A ship travelling faster than the rate of cause and effect for air molecules will travel faster than the speed of sound, but will not leave behind a sonic boom or disturbance of any kind in its wake due to slipstreaming past air molecules and the environment it passes through. In other words it moves past and through air molecules faster than the physical properties from which they are created, even at the atomic scale, are able to react.
Slipstreaming through air is simple. The hypothesis is that even properties as simple as friction and pressure are created from cause and effect, even friction and pressure must build up between two surfaces, air molecules and the surface of a vehicle, that make contact and exert a force against one another, however, if surfaces are sliding past one another faster than the fundamental or molecular rate at which they build up pressure physically then there can be no sonic boom and no heat due to the fact that there is no wake, no low pressure area behind the vehicle or high pressure area in front of it, no shock wave as the two surfaces are not in the same state or position long enough for pressure as a physical force and property of matter to build itself into a sonic boom.
For instance, its a known fact that at exceptional speeds beyond certain mach values an aircraft wing will no longer generate lift. Therefore, it can be described as moving beyond the optimal rate of cause and effect for lift forces to continue to function. Similarly, there are critical rates of cause and effect for g-forces, heat and pressure beyond which they begin to cease to function on approach to slipstream rates of acceleration. This can be compared to pushing your car over a steeply inclined hill, when the car moves over the incline, the ability of your hands to remain in contact with the vehicle gradually diminishes until its downward rate of acceleration exceeds the force applied by your hands and their capacity to remain in contact with the car, in a slipstream this critical point where all resistance disappears is proposed to happen to contact between objects accelerating past one another faster than the laws of cause and effect. G-force, mass, heat, pressure, tangibility (contact) and even time itself are hypothesized to each have different critical values at different rates of acceleration before they cease to function. It should not be assumed that the forces cause and effect induce such as heat and pressure simply continue to build up indefinitely as velocity increases, there is a point at which they snap or breach, reset or tap out, move to zero and cease to function - this principle is likely to apply to different mediums such as water, air and even gravity and time, it therefore includes g-forces (for example, cause and effect for air may begin to breach at Mach 320 or much earlier). When a vehicle begins to slipstream underwater it will no longer experience the resistance expected to be present in water despite its density. It will move in dense water cutting through it with little or no resistance and travel underwater at unusual speeds as though it is moving through a medium of lower density like air. It should not be assumed that mass increases with velocity indefinitely, even mass, like air and water molecules, will have a specific elasticity and therefore a critical rate of acceleration and velocity at which it taps out and ceases to function - the same applies to time dilation, these forces are all conditioned and created by cause and effect and will therefore have a critical point at which they fall to zero or cease to function, that is, breach cause and effect.
It should be clear that "Time" in Einstein's model of the universe of "Space-Time", is in fact motion, that is, his understanding of time is synonymous with the ticking hands of a clock and how its movements are calibrated. Relativity is built on a calibration designed on seconds, minutes, hours, days and years, which are in turn merely rates of motion. This is why in the FDNEH, this is referred to as Einstein's Time (Te). In the FDNEH motion is not time, its just motion, consequently, the FDNEH takes the position that the presence of motion indicates the absence of time, which is referred to as true Space-Time (StTt). Understandably, in Einstein's Relativity Theory, motion is Time. This is only partially true. If everything in Einstein's universe froze and stood still right down to the level of atoms, technically Time would cease to exist and should motion be restored there would be no evidence or knowledge of the freeze ever having taken place. However, this is not accurate, because true Time (Tt) would measure the duration for which the universe stood still and be aware of it, due to the fact that in Tt even the absence of motion is in and of itself a form of motion that can be observed from an adjacent universe or from sequestered Space. This indicates two important facts, firstly that Einstein's Relativity Theory is true, but only due to the fact that its analysis is limited to time dilation, it does not advance into breach of cause and effect and how this supersedes dilation. Secondly, by necessity Einstein's theory on relativity is accurate within a universe, but does not advance to multiverse theory where breaches in cause and effect counter aspects of Relativity Theory such as dilation and the speed of light being a limit or caveat for the maximum velocity of matter. Technically, this makes Relativity Theory more dated and more limited the FDNEH.
The absence of motion and the presence of time can only be understood when distance is removed from the concept of Space-Time. Distance, like magnetic fields, should be removed because it is a field effect, and therefore does not exist. Variations in velocity and acceleration alter rates of motion either toward or away from true Time (StTt), which cause time dilation or the elasticity of Einstein's Space-Motion aka Space-Time (SeTe). When there is a breach in cause and effect between matter moving at high velocity or acceleration both reset to zero to maintain accuracy (where time is zero due to the breach in cause and effect) and revert to the same timeline in a position where this matter at extreme variance no longer interacts. To an observer, when this happens the matter moving at high velocity or acceleration is sequestered. Two separate instances of cause and effect that do not interact are created. When this critical point is reached in the atmosphere the air molecules no longer interact with the vessel or ship moving past them, this lack of interaction generates what would appear to observers as a "field" or "bubble" and the vehicle begins to slipstream. Technically the vehicle and the air molecules have breached cause and effect and therefore are no longer acting in the same Space therefore pressure, friction and heat cease to function and there is no sonic boom.
This becomes easy to understand when it is appreciated that Time is not motion (SeTe), but is used to create separate Spaces (sequestrations), a property that can be applied to how universes can exist in the same Space and yet not interact, because cause and effect or causality between them has been sequestered. It is also important to understand that this sequestration is being caused by specific velocity and is attributed to time variance between the moving object and its surroundings. In other words its not being caused by a variance in contact between the surface of the vehicle and air molecules, but variances in Time between them that separate cause and effect, thereby dissipating, nullifying or neutralizing contact. As the vehicle moves at high velocity or acceleration, the matter of which the vehicle consists is in the same place as the air molecules, but not at or in the same Time therefore the vehicle and the air molecules can no longer make physical contact with one another (become sequestered) which on observation makes the vehicle appear as though it is surrounded by and contained in a force "field", however, the field in and off itself does not exist. This means that technically, even the occupants in the vessel, moving with it at the same velocity are also breaching cause and effect and become sequestered or contained in the force "field", therefore the lack of interaction between the matter at variance that appears to an observer as a force "field" around the vehicle is not just external or superficial but total in that it consumes the entire vehicle, including passengers and all the matter traveling with it at high velocity or acceleration.
Like the belief in "fields", the belief that clocks measure Time belongs to a primitive scientific construct and understanding based on the misplaced belief that motion is time.
The limitations of Relativity Theory: Time is one of the most difficult forces to understand. There is a reason why you cannot accurately measure time within a universe or sequestration using motion. Only a very primitive or misinformed civilization would believe a clock measures time, even if that clock is an atomic clock, the thought that this type of accuracy means Time is being measured is weak science. Motion within a sequestration is not Time. A clock is just a man made device for measuring motion. Its accuracy is not absolute. If a year actually took five years, there would be no way within a sequestration, of knowing this variance in duration had occurred. Simply for the sake of argument: If the universe is found to be billions of years old, when observed by its inhabitants and studied by scientists, how could they know it is in fact a few minutes old, if their knowledge does not extend outside the vessel in which they exist and make measurements? They would have no means of knowing the meaning of age and time outside their own creation or sequestration. In this sense carbon dating though useful has limitations. It tells scientists very little about the age of any matter being scrutinized. Any method used to measure time based on motion or atomic decay within a universe only has context and meaning within it. Like dismissing distance, this too will be difficult to grasp. This can be compared to the belief that the cup rests on the table mentioned earlier. What is observed appears empirical, however, the interpretation of the observation is flawed. Look at the diagram above, where the person is turning in tandem with the rotating clock, it is technically impossible to measure time within a universe, it is only possible to do across universes.
If all motion froze right down to the atomic level and started again as shown by the whole clock-face turning and the person turning with the second hand, there would be no way of knowing, within the sequestration, time was lost. This is due to the fact that motion is not time.
Time within a sequestration can only be measured accurately across
Motion, even the ticking hands of a clock or measurement using atoms, is not Time.
Believing Motion is Time will lead to false assumptions in physics
since there is no way of verifying the accuracy of what is recorded and
observed within a sequestration. A second could have taken an hour, a thousand years could have been over in a minute; there is actually no way of determining what the intervals created by motion are and what any given duration is - in actuality, even when measurements appear consistent, scientific and accurate there is no means of understanding or verifying this accuracy within a sequestration.
The ticking hands of a clock against the digits standing still on the clock face is a measurement of motion not time. Since the ticking hands and the observer share the same causality the observer is not in real terms seeing any change, that is, he or she, the digits on the clock-face and the arms of the clock might as well be rotating together. The ticking hands against stationary digits on a clock-face assumed to be a method for measuring time is not only misinformed, but illusory when not understood contextually.
The capacity of a civilization to measure and understand Time can only begin at the point where causality is breached and observations are made across sequestrations, not within them.
Firstly, it may be important to make note of the fact that the matter moving at high velocity or acceleration changes polarity (crosses a band) and becomes a form of "antimatter" to the matter moving at much lower velocity creating an asymmetric relationship between them. Asymmetry should simply be regarded as just another term for breach of causality. This makes sense for why physicists believe matter and antimatter should not come into contact. The physical impact of matter colliding at such high velocity imbued with such great levels kinetic activity would cause a catastrophic release of energy. This is especially true if both forms of matter appear identical and yet are at an extremely high level of variance and kinetic potential due to being at different velocities. However, as we have discussed this collision does not happen because once matter exceeds a critical velocity it is sequestered from slower moving matter preventing this impact. This forces us to entertain a new definition for antimatter, that is, it includes matter existing in sequestered spaces at variance due to extremes in velocity. In other words once a vehicle enters a warp bubble, it basically becomes antimatter to the matter outside the warp bubble and vice versa. Technically, this would imply that this form of antimatter is created simply by accelerating matter faster than the speed of light. This implies antimatter will therefore tend to be found and associated with activity around very high velocities.
Secondly, that antigravity can be identified as the force "field" that will appear to separate matter and antimatter by creating sequestered Space that is isolated by the breach in cause and effect between the two types of matter at variance. This prevents a catastrophic collision or release of energy. We have now used this analysis to identify how to create antimatter and how to create antigravity. Matter moved at very high velocity to the extent that it exceeds the speed of light and such that it begins to breach Space and Time will become separated from slower moving matter (will become a form of antimatter). When this happens the breach in cause and effect between the matter with a high variance in velocity will separate it. This sequestration will appear as a "field" (field effect). This "field" is antigravity. Hence, we can in theory say we now understand how both antimatter and antigravity are created. Using these practical definitions even a simple mechanical engineering device such as a C-Drive will manipulate matter, antimatter and create gravity due to being capable of achieving high velocity. However, this is just the second stage of this process.
Should the extreme variance in velocity continue and the asymmetric isolation between matter become great enough, the two forms of matter will eventually occupy the same Space (location), but at different Times, which means they will not be able to make physical contact and will ghost, that is, pass through one another eventually being oblivious to the fact that they occupy the same Space. This absolute sequestration is the third stage. Identifying these 3 stages is important as it explains in simple and practical terms, albeit hypothetically, how to create different types of antimatter, it also explains how to create antigravity. How to do these two things is presently unknown in physics. This gap in knowledge clearly arises from not knowing what happens to matter as it approaches and accelerates faster than the speed of light. In the FDNEH these extreme velocities where the breach in symmetry or cause and effect begins to take place technically advances physics beyond Relativity Theory.
