Sunday, October 18, 2020

Introducing the Collision Drive (C-Drive)


C-Drive Propulsion

The Collision Drive 

(C-Drive) [Patented - 1], (2021)
(New High Speed C-Drive) [Patent - 2 now approved by PACRA], (2022)

1,2,3 : The evolution of propulsion technology. 

Is it a bird it a plane.....It's

the biggest and the baddest.

You're only the biggest & the baddest, 

until the biggest & baddest arrives.

Soon introducing:

C-Drives, the first pure propulsion system.

There is a need to distinguish between an engine and propulsion.  An engine is a power-plant for a vehicle, it can be a rocket engine, jet engine, battery pack and electric motor, piston engine and so on. Essentially it delivers torque or thrust as a source of energy for any kind of vehicle. A propulsion device harnesses this force and converts it into movement from one point or location to another. A C-Drive makes this distinction and consequently amplifies output from torque or thrust and converts it into momentum in the most efficient manner possible. 

The C-Drive lives up to expectations

When you first read this page that described what the C-Drive would do, you may initially have doubted the claims. Now that you have had a chance to see the proof of concept prototype in action and read the Science Behind the Collision Drive where the technical advancements in propulsion are described in detail it must be clear that we were dead serious.


C-Drives use two collisions per rotation to mimic or generate gravitational force (G-Force)

The twin arrows in the circles shown in the diagram represent gravitational per second per second 
acceleration, that is, two collisions per rotation

The technology applied to rockets and jets is different from a C-Drive. For instance, when conservation of momentum is applied to a rocket or jet engine, the ejection or gases propelling a rocket or vehicle move in opposite directions and in individual or separate reference frames, which creates a tremendous drop in propulsive efficiency.

However, in a C-Drive the ejection and the vehicle move in the same direction and in a single reference frame which allows for continuous acceleration with little loss in efficiency and minimal expenditure of fuel or energy. A C-Drive should therefore maintain 1g with energy and fuel efficiency for long durations. 

A C-Drive simulates "negative mass", and generates propulsion by using changes in polarity in mechanical engineering to alternate between negative and positive mass that generates a driving force applied to a vehicle. This is within the laws of physics, but it is something physicists generally have not been able to figure out how to do, to date. 

C-Drives use collisions or CCV to achieve remarkable acceleration

The remarkable acceleration from a C-Drive can be used to propel a car, motorcycle, jet and even rockets, basically any kind of vehicle. It can also be scaled down to be used on small or micro-devices. Furthermore, it should be applicable to efficiently not only levitate, but propel transport systems such as high speed trains and hyperloop systems. A C-Drive can have diverse uses in areas such as construction, medicine, entertainment with its uses limited only by the imagination. 

C-Drives will use Always Within Striking Distance (AWSD) to achieve 1G with fuel efficiency

The C-Drive's purpose built inertial acceleration should be powerful enough that it should allow space stations to now have consistent  and ever-present artificial gravity, without the need for rotation of the station. This is straight forward and upfront artificial gravity at 9.8 Nm/s (1g) created by the C-Drive.

C-Drives powered by electric motors and batteries produce propulsion with Zero Emissions and no exhaust whatsoever

A C-Drive harnessed to an electrical motor and battery pack would  produce no emissions at all. It is expected to be highly efficient at generating thrust and should therefore offer extensive range improvements to electric cars since they use up less energy to cover the same speeds and distance.

C-Drives can achieve buoyancy using Gravity Assist (GA)

The C-Drive can convert the downward pull of gravity into upward lift. It is expected to generate buoyancy or create lift at low energy levels whilst consuming much lower levels of fuel which points to improvements in the transport and aviation industry.

C-Drives are destined to become the most advanced propulsion system to date

It is unlikely any present or future 6th generation form of air based propulsion be it jet, ramjet, scram-jet etc can outperform a C-Drive, however they still remain viable methods for air and space travel.

How C-Drives achieve what has been stated on this page is explained in The Science Behind Collision Drives and Flying Without Wings

A C-Drive is expected to be capable of generating exceptional thrust and to be highly maneuverable.[Expectations: 1,036 HP harnessed to C-Drive: amplified thrust capped* depending on use/purpose and for safety, omni-directional g-force-vectoring, ominous stability and maneuverability even in inclement weather, air not required to generate v-tol lift or for racing downforce when on asphalt, seamless transition from ground to air and air to ground, on-demand lag-free acceleration, faster travel times, increas
ed interoperability and all- weather safety]. The C-Drive fills the performance gap between powerplant/engine and vehicle propulsion that has hampered development of the interoperability of diverse vehicles. It will offer interoperability in diverse environments being able to seamlessly transition from underwater, onto water, over land, in the air and into space depending on the capabilities of the vehicle it propels. 


A car with 1,000bhp and 1,420Nm of torque supplied directly to wheels will do 0-62mph in 1.99-seconds  (this is a 1:1 propulsion system, there is no amplification)

A vehicle weighing 2.5 tonnes, with 1,000bhp and 1,420Nm of torque supplied to a C-Drive with the following configuration: 0.6m collider arm (radius), 200kg mass, rotated to 500rpm will be amplified to 33,547 kg-force (approx. 1kN.m trq : 22,624 kg-force). This converted to unidirectional thrust, can not only be used to drive the vehicle on the road, but can also be applied as an independent lift force for flight.  [Tier 1 Gravity]. In this configuration the C-Drive's thrust can lift and shift x13 times the car's total mass.

An F-22 Raptor weighs 20 metric tonnes, only produces 15,875 kg-force (1:1) from each of its jet engines and is able to only achieve Mach 2 even with afterburners. In comparison the F-22's thrust can lift and shift only 1.59x times the aircraft's total mass.

