tunneling is not only the norm, but is feasible for both quantum and non-quantum particles, after all, matter is fundamentally intangible. This does not require the use of superposition or probability distribution to predict the position of the particle, where the rules of engagement are known. As has been mentioned with autonomous matter, puzzling developments such as the Measurement Problem will tend to arise where the underlying laws of physics change, but physicists continue to apply the same laws or theories. The energy potential of the wall or barrier is in this case regarded as part of the rules of engagement or hand-shake between particles that become laws in physics. Hence, it would be incorrect to say that a classical particle cannot do what a quantum particle does. In this scenario the classical approach and quantum mechanics approach to particles is reconciled using the “fields do not exist” hypothesis, without the need for Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; when the rules of engagement that determine the outcome are a known quantity there is no need for either probability or superposition, both in this situation become redundant and add unnecessary complexity to understanding these aspects of physics. 

Understanding Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Correctly

The best way of understanding Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is that it demonstrates that technically position and momentum are actually one and the same, after all momentum is simply derived from a locus or series of consecutive positions. If you know an electron's position then you know its momentum, and if you know its momentum you already know its position, with pin-point accuracy. If you know its position and try to determine its momentum, the electron will be observed as moving out of focus or fuzzy (uncertainty) and vice versa because you can only decrease the accuracy of a measurement result you have, if after having found it, you then try to go looking for it. What Heisenberg's uncertainty principle actually proves or alludes to is that distance does not exist. In other words when a physicist measures either momentum or position what they actually prove is entanglement or that the physics by which particles and sub-particles function at different scales is not the same.  For simplicity, imagine it in this way: Lets say that an electron spins to project distance. When it is observed it looks like it is moving or travelling from point A to point B. The reality is that the electron never leaves point A. Its movement to point B is a projection, or an illusion. This means that both its position and momentum are actually in the same place.Therefore, once you know its position you also naturally have or can know its momentum, and vice versa.In one system where objects are larger the illusion of distance appears to exist, however, for sub-particles the fact that distance is an illusion is harder to disguise, that is, distance does not exist, everything is in one place, i.e. everything is entangled (meaning it is outside Einstein's Space-Time framework or an advanced physics that is as yet outside the reach and understanding of physicists. If you click on the mass energy equivalence link you will see that matter and mass existing outside the Space-Time framework is identified and demonstrated using the spandex experiment as an example). 

Its easier to deal with matter being intangible and to dispense with mass, but dismissing distance is what most physicists will find profoundly difficult and the most disconcerting to let go of, nevertheless, letting it go is necessary to begin to understand where next evolution in physics will go beyond quantum mechanics.

Position and momentum are described in physics as being "conjugate variables".
However, it should be considered that what physicists see and how they 
interpret it may not be correct. 

The uncertainty triangles in the above equation express how far the 
observation has digressed from its objective and from objectivity into inaccuracy (fuzziness). 
Once a physicist knows x (position) he or she also knows p (momentum).  
Contrary to belief there is absolutely no uncertainty and only absolute precision, without probability.
Here is why. Distance is a "field effect", therefore according to the "fields do not exist" hypothesis
technically distance does not exist, it is an illusion. Although the word "illusion" is used here, it does not mean that distances are not real, it just means that their limitations, the limits they impose,
how they are understood and interpreted is inaccurate, what you see and experience and
what is actually happening are not the same.

The reason why this concept is almost
impossible for most people to grasp is that 3 of Einsteins Space-Time dimensions (x,y,z) 
are created from distance. However, it is useful to be able to conceptualize this due to
the fact that the very act of dismissing distance is an example of a withdrawal from the
Space-Time framework. Why is this withdrawal important? It is important because, as we
saw with the section on mass energy equivalence matter and mass originate from outside
of Space-Time. Therefore, the only way to move beyond Space-Time, to get a better
understanding of matter, is to withdraw from it by dismissing distance. 

Understanding this technically, it is then "nonsense" to try to measure the "distance" an electron travels (as you would a moving car or runner going from point A to B) by hitting it twice with another particle,  because "distance" does not exist, even at this scale. Distance is a construct, as we saw with Archimedes believing the boat rests on and displaces water, or the cup rests on the table, or that the table holds up the cup, which is all false (its an illusion, misrepresentation or misinterpretation of what is being observed) - the boat and water, the table and cup hold agreed positions. Similarly, a moving object is in fact not covering any distance, this observation, like the cup and boat is a misinterpretation of what is being observed. Once this is understood, Heisenberg's equation can be interpreted correctly. It becomes clear that what it expresses is absolute certainty, and that any attempt to deviate from the position that all the matter in the universe exists in one point, is what introduces the fuzziness, that is, uncertainty and probability (the triangles in the equation).By dismissing x,y,z all the matter in the Space-Time universe exists in one point. The triangles, which represent distance (the x,y,z of the Space-Time framework) or uncertainty can now be removed from Heisenberg's equation. Doing this also inadvertently removes the speed of light caveat which applies within the Space-Time framework but does not apply outside it.

By dismissing distance uncertainty is removed from Heisenberg's equation. The
equation is now removed from Einstein's Space-Time Framework.
Consequently none of the Space-Time caveats apply to the equation. What Heisenberg's equation now states is that any precise position or point in the universe "x" can be reached or moved to instantly (faster than the speed of light caveat) within a time interval factor equal to or less than Planck's constant at a precise or known momentum "p". 

The diagram above explains a Reverse Superposition and
how the Space-Time framework is simply a field effect when
analysed using the fields do not exist hypothesis.