Sadly, since an accelerator such as the Hadron Collider (LHC) is not designed to move matter faster than 99%C or to even attempt to challenge the caveat it likely falls short of new frontiers in science. Unlike a collision drive (C-Drive) a collider such as this may be unable to breach this caveat due to not having the efficiencies in a mechanism which make it possible to do so e.g. such as AWSD, GA and GFA. For instance, a collision drive can exploit increases in mass that reduce the velocity of a vehicle and redirect them to instead increase its speed potentially dismantling resistance as it approaches the speed of light, it also applies the force required to exceed the speed of causality.
Technically infinite mass should not stop a C-Drive from accelerating beyond the caveat because the C-Drive can use principles of moments to redirect this mass into thrust and instead of slowing down, convert it into greater acceleration. Particle accelerators that speed up a proton to 99% the speed of light only show the proton gain 7x times its mass which is measured on collision with a similar proton at rest. In any case a C-Drive can exploit this increase in mass using various types of assist, like BrA (Brake Assist) to enhance how it accelerates and decelerates. It should be considered that the speed of light generates "infinite mass", not because the mass becomes infinite, but because once cause and effect is breached the rest mass and velocity become divisible by zero. Divisible by zero may entail that the breach in cause and effect has taken place where the matter has began to move into sequestered space. This would mean that when matter, even a proton, moves past 100% the speed of light it begins to enter sequestered spaces. It will begin to form a warp bubble around it (as opposed to its mass becoming infinite), it has simply began entry into sequestered space. Entry into sequestered space entails this faster moving matter (Cx1) is becoming disassociated from slower moving matter (Cx0) and is therefore crossing from one flow rate into another, which is why the division is by zero. The zero simply represents crossing from one flow rate for matter into another - where the separation is in reality caused by a breach in causality. It will appear to be caused by a field effect, i.e., a warp bubble). Its important to remember to note that according to the FDNEH, fields do not exist, what is seen as a "warp bubble"in physics is in fact just a "field effect" where everything observed is actually taking place within the atomic structure of the materials involved. This applies to fields as common as that found around magnets and electrical wiring.
As the proton crosses the 100%C threshold its mass will begin to increasingly lose relevance (tangibility) in Cx0 and gain relevance in Cx1, where 1/0=breach in causality. The impact with matter at rest will have a diminishing impact-force rather than an increasing one. The matter does not go backward or forward in time as might be inferred from Relativity Theory where time=motion, neither does its mass become infinite (which is seen in the proton only gaining 7x its mass) but begins to move into a region separated by Time in StTt where time is geography or sequestered spaces. Proof of this is likely to be that should the accelerated proton (Cx1) collide with the proton at rest (Cx0), what will be odd is that despite the increase in velocity the magnitude of the impact should decline not increase, that is, be lower than it was at 99%C due to the two forms of matter starting to be separated by causality. The separation which will appear like a "field" actively prevents the two forms of matter (matter in Cx0 from antimatter in Cx1) from making direct contact which would cause a significant release of kinetic energy. Should the proton accelerate to Cx2 when it collides with the proton at rest it will proceed right through it without contact due to the two forms of matter being in different geographical Spaces separated by Time (evidence of Time Cartography, that Time = sequestration geometry) not time travel proposed by Einstein and as is the conventional thought.
As a collider attempts to push collisions beyond 99%C it should begin to see a deterioration rather than an increase in the quality of the collisions as the two forms of matter (protons) begin to enter and become separated by sequestered space - at the point of collision the protons are moving into Time Cartography where the same geographical locations are separated by Time, which becomes apparent by a drop in the impact force quality of collisions. This may inadvertently encourage scientists to pull back from trying to accelerate beyond 99%C, since the mass, results and yield from collisions begins to decline instead of increase. Should this be the case, it offers empirical evidence of multiverse theory (geographical locations in Space separated by Time being accurate). In other words at 99%C the proton exhibits a 7x increase in mass. However, as it is pushed to 100%C and beyond, instead of its mass growing beyond 7x, it instead inexplicably begins to fall below 7x and move to lower values (towards zero mass when observed in Cx0) despite the increase in velocity. This becomes evident by less and less energetic yields from impacts in the collider. However, the lower and lower yields offer an explanation for why light itself, which is moving at 100%C becomes mass-less. It becomes mass-less because it is transitioning from sequestered space Cx0 to Cx1. In other words light is beginning to slipstream, which is why it becomes mass-less. Furthermore, because it is now in a "bubble" or between the density of two sequestered spaces (Cx0 and Cx1) it travels at the speed of light without needing to expend any energy to maintain its velocity, which is exactly what will happen to a ship or vehicle that has breached causality and is now travelling inside a warp bubble (with Space contracting in front of it and expanding behind it).
This implies light travels without mass and at a constant velocity (referred to as the speed of light "C") because it is slipstreaming, that is, in a warp bubble (such as that described by Alcubierre) generated by high velocity which complies with the non-field, slipstreaming inferences of FDNEH. It should not be ruled out that the visibility or brightness of light is in fact a field effect in photons indicative of the early stage presence of the formation of a warp bubble. This light will fade into darkness as it increases velocity beyond 100%C and moves fully across causality, in which case instead of emitting light it appears to draw it away from Cx0 into Cx1 and consequently will instead appear like a black hole when viewed from Cx0. However, it will appear like a white hole when viewed from within Cx1. This implies that when viewed from the outside, a black hole will appear dark (as we see it in our Cx0 Space), but when viewed from the inside out (from within Cx1 Space) it will instead appear bright, like a white hole. This makes perfect sense. Photons, like any matter moving at the speed of light C, breach causality and naturally begin to slipstream. This would be evidence of the accuracy of inferences from the FDNEH. Similarly, the inverse description of this is that photons moving at this speed naturally generate an Alcubierre warp bubble which is why light is mass-less and moves constantly at the speed of light. The velocity for light being a constant occurs because the variance in pressure between sequestered Space Cx0 and Cx1 is equal. Importantly,the FDNEH accurately predicts that a warp bubble can be created simply by high velocity alone as a scientific characteristic of matter. Ultimately this demonstrates that the speed of light is not an unsurpassed limit, it is just a point of crossing a band (division by zero, 1/0) from one sequestration of Space to another. All of these inferences are hypothetical.
Due to the manner in which Principles of Moments are harnessed, rather than presenting a barrier to C-Drives "infinite mass" is a significant source of fuel, power, torque, thrust, acceleration and enhanced velocity (for how this works see
Science of a Collision Drive - Amplification of Force & Gravity Assist etc). Infinity in this condition should simply be regarded as a breach in causality that leads to slipstreaming.
Cxn: AWSD, GA, GFA, B-Ken
A C-Drive is designed to use Principles of Moments to redirect Infinite Mass into Infinite Velocity
It has been designed to test Einstein's speed of light caveat
The inference is that as matter is accelerated at a critical velocity approaching and exceeding the speed of light it will begin to slipstream as a result of breaching cause and effect. Its polarity will begin to change until it is considered or technically becomes negatively charged. The breach will create negative Space in the positive Space around it as a field effect. Antigravity as a gravitational force will become prevalent between this negative and positive Space, this antigravity is the same force that moves a ship inside a warp bubble, and is the same force moving matter at the edge of the universe into the next sequestered space. This implies the breaches in cause and effect due to extreme variances in velocity will have different stages and amplitudes which yield different types of "field effects", the most extreme being complete disassociation, which, in this sense, will appear to be caused by a distinct type of field effect. Complete disassociation or absolute sequestration will be where sequestered matter is oblivious to occupying the same Space in any physical manner conventionally understood by science, due to being in that same Space at different Times (sequestrations). When matter begins to breach by moving at the speed of light (Cx1) it will no longer be visible from a subluminal velocity (Cx0), however, the warp bubble in which it becomes contained will remain visible. This is evident in that a black hole, which consists of a form of antimatter, is made visible in Cx0 by how it affects Space around it. It remains visible in this way only because at Cx1 it remains adjacent to Cx0, this being the [velocity of] origin from which observation is being made. Matter that breaches from Cx1 to Cx2 and is moving at twice the speed of light becomes fully sequestered from Cx0 (the origin of the observation), this means that it will seem to disappear altogether (complete disassociation or complete sequestration) in that even its field effect or warp bubble will be undetectable. This will be true even if this matter is in the same Space, that is, matter in Cx0 cannot interact [make contact] with antimatter moving at Cx2 because of being 1 [Cxn] band removed or divided from one another. Both Cx1 and Cx2 produce field effects such as a warp bubble, however, this field effect will only be visible or detectable when observed from an adjacent [Cxn] band or velocity. This entails that each [Cxn] band contains a different kind of antimatter distinguished by its relative speed of light classification (Cx0, Cx1, Cx2, Cx3....Cxn) each of these being antimatter in a higher or lower density relative to its position with matter at different rates of acceleration and velocity. As each band of matter increases it becomes more refined and less interactive with the origin (Cx0) from which it is being observed, however, the variance in velocity entails that as it becomes more refined in this way the greater its kinetic potential. In other words the potential for catastrophic release of energy in matter in Cx0 and antimatter in Cx1 is far less potent than the potential of the matter in Cx0 and antimatter in Cx2 and so on. Therefore, the field effect, bubble or breach in causality that separates matter in Cx0 and Cx2 is equally more potent to the extent that complete sequestration keeps this matter and antimatter apart, that is, makes it appear intangible to each other baring in mind that since true time (Tt) creates or separates Space(s), the higher the Cxn velocity, the more potent the matter is and the further apart from each other matter in these sequestrations are, the less they become capable of interacting. This processes allows us to see the "lay of the land" or how the cartography and geography of true Time begins to form in Space and Time (StTt) outside and inside our universe. However, it is important to appreciate that the geography created by Time is different from the geography created by Space. In spatial geography two atoms cannot occupy the same Space, however, in Time based geography two or many more atoms can occupy the same Space at different Times. In this sense Time, like Space develops its own system of cartography based on multiple sequestered Spaces occupying the same Space at different times (inter-time spatial geography or geometry - ITSG) . This can be regarded as a form of compression that yields greater Space or what can be described as a multiverse.
It should also be considered that the complexity of the structure of matter and how it interacts is very likely to significantly consist of a matrix of atoms from different sequestered Spaces. Although an object may have atoms that on inspection only appear within a universe, it should be considered that atomic structures are able to act through sequestered Space creating special bonds that take advantage of inter-time spatial geography or geometry (ITSG) to create structural bonds that interweave between adjacent universes, which is also why a black whole will be visible in more than one sequestered Space. An object in Cx0, will be constructed from molecules and atoms in Cxn+ and Cxn-, parts which will be invisible due to functioning outside the Space-Time framework of Cx0. Its important to consider that while antimatter in Cxn+ will be present and visible to observers in Cx0 as is seen in black holes, antimatter in Cxn-, though present and just as significant, will not - due to the nature of curvature. This will imply that when matter is studied, what is observed is only a partial view of its composition as parts of its full, more complex structure that reaches into sequestered Space will not be visible to scientists, even under intense scrutiny.