Technically, this means a 1,000bhp car with 1,420Nm of torque using C-Drives for propulsion, if it is capable of rotating the C-Drive up to 500rpm, would produce large thrust/lift force, but because C-Drives can calibrate vector forces, the car would have greater thrust, V-Tol and be more maneuverable.

The fact that a car weighs as much as 90% less (e.g. 2.5 metric tonnes) yet can match the thrust in kg-force will further increase its performance envelope (x13). 

1,420Nm of torque delivered through wheels has limitations in terms of the capacity of tyres to maintain grip with the road and convert this torque into thrust or momentum. The consequence of this is that most vehicles will have a maximum 0-60mph regardless of how much more power an engine or motor are able to deliver. Motors sending torque through the vehicle's wheels do so using mediocre and flawed field theory (1:1) methods which leads to weak systems. 

[Pratt and Whitney F119 engines harnessing their torque to C-Drives would make for a more even, reasonable and practical comparison. However, jet engines are generally designed to move air]

C-Drives generate propulsion independently by the collider arm colliding with the wing. Therefore, whether the tyres are making contact with the ground or not the full amount of thrust is always available alongside the list of C-Drive efficiencies. The FDNEH applied by C-Dives generates torque that is amplified (1:) using an appropriate and more advanced understanding of how gravity works.

                                                                Stage II to Stage III

The belief that fields exist has prevented humanity from transitioning
from a Stage II Civilization to a Stage III Civilization

C-Drives will require most of what is understood today about civilian transportation
revised, especially where ETAs and speed is concerned.

The advantage of C-Drives is that the engineering, how they work and generate propulsion is reasonably simple to understand. There's no smoke and mirrors or over-the-top levels of sophistication
where the science is concerned, therefore, its relatively easy for nearly anyone to make an
informed decision about the device.

The C-Drive configuration above produces approx. 
22,624 kg-force per 1kN.m of torque,
capable of vtol, force vectoring and acting as an independent lift force.
It would be able to move, shift and lift x13.4 times the vehicle's total mass. This thrust to weight ratio applied through C-Drive efficiencies, which include constant acceleration, could easily and safely exceed speeds of Mach 16* with fuel economy, although civilian vehicles would need to be redesigned to withstand velocities this high. C-Drives may very well allow not so impressive supersonic and hypersonic speeds to be relegated to civilian modes of public and private transport. Since C-Drives 
technically have the capacity to challenge FTL velocities, they are focussed on lightyear distances to far off destinations in Space, instead of shorter kilometer journeys. However, they will likely have a Mach level minimum benchmark for earth bound travel (estimated at Mach 320*) with civilian cargo, personal, public and mass transportation systems envisaged as not being allowed to arbitrarily exceed certain speeds, with higher velocities required to be accessed at higher altitudes. Where C-Drives are concerned, supersonic and hypersonic speeds are like child's play, are really nothing to write home about and will most likely be relegated to civilian use to shorten local travel times.

C-Drives also offer safety in 3D, even if there is no contact between the
wheels and the ground the vehicle remains fully in the driver's control at all times.

*Its tempting to try to dumb down these velocities, to make them seem less radical, however, any propulsion system designed to tackle FTL, even an Alcubierre Warp Drive will seem highly practical as a hypothetical means of traversing the impossibly long distances in Space. The 0 to Lightning, circumnavigation benchmark (Mach 320 - Mach 1,947 ) can be allocated to civilian use, which can include civilian commutes for locations and modern Space infrastructure (e.g. space stations, research centres, hotels and resorts, mining centres etc.) between earth and the moon and regions in Space in close proximity. The 0 to HDMF benchmark (Mach 6,747 - Mach 337,350) can be used by authorities to patrol, intercept and supervise the civilian circumnavigation benchmark, for instance vehicles like the F-22 would move to this higher benchmark. The 0 to FTL benchmark (Mach 874,040**) can be reserved for long distance travel in deep Space (see the proposed Earth bound minimum travel time benchmark ). Though theoretical, C-Drive configurations show they can generate the thrust required to launch a vehicle at velocities several times greater than the speed of light. The advantages of FTL applied in Space are innumerable, however, little attention is paid to the impact these kinds of propulsion systems will have on life on earth. Applying FTL technologies is likely to have as profound an effect on life on earth as it will have on Space exploration and settlement. It implies shortened travel times and almost instantaneous access to destinations on earth regardless of how far apart they may be at reasonable cost. How this will affect work, culture, economics, trade, commerce, and life in general to advance human society on earth presents an interesting thesis. What is is also noteworthy is that once a vehicle begins to travel beyond Mach 50 it becomes practically
undetectable or "invisible" to the naked eye, yet C-Drives show mathematically that they can 
exceed this velocity many times over should they move at the civilian 0-Lightning benchmark, which
entails this traffic, even if abundant may not be visible to the naked eye when traveling to destinations 
at civilian benchmark velocities.

**Rather than dumb these velocities down once again its best to address what would be anticipated if higher velocities were attained using the FDNEH that enabled the design of the C-Drive. These velocities are of-course theoretical. However, from a theoretical viewpoint C-Drives using efficiencies such as CCV, AWSD, B-Ken, HDMF examined using the C-Drive equations are theoretically capable of fairly easily inducing FTL rates of acceleration, bearing in mind current speed of light caveats for vehicles are not scientifically verified, especially for a propulsion system of this design which is capable of redirecting increases in mass into increases in velocity. see the following headings on the pages in these links;

Note that RPM is able to bridge the gap from HDMF to C

See Tables in the Appendix here 

A 20,000 rpm, 1,420 Nm motor (z) using the appropriate gear ratio should be able
to turn a 200 kg, 0.6m collider arm up to approximately 0 - 4,316 rpm. 
C-Drives use controlled inside and outside parabolic impacts between a 
circular wing and collider arm to create propulsion in its 
purest and most powerful form. This propulsion is independent in that it
does not need to push-off any surface and does not require
the presence of medium such as air or water. It is 
demonstrated in the animation above.

