The Future of Fossil Fuels is in Space

The energy density of fossil fuels will continue to make them highly useful and sought after in Space. An energy mix where different types of fuels are used appropriately and in satisfactory environments is the best strategy for the future.

With the drive to Zero Emissions to protect earth's atmosphere and climate being the short to long term view the next most useful place for the fossil fuels and lubricants industry is in Space. 

The oil and petroleum industry's future lies in investment in increased activity in Space where fossil fuels can be used safely without harming earth's environment. 

Energy Density 

Fossil fuels which have high energy density levels will continue to be useful for travel in Space and in industries such as the mining of asteroids and planets that may have hostile environments but that have valuable rare resources.  Though protecting the environment on earth may naturally lead to a transition from fossil fuels to electric vehicles, traffic in Space on the other hand is likely to grow rapidly as vehicles move more frequently to various destinations within Space and will inevitably exceed traffic on earth  especially with the advancement of propulsion systems such as the C-Drive sustaining demand for fossil fuels and giving the industry a long term view of where to invest in the future as cleaner and more proficient methods for using fossil fuels continue to emerge. 

Advances in propulsion technology

With advances in propulsion such as the Collision Drive, which can allow for travel to the very edges of the universe, which has not been thought possible, it is quite simply natural that movement and industrial activity in Space will inevitably exceed this kind of activity on earth. The fact that a Collision Drive is fairly simple to build is likely to make Space more accessible and open it up to a wide audience, which bodes well for the future of this industry. The fact that it will have many different types of power plants allows for a wide ranging energy mix that will give fossil fuels new opportunities to continue to be used in safely in Space.  

Space is a place for the safe application of fossil fuels that the industry should focus on for its long-term future, just as surely as there is need for a Net Zero Emissions agenda to save earth's atmosphere and climate, its just a question of keeping an open mind and being able to look ahead and see how best to secure growth and where the future of both these approaches gain the best dividends.

Space offers hope to fossil fuels industry.

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