This particular inference seems inevitable and will have a significant impact on physics. It implies that atoms can draw tremendous amounts of energy from, inter-time spatial geography or geometry even greater than would be expected from mass energy equivalence. Stars such as suns very likely draw on this inter-time spacial geometry (ITSG) to enhance the intensity of the energy they put out and rely on matter and antimatter convergence using atoms as a nexus ITSG point as the fuel to keep burning. It is very likely that nuclear fusion will become more successful when the full ITSG atomic structure of materials is understood and applied in fusion reactors. It will also be essential in determining how to generate electricity directly from the nucleus of atoms, based on what is understood about how collision drive theory works in atomic structures. Nevertheless it should be born in mind how far behind the FDNH current knowledge and understanding is in physics especially when it is considered that it points out that even fields as basic as those observed as magnetic fields do not exist (are simply field effects) and yet are a cornerstone of this kind of science.

The diagram shows Time Cartography or Big Bang Cartography of Universes and their borders consisting of Cxn Bands. The universes occupy the same Space in different "geographical or geometric" Time Zones that all share the same present. Curvature makes what is in fact an entire universe appear as a tiny point of origin that was once a big bang. This implies that for universe B+, our universe A is the tiny point or big bang from which it originates and emerged. |
If a black hole is a form of sequestration then observing a black hole is like observing a section of Space operating or functioning in a different Time (where Time is a location (Tt) not motion (Te) from our own, which is why we cannot see into it, technically it does not exist to us or is in various stages of not being there, much like a separate universe in the process of forming. The black hole can be compared to encountering an island in the middle of an ocean, though a separate Space it does not qualify as a separate universe. It also implies that extreme variances in velocity, for instance caused by matter in a massive star collapsing on itself generates sufficient extremes in velocity that the matter begins to breach cause and effect and slipstream, forming what appears as a warp bubble or black hole (Stage 1). If fields do not exist according to the FDNEH, then technically, staring at a black hole is no different from staring at a form of antimatter. It should be considered that as light or an object is forced to accelerate into a black hole it is compelled to do so by antigravity, which is the same process observed at the edges of the universe, and that will be observed in terms of how slipstreaming functions through the stages described above.
These stages are likely to apply to the field effect or warp bubble that sequesters a vehicle, but the same process or principal can be applied to how universes become sequestered. The belief that high velocity causes matter to go back and forth in Time is an assumption of Einstein's time dilation, which is only true to matter that cannot breach cause and effect. When viewed from true Time (Tt) or a sequestration, moving back and forth through time or history, like dilation, is merely an illusion or hologram and to believe this occurs in fact is where Relativity Theory errs. It errs because it falls short of exhausting the analysis beyond dilation. However, for matter able to breach cause and effect dilation is an illusion because it only exists temporarily during displacement between sequestered Spaces. In other words when velocity or acceleration are high enough instead of dilation (moving forward and or backwards in history or time) there is sequestration, displacement into separate Spaces, which forms the basis for both a warp bubble and multiverse theory being fact.
What is interesting about this topic is the inference that dilation will have a direct influence on consciousness. Its ability to hack consciousness will mean that occupants on a vessel experiencing time dilation will have no way of knowing what they see, and experience during this time is an illusion or living hologram interacting with their conscious mind. This is what will make this kind of travel uncomfortable for human beings. Like waking from a dream, they will only be able to tell that time dilation is not real when velocity advances to breach and sequestration, where they can observe the previous dilation and be able to conclude and concede it was just an illusion. This allows us to identify that moving at very high velocity will begin to affect or alter consciousness to the extent that what is observed is indistinguishable from reality with a nod to Einstein in that what is observed in this condition is not random, but will be observations and interactions with or based on the past or future. These dreamlike interactions (holograms or hallucinations) will only be recognized as time dilation at the point of breach.
The reason why human consciousness becomes affected at some point by critical velocity or acceleration is that the brain and entire nervous system relies on causality to process reality and information. Although neurons communicate at a superficial velocity of upto 100 m/s, the fact that the neurons may use quantum tunneling, are in close proximity to one another and the brain uses electromagnetic energy may mean some of its processes related to consciousness work rapidly, notably field effects are known to move at the speed of light. When these processes are exposed to high velocity and acceleration breaches in causality will occur midway during the transfer of information between neurons. This hints that medically and physiologically there is a relationship between Space-Time (SeTe) curvature and consciousness due to the fact that impulses fired between neurons require motion to set a time frame and clock-speeds for movement between cells. However, the vehicle will be accelerating at such a high velocity that this interferes with how electrical charges are clocked or timed in the intervals that they jump between cells consequently altering attributes of the information they carry. These clock-speeds are likely to be fundamental to how the brain processes information, thought and reality, as well as where it is in time and space, it will therefore affect self awareness. This interference will reach deep enough into the brain as to make hallucinations indistinguishable from reality. This interference will only stop or subside post breach, when constant time (StTt) is restored.
The effects of time dilation on consciousness can possibly be compared to motion sickness experienced on moving vehicles, in fact, these processes may be related since both have something to do with motion, which in SeTe is time. Imagine standing in a subway, being distracted and seeing a train move from the corner of your eye, for a moment it may feel as though the train is standing still and the platform is moving, the sensation and giddiness, in terms of a sensory experience, is caused by a momentary loss in orientation as a transition between flow rates is experienced - the train and the platform retain their normalcy, however, the senses are what become affected. The giddiness or confusion takes place in that moment during breach after which the observer is either on the train watching the platform recede or on the platform watching the train move away - the inference being that consciousness exists in between the two states. The effect on human consciousness of moving from time dilation to full breach will provide the evidence that high velocity moves matter into the same sequestration but at different times, that is, that there is no going into a past or future, but into an adjacent Space or universe, the same manner in which a warp field is created. Whereas Einstein's Time (Te) divides time into segments of Motion, e.g. the ticking hands of a clock within a single Space, true Time (Tt) in FDNEH divides time into sequestrations, separate Spaces, bubbles or universes which are independent as they do not directly share cause and effect. Studying how velocity and time dilation plugs into consciousness is likely to help scientists understand how to build virtual reality technologies able to control and replicate this experience. These technologies may not only be useful for VR and simulations, but may also be designed to counter or cancel the effects of time dilation making them very useful for traveling at very high velocity.
Very high velocity is like the edge of a sword gradually pressed against cause and effect stretching its elasticity until it snaps or breaches through the specific breaking point of a particular force or type of matter, which may prolong exposure to time dilation. However, rapid acceleration is a shortcut that, like the quick swipe of the same sword, cuts directly through cause and effect, giving little or no room to stretch such that it prevents prolonged time dilation. This is useful because exposure to time dilation (which directly interacts with consciousness) may be a very uncomfortable experience for human beings in fast moving ships. Using rapid acceleration to cut short dilation intervals may be very useful to this kind of travel. This entails there are presently two known fundamental methods for scientifically breaching cause and effect, namely velocity and the rate of acceleration. If we apply the fields do not exist hypothesis (FDNEH), when a field is observed, what is actually being observed is a breach in cause and effect, not a field. These breaches, mistaken for fields, require two things to occur, matter that is moving at a high velocity or that is rapidly accelerating.
Einstein's views on time dilation may be accurate up to the point where cause and effect are breached and therefore reset, this may imply that as a vehicle accelerates faster than light or approaches the speed of light, like air pressure reaching a critical point, the same process of cause and effect happens to time. In this case the vehicle begins to slipstream through time (which in Einstein's model is just motion), while the resistance of what appears as the geodesic pressures or gravitational field effect around it drop to zero or cease to function, i.e. cease to resist and instead assist its movement, the analogy being, like a log in a fast flowing stream, the vehicle rides the variance in flow rates between sequestered Space. This implies that ships in this stage of a slipstream can travel faster than the speed of light without expending any fuel simply by exploiting the variance in flow rates between the ship and the Space around it for as long as it lasts like the log, mentioned earlier, flowing downstream with the river.
What this means is that in Einstein's train thought experiment, after a breach in cause and effect occurs, the passenger on board the train, like the by stander on the ground, both experience and observe the two lightening strikes occur simultaneously because they are no longer within the same dilation, variance, elasticity or boundary of cause and effect - they are both in what scientists would observe and record as a separate "bubble" or "field" in true Time (Tt). Time dilation is simply variations of elasticity within matter moving at a similar speeds and therefore capable of sharing cause and effect, however, when this elasticity is cut through by high enough velocity and acceleration matter becomes sequestered and true Time is maintained across the sequestrations. It may also imply that once cause and effect are breached, conventional faster than light travel without time dilation automatically kicks in. It means Einstein's observation on mass, time and dilation were accurate, but only within the limits or confines of the chains of cause and effect to which they are physically bound, within a universe or "bubble".
Another very simple way to illustrate this is using a candle: a finger that lingers over the flame of a candle feels the heat and is burned, however, when the same finger is moved rapidly through the candle's wick and flame it does not experience the heat, neither does it burn because there is insufficient time (time=0 or Tt) for cause and effect to take place. The concept of slipstreaming can be compared to this, except it occurs at the atomic scale to g-forces, friction, pressure, mass and time.
The hypothesis is that at slipstream speeds, the pressure in front of and behind the vehicle remains the same or constant due to the fact that at this velocity cause and effect become redundant - technically, as far as the atmosphere and air are concerned there is no vehicle moving through them, therefore they do not react.The surfaces have moved passed each other faster than the processes for cause and effect occur (contact between the hands doing the pushing and car ceases, the process is counter intuitive because when this happens to g-forces or mass, pressure and heat they are moving in opposite directions. However, once cause and effect is breached due to excessive speed or acceleration it does not matter that these forces are moving in opposite directions and against one another, they reset and cease to function, i.e., are outside each other's cause and effect boundary and will appear to be separated by a force field, which is simply sequestrated space). At these speeds air can no longer create buoyancy since it cannot generate pressure, however, as seen earlier this does not affect C-Drives as they do not use air to generate flight.
If altering "Space-Time" around a ship to create a warp bubble causes it to accelerate and achieve a velocity faster than the speed of light, then it is perfectly plausible that doing the inverse or reverse which is simply accelerating a ship or moving it to a high velocity will do the same, that is, generate sequestered space that creates a natural warp bubble that allows it to exceed the speed of light. Its really that simple.
In the first instance the vehicle is standing still and Space-Time around it is manipulated by contracting or compressing Space in front of it while expanding or decompressing Space behind it which causes it to accelerate, e.g. Alcubierre Warp Drive. In the second instance the vehicle is simply accelerated and the contraction/expansion warp drive result will be the same. Why should one cause the other, and other not cause the one, unless the science is not properly understood?