In this example the C-Drive is placed upright which is vertical to the direction of gravity and designed to make use of gravity assist by minimizing exposure to gravity on the upward swing and ensuring that the gearing advantage or gear ratio enables the collider arm to go through the upward rotation with minimum effort. This can be referred to as "processing mass". The head of the mass processor switches polarity every 180 degrees.

The C-Drive can also be placed in the "flying saucer" position, that is, flat which is horizontal or perpendicular to the direction of gravity (which pulls downward) in which case the C -Drive's upward rotation experiences no resistance form gravity. However, in this position, although the C-Drive will continue to effectively amplify force, the advantage of gravity assist is lost, unless whilst in the flying saucer or horizontal plane it tilts, in which case gravity assist is restored by the angle by which the vessel is tilted. 

When the C-Drive starts from 0 rpm it needs a low gear from the gearing advantage  to swing through the upward rotation. However, as it begins to gain rpm the momentum of the collider arm naturally overcomes the resistance of gravity to the upward swing until it reaches an rpm where this resistance is negligible. At this point the gearing advantage can shift from lower to higher gear. Depending on available input torque and design quality the example used can shift from 0 rpm to 500 rpm, even to 1,000 rpm or higher.

At 1,000 rpm C-Drive collisions in the configuration applied will generate 134,189 kg-force of amplified lift, thrust or torque, which merely for the sake of comparison, is x8.5 times more thrust than the F-22 jet. This is x53 times the vehicle's mass (2,500kg) which theoretically moves
it from 0 to Supersonic to velocities beyond 0 to Hypersonic (approaching approx. Mach 135, this is still below the civilian circumnavigation benchmark for C-Drives, however, it implies achieving these velocities will be relatively easy for C-Drives. The fact that you can see for yourself how the C-Drive converts pan-directional into unidirectional force should be sufficient to lend credence to these levels of thrust, lift force and torque).

In the realm of C-Drive benchmarks, though impressive in comparison to current propulsion technology standards, these theoretical velocities are still quite low especially where humanity addresses the need to cross long distances in Space.

Let's dive into how it works....

Technically the C-Drive Converts Centrifugal Force into Thrust/Lift or Torque

Technically there is no gain or over-unity, the C-Drive is  simply converting existing centrifugal force into equivalent thrust/lift force or torque from the increase in or amplification of 
mass  provided by angular velocity. Technically in terms of mass there is no difference 
between 200Kg and 200Kg-force, or 33,547kg and 33,547Kg-force or 
134,189kg and 134,189Kg-force (134,189Kg-force=1,315,947N), therefore why should 
there be any difference in how much electricity the amplified mass can create? 

Consequently,  a C-Drive can lift heavier payloads on roads, in the air 
or into Space and increase a vehicles range e.g. x556 times.

This is straight forward physics engineered to do what it does. 
No smoke and mirrors. No non-sense.

Conversion of Centrifugal Force into Thrust or Energy:
Stage III energy generation which is created by resistance
which opposes the  movement of the vehicle can be likened to re-generation when brakes
are applied to oppose onward movement in EVs.

The C-Drive is not breaking any laws in physics to amplify 95 KWh to 82.683MWh. The capacity
for amplification is sustained or governed by the gearing between the input gear or exciter Z and the Wing-gear, which provide a constant angular velocity in low gear. Having gained a given sustained angular velocity or rpm the gearing does not govern the amplification of, or increase in mass, which is created by the response of atoms in the material to rotation. In other words the 5:1 gearing ratio shown as an example in the diagram below is not what is altering mass. We know this for a fact because though the gearing ratio remains constant at 5:1 (x5) the rate of amplification is constantly changing depending on applied rpm, and at 1000rpm it amplifies 200Kg x670.9 times. The alteration of mass is taking place in the atomic structure of the mass being rotated. The gearing and angular velocity (rpm) though linked are two different or independent systems. Its easy for a scientist to think the increase in energy cannot be greater than the 5:1 gearing, but this is a mistake in analysis (as seen in 200Kg x670.9 being many times greater than x5). Therefore, amplification is not limited to the 5:1 gearing ratio because it is not the gearing ratio, but the amplified mass itself that is playing the role of the catalyst altering the mass from Kg to a higher Kg-force as rpm changes. Therefore, when a given mass of 200Kg is rotated to 1000rpm on a 0.6m radius it amplifies 200Kg to 134,189Kg-force or 1,315,947N. The C-Drive then takes this amplified force and simply converts it into equivalent thrust/lift force, torque or electrical energy.

Its straight forward, there are no laws in physics being broken.

It does not matter what the source of energy that turns the input gear comes from, it can be from nuclear fission, fusion, wind power, solar power, tidal energy, hydro-electric energy, hydrogen, a battery pack, oil, petroleum etc The increase in efficiency in power generation can be gained from any type of energy source.

The low gear ratio e.g. 1:5 is applied to the Wing-gear, which forcefully rotates the Wing-gear
upto the required angular velocity (rpm) e.g. the Wing-gear in this example may peak at
4,000 rpm (2,147,028Kg-force or 21,055,156N) .

At 1,000 rpm the Collider Arm which weighs 200Kg will generate Thrust/ 
Lift Force or Torque which can be used to turn generators.
C-Drives will convert centrifugal force from angular velocity into 
amplified thrust/lift force or torque. 

Let's dive into the math.....