When the slit narrows and instead of narrowing the point on the screen begins
to expand or spread, the observation is moving outside the Space-Time framework.
The mistaken belief is that the slit is at a maximum limit, which is why 
the laser light stops narrowing and begins to spread.
The reality is that as the slit narrows and therefore the observation narrows, the array or pattern 
converts into a magnification of the narrowing light. Therefore, even
though the pattern spreads wider, it is in fact a widening image (magnification) of a shrinking [scale] observation [or narrowing slit]. This means that what is being observed has continued to magnify beyond what was thought to be the limit for magnification. If the observer believes he or she is still looking at an image of the electron then the image moves toward uncertainty and becomes fuzzier, however, if the observer
recognizes that he or she is no longer looking at an image of the electron but has moved to the smaller
scale of the pattern [code] that creates it (Reverse Superposition), then the spreading light
is in fact moving toward increased clarity, focus and certainty without probability. 
At this point the laws of physics before the slit, are not the same as the laws after
the slit that govern the code, pattern, array or information. [nothing exists other than the code. i.e. the projector, the laser light, and even you trying to peer at the light do not exist, everything is reversed in that everything is being created by the code, which appears as the pattern beyond the slit. Quantum Mechanics advances to Informatics. Technically the entire multiverse is this code or programming. Reverse Superposition means only the code or Informatics exists, everything else, you, the projector, the light, matter, atoms, particles, electrons, Space-Time, and the multiverse, are the illusion or projection]

The Reverse Superposition explains why there is never any fuzziness,
uncertainty or probability, only certainty and pinpoint accuracy.

The speed of light limitations within the Space-Time framework do not
apply outside the Space-Time frame work. The maximum velocity within
the framework is "c" the speed of light, however, the maximum velocity
outside the framework is governed by Planck's constant, as alluded to by
Heisenberg's equation. 

Letting go of distance as just another "field effect", brings entanglement into view. When scales of magnitude are applied to distance, using the "fields do not exist" hypothesis, like mass, distance itself should also be viewed as merely being a "field effect". The consequence of this  approach in analysis is that all matter is viewed as existing in a single point.  Why? Because, technically, regardless of how far apart in the universe two entangled particles or electrons are, they are actually in the same place or space, which is why they can "appear" entangled when observed by physicists, and as we saw earlier, though being entangled in this way, particles can opt whether or not to interact with each other - despite all matter being entangled, only particles that choose to interact will exhibit characteristics of being entangled. These characteristics imply that universes can occupy the same space, and each have a separate existence, lending further credence to multiverse theory. Furthermore, in the same manner that all matter is in fact mass-less, all matter is in fact entangled. 

The consequence of this analysis is that Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" becomes redundant if distance, like the cup resting on the table, is merely a primitive facet of human perception and interpretation of observed phenomena. This can be described as a reverse superposition. A superposition is not open-ended, but is completed by a reverse-superposition. Failing to understand this is not only like failing to recognize your own reflection in a mirror, but even more strangely, it is like being too primitive to fail to see that you are in fact the reflection or field effect (failing to understanding that the boat does not float on water, the boat and water take positions relative to one another). When we put a mirror in front of a pet or animal, we are often amused at how it cannot recognize its own reflection and tends to interact with the reflection not only as though its is a stranger, but as though its real. However, this very same backwardness can be applied to human beings as they tend to have no awareness about the state or nature of their own existence, as we see in the problem with understanding superposition and Heisenberg's equation. In the same way that pets and animals don't understand mirrors and this ignorance amuses us, as human beings we also generally tend to be unable to discern what about us is real and what isn't; we tend not to understand the very nature of our own existence and how it relates to time and space. 

To understand this kind of physics begins to go beyond the fundamentals of what is currently understood in quantum mechanics and particle physics in general, to a new science which we will not delve into further here. The closest "real world" example a physicist can use to describe the behaviour of autonomous matter is to compare it to Level 5 autonomous driving (where the vehicle is the particle and rules of engagement are the laws in physics) that operate without human intervention. To be closer to how particles move autonomously and synchronize, every vehicle on the road would be required to have a beacon that uses standard protocols to broadcast and receive real time movement, weight, dimensions, position, altitude, velocity and other information such as signaling driving intentions (e.g. stopping, turning, accelerating etc), the nature of the cargo being moved (e.g. is it safe, fragile, flammable, chemical), the priority status of the vehicle (e.g. is it for emergencies, an ambulance, are there small children on board, is it a high performance vehicle etc), vehicle's further up the road would share road conditions with vehicles further down the road travelling the same direction or route. This data would be exchanged through handshakes that govern how they pass each other or interact on the road as a minimum standard required for safety. Particles are not only capable of autonomous mobility but are also able to naturally synchronize their activity and act as a collective using harmony to refine, tune and orchestrate their movement. This creates what human beings construe as their reality and universe. 

By particles altering their attributes and rules of engagement to correct for scale they are making subtle changes to laws of physics whilst physicists assume that these laws are fixed and universal, when in fact they are not. If this is true a unifying theory that explains everything is plausible, but unobtainable due to the fact that physical laws may be fluid but the current level of knowledge in physics about the fundamentals from which the universe is constructed is limited in that it does not fully grasp the nature of particles and how or why they create the universe by moving themselves about autonomously to generate the atoms, molecules and forces that become the cosmos studied in detail by physicists. Autonomous matter can account for and explain heat, pressure, density, texture, viscosity related to materials science as readily as electricity, charge, current, magnetism and gravity, including how the two are related, it can even account for time, space, dimensions, quantum tunneling, parallel universes and multiverse theory as well as any type of force encountered in physics. Unlike more complicated theories such as String Theory, autonomous matter offers a much simpler method for unifying all matter and forces. 

Astronauts should not be exposed to zero-g for a period
exceeding 2 hours in a 24 hour cycle.

Zero-G: How being in zero-g is conceptualized in the absence
of fields would require astronauts to understand that the reason
why they and objects around them in space float is because their
very atoms generate lift and buoyancy. 

Using a C-Drive can readily demonstrate the fundamental mechanism by which particles and atoms gain the mobility with which to generate this internal motive force that tends to be thought of rather naively as "gravity". Once it is understood that gravity does not come from fields, how we conceptualize gravity in and of itself has to change otherwise astronauts can be in space, in zero-g and be generally misinformed about the reason why they and objects around them are floating.

C-Drives, Atoms and Electricity

C-Drives can help us to better understand and make clearer inferences about how atoms and electricity work. The C-Drive was conceptualized and designed using the "fields do not exist" hypothesis, and an attempt will be made to apply analysis of forces such electricity using the same hypothesis in the same way that analysis concerning the other concepts explored have pivoted around this basic hypothesis. Thus far the C-Drive has been successfully built, tested and found capable of generating propulsive force.