If matter approaching the speed of light begins to form a natural warp bubble around it (slipstream) then the speed of light is not a caveat or limit to how fast objects and conventional ships can travel in Space as is commonly believed. This implies that a vehicle accelerating beyond the speed of light will simply continue to accelerate and increase velocity. There are very complex and sophisticated "field" or warp bubble based methods for achieving superluminal or faster than light (FTL) velocities, however, the implication that simply accelerating a ship to FTL velocities will, in and of itself, form a natural warp bubble is key to making this kind of travel accessible to a wider group. It points to the ability of even a simple mechanical device, like a C-Drive, of being able to generate a warp bubble at high velocity. Being able to identify that a warp bubble can be created from excessive speed offers a critical step to understanding how handshakes in atomic structures work. Handshakes remain the most efficient technology for accessing and controlling matter, time, space and all the forces known to science, which is why understanding how they work is essential to the next significant leaps in science and technology. |
The critical point at which slipstreaming begins will be different for various mediums, in the same way that various substances have different boiling points or snap (breach) at different moments due to the fact they have different elasticities. This critical point will be different for water than it is for air, the same applies to what are perceived as fields, and should more accurately be described as field effects. Geodesics as a component of field effects are likely to have a higher super critical point at which slipstreaming starts to occur. As velocity becomes very high the elasticity of "Space-Time" as a field effect will begin to break-down and an indication of this is likely to be that mass, time and therefore g-forces cease to function, i.e. they reset or breach and dilation ceases. The matter moving at high velocity becomes excluded from the matter moving at lower velocity, effectively and naturally creating what would appear as a warp bubble or field, except that there is no bubble and no field, cause and effect between the matter moving at high velocity and low velocity has simply been breached. Where mass is concerned, since it will have a higher elasticity, it is likely to begin in two ways firstly at the point where a vehicle approaches the speed of light and secondly, quite simply when it accelerates faster than the speed of light, whereas it will happen at much lower velocities for air molecules which have a lower elasticity or which experience a breach in cause and effect at lower speeds and rates of acceleration. A denser medium such as water will experience this breach earlier than air. Like air pressure, geodesics around a vehicle are likely to simply cease to function and it moves without drag or any resistance from Space-Time (i.e. as though it is in an inverse warp bubble created purely from the behaviour and properties of matter without the use of a "field"). Once a vehicle begins to slipstream in Space, time on board the ship and on earth remain the same or aligned (Tt) due to being in separate boundaries of cause and effect. This is why the FDNEH states that moving at high velocity does not move matter forward or backward in Time as Einstein proposed, but to different universes or locations in Space that share the same true timeline (time=0). This is why using a vehicle capable of testing what happens at the speed of light through experimentation will answer these questions.
The only place where faster than light travel has been observed is in the outer edges of the expanding universe itself. The explanation for this is inflation, or that Space-Time itself is constantly expanding, however, it should also now be considered that matter in these outer areas and edges of the universe has simply achieved such high velocities that it has began to slipstream and consequently travel faster than light. Slipstreaming does not defy laws of physics, it simply reaches a breaching point where it loses grip with them and sequesters or breaks contact. It offers a more natural and much simpler explanation than "Space-Time" itself expanding (especially where the fields do not exist hypothesis is applied identifies that Space-Time does not exist), for why the furthest parts of the universe are moving or expanding faster than the speed of light. It should also be considered that if faster than light travel moves matter from one universe toward or into the next adjacent universe in multiverse theory, then technically the edges of the universe that are slipstreaming or moving faster than light represent a physical border, demarcation, boundary (or sequestration) between one universe and the next, much in the same way two oceans or rivers do not tend to mix due to having different densities or flow rates, which is precisely how the ship moving at high velocity becomes separated from slower moving matter that surrounds it. In essence what this would imply is that what cosmologists witness as matter moving faster than light in the outer edges is matter flowing from one universe into the next.It is not just high velocity but the actual observation of the boundary between one universe and the next separated by different densities created by a lower flow rate in one universe moving matter toward or into a higher flow rate in another, providing a simple explanation for why this expansion or movement does not slow down. It doesn't slow down as it does not lose momentum or lose energy, but is continuous because it is the border or confluence at which matter is moving from one density to another or from a lower flow rate to a higher one.
When viewed with curvature or cause and effect (Te) the universes shown in black triangles will each appear to emerge from a big bang, each will be closed off such that it is assumed nothing exists beyond itself. When viewed in constant Time (Tt), there is no curvature and the universes simply flow into each other separated by increasing velocity and speed of light breaches that separate each universe into a unique higher and lower frequency or bandwidth. What can be concluded from the analysis is that once a vehicle begins to slipstream due to high speeds, its velocity will continue to increase while it remains in sequestered Space. Once in sequestered Space, which is no different from a warp bubble a vehicle or object will continue to move at velocities beyond the speed of light. |
Variances in velocity and acceleration that cause breaches in cause and effect between materials can explain sequestration as properties of matter without the need for fields or warp bubbles. In other words a "warp bubble", which is basically a field surrounding a ship will naturally develop around any materials moving at very high enough velocity or acceleration due to breaches in cause and effect causing sequestration (a bubble in which cause and effect is isolated e.g. time dilation is excluded from it). This makes sense. If fields do not exist, then technically there is nothing to contract in front of a vehicle and expand behind it, this
process is taking place within atomic structures rather than outside them. Remember according to the FDNEH even conventional magnetic fields do not exist, they are a "field effect", so what is being expanded and compressed? The answer to this is within atomic structures. Fields are merely conduits for atomic activity within materials. It therefore makes sense that moving materials at high velocity or acceleration will naturally generate a scientifically measurable warp bubble or force field effect evident in how materials behave, fields, however, in and of themselves do not exist. In the illustration above the ship moving at high velocity or acceleration begins to breach cause and effect with anything in its environment be it air or water, if it continues to accelerate at high velocity it will eventually even breach Time and Space. When a "warp bubble" is created in air molecules due to high velocity or acceleration pressure, friction and heat cease to function and the ship will move through the atmosphere without resistance, that is, it will slipstream. When travelling or accelerating fast enough it will similarly breach cause and effect with Time and Space and the sequestered area or "warp bubble" created shown as a blue square around the ship occurs within materials not outside them, the blue square that will appear as a "field" to observers is not real but rather an effect in that it does not exist in and of itself. Warp drives and warp bubbles are a materials science and are fundamentally a nuclear science. When a vehicle reaches velocities high enough to breach cause and effect for Time and Space, it naturally begins to generate a warp bubble. Technically this means a C-Drive is an entry level Warp Drive. Not only can C-Drives use the B-Ken maneuver to rapidly achieve the speed of light, it can also accelerate faster than the speed of light, the two methods identified for breaching Time and Space to create a warp drive. The B-Ken maneuver means it does not need inordinate and impossible amounts of energy to generate a warp bubble that the more limited "field" approach to warp technology requires. It also offers the opportunity to study handshakes between atomic structures, where more advanced tiers of gravitational technology can be researched because technically, every atom is naturally a highly advanced collision drive that only needs instructions (handshakes) on how to construct and move matter.
By understanding that "motion" is not time it becomes clear that each
sequestered body or universe functions in a single timeline, i.e.,
they all share the same present and are unaffected by time dilation
this exclusion occurs within but not across sequestered spaces
Studying the diagram above implies that Einstein's speed of light caveat is accurate, however, it may not apply to matter or vehicles moving at exceptional velocity and acceleration. The evidence of this is in matter moving faster than light at the edges of our universe and the concept of warp bubbles, which are simply a form of sequestered space. If this were accurate it would be a major advantage for Space travel. However, a new problem that can be identified arises. Firstly, it can be theorized that sequestered vehicles moving several times faster than the speed of light (Cx2, Cx3, Cx4, Cxn) may encounter new geographical regions of Space as vast as our own, which do not share cause and effect and for which there is currently absolutely no geographical knowledge. Secondly, when a vehicle increases velocity to the extent that it breaches A and emerges in B, if it increases velocity once again it will breach B and emerge in C. If this is the case then once in B what is the procedure for the vehicle returning to A? This would require vehicles to avoid travelling faster than 99%C until the consequences of doing so are understood, not because it is a speed limit that cannot be exceeded, but due to the idea that once exceeded simply slowing down does not necessarily return the vehicle to where it came from. Nevertheless, the solution to this may be quite simple, in that a vehicle is required to pay attention to how it drops out of high velocity in that its rate of deceleration will determine in which sequestered space it stops, which in turn determines its ability to return to the sequestered space it desires to emerge in or that it originates from. Thirdly, at present the technology with which to communicate with personnel and vehicles across sequestered regions of Space separated by breaches does not exist. Once matter or a vehicle crosses a breach (border between sequestered spaces or universes) or enters a warp bubble the risk of it being permanently lost and incommunicado is very high unless how to communicate across breaches is found. These are ofcourse hypothetical scenarios, nonetheless they need hypothetical answers. Similarly it implies that without this technology while a vehicle is slipstreaming or inside a warp bubble it remains incommunicado. What will be interesting is that handshakes between atomic structures occur faster than C, they are not limited or bound by distance and fundamentally cross back and forth between breaches, which means they operate unhindered through sequestered spaces, therefore, understanding how these processes work is likely to offer the methodology and technology for how information and communication can be exchanged between sequestered spaces. Once again the answers to these hypothetical problems lies within the atomic structures of materials and how they function which needs to be understood beyond the present limitations of what is understood about fields.
Furthermore, if very high velocities cause matter in the universe to begin to slipstream, then at each point where the breach (border) between cause and effect occurs a new adjacent universe will form. If the velocity in the adjacent universe continues to move faster, it will breach or sheer yet again into another adjacent universe and the process will continue, with each sheer or breach being viewed by cosmologists as a "big bang". Interestingly, every "bubble" universe formed in this way is exactly how a ship moving at high velocity or acceleration, such that it breaches Time and Space, will be sequestered from matter with slower properties. Both the ship and independent universes will exit dilation and exist in the same time frame, much in the way the lightning strikes are observed at the same time for the passenger and the by-stander in Einstein's train thought experiment. This process would occur naturally as a physical property of matter affected by conditions where acceleration and velocity push it to limits that initiate breaches in cause and effect.
B-Ken Maneuver C-Drive Warp Metric:
Using high velocity and acceleration to slipstream and create the C-Drive Warp Metric. Technology we are capable of building today.
The approach is that in the same way that Space-Time can be used to manipulate velocity and acceleration, velocity and acceleration can be used to manipulate Space-Time. C-Drives will be able to use velocity and acceleration to breach and control the size and direction of the slipstream or warp bubble and how the vessel interacts with it. After a breach the warp bubble will invert or reverse and instead of resisting the C-Drive's propulsion, it will instead assist its acceleration and speed enhancing its velocity as G-Force Assist (GFA) or gravity assist. In the same way that a warp drive can generate a warp bubble that controls how the vehicle moves, C-Drives can reverse or invert this process by using velocity and acceleration to control how the vehicle slipstreams.
Since we know that the FDNEH reveals that fields do not exist, and neither does Space-Time since it is just a field effect, the ability to examine matter and how its behaviour generates the slipstream will be the first step to correct many flaws, mistakes and misconceptions in modern science with which to unravel the processes by which handshakes govern both energy and matter. In memory of E.M. Nkoloso |
No longer Science Fiction? Inferences show C-Drives will create what can be described as an inverse or reverse Warp Drive using high velocity and acceleration. A B-Ken maneuver will be used for rapid acceleration to slipstream thereby generating a natural warp bubble. A warp bubble or field effect forms due to fast moving matter breaching cause and effect in Space and Time. The warp bubble allows a vehicle to exceed the speed of light. Achieving this using entry level Tier 1 Gravity can be described as slipstreaming. Once C-Drives generate sufficient velocity and begin to slipstream technically there should be no limit to how fast a ship can travel inside the warp bubble created, and the ship may be able to travel multiple times the speed of light (Cxn) where n is unlimited.