C-Drive torque amplification

[proofing: take the time to do these calculations yourself, apply 
different rpm, radius and collider arm mass. It is preferred that these calculations
are simple enough for you to verify the outcomes for yourself to demonstrate

Amplifying electricity from 95 KWh to 82.683MWh 
At peak efficiency conversion of Thrust into Torque is
closer to 100% efficient
A sample of the waste and inefficiency in the generation, supply and distribution
of electricity created by the misapplied belief in fields in physics

Using the simple Torque equation, the diagram above shows that 1,420 Nm (Input: 95 KWh) of torque supplied as the input force at z (gear ratio) moving the C-Drive to 1,000 rpm in this configuration will yield  134,189 kg-force or 789,567 Nm of amplified torque @1,000 rpm sent to drive generators (Output: 82.683 MWh) through the mass turbine's shaft at o. This implies that the peak torque applied to generate electricity is amplified x556 times (789,567Nm/1,420Nm). This is not "over unity", it is a conversion of thrust/the lift force (∞ y) into torque (∞ x), where x = y. In the illustration the C-Drive would allow power supply companies to increase the existing generation and supply of electricity by >556x. When applied to a vehicle the enhancement of torque will increase its range by a similar value. (The increase in range is discussed further down)

Note that this amplification is understated as the Torque equation (T=Fr) does not factor in additional 
natural torque supplied from gravity assist (GA).

The input Torque motor and gear (z) set to turn the C-Drive at 1,000 rpm are not operating at maximum
capacity (a 1,420 Nm motor is capable of shifting a rolling mass of 2.2 tonnes from 0-60mph in 2.3 seconds - this C-Drive arm weighs only 200kg).

It should also be noted that the 556x increase in efficiency is being gained from the use of just a single collider arm. Boss drives can have as many 16 collider arms working in unison.

This example illustrates the problem created by the belief in "fields" in modern physics (a drop in energy supply efficiency from 82.6 MWh to 95 KWh). Removing "fields" reveals y as an internally generated vector force amplified () using rpm.  Gravity (∞ y) can be converted directly into torque (∞ x). The FDNEH is superior to "fields" and restores much needed sanity to the energy sector.

Similarly, the amount of potential torque lost by connecting the motor (z) directly to wheels without 
first factoring in amplification into the engineering of motors and electrical devices also
points to immense losses in power directly attributed to misdirection from fields in physics,
which dramatically reduces the range both ICE and EVs can travel. This drop
in performance due to the misplaced belief in fields 
Instead of accessing 789,567 Nm of amplified torque where one unit of a 1,420 Nm motor can produce the torque of x556 units, the 1:1 field based system in physics
drops to a paltry 1,420 Nm, which is why performance of devices based on the "fields" approach
is described as producing mediocre results, as is verified above. Generally people are taught
by fields to believe energy cannot be amplified or increased in this way. This is false and 
a long standing myth propagated as "impossible" in the sciences. However, it is also 
a problem that requires refined technical ability to see through the flawed field theory to
solve the problem and offer an alternative approach.

On the page on Airlines we saw that the scaled up, larger custom built C-Drive rotated to 450 rpm
is expected to lift x186 times the capacity of a single Falcon 9 rocket using the same amount
of energy or fuel. It should be noted that if the 500 rpm can be raised to 1,000 and 1,500 by
improving the quality of materials the performance will be greater. Technically, there is 
no massive structure built on earth which custom built C-Drives cannot lift into Space. 
This should begin to give you some idea how powerful C-Drives are in comparison to
rockets and jet engines.

The gear advantage (z) should not be mistaken for the turning force gain from the conversion of 
unidirectional lift force (∞ y) into amplified torque (∞ x). These are two separate efficiencies or advantages taking place simultaneously. This can be observed in that as rpm increases the 
gear ratio remains constant, however, the magnitude of torque and thrust increase. Hence,
the gear ratio is not responsible for how fast the collider arm can rotate, but rather for
the parameters the force applied through the gear ratio is best able to handle the load.  

This simple example shows that C-Drives are monstrously powerful. 

C-Drives important build stages.
Balance and harmonization of collider arms takes place either 
through counter-rotation or rotation in the same direction but out of phase.
After balance and harmonization the C-Drive can convert lift, thrust or torque into
propulsion or energy.

Neutral Spin to B-Ken Launch

Each time the collider arm (shown in black) touches or strikes the wing (shown in green) and 
reverses direction, this represents a complete collision or impact. Note that the impact of collisions is controlled by the curvature of the wing and applied in the C-Drive Equation using Collision Theory to determine rates of acceleration based on combined cumulative velocity (CCV), this alongside AWSD is responsible for exceptional rates of acceleration (1G to Any G) that will be observed in C-Drives. This procedure is what makes C-Drives capable of easily achieving and sustaining CxN or xFTL rates of acceleration, despite being a mechanically engineered device.

C-Drives are best designed to 
first be in neutral as shown above and below, where they are spun up to a target rpm (e.g. 2,000 rpm), after which displacement of synchronised collider arms can be induced for propulsion. This is due to the fact that only a tiny fraction of the amplified vector force may be required and very small
displacements can still induce very large changes in velocity depending on 
prevailing levels of rpm.

For instance, at 500 rpm the C-Drive needs less than 10% of the 33,547 kg-force of thrust
to lift the 2,500kg vehicle off the ground. This requires only a very small, almost imperceptible movement of the mass turbine towards the wing.

The C-Drive above, rotating counter clock-wise, demonstrates a smooth
transition from neutral to launch, (notice the head of the 
mass turbine slide from the centre to the right toward the wing to induce thrust in the same direction) 
with gravity assist (GA). It then moves back into neutral and repeats the process.

Perfectly calibrating and balancing reciprocating collider arms is critical to controlling the vector forces required for smooth propulsion, especially for high speed C-Drives.

The direction the C-Drive moves is determined by the proximity of the head of the 
mass turbine to the wing regardless of the direction of rotation. Moving the mass turbine in this manner, allows the C-Dive to use force vectoring to move in any direction. This makes
it very agile.