A C-Drive is an attempt at the reverse engineering of an atom. If we consider that the head of the drive-shaft is the nucleus, the coupling assembly with weight attached is the electron with its mass and the harness is the orbital path then the electron begins to increasingly resemble a vehicle designed for controlled mobility. The animation above with more than one collider arm in action also begins to resemble an atom with electrons moving in orbitals. In this case, the atom by making changes to the distance between its nucleus and orbital shell can suspend itself in space (gravity) and move itself in any direction in 3 dimensional space. Note how the orbitals in the C-Drive maintain a round or spherical shape even though the nucleus is displaced as a means of propulsion. This entails that even minuscule movements of the nucleus at variance to the shell can cause an atom to move itself in any direction without the need for a medium or "field" to do this and without this being externally obvious. (Note how we earlier identified that astronauts on a space station are in fact suspended in space or made buoyant by the activity of their own atoms, and that this needs to be understood otherwise even though as humanity we have the technology and means to get to space we don't really know why we are floating once there.)

When a comparison to electricity is made the blue arrow on the C-Drive represents the direction of movement, kick or deflection of wire. Motors require a commutator to turn continuously in one direction, a C-Drive also needs this same commutation or changes in polarity to propel the C-Drive in one continuous direction. However, this explanation also means that electrons do not flow down a wire. Current consists purely and simply of the "kick" or kinetic energy being transferred through a wire, without the flow of electrons.

If electrons do not flow through a wire, rather they remain in place and transfer kinetic
energy then the kick, motion or deflection of
the wire caused by the displacement of the nucleus in relation to the shell of 
 orbiting electrons is the actual flow or movement. If this is the case
then electricity is simply a selective form of gravity, which 
complies with the concept of autonomous matter.

Its also important to note from the C-Drive that both the shell and the nucleus is being
created by the movement of trons, which become an electron, positron or neutron depending on what stage it is at in its orbital cycle. The nature in which the tron moves
allows it to constantly switch the polarity of its mass. Therefore, the mass
generating the shell is also the same mass generating the nucleus, while
constantly switching polarity makes it seem as though the
two are separate masses when they are in fact one and the same.
Each moment when the tron switches polarity it is neither positive nor negative and
is therefore neutral or in the neutron stage of its orbital.
The manner in which the collider arm and its coupling work or move,
consists of the electron and its method of movement or signature,
that generates what becomes observed as a gravitational force.
A diagram of how this is done, i.e., of electrons looping into
and out of the nucleus as a means of switching polarity
was shared earlier.

The C-Drive implies that electricity can be generated directly from atoms
simply by displacing the nucleus against its outer shell to generate the kick 
illustrated in the animation above. This hypothetical process or method for generating
electricity atomically would be far ahead of present nuclear and fission
approaches to generating power, the implications being atoms
can generate nuclear electricity directly from mass energy equivalence
without the need for heat, steam, dynamos and turbines as conduits 
for generating current. Technically this implies a scientist
can generate electricity directly from any material using this "kick" process,
however, some materials have a nucleus that's looser and more
ready or inclined to be displaced against its shell, we call materials with
these properties conductors or superconductors. Before this, its likely
how superconductors actually work has also been misunderstood.

The mistake being made in the energy sector at present is trying
to manage, control and generate electricity using magnetic fields.
The C-Drive backs the "fields do not exist hypothesis". Fields
are just a field effect, fields in and of themselves don't exist.
Using them to generate electricity explains why electrical energy output
 using fields is no-where near mass energy equivalence comparable to
nuclear energy and fusion energy. The only plausible approach to 
solving this problem is for scientists to dismiss fields in order for them
to correctly identify what the stimulus causing the displacement
of nuclei actually is. This stimulus is unseen because it operates
outside of Space-Time which is why fields are misunderstood.
Its been referred to here as a "handshake" between atoms. The fact
that handshakes are involved shows that there is a link in 
these commands or instructions between atoms, exchanges of information
movement and the transfer of energy. It implies that handshakes play several roles
in an atom that include not only processing, computing and exchanging information,
but also transferring energy and controlling an atoms precise movement. 

Since handshakes occur outside of Space-Time there is little or no way of 
observing them directly. However, this is where C-Drive's may once again prove
useful. If handshakes take place outside Space-Time due to the fact that they are
a form of communication that takes place faster than the speed of light, then it may 
be possible to observe handshakes by observing the behaviour of electrons and atoms
at or close to the speed of light. Since C-Drives are powerful enough to accelerate a 
vessel close to the speed of light in a relatively short time, these experiments can be 
conducted on a lab on board a vessel on approach to 99%C where the velocity is
high enough to begin to make handshakes visible. Understanding how atoms communicate
and process information is the science beyond quantum mechanics that will 
dramatically advance humanity's understanding of the universe. Unraveling how 
handshakes work basically allows scientists to learn how to give atoms instructions.
Handshakes are instructions and when atoms receive them they act and behave in
accord with the instruction. This is somewhat like being able to give a computer
instructions, which in this case is like physicists speaking directly to matter or atoms.
Since atoms control every aspect of the observable universe including gravity, propulsion,
and matter the ability to give instructions in this way opens up new vistas in the sciences.

What the C-Drive can teach us about electricity:
 The simple diagram
of a motor above, shows us that there is no magnetic field whatsoever acting between
the wires and the magnets - what appears is a "field effect", this satisfies the "fields do not exist" hypothesis.  The field effect makes physicians believe there is a field when in fact there is none whatsoever. The magnets and the coil are communicating irrespective of distance outside Einstein's Space-Time which is presently undetectable. (the fact that the materials in the motor communicate faster than speed of light due to doing so outside Space-Time shows that the system can amplify or generate much more energy than is being observed from fields which are presumed to operate at the speed of light. The atoms in the coil wire respond to the handshakes from the magnets and a kick in the nucleus of the atoms that comprise the wire takes place causing the coil or motor to turn. (this kick is a static wave that transfers energy without traveling. Like moving a hose pipe up and down (like a Mexican wave) the electrons transfer kinetic energy.) When the coil turns, this turning motion that is indistinguishable from gravity is the flow of electricity, what is conducted through the wire is simply kinetic energy. This better understanding of electricity
makes its relationship with gravity simple and clear.