Inferences are that once a ship begins to slipstream it exploits the variance in pressure between sequestrations, in which case, like a boat in a river flowing downstream, though traveling faster than the speed of light it does not need to expend any fuel during flight until the point where it needs to drop out of high velocity to reach its destination. If accurate C-Drives are currently the most advanced propulsion system and most accessible way of proving warp bubbles can be created. Building C-Drives will eventually test many assumptions about travelling at high velocity. |
Cx15 Pre-B-Ken launch escort probes verification of route clearance
If the FDNEH is accurate in ascertaining Space-Time does not exist and is merely a field effect, then applying Occam's Razor, makes it easier to simply accept that the observation of matter travelling faster than light can only occur at a breach, and a breach represents sequestration, therefore the most credible explanation for the observation in cosmology is that it is the tail end of an adjacent universe completely separate from our own. It would imply that the outer reaches of Space represent younger universes, whilst the inner centre of Space emerges from older universes. This would entail that this observation in cosmology is scientific evidence of and confirms multiverse theory. It also implies that what we view as a tiny point from which the universe emerges after the big bang is relative in terms of size and whist appearing to have a tiny origin to us within our Space since our universe emerges from it, it could in fact be inconceivably large and contain an abundant number of sequestered universes that predate ours, from which our universe emerged, the same way universes are emerging from ours at the boundaries where faster than light velocities are observed by cosmologists. It should also be considered that the movement from a tiny point to a fully formed universe after a big bang due to inflation may simply be a variance or measurement that consists of the difference when Space is observed with and without curvature.
Concept Art for Advanced propulsion technology |
As pointed out the universe observed by cosmologists as beginning where matter in the outer reaches of Space is moving faster than light, could be emerging from our universe. Similarly. those in this sequestered space may in turn look back and view their origins as emerging from our universe, that is, a tiny point and big bang, yet our universe is billions of light-years in size. It is possible that cause and effect as it pertains to "Space-Time" is what generates and maintains curvature, experienced as elasticity or what we refer to as perspective within a sequestration. If this is true then it explains why within each universe the tiny point of origin that is identified as the source of the big bang, may in fact be approximately the same size as the universe from which the observation is made but when viewed through cause and effect appears as a tiny point once again due to making observations with and without curvature.
A Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB2) and Cosmic Microwave Foreground (CMF or CMB1)
Time Cartography analysis indicates that Cosmologists should be looking for 2 CMBs, a background and foreground CMB or two distinct types of CMB radiation, that is, a unique CMB radiation we are currently familiar with that created earth-universe (CMB2) and a presently unidentified collective radiation that created a Multiverse (CMB1). It is very unlikely that CMB1 can be detected without the ability to understand how Cxn bands are breached due to curvature created by sequestration.
However, the diagram implies that while CMB2 is easily detected where our universe originates and will appear everywhere, CMB1 is isolated, highly concentrated and in a distinct spot or location around our universe in a very narrow margin where bands between Cxns reside: it is toward the outer rim of our universe, and is likely to be found toward the outer regions where galaxies and other matter is moving faster than light. If the conditions after the big bang permeate our universe from CMB1, then the CMF concentration at the rim of our universe actively represents conditions before and during the big bang. In other words Cosmologists don't need to use the CMB alone to trace the our universe's Big Bang, which originated from the universe ours emerged from at B-, all they need to do is look at the Cosmic Microwave Foreground - CMF (CMB1) because the matter moving faster than light from our universe into the universe adjacent to ours B+ satisfies the requirements of being an active Big Bang. Though the CMF represents the rim of our universe (A), to the occupants of universe B+ our rim, which will appear as originating from tiny rapidly expanding point of origin, is the Big Bang that in their history generated the CMB2 that created their B+ universe. By looking at our own CMB (origin) and CMF (outer rim), we can know how our own universe came into being. It shows us that fully formed stars, solar systems, galaxies and other matter that became our earth-universe emerged fully formed simply by crossing the CMF rim of universe B- which predates ours and from which our A universe emerged and continues to emerge from. What Cosmologists observe as stars moving faster than light at the rim of our A universe, will appear as a tiny point of origin to the occupants of universe B+. Hence, we now understand how our own universe was created. Due to curvature it does appear to have emerged as a tiny point of origin at B-, however, by removing curvature we can now deduce that stars, planets, galaxies and other matter simply flowed into our A universe fully formed, from universe B-, just as matter from our universe is now seen flowing at our CMF fully formed into the adjacent universe B+. What we observe as faster than light velocities at the outer rim of our universe or CMF is the inflation at the Big Bang that will be observed in the history of universe B+ that became its CMB2. At present Cosmologists labour over how the science, physics, chemistry, atoms and elements at the Big Bang evolved to eventually create the stars and galaxies in our universe - for instance, by trying to imagine conditions a billionth of a second or 10 seconds after the Big Bang and how a primordial soup of elements evolved into planets, stars and living things, however, using this analysis we can conclude that they emerged fully formed, simply by flowing whole and intact from universe B- into our A universe crossing Cxn bands.
If galaxies, stars and other matter are simply flowing from one universe into another and only appear to emerge from a Big Bang into inflation due to dilation or curvature experienced in the process of crossing bands (Cxns) then astronomy should expect to find that, in terms of laws in physics, there is general uniformity across the entire Multiverse. Sequestrations allow matter moving at high velocity to permeate through them by flowing through Cxns. This implies that the Multiverse is built on one foundation, it can be compared to the difference between Australia and Africa, or Europe and America - each universe may have evolved its own peculiar life, but the laws, forces and building blocks are the same. In fact, if the milky way were crossing a Cxn band earth would move from Universe A into Universe B, presumably intact, in the same way that though moving a lens over an image may contort it into a tiny point and blow it up into a sphere, the object being observed through the lens never actually changes shape, in this case the lens is time dilation, and curvature recorded as inflation when observed crossing bands. Nevertheless, if earth universe were somehow able to exist at the time it is flowing from universe B to C so much time will have passed that life on earth might be barely recognizable, however, the underlying laws of physics would remain fairly uniform. This means that the Multiverse is basically just a means of accommodating continuous growth. Differences in laws of physics may be found across different Multiverses, but are quite unlikely to occur within the innumerable universes found in a Multiverse. The assumption here is that in the same way there are many galaxies, a Multiverse is simply one cosmic structure amongst a multitude of similar Multiverse structures moving through Space. It can be proposed that primordial Big Bangs do occur where elemental matter goes through the processes associated with inflation, however, it is likely to be erroneous to conclude that primordial Big Bangs are generic and occur when galaxies and matter simply cross Cxn bands. There is a need to distinguish between these two distinct types of Big Bangs.
When a scientist believes Time is motion (Te), as Einstein did, and that it can be measured accurately by an atomic clock then what he or she is saying with a straight face on a public stage is that the face behind the glass in the image above has actually become distorted.
The reality of the matter is that this is an illusion. Time is not motion, neither is it chronology. This simple error in analysis in physics produces accurate, empirical results that are measurable, hence it confuses physicists and misleads them into making false inferences. True time (Tt) is the face behind the distortion, which never actually changes. The proof of this can only become evident when physicists can cross causality (move from one universe into another). While physicists can make deductions and inferences within causality (within a single universe) the inferences made are primitive, e.g. such as openly stating the lens in the image above has actually distorted the face behind it, which is a falsehood. This error in analysis will affect many fallible inferences made in modern physics such as big bang theory, time dilation and time travel. Time is Time Cartography (Tt) |
When not analysed in context believing that at the Big Bang matter emerges from a tiny point and begins to inflate like a balloon into a new universe may be like believing the image distorted by a lens is how a person really looks. Its important to remember that Einstein's time dilation theories are based on Space-Time which relies on bending geodesics to create gravity or "bending" Space-Time. However, in the FDNEH Space-Time and geodesics as fields are just an imaginary construct and do not actually exist. Gravity in this case is created within the atomic structure of materials. If this is true where does the dilation come from and is it not only an "optical" illusion created by the lens through which the observation is being made? "The concept and the physics of Big Bangs may be accurate, however, there is a need to be careful about where this is being applied and to appreciate that a primordial Big Bang and breaching causality have similar characteristics, but require context to be applied accurately to be able to distinguish one from the other. The lens more likely represents time dilation and curvature which are a distortion. This also mirrors how in Relativity Theory, where Time is mistaken for Motion, encourages physicists to believe it is possible to go back in time or into the future, when this is a view of the distorted lens and not the facts behind it. After a breach it is recognized that the distorted image was a hallucination created by the lens (which represents consciousness in Cxn- and Cxn+) and that time travel was the distortion, the undistorted fact being Time Cartography (in Cx0). The same applies to the belief that time runs faster in close proximity to strong gravitational fields and slower further away from them, the variances in rates of motion that represent time dilation even though made from an empirical observation, like time travel, may be contextually illusory if the inference on Time Cartography is accurate. When travelling from the African continent to Asia by ship, it would be erroneous to conclude that once in the middle of the ocean where nothing but water is visible all land masses have been destroyed by deluge and no longer exist, and that when the boat begins to see a tiny spot of land grow into a continent as it approaches Asia, a new land mass is being created by inflation, what is being described as inflation is actually perspective. It is important to be able to distinguish between the information coming through the front of the lens and the actual objects behind it. Nevertheless, like a primordial Big Bang, it cannot be said that what is observed through the lens can never occur or be the actual truth occurring behind the lens when applied in the right context, that is, when the lens is not distorted - what you see is what you get.
The CMB shows us conditions after a Big Bang, while the CMF allows us to see conditions before a Big Bang, both of which can be studied by Cosmologists within our A universe. The fact that CMB 1&2 do not share the same origin or centre (see the diagrams above) may provide a logical method for distinguishing between the two types of cosmic microwave activity as being background radiation and foreground radiation. CMB2 post Big Bang is widely scattered while CMB1 which is pre-Big Bang is highly concentrated. For instance, its very likely a primordial Big Bang will occur at the birth of a Multiverse when the first universe is formed, while Big Bangs observed across universes, though having the same characteristics are distortions since behind the lens matter simply flows from one Cxn into the next.
The CMB and CMF will allow cosmologists to observe pre and post Big Bang conditions within our universe, but this is not all. As we have discussed the conditions that create a natural warp bubble from high velocity appear no different from the technology required to create an Alcubierre Warp Bubble. In other words this physics occurs naturally. This being the case, it cannot be ruled out that the Big Bang is nothing more than an astronomical scale breach in causality no different from that which would be observed in a ship traveling faster than light breaching causality or matter being separated when moving from symmetry to asymmetry as is the case with matter and antimatter. If this is true then breaching causality should be no different from crossing the event horizon of a black hole, that is, entering and exiting a black hole. This being the case the matter at the rim of our universe in the CMF is breaching on exit from our universe while the matter at the CMB can be described as breaching on entry into our universe. Logic dictates that these conditions consequently provide a cosmic scale theater demonstrating what happens to matter when it enters a black hole and what happens to it as it exits a black hole. It should be considered that there is a process of inversion whereby, to the inhabitants of a black hole, its outer rim on observation will appear as a tiny point of entry no different from earth-universe's CMB, while its outer rim or "sky" will consist of any matter exiting the back hole back into our universe, such as Hawking Radiation. Here we are referring to matter exiting our universe at its rim as the Cosmic Microwave Foreground (CMF) or CMB1, nevertheless the correct term for the CMF points to or is the same as Hawking Radiation. This process whereby the rim becomes the centre and the centre becomes the rim depending on where the observation is being made from and how the entry and exit are inter-connected is likely to be the best description for true Space-Time curvature.