In accord with the FDNEH, it does not need an external medium, field or atmosphere
such as "air" for propulsion.

Preventing the collider arm from pushing the wing (y) by restraining the mechanism at D, deflects or redirects the collision with the wing back through the collider arm (x) causing it to crank or rotate more aggressively with greater force, effectively converting rpm (centrifugal force) into uni-directional amplified torque.

Its important to remember that centrifugal force is pan-directional and is therefore non-propulsive. To become propulsive it must first be converted into uni-directional force (y). Uni-directional force or thrust will then push the wing independently creating lift from collisions. If the wing does not move when the collider arm swings against it either due to the mass of the vehicle or due to being restrained e.g. at D, the force of this impact will move back through the collider arm, forcing it to increase torque.  This procedure is how @1,000 rpm a 200kg mass creates 134,189 kg-force  that is converted into 789,567 Nm/s of torque effectively amplifying 95kWh into 82.6MWh. It is straight forward mechanical engineering. No smoke and mirrors, no sleight of the hand tricks, nothing convoluted or fanciful to an extent that the science cannot be understood. 

A 20,000 rpm capacity, 1,420 Nm motor (z) using the appropriate gear ratio should be able
to turn a 200 kg collider arm calibrated to a 0.6m radius to approximately 1,300 rpm. 
This would yield a peak performance of around 226,780 kg-force or 2,223,952 Newtons of unidirectional thrust (that can also be converted into torque). Applied to a vehicle weighing just 2,500 kg, it shifts and lifts x90 times the vehicles mass. This level of thrust would likely bring the vehicle
close to the lower entry point of the C-Drive 0 - Lightning civilian benchmark.

You can work this thrust out for yourself using 0.6m radius, 200 kg mass rotated at 
1,300 rpm to find centrifugal force, which gives you a basic understanding of how much 
vector force or unidirectional thrust the C-Drive will put out, which will determine
the amount of electricity it can amplify, the velocity it can launch at and sustain using collisions. For more on this apply the 



At present as shown above C-Drives easily outclass fusion energy in terms of 
net energy gain and lack of inordinate levels of complexity.

The peak angular velocity for a unit of this size and spec is 5000 rpm.

The first thing to observe is that the 200kg mass at a radius of 0.6m rotated up to 4,316 rpm is providing 2,499,858 Kg-force [24.5m Newtons amplified]. This is easy for you to verify yourself using the centrifugal force formula. The C-Drive converts this to unidirectional force 24,513,276N. It then converts this thrust to Torque 14,707,965Nm/s . This is simply how a 1m diameter C-Drive tethered to generators puts out electrical energy in Gigawatts equivalent to several nuclear power stations. To argue, is to simply be in denial, follow the method below:

Lets do the math:

To put this into context at 4,316 rpm a C-Drive of 1 meter diameter illustrated above could supply the
equivalent energy or electricity as 6 fully operational nuclear power plants.

Assuming materials used to construct the C-Drive are able to withstand these forces, if not, more collider arms can be used with lower rpm but the same results. This is the conversion of 2,499,858 kg-force from centrifugal force into 24,513,276N (24.5 Meganewtons) of unidirectional thrust, which in turn the C-Drive converts from uni-directional thrust into 14,707,965 Nm/s of Torque, which is used to generate Gigawatts of electricity .i.e. here is the calculation for a 200kg, 4,316 rpm, 0.6m collider arms, exciter (input power) 95KWh: C-Drive conversion of pan-directional force into unidirectional force Output is:

Centrifugal force equation

F=mv2/r = 200Kg (271.182m/s)2/0.6m=

24,513,276N  unidirectional thrust 

unidirectional force into Torque:

Torque = 24,513,276N x 0.6m = 14,707,965 Nm/s*

Torque into electricity:

14,707,965 Nm/s / 9.5493 x 4,316rpm = 6,647,563,646 Watts = 
6.6 GWh of generated electricity

This is amplification or a Net Energy Gain of 
6.6GWh / 95KWh 
= 69,974*

This shows that C-Drives easily outperform fusion energy in terms of NEG and being emission free can be considered cleaner than fusion energy which uses plasma.

The advantage with C-Drives is that the innovation and technology is open to study,
straight forward, any technical mind or engineer can see step by step how the energy
is generated and where it comes from, there's no smoke and mirrors. 

On average a nuclear power plant only generates 1 Gigawatt of electricity, this 
means that technically, pound for pound, C-Drives easily outperform nuclear power plants
being run without the amplification of C-Drives.

Zambia's ZESCO in present national electricity supply infrastructure can produce
2,900 Mega Watts of electricity, whereas the C-Drive is theoretically 
able to supply more than twice this amount of electricity even though it is 
only 1 meter wide in diameter. 

Eskom in South Africa has a supply capacity of 58.09 GW of electricity nationwide, which can be matched by the theoretical electricity output of just nine (9) one diameter C-Drives or
just a single 2-3 meter diameter C-Drive.

It is noteworthy that at 24.5 meganewtons of unidirectional-thrust the 1 meter diameter C-Drive, in terms of thrust, comes close enough to the 38 meganewtons of NASA's Artemis SLS rockets which could lift 26 metric tonnes into orbit beyond the moon, yet is only a tiny fraction of its size.