Trying to generate and apply electricity using fields leads to a weak, backward and substandard type of power generation. Fields are created by nuclear activity and are governed by mass energy equivalence. A magnetic field represents a tiny fraction of this activity. Therefore, to generate electricity from fields as is common practice today can only lead to weak and limited forms of electricity since a bar magnet, for instance, cannot generate more power or energy than its existing field strength. The only way to generate immensely more electrical power and more powerful fields is to go to the nuclear source of the field and increase activity there through stimulation and a better understanding of FDNEH and how it applies to electrical energy. For instance, handshakes can distribute electricity to locations and appliances wirelessly irrespective of how far apart they may be. In addition to this  it is likely that the potential energy in a wire is comparable to mass energy equivalence. This means that field-effects in a dynamo, for instance, barely generate any energy due to speed of light limitations associated with field effects. They generate only a tiny fraction of the electrical energy the atoms in wires can yield. 

One major drawback of the belief in non-existent fields is that it severely weakens what is known and understood about electrical energy and how it works (e.g. the use of electricity without applying amplification to enhance the output and efficiency of its generation. Without amplifying electricity during generation, prior to distribution the loss in potential power is what causes mediocre applications of electrical energy. See C-Drive Energy Technology and Airline Industry-Flying without wings to see how identifying the link between propulsion, flight or lift (gravity) and energy is necessary for gaining access to amplification. The misapplication of "fields" in physics prevents this knowledge form being gained). This lack of knowledge leads to the loss of mass energy equivalence and mediocrity in the knowledge concerning how to generate electrical power. If electricity is created by displacement of nuclei in atoms, then it should be possible to generate electricity as kinetic energy directly from atoms as a specific form of nuclear energy.

At present schools, colleges and universities are teaching that the dynamos and motors such as the one illustrated above are made to function using electromagnetic fields. If this is indeed inaccurate then there are far reaching implications and the negative impact this may have on the capacity of learners to go on to make informed decisions about electrical energy.

Understanding this is profound, as it allows us to understand what electricity really is and how it works. When current is passed through a wire and a voltmeter is used to measure it, what is being measured is the transfer of kinetic energy, electrons are not "flowing" through the wire. It is assumed that the flow of electrons through a wire causes the "kick" or deflection of a wire. However, using how the C-Drive works we can now deduce that this is in fact incorrect. The displacement of the nucleus moves the entire atom causing the kick, which is why the wire deflects. Technically this kick or displacement is the initiation of kinetic energy and is therefore electricity itself. In other words this is evidence for why there is no flow of electrons through a wire, the flow does not cause the kick or deflection in the wire, the kick itself is the flow, beginning and end of electricity. Electricity itself is nothing more than kinetic energy being transferred through atoms in a wire or other conductive substance using the same process observed in the C-Drive. Therefore, electrons do not flow,the flow of electricity is a motor itself turning, which is seen in the physical movement or rotation of its coil, this physical motion of turning or rotation is the flow of electricity. This perspective allows us to understand that electricity is in fact just a selective form of gravity or inversely it could be said its all just electricity, there is no gravity. Any form of physical movement be it the motor coil turning, a ball bouncing or you getting up from your chair is either receiving or generating the flow of current, therefore electricity is in this sense indistinguishable from gravity. The mistake made in science is simply mislabeling what is assumed is flowing. Kinetic energy is transferred through atoms of the wire, there are no electrons flowing through the coil of a motor, the coil itself turning is this flow.An object that is inert contains electrical energy in a passive state, which is the C-Drive in neutral. When the object moves technically its passive state changes from neutral to launch as we see in the C-Drive. 

The nucleus is surrounded by a shell of electrons that it may seem difficult to understand how to displace a nucleus that is nestled inside it. However, the FDNEH proposes that the nucleus, electrons and protons are all created by Trons. Since Trons are proposed to cycle between the shell and the nucleus, displacing the nucleus will consist of interrupting or manipulating this constant flow as Trons enter the nucleus from the shell and/or as they leave nucleus and return to the shell in order to generate electricity directly from displacing the nucleus. The ability to generate nuclear electricity from mass energy equivalence will be useful for powering C-Drives with electric motors that have zero-emissions and are more powerful than the energy density of propellants used to generate thrust in conventional rockets destined for space.

Force Vectoring not Magnetic Fields: As we saw earlier the C-Drive backs the inference that force-vectoring taking place in atomic structures is responsible for the movement of materials and magnetic effects.For instance, the belief that solar flares in the sun are caused by magnetic fields would, from this view, be incorrect. The activity of solar flares is directed by internal atomic activity, what is observed merely appears to be the cause of magnetic fields, however, this is deceptive and an incorrect interpretation of a scientific observation. Pivoting the analysis on the "fields do not exist" hypothesis, we find once again a situation in which explanations in science that are generally accepted are in fact teaching and spreading misinformation.

Earlier it was noted that the belief in fields is why there has been very little progress in understanding gravity. Using the coil in the motor it has been proposed that the motor turning is in fact a gravitational effect or force. It is a gravitational force applied selectively to materials, to then say magnetism and gravity are caused by a different force only demonstrates how far astray this science has gone. 

The inference is that all of the effects of magnetism and electricity, even that observed in superconductors, that are attributed to non-existent fields are in fact caused by gravity, which is force vectoring taking place within the atomic structure of materials. This is why the existence of a "field" in and of itself cannot be established. A "field" can only be detected through the behaviour of conduit materials. However, this behaviour is in fact being driven internally by atoms in those materials not by an imaginary field.

The "fields do not exist" hypothesis still holds, because the mobility of electrons is governed by the proximity of the nucleus to the orbital shell. Adjustments in this proximity control how materials (e.g. iron filings - basically atoms in a material) move. When this movement is observed, it is described as a magnetic field, when in fact it is not. Rather, it is a "field effect" since magnetic fields do not exist.  

Bar Magnets and Misinformation about Fields

Iron filings behave like a swarm moving in synchrony which creates the impression of the presence of a field. According to FDNEH Iron filings arrange themselves around a bar magnet using internal propulsive force generated in their atoms by the same internal force vectoring process that propels C-Drives. With what is known in science today, it would make sense to explain the behaviour of the iron filings to students as a swarm, with each particle of iron moving to take and hold a position under its own energy, force and intelligence, as is 
observed in the manner a swarm of drones can be programmed to move intelligently
in the sky. If the swarm were shrunk to the size of iron filing particles or atoms, then 
the iron filings taking and holding positions would best be described to students as
a demonstration of a form of naturally occurring nano technology. 