Technically, this means any part of the multiverse is accessible through CMB 1&2 during jumps between Cxns, with the depth of the "dive" or accessibility being determined by velocity. The discovery and identification of the CMB and CMF as being distinct will support multiverse theory. The CMB and CMF signals may also be coming from or moving in opposite or alternate directions because they are coming from different locations, one is coming from the rim (CMF) while the other, the CMB2, originates from the centre of our universe at B-.
As for the mechanics of how geographical locations in true Space (St) can be in the same place, but at different Times (Tt), one has to look at the Cxn bands that separate universes (in the diagram above) that appear like spokes, drawn in red. For the inhabitants or matter in each sequestration there is a distinct Space, if the technology to breach Cxns has not been developed each universe will not be aware of any other universe other than its own. However, if the spokes or Cxn bands rotate at the speed of light then matter in each sequestration experiences reality at the speed of light within each sequestration ignorant of any existence outside its own Cxn band. However, matter that is able to cross Cxn bands will experience the flow of universes as the spokes of the wheel (Cxn bands) travel through it. If these are traveling fast enough this matter, which is breaching, will have all the spokes or Cxns pass through it, consequently, as far its observations go all the universes are in one place, that is, there is no distance between them.
The new James Webb telescope may be able to identify the presently undiscovered CMF (CMB1)
if where and how to look is understood by applying the FDNEH.
At this juncture it is only prudent to conclude that there are numerous multiverses, and that in the same way there are numerous solar systems, galaxies and universes, a multiverse array is simply a cosmic corkscrew-like structure moving through a greater cosmic Space that is commonplace when observed from a wider, less limited cosmic lens. |
Pre-breach civilizations would be like an unhatched egg too technologically underdeveloped to fully grasp true Space-Time or the true scale and magnitude of the Cosmos.
Basically, curvature closes a breach forcing it to appear as a point, the Doppler Effect, in these conditions forces matter moving slower than the speed of light to circle back to itself if it moves continuously in a straight line. This may entail that even if a ship were to venture to the edge of the universe its course would be gradually deflected and it could not cross the boundary unless it were moving faster than the speed of light, at sub-light speeds, due to curvature, it would experience a Doppler Effect and circle back to its original position within the same universe or sequestered space. However, it cannot be ruled out that as it approaches the boundary its velocity will naturally begin to accelerate under the influence of gravity along with matter and galaxies already moving faster than the speed of light such that it is forced to cross the border between sequestered spaces. The majority of the spatial laws that govern Space-Time (which is a field effect) will emerge from this curvature. However, when matter begins to move or accelerate at high velocity, it breaches cause and effect therefore suspending or sequestering curvature, as well as mass and other properties of matter as this same science is that observed to give each universe a separate existence. Sliptreaming faster than the speed of light will be indistinguishable from Space expanding and making galaxies appear as though they are moving faster than the speed of light. However, if the FDNEH is accurate then matter at the edges of our universe moving faster than light is breaching, that is, crossing the boundary of cause and effect from our universe into the next adjacent universe. This view is of course conceptual and based purely on analysis.
Observations from within and across causality. The animation above demonstrates the mechanics of how many universes can exist in one Space at different Times, or in different Time Zones (Time Cartography).
The observer within a sequestration will be unaware of any other sequestration and will be incapable of being aware of Time. This remains true even if many universes are present as shown by the rotating Multiverse Disc, if the observer is only capable of detecting and interacting with its Cx0 origin as it spins by, even though the other universes are present, and just as real passing by with Cx0. The other universes are present but he or she has no way of knowing they are there due to being unable to breach causality, in which case he or she rotates in isolated Space. No one can go backwards or forwards in Time as is inferred by Relativity Theory due to faster than light (FTL) travel. You cannot go back in Time because nothing exists outside the present. The ability to do this is a primitive understanding of Time due to failing to understand that FTL velocities do not move matter or a vehicle into the past or future, but, as is shown by the disc above, into Time Cartography where there is no direct causality between sequestered Space. Any experience of going back in Time will be indistinguishable from a hallucination, for instance a message cannot be received before it was sent and the Grandfather Paradox is simply not possible due to the fact that going back in time leads to a new location in Time Cartography and the Grandfather Paradox, which takes place outside the present between sequestrations is therefore a hallucination. When the traveler breaches Cx0 into Cxn (a new origin for observation or Cx0) both sequestrations are in the present, therefore any experience of going back in Time alluded to by the Grandfather Paradox is an illusion and this will be like waking from a dream, that is, once the traveler is in Cxn. To get rid of Time Travel Paradoxes a physicist needs to simply understand that FTL moves matter or a ship into the geography of Time Cartography not into a past or future with tangible or physical properties. Anything from FTL, no matter how elaborate, that depicts time travel as true mathematically, diagrammatically and logically are a forecast of the basic structure of the hallucination and part of the inferences that predict what will be experienced during the "trip". The storage of information outside causality does not require chronology, especially if it is understood that Time is not Motion and therefore not designed from causality or a sequential system as human beings understand it, but from cartography or locations.
Information placed in a specific location will be time stamped by location not by sequence or chronological order. A primitive mind that attempts to read cartographic time will assume it breaks causality because Time Paradoxes emerge. However, when the same paradoxes are processed or viewed using how Time is organized cartographically or simply using common sense, the reading or processing of this information takes place chronologically as a map and consequently the Time Paradox is re-organised into a logical sequence. A message can be received before it is sent in cartography as a method of storing information as long as the method for retrieving and processing it knows how to organize it chronologically on retrieval, which is why null values are identified when the move from one Cxn to another is complete, which is comparable to waking from a state in which everything is abstract or based on consciousness because it does not consist of physical or tangible matter (consists of the part of matter that is outside a sequestration), which has attributes comparable to consciousness, creative thinking, a thought or a dream, because it is not part of matter within a sequestration.
What this reveals is that there are three methods of processing information, namely 1. Analogue, 2. Digital and 3. Graphical (Time Cartography). While digital processors look for perfect information, for example, "is equal to" or "not equal to" using the slow and tedious method of organizing 1s and 0s in perfect chronological sequences, the graphical or cartographic processor uses cartographic images that are not limited by a need for chronology to access superposition (what on observation would appear as creative thinking), for example, "is similar to" or not "similar to" based on approximations derived from a system of patterns, the comparison of patterns being the processing language itself. Think of how long it would take to transfer all the knowledge in the world held in computers using Wifi, it would take an eternity. Now imagine you could take all the information held in books and computers in the whole world and store this as a 20cmx20cm image or pattern, if you had a camera that could look at this pattern and see all its detail, it could all be transferred in the time it takes for the camera to take a single picture of the image. Imagine this chip or processor could identify any minute change in the 20x20 image in a snapshot, through pattern recognition it could process huge amounts of data instantly, that would take a digital processor forever. A cartographic processor could send, receive and processes a petabyte of data per second or less, since it could see the entire petabyte as a single pattern. It can recognize what it is looking at instantly using patterns and see changes in data by similarities/dissimilarities in the cartographic structure of the dataset. A chip or processor of this kind applying pattern recognition or the cartographic time method used to process information gains quantum supremacy and supercomputing ability through design, it does not need to deploy quantum bits or first achieve superluminal velocity to breach causality, it can "imagine" or simulate what would happen if this were done and have the results or benefits without actually having or doing the deed. It breaches causality by cross referencing patterns and seeing hidden "traits" between unrelated subjects and information being processed consequently eventually gaining precognition. This is very similar to the manner in which C-Drives are a simple mechanical device, but supposedly can generate sufficient thrust to jump to the speed of light as effectively as a more sophisticated warp drive that bends Space-Time by manipulating "fields". Yet it is unlikely a physicist can truly understand how a warp really drive works without first understanding the bare bones of Tier 1 gravity, because, the anatomy of an atom will show that it applies the mechanics of a C-Drive to efficiently generate what appear to observers as fields. Similarly, chips designed on a Time Cartography platform that processes information using patterns instead of digital methods, like C-Drives, should also represent a fundamental or brute force method for achieving self awareness, sentience, quantum supremacy and other supercomputing abilities being sought in quantum computers. Once again, unless a physicist understands how a chip using cartography is superior to one using digital (sequential 1s and 0s) as the method of processing, it is unlikely he or she can fully grasp how to build the technology required to put together a supercomputer that deploys quantum bits, as we shall see, a quantum computer requires the manipulation of "bits" in Cx0 , and from our analysis manipulating Cx0 bits requires access to Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms, something that modern physics currently is not even aware exists. Put simply, atoms or bits in Cx0 can be compared to material in a 3D printer while Cxn- and Cxn+ is comparable to the software and hardware that manipulates the material into anything molecules create. Handshakes can cause atoms to spontaneously reform and reconstruct electrons and orbitals building known elements from the periodic table as well as creating new unknown elements forming them into complex machines atom by atom using natural intelligence (NI). This is because even a simple gas like oxygen is created by handshakes (instructions) from the nucleus. As much as the world humanity inhabits may appear tangible and fixed, it is far from this in the sense that it can easily be changed and re-written by instructions from the nucleus. This being the case, what is considered a real and tangible world by human beings observing and interacting with the world from the shell or orbitals, this physical world is regarded as a malleable and therefore dream-like state when observed from the nucleus.
It is also very likely that quantum bits applied in supercomputers today will only become useful when made to perform as cartographic processors rather than digital processors, in fact the limitation of trying to use quantum computers as digital devices processing 1s and 0s is already evident in that they can only handle specific kinds of problems and do not have the flexibility associated with sentience even though they can already outperform digital chipsets, which is a sign that the digital processing method being applied to quantum bits is likely to be the problem, since it is not the right approach in that the digital method is technically too "simple". It is basically far too primitive to apply to processors operating at the quantum level, which should already be engaged in time cartography and moving toward sapience as a more advanced processing system, but it is being retrogressed and weighed down by sequential 0s and 1s. A cartographic chip can be designed to do anything a supercomputer can, even breach causality, and it can be described as a Tier 1 quantum bit processor that like a C-Drive which is a Tier 1 gravitational device, does not need the complexity of fields to achieve the same objective when the science is fully and properly understood.
Furthermore, the cartographic-time processor or chipset could advance through 2D, 3D (x,y,z), 4D and so on multiplying its processing and data transfer speeds handling data in cartographic batches instead of extremely slow streams of 0s and 1s. Nevertheless, it should be noted that even 0s and 1s can be clustered to generate one image based on Time Cartography where the unique pattern created can be read in "one shot" regardless of how large the data set, cluster or pattern is. For progress in this area professionals have to agree on a uniform method for how patterns are structured to ensure rapid processing and movement of data which is enhanced by structural compatibility between computers in terms of how they organize the cartography they use. Pattern recognition on this level can breach cause and effect and wield supercomputing prowess as a precursor to quantum bits or without first having to deploy them, in the same way a C-Drive can generate a warp bubble using velocity generated by mechanical brute force. This method is consequently a sub-FTL method of achieving FTL (supercomputing or quantum bit) ability. It could compare and sift through colossal amounts of data simply by identifying likenesses and dissimilarities based on patterns. A cartographic processor that can send and read images in this way, could send, receive and process all the content in the all the books in the Library of Congress in a fraction of second, it could recognize information, sort through it, solve problems and think or imagine by comparing differences in datasets that are in graphical or pictorial form through pattern recognition rather than a tedious sequence of 1s and 0s processed in chronological order streamed in an eternal queue to be read. It could read, send, receive and process a petabyte of data in the same time it takes a conventional digital processor to do the same for 1 byte of data, with skills that Relativity Theory shows are possible through Time Paradoxes, but that are nothing more than an advanced method of "thinking" using patterns where the imagination forms a higher intelligence. The ability to imagine travelling backwards in time or forwards into, the future, regardless of whether this is possible or not remains an intrinsic part of science. It is a wonderful expression of creative thought and imagination, it expresses intelligence, should be encouraged as it has creative use and entertainment value. The ability to weave stories into scenarios where the creative process deciphers solutions to simulated problems is an important method for how solutions to difficult problems in the sciences are found and often where the inspiration to solve these problems comes from.