*Note that amplification is calculated from rpm, not the 1:5 gear ratio of the C-Drive (this is for any physicist  or engineer who thinks the amplification or net gain cannot be more than x5 because the gear ratio (z) is 1:5). Even though the gear ratio may remain fixed this does not prevent rpm from increasing, which means the gear ratio does not interfere with net energy gains (NEG). For instance, the impact force of a car travelling at 200Km/h that hits a wall is not determined by the gear[ratio] the car was in at the time of impact but by mass x acceleration at the time of impact. Similarly, rpm rather than  the C-Drive's gear ratio is what determines the force with which the collider arm strikes the circular-wing, which is then converted into thrust or torque into electricity using generators. Therefore, for the example given above, where the collider arm is travelling at 4,316 rpm, which is 271m/s, when it impacts the circular wing, the net energy gain is 69,974 and not 5 (because mass x acceleration determines the magnitude of the impact not the gear the C-Drive was in at the time of impact). The gear ratio may affect how quickly a target rpm or velocity is achieved, however, once that velocity is achieved, the velocity[not the gear ratio] determines the force (mass x acceleration) of the impact. Therefore, the force produced and consequent net gain in energy (amplification) are, in this sense, independent of the gear ratio. This is why the net energy gain or amplification can be thousands [or more ] times greater than the limitation of the gear ratio. See the heading below to understand and workout how the C-Drive's is capable of delivering the rpm required to generate 6.6GWh of electricity. 

By now you have been shown all the steps for making these calculations and should be competent enough to do the sense checking for yourself.

The Three (3) Simple Steps....

Lets do the math for Step 1: the Torque required to rotate the C-Drive upto 4,316 rpm

Equivalent to a Q - Factor of  ≈70,000 

The C-Drive must first generate the required centrifugal force in Newtons in Step 1 that will then be converted into unidirectional thrust in Step 2. 

The Force required to turn the collider arm from rest to 4,316 rpm in 4 seconds is derived from momentum of inertia:

The C-Drives consists of 200Kg rotated mass, 0.6m collider arms 

 Torque (T) =mr2/3 (w2 - w1)/change-t

Where     w1 = 0
                w2 =  radians per second
                      = 4316 rpm
                      =451.970 rads

Change in time =  4s
Mass (m)          =200Kg
Radius (r)         = 0.6m

Torque (T)  = ((200)(0.6)2/3) (451.970-0/4)
                   = 24 x 112.9925
                   = 2,711.82 Nm

In order to rotate the C-Drive collider arm from rest or 0 to 4,316 rpm in 4 seconds it will take 2,711.82 Nm of Torque. The motor provides 1,420 Nm. There are 5 gearing options at (z), with a ratio of 1:1 to 1:5. 

The C-Drive allows for the selection of any of the 5 gears during operation e.g.

The gear ratio of 1:3 will supply Torque of 3x1,420Nm =  4,260Nm > 2,711.82Nm
The gear ratio of 1:5 will supply Torque of  5x1,420Nm = 7,200Nm  > 2,711.82Nm

Here is a table of all 5 gear ratios:

When 1,420Nm is applied through a gear ratio of 1:2 to 1:5  the C-Drive has sufficient Torque (2,711.82Nm)  to reach 4,316 rpm in 4 seconds. This rpm readily  gives the C-Drive access to 24.5 million Newtons of Pan-directional or Centrifugal Force. It can either convert and apply this as Thrust or Torque. This is done in 3 Steps.
Step 1 (continued from above) : The table above shows that the C-Drive easily achieves 4,316 rpm with plenty of spare capacity. At this rpm it is generating 24,513,276N  of pan-directional non-propulsive force. See the centrifugal force equation.

In Step 2 the C-Drive will take the   24,513,276N  of pan-directional non-propulsive force and convert it into 24,513,276N  of unidrectional thrust that is propulsive. 

The force arrows are animated from the diagram above to illustrate how the C-Drive converts neutral centrifugal force from collisions into uni-directional force, which can in turn be converted into torque.

In Step 3, if the C-Drive is secured it will instead convert the  24,513,276N  of unidrectional thrust that is propulsive into 14,707,965Nm/s  of Torque. See the torque equation.

As shown in the equation above the C-Drive when connected to generators will produce 6,647,563,646 Watts = 6.6 GWh of generated electricity. This is amplification or a Net Energy Gain of 6.6GWh / 95KWh = 69,974

Equivalent to a Q - Factor of  ≈70,000 *

* Every fusion lab and investment around the world today struggles with ignition, all are barely able to gain a Q-Factor greater than 1, this shows that a drive system may be the missing component and technology required to make fusion energy immediately commercially viable. C-Drives offer the answer to this problem and generally provide a universal solution to the global problem of energy-scarcity.

The Conversion Steps [1-3] consist of:

Step1: [Centrifugal] Pan-directional Force Step 2: Unidirectional Thrust  Step 3: Torque 

Every step from 1-3 is compliant with conventional physics.

It is worth noting that this C-Drive configuration is not being applied at maximum capacity. See the spare capacity under Surplus Torque in the Table of Gear Ratios.

The limitation is of course the physical capacity and strength of the materials from which the  C-Drive is constructed which may not be able to handle these forces. The option is to use specialised materials or increase the number of collider arms to share the load, which allows the C-Drive to achieve the same objective at lower rpm.

A Thrust to weight ratio comparison

*  Zero emissions, not propelled by air, able to operate normally even in a vacuum, the table shows that air and gas vehicles offered by the aerospace sector simply hold no candle to C-Drives

At this point we have done the math to show steps 1,2 and 3 are viable. We have proof of concept showing the C-Drive converting pan-directional force into unidirectional thrust. Since unidrectional thrust and the torque that generates electricity are the same force applied to do different work this completes the integrity of the innovation, making it worthwhile to consider investing in.

*EVs and Horsepower

You may notice that at 4,316 rpm the C-Drive is producing 14,707,965Nm/s of torque. This torque does not have to run generators alone. If its a vehicle, this torque can be used to turn wheels as conventional cars, vans and trucks are seen operating today. Though, this amplified torque is simply too huge to apply to wheels, the C-Drive can apply this huge force delicately, using only tiny fractions of it required for the safe operation of the vehicle. Take a look at how much horsepower this vast amount of torque from the 1 meter diameter C-Drive translates to in horsepower.