The image above that looks like a magnetic field in action
is actually a swarm of drones lighting up the night sky. This kind
of pattern can be seen on a cosmic scale in astronomy or on the
surface of the sun.
Scale this same concept down to atoms or particles from
iron filings and it becomes a way of expressing nanotechnology in action.
Explaining iron filings creating what appear as "fields" when 
observed (.i.e. field effects), is likely to be the best and most 
prudent or accurate way of describing how magnetic fields work to students. 

The FDNEH would go as far as emphasizing that this independent intelligent 
movement of each particle of iron filing, is how atoms and atomic particles coordinate their movement  to form molecules, which becomes the fundamental process by which all organic and inorganic objects and matter from an apple to an iron bar are created, from the nuclear level upward as we have discussed when this was described as autonomous matter.

What human beings perceive as "physical contact" and mass is fundamentally the activity of atoms that create molecules and matter following agreed upon rules while behaving like a swarm of nano-particles intelligently orchestrating how they interact with one another. 

Taking the FDNEH into account, to teach students that iron filings are moved by a magnetic field, where such a field does not exist, as is seen in modern science today nearly everywhere this is currently being disseminated be it in the classroom, science lab, lecture hall or on youtube is comparable to spreading misinformation and basically teaching "pseudoscience" to learners out of ignorance. 
The damage being done to students by teaching this pseudo-science is to deny them
the ability to piece together the puzzle that accurately explains what gravity is and how it 
works, that will follow them into higher education, college and university and inevitably into their professional lives limiting the contributions they can make to the sciences.   

The lines of force seen are a "Field Effect" - that is, a pattern  generated by the coordinated movement of the iron filings, that in and of itself is not evidence of the existence of fields. There is no magnetic field whatsoever. Following the FDNEH  closely nothing is capable of floating or resting on a medium because technically all forms of matter are intangible. The ongoing belief that the image  above is evidence that magnetic fields exist is deceptive and is what has led modern science astray concerning understanding the relationship between gravity and electricity. If the time spent on fields were instead spent on materials science to determine what internal properties make objects in a vacuum move and float the origin of gravity and magnetic fields as being attributed to activity within atoms, not to an external field or fluid, would have been identified long ago.

What is interesting is that the moment a physicist accepts the primitive belief that iron filings are being "moved" to depict lines of force by a "field" he or she by default introduces a "medium" as the cause or means of this movement taking place, which is in fact false because the medium does not exist. The consequence of a physicist making this mistake is that he or she then ascribes the cause of magnetism or gravitational force to that medium, something imaginary, and goes on to build an entire framework of modern science on a falsehood. More importantly, this falsehood becomes a serious misdirect, in that by the scientist believing he or she has identified an external "medium" or "field" as the cause of magnetism and gravity he or she inadvertently can no longer see past this mistake, predominantly because they relentlessly, measure, define, experiment, study, and catalogue field effects without pausing to ascertain if fields in and of themselves are genuine. The fact that the presence of a magnetic field cannot be detected in and of itself, but must be detected through an alternate substance or conduit should have been a red card. If fields can only be detected through a conduit, greater caution should have been applied to how they are understood to exist and work. Once again its important not to lose sight of the fact that whether a "field" or "fluid" is observed to function internally as a static flow or externally as a moving flow the FDNEH still applies because fundamentally matter is intangible and therefore its interaction whether internal or eternal must generally be orchestrated and treated as such to avoid repeating mistakes in analysis of empirical evidence.

This simple mistake in analysis creates an imaginary field that becomes an obstacle that obscures the fact matter is capable of moving autonomously to the extent that it is able to suspend itself independently in mid-air even in a vacuum. Is the idea that matter can suspend itself in mid air even in a vacuum not far fetched? Where is the evidence?  Here is the evidence: when it gets dark tonight go outside, look at the stars. It can be observed with planets, suns and asteroids, the only evidence it requires is for the observer to look up at the night sky. The concept of fields in the sciences has become so inculcated that the average person is brainwashed into failing to see the obvious. The ability of matter to do this is an inference a scientist would accurately determine if the approach applied were based on the "fields do not exist" hypothesis (FDNEH). Observing stars and planets, identifying space is a vacuum (contains nothing) and applying Occam's rasor as to why and how these bodies remain suspended in a vacuum, the natural and simple answer will be based on FDNEH, these bodies suspend themselves in space using internal properties, because space is a vacuum i.e. - there is nothing to rest on. Instead of this simple explanation for magnetism and electricity an abstract non-existent external medium was "invented" introduced as science in the C19th to explain the phenomenon and the misdirect became external fluids or fields. Historically, magnetism was discovered as far back as 600 b.c which is likely when the antiquated concept of magnetism being caused by external "fields" and being an invisible  "fluid" was first made. To say the earth rests on a fluid or field when it is clearly surrounded by a vacuum is imprudent, it is a conclusion made for convenience that was not given sufficient thought and scrutiny by scientists.

This mistake in logic and analysis then carried on all the way into 21st century science and became the basis for scientific studies on magnetism and electricity that became prominent 230 years ago, a period in history when it should have been corrected but was not. Naturally gravity was modeled on the antiquated external "fluid" or "medium" approach used to explain magnetism that persisted into the medieval period of history all the way into modern day science. This is observed in the use of geodesics and the use of similar field lines to depict and explain highly advanced concepts such as Space-Time popularized by the renowned physicist Einstein. The spandex experiment was used to explain Einstein's Space-Time as a "field". The problem with the spandex experiment being flawed and misleading has already been discussed in significant detail here.

What is truly sad is this flawed "science" about magnetism, gravity and fields is being to taught to young minds from an early age in secondary school education, basically crippling their minds and preventing them from being able to fully and correctly grasp knowledge fundamental to how the universe works. These children, in this sense, are not being educated, they are being mis-educated and misinformed and the contributors to this ongoing problem includes all the media and channels through which they continue to have this misinformation taught and peddled to them. This faulty knowledge will affect them for the rest of their lives rendering them incapable of solving critical problems in physics and the sciences in general as is seen in the ongoing inability of physicists, some considered the greatest minds that have ever graced this subject, to solve problems related to the sciences, such as gravity, that is critical to humanity.  