Therefore, there is a scientific term for Time Paradoxes where a message arrives before it was sent, it is referred to as precognition, and for Time Paradoxes such as the Grandfather Paradox, its referred to as creative thought, all Time Paradoxes even Time Travel itself fundamentally have attributes indistinguishable from consciousness, the mind at play, testing possibilities, comparing patterns, pattern recognition, running game, virtual reality, imagination, simulation or generating what-if scenarios where creating paradoxes is simply part of the imaginative process, exercising thought and being conscious in a safe sand-box.
This implies that when viewing an element from the periodic table, the atoms that form part of its structure that are visible in Cx0 are what we refer to as physical matter, however, the atoms that are part of the element that physicists cannot see because it is part of other sequestered spaces (Cxn- and Cxn+), when studied will be described as having properties indistinguishable from thought or consciousness, that is, useful and present but intangible. This implies that consciousness (or at least its attributes) is in fact a hidden physical property of all matter concealed in atomic structures. Consciousness is a property of matter, it is not just a neurological system exclusive to biology and it is organized using time cartography (a cartographic processor or processing system more advanced than current analogue and digital methods of processing information).
In other words Time Paradoxes are indistinguishable from reality because they are a scientific event where the fundamental nature of what will be observed during the hallucination occurs in a manner that is real (occurs in matter whose atoms are outside Cx0), which consequently appear as hallucinations simply because it has no physical bearing on Cx0, not because what is being observed during FTL isn't real, but due to the fact that thinking a thought is not the same as acting on it or executing it, since thought or consciousness can consider many different scenarios or decisions using simulation before choosing to act or not to, consciousness in and of itself is indistinguishable from superposition. This "thought" process and its potential outcomes can be predicted using charts that map the paradox, and this is very likely to lead to a new branch of psychology necessary for supporting passengers and crew who become exposed to FTL motion sickness. This is like a person being incapable of distinguishing between when he or she is awake or asleep even when fully conscious, which is proposed is a danger of human beings moving at FTL velocities crossing Cxn bands without a means of shielding travelers from exposure to Time Paradoxes induced by time dilation e.g. using medication, specialized training, specially prescribed forms of meditation and other mental exercises or specially designed devices such as those used in virtual reality (VR). This can be compared to starting off on a long 200 Km drive from one city to another. During the journey the soothing feeling of the vehicle in motion makes a person fall asleep. He or she dreams of Time Travel, the Grandfather Paradox and other Time Paradoxes. The vehicle arrives at the destination. The driver shakes the shoulder of the sleeping passenger. He or she wakes up startled to find they have arrived and the Time Travel and Paradox was just a dream or perhaps a premonition caused by precognition. However, dreams in this context are real, they are just created out of materials that can choose to have no bearing on the physical world, that is, they are created out of matter or atoms occupying sequestered Spaces which is the identical process by which matter in the physical world is generated and controlled. This implies human biological consciousness is indistinguishable from atoms or matter Cxn- and Cxn+ that are a hidden aspect of physical matter created and interacted with in Cx0. The link between human consciousness and Cxn- and Cxn+ is what makes human beings vulnerable to FTL motion sickness and is why the problem concerning the inability to distinguish between hallucinations or virtual reality (Cxn- and Cxn+) and the physical world (Cx0) should be expected with FTL velocities. It is why Time Paradoxes arise and why Einstein's theories are very accurate, but begin to lose their tight grip on prediction at superluminal velocities, not because the predictions are not in themselves accurate, they're nature or constitution is just not accurately interpreted.
Its also easy to understand why Time Cartography (Tt) is superior to Einstein's Time as Motion (Te). Time Cartography places events in locations whereas Time as Motion organizes events into sequences we refer to as Chronology. Processing information using Chronology which is fundamentally digital and uses 1s and 0s is inevitably weak, slow and tedious, for example, in order to read a message a processor has to first wait for that message to arrive, which is the same as waiting until all the 1s and 0s are in and a required sequence is received, which is why modern processors are fundamentally slow. However, if the processor dispenses with Chronology, and instead organizes information using Time Cartography which is like breaching cause and effect, the time the message was sent is now a location. When it was received is no longer limited by when it was sent and acting on its contents is driven by common sense. Technically this means that Time Cartography as a method for processing information is superior to digital methods dependent on Chronology, which can simply be regarded as the necessary sequencing of 1s and 0s over time to solve problems and convey information, basically another Motion based system (Te). Time Cartography on the other hand is indistinguishable from superposition and quantum computing in that it does not use digital sequencing and does not organize information around time (processor clock speeds keeping track of sequential 1s and 0s), and replaces 1s and 0s with geography, the cross referencing of patterns or images, a method for processing data that would be indistinguishable from trying to manipulate quantum bits in quantum computing, but not as complex to design and build in Cx0, when the physics to access Cxn- and Cxn+ does not as yet exist. What in Te or computing would be regarded as precognition, in Tt would simply be a more advanced processing method, superior quantum processor, thought process or a higher intelligence. This higher intelligence can breach causality and function outside of Cx0, which according to the analysis we have made thus far, when observed, would be indistinguishable from "consciousness", which is activity in Cxn- and Cxn+ matter. In the same way that a warp bubble can be created more simply by high velocity not just the more sophisticated manipulation of Space-Time, quantum supercomputing can be created more simply by patterns in cartographic processing methods and not just through more sophisticated superposition and quantum bits.
At this stage we may also conclude using the FDNEH that what in quantum mechanics are viewed as energy bands or fields in the atomic structure of matter, are in fact Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms (basically antimatter), the case being that the FDNEH rejects the existence of the "energy bands" in quantum mechanics, because they are conceptualized as being "fields" in modern physics. Possibly, more importantly, it can be concluded that Cxn- and Cxn+ are the "handshakes" between atoms exchanging instructions on how to handle matter. This determines the absolute behaviour of matter in a physical domain or sequestration (Cx0). Hence the significance of identifying and understanding what handshakes are and how they work. Therefore, the FDNEH implies that energy bands of quantum mechanics are not fields at all but handshakes or inter-sequestered atoms (i.e. Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms) handling or processing matter in Cx0, using "supercomputing" methods based on Time Cartography not slower digital 1s and 0s sequential processing methods, consequently handling copious amounts of information in impossibly short time frames. Since handshakes handle everything about an atom they determine what substance it creates, gravity and how it interacts with other atoms or matter. This adds further credence to the inference that the atomic structure of matter intrinsically consists of atoms from sequestered Spaces, not just conventional atoms. Earlier we noted that atoms behave like quantum bits and that if this were the case a simple grain of salt contains an incredible amount of processing power presently unaccounted for in physics (see Science of a Collision Drive continued). However, we did not identify that these same atoms have complementary atoms in Cxn- and Cxn+ Space. This also implies that antimatter is a very active, albeit hidden part of all atomic structures. Interestingly, what this analysis implies is that what causes and controls the movement of an electron through its orbital is a slipstream or differences in pressure (contraction and expansion) in Space between matter and antimatter, the same kind of force expected to be used in a warp bubble that moves a ship, this basic propulsion procedure is seen as recurring, even at the atomic scale and is likely to be similar. What is intriguing about this analysis is it seems to imply that the processes by which an electron is moved through its orbitals by Cxn- and Cxn+ antimatter (or the energy bands of quantum mechanics), when scrutinized by scientists should be found to be indistinguishable from consciousness. This implies that the realm of thought which tends to be viewed as ephemeral controls the physical world. Tangible matter in Cx0 is technically and scientifically moved, controlled and directed by an intangible process identical to thought. Hence, it becomes clear why travelling at FTL velocities also has a direct affect on human consciousness which uses an identical method.
If hallucinations occur and the crew on board a ship that has arrived at its destination or is in the present in the new Cx0 still cannot break out of time dilation or dissociation that causes hallucinations involving time travel the crew could be classified as trapped in a kind of FTL motion sickness, which can be of great concern because as much as the experience appears like a hallucination, the physics now exists by which to classify it as a real experience. For instance if Relativity Theory predicts that a message will arrive at a destination before it was sent, then precognition is what should be anticipated will be part of the symptoms of the hallucination anticipated by physicists who know the reality is a new destination in Time Cartography. This entails the two events or experiences and how they are linked in consciousness, higher intelligence or creative thought (Cxn- and Cxn+) can be mapped and applied in the physical world (Cx0) as a credible science.
However, this unveils yet another potential danger of FTL velocities. It implies that since ephemeral processes control the function of physical processes human consciousness and the proposed consciousness in matter handle atoms controlled by Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms, both types of consciousness must be capable of exchanging handshakes and therefore of direct communication that commands, instructs and handles Cx0 atoms that constitute physical matter as a scientifically verifiable process. What is potentially disturbing about this scenario is that it implies there is a danger that during FTL inadvertent links between Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms may cause hallucinations to emerge as instructions or handshakes initiating a response from atoms in Cx0, making what is imagined move from hallucination to take on an actual physical form derived from a mental projection. Should this happen, the concern will be that human thoughts, imagination or hallucinations move out of the safety of the sandbox and will manifest in physical reality, that is, in Cx0. Whatever passengers and crew may think or dream, in these circumstances during breaches of causality, may no longer remain in their imagination (the sandbox), it manifests in the physical world. As bizarre as this may seem it opens new vistas for science and advanced technology. Importantly, psychologists would need to be aware of this potential problem arising amongst passengers and crew since what they experience or observe can no longer be arbitrarily dismissed as "just being in their minds". This would be like 3D printing copies, objects, living and non-living things, ideas or materials directly from the mind into the physical world (Cx0) out of thin air by manipulating or instructing atoms through handshakes. It should not be forgotten that atoms also control the position and location of objects, which means instructions from handshakes can cause them to move. Atoms further contain prodigious levels of processing power and will apply this when they implement instructions from handshakes. This means that even simple suggestions coming as instructions through handshakes can yield highly complex creations implemented by atoms. The suggestion, dream or nightmare would consequently begin to manifest and take a real form in the physical world. This may be misinterpreted as "paranormal activity". In a controlled scientific environment this would be a very useful technology comparable to a very advanced form of "3D printing" using atoms, something only seen in science fiction series and movies such as Star Trek, which uses a replicator to convey this concept. Identifying that Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms control Cx0 atoms as we have done here implies that designing replicators such as those seen in Star Trek may one day move from science fiction to science fact. The problem is that physical Cx0 atoms are controlled by a process were signals from human consciousness can interfere or co-mingle with signals or handshakes taking place in Cxn- and Cxn+ during time dilation when causality is breached. As outlandish as it may seem, if this emerges as an unanticipated symptom of FTL or breaching causality that is not controlled, understood and anticipated the consequences could be pleasant or very unpleasant depending on the state of mind of passengers and crew. If the science behind what is happening is not understood, this kind of manipulation of atoms and the outcomes would be classified as miraculous or as paranormal activity for which there is no scientific explanation. It seems as technology advances the lines between science and science fiction will begin to blur. When Arthur C. Clarke mentioned that "advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" these scenarios are the kind he was talking about, he was spot on. Nevertheless, this very hypothetical scenario offers a critical glimpse into how handshakes may work, which can be applied to the advancement of science and technology that can profoundly improve life for humanity if inferences are found accurate. Its a well known fact that cutting edge technology is trying to find an interface able to link computers and the brain through endeavors such as Neuralink, BrainCo, Emotiv, Kernel, MindMaze, NeuroSky, Neuropro, Neurable, and Paradromics. The linkages are based mainly on trying to connect actual nerves and brain waves to wires and magnetic fields. The challenge is that science today does not know what consciousness is. If consciousness is indeed operating from sequestered space then Cxn- and Cxn+ atoms offer a method for creating an interface far deeper than wires and magnetic fields.