Horsepower = Engine Speed x Torque /5252
=4,316 x 14,707,965Nm/s / 5252
=12,086,743.51 HP

Normally a present day vehicle does not need 12million horsepower. However, the C-Drive can tap into the percentage of this available horsepower to deliver the required amount for the safe operation of a vehicle. The giant engine of a cruise ship only produces around 100,000HP. The capacity to produce such huge levels of horsepower is demonstrative of the fact that C-Drives will exhibit the capacity to outperform rockets, with the additional advantage of being able to generate unidirectional thrust with no emissions. Horsepower at this level has a purpose which is for traversing large distances in space where such high horsepower values are actually quite small in comparison to the work that needs to be done to cover these vast distances. 

Its important to remember that C-Drives can also induce thrust and lift for flight. This means that the wheels can be retracted and the vehicle lifted off the ground. C-Drive flight , no matter how high off the ground, is like magnetic levitation since the vehicle rests on the vector forces or Ki being produced by the C-Drive. In terms of navigation this use of Ki is so precise that the driver can set a fixed height above the ground for the vehicle .e.g. 5cm - 30cm (depending on the flatness of the floor, road or terrain being covered) for the vehicle to maintain, and the vehicle would follow the direction it is moved in with the same smoothness of ride,  consistency and support that a mag-lev train has from a rail as it follows its track. In essence the C-Drive moves as though it lays its own unseen mag-lev track in any direction it moves.

Enter the Dragon Train: How C-Drive technology is more advanced than Maglev Trains

C-Drives are capable of better grip during navigation and propulsion than a maglev train's girder due to the tremendous force-grip of vectors using 

The vector forces that create the force grip or Ki depicted by the blue arrows can secure the Circular
Wing with greater force in newtons than the earth grips the maglev's girder. This
makes C-Drives safer off the ground, in the air and in the sky. 
See how these forces counter rotate around the Circular Wing

In a maglev train the passenger cabin can only go where the girder or rail track has
been lain and fixed to the ground. A C-Drive incorporates both the cabin or train and the
track into one vehicle (the way a tank lays its own tracks) and can therefore go 
anywhere, travel close to the ground or launch from the ground directly 
into space.

An aeroplane rides air when it flies. When it flies a C-Drive rides the Collar or Circular Wing which in turn rides internal and external collisions depicted by the counter rotating blue arrows or HD-SRMF flowing around it. Technically, when the C-Drive is riding the Circular Wing, it is like riding the maglev girder or rail. This is why flight on a C-Drive will not feel like riding an aeroplane, passengers will feel like they are riding a maglev train. Imagine a roller coaster that can lay its own track as it moves in any direction, the control over movement will be this precise. Bumpy plane rides, and turbulence caused by changes in atmospheric conditions will be a thing of past. This is due to the fact that the vector forces that secure flight from C-Drives will be powerful enough shrug off air currents, gale force winds, hurricanes, drops in pressure that are a hazard to aeroplanes because they ride on air. Since C-Drives do not ride on air, but the Circular Wing which is the girder or  railway track incorporated into the vehicle atmospheric conditions can be shrugged off making flight not only gliding smooth but also much safer for passengers, cabin crew and pilots. C-Drives will be capable of a safety, manoeuvrability and absolute air superiority no airplane that rides on air is inherently capable of today and in the future.

Wouldn't you like to ride a magic dragon?
Since C-Drives generate their own internal track using collisions
of Ki, they can move as rolling stock on a conventional railway or 
lift off and land on railway tracks on the ground as conceptualized in the
animation above. Each cabin behaves as a self propelled module that can move
independently or in tandem with other modules to form the train.

Dragon Train: C-Drives will navigate with such great precision that they can engage
and disengage from any kind of train track or surface which will be useful
for logistics companies

During a hurricane it is common to see cars weighing several tonnes being picked up by the wind thrown into the air and tossed down the road. A car or other vehicle that is suitably equipped with C-Drives could shrug of these wind driven forces moving and stabilising itself with tens of thousands of vector force or Ki with which to withstand even hurricane force winds. Even where the roads are icy and tyres lose grip with asphalt roads C-Drives do not need the vehicle's wheels to have contact with the ground to safely steer and move it, the driver consequently remains in perfect control of a vehicle despite being faced with these conditions. 

With C-Drives as high speed trains the cost of this kind of transport has all the benefits of magnetic levitation without the cost of having to build hugely expensive maglev rail line infrastructure. Interestingly enough, C-Drive technology would allow maglev like trains to not only travel cross country, but these trains could also travel into space and back when cabins are D.U.S i.e. equipped to be utiized in space.

Mach II, Bridges not required

C-Drive Dragon Trains will be able to land on conventional train tracks or take-off 
from them  due to having very precise navigation.

As mentioned earlier the maglev girder becomes the C-Drive collar or circular wing. What is interesting is that the force with which the C-Drive vectors grip the collar or circular wing for navigation will be greater than the force by which the static girder is fixed to the ground for the safety of the maglev train. Technically this means C-Drives are safer than maglev trains. Even though they move independently, travel in the sky and can go anywhere the support the C-Drive vehicle or cabin has is greater than the support the maglev train has from the girder fixed in the ground. C-Drives, like maglevs, will be able to travel just a few centimetres above the ground safely at speeds well in excess of 600 Km/h with greater support to the vehicle (measurable in newtons) than the girder fixed to the ground. They offer much greater safety to the cabin and its passengers. This tremendous support goes with the C-Drive wherever it travels be it under water, on the ground in the sky or in space.

How available amplified torque or horsepower increases vehicle range is discussed later. See 300,000km - 500,000km range on a single charge further down this same page.