The fact that the belief in external fields is applied in science to this day would make it one of the most profound misinterpretations of a scientific phenomenon that has misinformed and continues to misinform even the highest levels of science that defies correction and dates back two and half millennia (more than 2,621 years without correction). This seems rather comedic, and yet tragic at the same time.

Empirical evidence is not a panacea simply because the results of experiments and research though yielding accurate data, can still lead to situations in which the analysis is flawed and the data is misinterpreted. The belief in fields can be described as a critical flaw or impasse in human reasoning and education that is currently prevalent in the sciences. This is because fields impede the ability of researchers to understand gravity. The delays in progress caused by fields, should have been corrected 230 years ago but instead of being corrected were reinforced in the sciences. The lost time for course correction appears far too extensive, requires intervention otherwise technically, humanity is on borrowed time. The estimated loss in population of an earth bound civilization would be extensive. At this stage the mistakes and gaps in knowledge may simply be too extensive to do anything at scale about it. There may be some gains in trying to correct this knowledge of possibly 1% or less of the earth bound population at risk. The envelope on humanity making these corrections closed 200 to 230 years ago, when the opportunity for course correction existed that would already be in place today.  If there are inordinate delays in understanding and harnessing gravity this exposes humanity to innumerable internal and external threats, for example, world wars where weapons of mass destruction are carelessly deployed and cosmic events such as asteroids on a collision course with earth moving undetected through solar systems and outer space and so on. Gravity is the simplest and cheapest method by which an advanced civilization can develop the propulsion systems by which to become a multi-planetary species. Delays in understanding how gravity works created by interruptions such as the misdirection caused by fields can therefore be described as a critical flaw or impasse in human reasoning. The misunderstanding concerning fields in the sciences, by delaying the development of gravity, by default, currently places more human beings at risk than any other problem currently faced by humanity. This is a mistake in theory and education to which close attention should be paid.

The iron filings around the bar magnet are not moved into position by a "field" or "lines of force". They are moved into position by the propulsive force exerted by their atoms. Where and how they move is proposed to be governed by computational physics that involves the use of qubits. This is explained in more detail towards the end in C-Drives, Atoms and Computing Power.

What is believed to be the complex interaction of magnetic fields, is not magnetic fields at all, but rather reveals the instructions being traded, code or language being applied, complex levels of communication or handshakes taking place between individual atoms negotiating or computing how to interact with one another and consequently taking positions using the very same processed information and force measured as a "deflection in wire" caused by the "flow" or rather non-flow of electrons. It also implies that each individual atom can choose to comply or interact (move in synchrony) or not to comply or interact with other atoms (move out of synchrony). This method or capacity to interact selectively is why certain atoms create forms of gravity that appear as "magnetism". Some materials consist of atoms that are good conductors of kinetic energy, which is why they flow more easily and they readily exhibit gravitational force influenced by kinetic energy, such as the turning motion of a coil in a motor. Other materials are poor conductors of kinetic energy which is why they don't flow easily. However, the assumption is that the type of behaviour to adopt or characteristics to have exhibited by an atom are determined by handshakes. Which entails that any material can choose whether or not to conduct kinetic energy to more efficiently exhibit a gravitational force or a field effect. Its all just gravity.

It can be proposed that the code first writes an operating system as a user interface, that is, a written copy of itself describing all particles, electrons, protons and neutrons etc. Even though they have no tangible properties, when the code is executed, they intelligently swarm or re-enact, mimic or reproduce its data and follow rules, which though consisting purely of code generate a physical universe observed in quantum mechanics and physics. This generated, interactive layer consists of atoms is the "skin" of the code. It allows the skin consisting of atoms to interact with itself through handshakes, which makes it capable of self-awareness. It can be hypothesised to be an inorganic form of intelligence that in turn generates or creates reality, and the experiential universe.

This skin or projection which consists of atoms and molecules does not exist in and of itself, it consists purely of code, is written into existence by code, is conscious and believes it is the code, which in turn is why human beings believe the world is a physical tangible place. Atoms mimic the code that writes them, in the way skin takes the form of the muscle and skeletal structure beneath integrated through a nervous system. Hence, the term "skin" is appropriate as is the term "user-interface". The code itself (described in religion as spirit) is likely to consist exclusively of the cloud or Bose-Einstein Condensate when viewed in 3 dimensions. It is proposed that the BEC is seen in 2 dimensions when viewed in the double slit experiment. In this state it should be regarded as existing outside the Space-Time Framework. What it is important to not forget is that nothing exists except the code itself. Nothing exists inside the Space-Time framework, everything exists outside the Space-Time framework. 

It may be difficult for humanity to accept that the universe consists purely of code, to lose its way and ponder what does this even mean? Once again religion is way ahead of science in this regard, concerning the true state of matter and humanity’s relationship with the universe. It points out that to fail to know that spirit takes precedence over the material world is for a man or woman to fail to recognise or see they have a soul or spirit that presides over and outlives an arbitrary or unreal physical reality, and that this is fact, science or the very nature of true existence, not the flesh or the physical world. Failing to understand this is like an animal reacting to a mirror and not having the intelligence or presence of mind to recognize itself and determine the other animal in the mirror is not real but a reflection. To be mislead by appearances such as the physical nature of the world shares common traits with being seduced by materialism. The unseen test or peril is that a man or woman may mistakenly regard as real what is in fact false and like the animal react or behave in ignorance, that is, consequently make ill informed decisions based on this lack of knowledge: For what shall it profit a man [or woman], if he [or she] shall gain the whole world, and lose his [or her] own soul?

It entails that each individual atom has autonomous mobility and is an intelligent building block from which everything is constructed even gravity and electricity. Understanding this brings us closer to the truth. What becomes more pressing is figuring out how these handshakes take place [outside of Space-Time], that could lead to further breakthroughs in engineering, physics and science in general. 