The ability of the mind or consciousness to influence matter and reality is regarded as having no scientific basis. It is often assigned to religion, witchcraft and superstition. However, if it is accurate that physical matter (Cx0) is controlled by the energy bands in quantum mechanics and these are in fact indistinguishable from consciousness (Cxn- and Cxn+) the ability of human consciousness to similarly affect matter by interacting with handshakes in atomic structures is no longer far fetched. Human religious belief, history and culture is replete with stories about paranormal events for which there has been no scientific explanation or evidence, yet breaches in causality show that these may have a scientific basis under certain conditions and should be given due credence and respect. Therefore, caution needs to be exercised, especially during breaches in causality when the sandbox that separates these two forms of consciousness becomes fragile and allows them to co-mingle, since technically the sandbox is the mechanism that prevents this kind of interaction. It may also be necessary to consider similarities between the cloud-like Bose-Einstein condensate and Cxn-/Cxn+ atoms, for the possibility that they may serve a similar purpose as we piece together the final elements of knowledge required to fully understand this area of the sciences.
Misinformation based on a flawed interpretation of empirical evidence at very high levels of theory and understanding in physics arises as a consequence of Time being erroneously or arbitrarily replaced with Motion in Relativity Theory, which is technically flawed because the analysis does not extend beyond the causality or symmetry of the fundamental Space-Time frame work of the single isolated sequestration from which scientific observations are being made.The knowledge and understanding of true Time is only realized post breach with Time Cartography and the capacity to observe and interact with other universes and sequestered Spaces.
The number of local Cxns or universes separated by Time Cartography will depend on how fast the universe array is spinning and how far from the centre the observation is being made. This same procedure is likely to account for how the structure of matter can consist of atoms from different sequestrations, even though visible matter only appears exclusively from the sequestration where the observation is being made. This points to the fact that what is identified as the atomic structure of any material in the periodic table is only its Cx0 components, the remainder which exist and function outside Cx0 (Cxn- and Cxn+) are presently beyond the capacity of modern science to fully observe, as they are bits of the same material that are part of its atomic make up, but that operate outside causality making it created from matter we would describe as indistinguishable from "consciousness" when subjected to scientific scrutiny.
It can be assumed that a civilization that has not "hatched" or breached exists in isolation, in a very limited consciousness and level of self-awareness, it is backward in the understanding of its place in the Cosmos and has a primitive knowledge of science and physics distorted by self aggrandizement and misplaced sense of superiority nurtured in the solitary nature of its confinement to one universe, where it believes nothing else exists outside itself.
Sequestrations will help physicists understand how distance can be dismissed as merely being a field effect. This is explained in more detail in the
Science of a Collision Drive Continued, where we discussed how dismissing distance removes uncertainty from Heisenberg's equation. If matter, including atoms can occupy the exact same Space, but at different Times then its easier to see how to dismiss distance and how this theory begins to move outside Einstein's Space-Time Framework, that is, from SeTe (observations within a universe) to StTt (observations made across causality, sequestrations or universes). This takes us back to our analysis of Heisenberg's equation. For observations across sequestrations it is possible for physics to advance to where the position and momentum of an electron can be known with absolute accuracy. This absolute accuracy is necessary as it is what produces and becomes Cx0 atoms in the physical world, with which we are familiar. Similarly, simultaneity does not exist within sequestrations due to dilation, but does exist across sequestrations in the same way that the speed of light is a caveat within sequestrations, but not in between or across them. It starts to become clear that the caveats within Einstein's theories only apply within a universe, but not across universes. Hence FDNEH supersedes Relativity Theory when advancements beyond Einstein's findings and understanding of the workings of Time and Space must be pursued to deconstruct his caveats. The observation that sequestrations create antimatter and antigravity also agrees with the observation that the relationship between mass and matter is one that indicates that mass itself is a field effect that originates from outside Einstein's Space-Time (SeTe) Framework, as is further indicated and demonstrated by the Spandex Experiment where we identified that this experiment is being incorrectly taught to students (see the discussion on
mass energy equivalence). We further identified physics teaching and misinforming students when it states there are four fundamental forces namely gravity, the weak force, electromagnetism and the strong force. This misinformation becomes evident when the FDNEH is applied to electricity and magnetism where using this approach shows that the "flow" of electricity is non-existent - just another misconception, a field around a magnet does not exist and that the kick of the armature or coil in a motor as well as the movement induced in magnets, when they are in close proximity, is not caused by electricity/magnetism, its all just gravity. Do electrons actually flow, do they simply transfer kinetic energy or do they do both? There is an ongoing debate about the electron flow issue. The answer to this query is important, especially when closer analysis points to the transfer of energy as opposed to a flow that is currently taught. Put simply, if the FDNEH is accurate in pointing out that there is indeed no technical difference between magnetism and gravity, in that both are induced selectively by handshakes, then the rationale for how strong and weak forces work, as they are currently understood, seems misplaced or convoluted. If when electrical energy is analysed accurately and correctly, magnetic force is found to be merely a form of selective gravity, is it then accurate to continue to refer to gravity as being a "weak force"? The question that arises then is where and how are the observations concerning gravity, magnetism and electricity being misconstrued? When fields are dismissed this problem becomes obvious. It becomes necessary to look into the implications of forming inferences in the sciences on the basis that gravity, the weak force, electromagnetism and the strong force are different phenomena when they are potentially one and the same force acting selectively. Physicists have a choice, it is either all just gravity, all just electricity or there is a need to accept that gravity and magnetism/electricity are terms being applied to the same phenomenon (for a lengthy analysis of this see
the Science of Collision Drive Continued). In other words the belief in physics that there are "four fundamental forces" may simply be yet another misinterpretation of empirical evidence and observations that misleads the public and students. The damage is done and is evident in the lack of progress in technology related to gravitational force becomes a kind of intellectual terminal velocity were humanity plunges toward oblivion due to being unable to think outside the box or outside the norm. The FDNEH identifies that misinterpreting how magnetic fields work erases their direct link to gravity creating yet another misdirect that is simple and in plain sight. The consequences of these seemingly arbitrary mistakes, especially when taught to students is far reaching. By feeding them misinformation this only cripples their ability to make meaningful advances in physics as they are already being sent down the wrong path by their own trusted instructors and tutors. For the sake of argument, if indeed there is no difference between gravity and magnetism, this difference was simply caused by misinterpreting what fields are, is it then correct to refer to gravity as a "weak" force and electromagnetic activity as the "strong" force when they are one and the same, or is this just misleading and convoluted? What could the wider implications of this be to humanity and the sciences in general and their capacity to solve scientific problems? If it is proven true, the same force is being
simultaneously described as weak and strong, then there is a need to retrace the steps and logic that lead to this misnomer in order to identify the gaps in knowledge and research that were overlooked which consequently led to the subject matter being tainted. Imagine a young child fascinated with magnets, using one magnet to playfully push and pull another, and that child was told that the force moving the magnets back and forth was gravity, the same force attracting the child to the ground. With this knowledge and the right information, if that child went on to become one of the renown physicists in the world, what problem related to electricity, gravity and Space-Time could the child not be able to unravel? Yet from a young age, young minds are instead being fed misinformation that becomes an impediment to their ability to rationalize what gravity is. This is both tragic and sad. There is a need for the physics fraternity to take a step back and to begin to disseminate this knowledge using an approach able to interrogate what is being taught in manner that critically broadens minds.
At present collision drives, through their unique design, efficiencies which are capable of dismantling speed of light caveats such as infinite mass and their proposed ability to produce sufficient thrust to exceed the speed of light offer the most practical opportunity to test, by way of empirical evidence, the consequences of approaching and attempting to exceed the speed of light applying both velocity and acceleration to the extent that slipstreaming can be verified. In terms of the major concern about the fuel or energy required to cross vast distances in Space, it should also be considered that the variance between sequestered Space naturally accelerates matter, as is seen in matter moving at FTL velocities at the edges of earth-universe, a ship within this variance is likened to a boat flowing downstream in fast moving waters, and may expend less fuel and energy due to being able to exploit this current induced by the variance. The maximum expenditure of fuel and energy may occur in the method used to move into FTL velocities the specific speed required for a targeted Cxn velocity (e.g. Cx400) and during deceleration out of it, however, once it breaches causality it is likely to enjoy the natural propulsive force within the variance where it can reduce consumption of its own fuel during an FTL cruise through Space required to cover vast distances. From the analysis thus far the inference is that as a ship approaches and attempts to exceed the speed of light it will form a natural warp bubble due to high velocity, which will cause it to continue to accelerate to ever higher velocities. Should this be the case at 15 times the speed of light Cx15 the duration taken to travel from Earth to Mars is approx 12 seconds, illustrated by the animations above and below. With the continued acceleration there should be no limit to the Cxn velocity a ship can achieve, which entails short work can be made of even vast distances. Should this prove accurate what is left is for astronomers to find habitable Earth-like planets (Earth II Ops) using tech such as the recently launched James Webb telescope as indications are the propulsion technology to reach them in a very short duration is currently available through C-Drives. Technically, humanity is not confined to the geographic location and resource limitations of earth, especially considering population growth rates expected over the next century. Earth II Ops though a concept at this stage can be easily made a reality through the promotion of and investment in C-Dive propulsion.
When it comes to slipstreaming, its proposed that the only reason why this phenomenon may not have been identified as yet is due to the fact that science has not yet developed vehicles that can accelerate beyond these critical points that exceed the physics of cause and effect. Knowledge concerning this process will change with the debut of C-Drives.
Ghosting through air molecules by exceeding cause and effect can be compared to pulling a table cloth fast enough that the cutlery and table ware on top of it remains standing in place untouched and unmoved. A ship travelling at this velocity moves with stealth as it leaves behind no sonic boom or sound and is able to travel with little or no atmospheric resistance as it no longer shares the same cause and effect boundary as matter with slower properties. When accelerating or decelerating faster than the speed of light the vessel will no longer be detectable by radar of any kind presently in use, neither will it be visible to the naked eye...
...because, you need not be reminded, that both radar and sight, depend on rates of cause and effect operating within the same boundary to function.
What to expect with
New school propulsion
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