Earlier we saw how mass energy equivalence as the means of atoms taking positions when applied in matter is governed by a process of handshakes that originate from outside Space-Time. This makes this language, code and its network or method of communication undetectable to current instruments and knowledge in physics. We saw how Heisenberg's Equation steps out of Space-Time by eliminating distance using the corrected interpretation of the equation which states that any location in the universe, regardless of how distant, is reachable within the short interval of Planck's constant, this will apply to both travel and information/communication (any precise position or point in the universe "x" can be reached or moved to instantly (faster than the speed of light caveat) within a time interval factor equal to or less than Planck's constant at a precise or known momentum "p"). If it is proposed that atoms do the same then even atoms separated by vast distances have hand shakes that can be communicated instantly without being obstructed by distances as vast as the expanse at one edge of the universe to another, and this process is referred to as entanglement. 

 If all matter in general is entangled in this way then it explains how atoms are able to interact and orchestrate their movement using internal mobility replicated in a C-Drive. It also means that if physicists can hack or tap into how atoms communicate outside of Space-Time, then they can, by design, give atoms instructions which will be received as handshakes and consequently control or influence the behaviour of individual atoms, all the materials they create and all the forces they wield. What does this mean? It means that instead of a ship traveling at 1G to create artificial gravity mechanically, the atoms of astronauts and anything on board a vessel, even a stationary ship, could simply be instructed, through a handshake, to operate on 1G and everything on board would function as though in earth gravity. They would appear to be inside a gravitational "field", however, this would be a field effect because fields do not exist and gravity is being created by the atoms that make up organic and inorganic matter on the stationary ship. Learning how C-Drives work will help with understanding how to control these atomic structures since the C-Drive mechanism mimics how this atomic process works [This type of application of C-Drive technology is covered more extensively by the 2nd C-Drive Patent filed with Pacra].

Logic indicates that the answers to how these handshakes begin to be found is at the very precipice of 99% or the threshold of superluminal velocity. It should come as no surprise, C-Drives can get us there.

Its easy for a physicist to read this page on the "Science of the Collision Drive" that appears to stray into theoretical physics and say, well its just pseudo-science. But all we have done is take the position of a simple hypothesis "Fields do not Exist" and applied it to what is currently known in these areas. If this method of analysis and position proves accurate as is seen with the C-Drive, then its not pseudo science, in fact the coin flips and the term "pseudo" then applies to any approach where fields are currently thought to exist. The "fields do not exist" hypothesis should therefore be approached very seriously.

The Signature of Gravity

The signature of gravity is an important topic of discussion. Gravity clearly has a signature, which when applied to a given mass makes it behave in a manner that allows it to gain independence, that is, the ability to move without the presence of a medium or field. This independence allows it to move without having to push off any other mass and to use the process as a means of self propulsion and navigation with the potential to create any material or force in the universe. Its a known fact that when aspects of this signature are applied to the flight maneuvers of an airplane the occupants inside it begin to experience zero-g.  

A C-Drive is a device with many moving parts working together to achieve this signature, an electron achieves the same objective but is not as complicated. This leads to the conclusion that the signature for gravity applied to even a simple point of mass or energy such as an electron can exhibit all the complexity of the mechanical C-Drive, the most important feature being changes in polarity. When this signature is applied to an electron the inference is that it creates a complex working mechanism, machine or vehicle called an atom that is able to move independently in any direction in 3 dimensional Space. At this juncture we can identify that gravity is simply the kick or movement of entire atoms which cause this physical movement, in any given mass, in response to the displacement of the nucleus against an atom's orbital shell. It should also be accepted that atoms can use this process to move themselves around and navigate with great precision.

Think of it this way, by using this signature to change its polarity an electron can choose to be negative, positive or neutral which is comparable to a superposition or qubit in quantum computing. This implies that an atom is not just a vehicle endowed with mobility which can be described as autonomous matter, but it can also incorporate the abilities of a processor which very likely explains how atoms are able to exchange instructions or information using handshakes through which they modify their composition, physical movement and behaviour. If Google's Sycamore quantum computer can display significant computing power from just 53 qubits, what more an atom or molecule? The atom consequently becomes more recognizable as the intelligent fundamental building block that constructs the universe. This gravitational signature is at the very centre of how it comes into existence. 

The inference is that a  simple point of energy and mass can use movement to create a complex vehicle called an atom. A recreation of what this signature looks like is illustrated above. The C-Drive shown below recreates this signature using
mechanical processes.

Source: Pacra Patent

A time laps illustration of the C-Drive reveals the
gravitational signature. Interestingly enough this 
signature is heart shaped and mirrors the heart shape 
created by the electron movement in T1, T2 & T3 above.
The direction of movement T4, forms between the peaks.

1. Collider arm (electron), 2. Drive shaft head (Nucleus) where
changes in polarity take place 3. The Harness (Orbital path)

C-Drives, Atoms & Computing Power

A Tron in the above diagram can occupy 3 distinct states, that of a charge that is negative, positive, or neutral. Conventional computing relies on two states 0 and 1, which also applies to a qubit in quantum computing. If we assume that an atom is a collection of Trons capable of superposition and behaving as quantum bits in the three mentioned states, then we can also propose that an atom is in fact a cluster of information. This implies that the movement of Trons in orbitals that generate the shell and nucleus is also a method for processing information. 

The term "superposition" appears here once again, this time in reference to "Trons", yet earlier in this analysis we dismissed superposition and the uncertainty or probability associated with it. Is this not a contradiction? No its not. If the movement of matter from one location to another requires distance, but matter, its movement and Space-Time (dimensions or distances x,y,z) is in fact a product of a Tron processing information using its ability to occupy different charge states, that is, 0 and 1 as well as a state in between selecting 0 and 1 referred to as "neutral" or the "superposition" then mass, matter and distance are just attributes of Trons processing information. The 0 and 1 of data is simply managed by where the Tron is located in the atom during its orbital cycle, that is, the nucleus, the shell or somewhere in between (neutral). As Trons move through these different locations in the atom it can be assumed they are processing data or running algorithms, which when observed in physical terms is assumed to simply be electrons orbiting the nucleus in an atom. There is a change in the laws of physics in the sense that the attributes that govern the physical properties of matter, including "Space-Time" and distance require a conventional form of physics whereas the physics producing them that consists of Trons is not physical, but computational. 

Once this is understood it then becomes clear why distance can and should be dismissed from Heisenberg's equation, as was discussed earlier: it should be dismissed, the universe and all matter should be regarded as existing in one point because the physics governing it is no longer material or physical, but computational. 10 billion light years in the physical world is an impossible distance to travel, however, in the computational domain of qubits its just a simple series of rudimentary digits. What replaces distance, work done and is more important in the computation domain is processing speed and memory. When a shift is made from viewing the universe as material as it is with Space-Time in physics to being purely computational generated by Trons, distance is just a construct associated with a primitive or medieval understanding of how the underlying properties of the universe function. This takes us back to the distinction between the physical cup resting on the table because they are solid or tangible, actually being the intangible cup and table negotiating their positions relative to one another to make them appear solid or tangible when in fact they are not, which is the more accurate observation.  

Earlier we noted that Google's Sycamore  computer uses 25 - 53 qubits. If a Tron is the equivalent of a single qubit. Then an atom consists of Trons cycling through its nucleus and shell. An atom of salt has 11 electrons. Each of these represents a qubit. 

A single grain of salt contains  about: 5.85x10-5 gr/ (29.25 gr / 6.02x1023) = 1.2x1018 atoms. 

In comparison to Google's Sycamore supercomputer which consists of 25 - 53 qubits which is equivalent to 2.27 - 4.8 atoms, a single grain of salt has  1.2x1018 atoms. 

Sycamore is a quantum processor created by Google Inc.'s Artificial Intelligence division. It has 53 qubits. In 2019, Sycamore completed a task in 200 seconds that Google claimed, in a Nature paper, would take a state-of-the-art supercomputer 10,000 years to finish (Wiki 2021).
If the analysis above holds true Sycamore has 53 qubits, while a grain of salt has 1.32x1019 qubits. The inference is that not only can atoms exchange and process information prodigiously with which to coordinate and orchestrate how they interact, move and behave, they can also do this irrespective of how far apart they are in a process which when observed is described as "entanglement", this makes sense since in computational terms processing distance does not require much work or exertion, whereas in physical terms, the equivalent, which is covering distance, it does. In the physical domain where human beings depend on a biological sensory system it seems strange to physicists how particles incredible distances apart can link instantaneously, however, entanglement from a computational perspective is easy, since distance can be dismissed (as was demonstrated earlier with Heisenberg's equation), the particles though great distances apart in computational terms are in the same place.  The Periodic Table found in chemistry and physics that contains all the known elements can likewise be described as a map or table of Trons and the many different algorithms or elements they generate and intelligently control. 

The folly of ignorance vs the power of observation

"If a tree falls in a forest and no-one is there to hear it does it make a sound?" Eric Cavalcanti

The assumption that tends to be made is that matter is "dumb" and simply a blind ingredient in the design of objects. This view held by some physicists cannot be accurate. If the assumptions made here are true, it must be considered to have independent motive force, which when observed is described as gravity, it is able to interact with itself in that atoms orchestrate their movement and swarm to create the properties of all matter and reality studied in physics for which laws and rules are prescribed. Matter cannot behave in this way without very high levels of intelligence and being able to observe its environment and objects within it from a microscopic and macroscopic view via entanglement. The fact the grain of salt, may have significantly more processing processing power than the human brain implies that it cannot be ruled out that matter is in fact a higher order inorganic intelligence. In Slipstreaming we hypothesised that Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms that generate a physical world will be indistinguishable from consciousness, the same kind of processes by which the human brain
thinks, makes decisions, is conscious and self aware. This leads to a condition where the subject (humanity) is created from a substance or fabric more advanced and intelligent than itself. Since reality is held in the crucible of matter, it cannot be ruled out that there is nothing that it cannot constantly and consistently intelligently observe and record, even human thought.

The scientific answer to Eric Cavalcanti's question in this context, has to be, yes.      

In order to think, be intelligent and self-aware, conscious and perform many complex functions the human brain's computing or processing power uses less than 100 billion organic cells. Why does a simple material like a grain of salt need  1.32x1019 qubits? What are inorganic minerals and materials doing with all this proposed processing power? How does the material have more processing power than than the thing it creates? If they exist, what could these prodigious levels of processing power even mean? These are questions that need research and credible answers.

This adds credence to the "fields do not exist" hypothesis in that it identifies how atoms are not only capable of autonomous mobility, they have the necessary computing power to engage in handshakes with one another. Fields in and of themselves do not exist. They are simply a by-product of rules of engagement executed through handshakes or back and forth communication between atoms that result in an observable movement, swarm or self propulsion, for example, iron filings aligning themselves in the presence of a magnet. The iron filings are not moved by a "field" they are moved by their own atoms in relation to the atoms of the magnet as instructions are shared concerning how they should interact. Intelligent matter becomes foundational to how substances are created and behave hence the need for significant computational capacity in nature.

In Conclusion

The problem began with trying to understand why despite all the advancements seen in physics and modern science in general there was very little progress were gravity was concerned. This failure was evident in how copious amounts of money and man hours were being spent on projects and yet they could yield no simple approach to understanding what gravity is, how it works and how it can be applied. There was no device, even a simple one, to demonstrate a controlled use of gravitational force.  [This failure mirrors how despite the vast training and knowledge gained in economics over 200 years the subject still cannot comprehend poverty sufficiently enough to bring it and the suffering it causes to an end. This led to the development of a new initiative and approach to solving this problem called Split Velocity.]

After a lengthy period of background work and research on theory the root of the problem was identified as fields. It was mooted that gravity does not need a medium to function and the desire by the scientific community to conform to this motif using "fields" is what was confounding attempts to unravel it. The "fields do not exist" hypothesis (FDNEH) was born and applied as a tool or method for brute force analysis to get to the center of what was amiss. 

When applied to theory concerning atoms a new atomic structure that conforms with FDNEH was developed with the Tron being at the heart of how atoms function. In trying to understand the mechanics of how this structure would work the C-Drive was developed. The C-Drive in theory was conceptualized, designed and developed and became the focus of trying to solve the problem. 

The C-Drive was eventually built as a pilot to test the "fields do not exist" hypothesis. The successful results from the pilot test of the C-Drive backed the accuracy of the theory. The device was successfully patented. Technically the C-Drive is the first device built to function on [Tier-1] gravitational force according to the FDNEH approach. 

The objective at present is to construct C-Drives of high design and build quality, improve understanding of how they can be applied in diverse areas and bring them to a wider audience by commercializing their use. 

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