The C-Drive is estimated to produce 24 meganewtons of thrust. By modern day standards this is exceptional considering that SpaceX Starship is described as having 7,590,000 Kg-force of thrust and 40.8m Horsepower, 9 meters in diameter, whereas the 1 meter diameter C-Drive is estimated to be able to generate 2,499,858 Kg-force of thrust and 12m Horsepower, with zero emission by using a High Density Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF). Pound for pound the C-Drive is remarkably more powerful than the propulsion or rocket technology being deployed by SpaceX. Technically the C-Drive represents more advanced rocket science or rocket propulsion technology than that used in Starship.

Energy Suppliers need to remain aware that the demand for energy will continue to grow   

This growth is likely to be in direct proportion to the depth and length of distances in space
vehicles can travel. The further vehicles need to travel, for instance in light-years, the greater the energy consumption required to get them there and back. C-Drives, by their ability to go further and faster will contribute to the growth in demand for energy, but by nature will also contribute to the increased availability of energy through amplification (net energy gain). This fact is useful as it creates the most ideal condition for the exploration of space, as C-Drives not only increase humanity's capacity to explore ever farther into space, but also enhance mankind's capacity to make existing sources of energy last longer and do more work, with much less pollution.

Humanity today is accustomed to the short distances on earth between cities and continents. These distances will soon be insignificant as the technology to arrive anywhere on earth, regardless of how far off in a few minutes or seconds becomes commonplace. When a C-Drive harnesses amplification and puts out tremendous amounts of power in gigawatts or terawatts that would easily solve humanity's current energy and pollution problems its important to bring this leap in technology into perspective by determining the distance in space this huge jump in available energy will cover. It then becomes clear that this gain is actually tiny in comparison to the distances in space that need to be crossed. It shows that these distances alone and the need to cross them frequently and  in the shortest possible time is one of the reasons why the demand for and need to supply energy will never cease. We are not talking about the amount of energy the average household uses today for cooking, lighting, transportation and so on. For instance, the amount of energy a single household consumes to travel  for one year through space could one day in the future easily be equivalent to the total consumption of energy in the United States in one year in Terawatts, simply because the distances traversed are so vast and must be covered in shorter and shorter travel times, for example, a frequently traversed distance consisting of several lightyears such as monthly commutes to Alpha Centauri and back which is 4.367 light years from earth. In this sense energy providers will continue to face challenges, and will have to keep innovating to keep up with levels of energy consumption that by far outstrip the energy that humanity currently consumes.  

Alpha Centauri is 4.367 lightyears from

Its been pointed out that Stage II science cannot design a C-Drive because there are innumerable mistakes, especially in physics. Unfortunately today's fusion reactors are built from primitive Stage II levels of thought. They are built fundamentally from magnetic "fields" whereas advanced Stage III levels of thought (by which it becomes possible to design a C-Drive) deny the existence of fields, even magnetic fields as being "field effects" and therefore describes fields as being as good as the figment of a scientist's imagination. For how long are we expected to keep re-enacting the "emperor has no clothes" when it comes to non-existent fields? The same problem with "fields"  applies to Einstein's Space-Time, underpinned by  Euclidian Geometry or Geodesics. For more on this read the Science of a Collision Drive here.  Also read about the Spandex Experiment Error here. In order to be able to design the C-Drive these mistakes and misconceptions had to first be corrected using the Stage III approach.

Note that the 1m (100cm) C-Drive illustrated above will outperform any fusion reactor today, found anywhere in the world, in terms of Net Energy Gain.

If you can work out for yourself how a C-Drive 86.2MWh system works as explained earlier in terms of 1. Thrust (Newtons) 2. Torque(Nm/s) 3. Power Generation(Watts) then you can work out how higher or lower power systems work .e.g. a 246MWh, Gigawatt (GWh), Terawatt (TWh) e.t.c.

As mentioned earlier
C-Drives as amplifiers should become a standard part of companies
that generate and distribute electricity, regardless of how it is 
produced, there is an increase in efficiency.
An opportunity is created to have lower energy prices, 
wider supply of electricity and increased profitability.
The technology is also fairly easy to understand and assess
in that how thrust is produced and how it is converted into torque
that can be used to turn generators is straight forward to explain.
Even with the advantages offered by amplification, the fact that C-Drives
also offer access to Space creates a catch 22 in that the vast distances in Space
will create a demand for energy that it is unlikely C-Drive technology will
be able to help fully satisfy. The distance between the earth and 
moon is used to illustrate this kind of routine travel and its influence on
the increased consumption of energy. The capacity to generate 24.5 million Newtons
of unidirectional thrust will be useful for scientific research involving 
slipstreaming as well as shortening vast distances between locations in Space.

At a gear ratio of 5.4:1 the electric motor only requires 5,400 rpm to raise the rotation of the C-Drive to 1,000 rpm, which is well below the performance threshold of an electric motor which is capable of pushing the C-Drive to 3,703 at this gear ratio. A new carbon sleeved electric motor is said to have a capacity of 23,308 rpm and there are other electric motors at this performance level that can be used with this C-Drive to push it  to 4,316 rpm. At 1,000 rpm the C-Drive will generate a unidirectional-thrust of  134,189 kg-force, however, 4,316 rpm would cause the C-Drive to generate a unidirectional-thrust of 2,499,858 kg-force or  2,499 tonne-force (18.6x times greater thrust), which is a substantial amount of thrust for a 1,420Nm 95KWh electric motor especially considering that this C-Drive configuration has a total diameter of 0.78m or 78cm (30 inches).
Input torque is supplied from a motor (z) through the gear. When C-Drive collisions convert pan-directional amplified force into uni-directional force from rpm securing the C-Drive such that it cannot move (D)  increases amplified torque (∞ x) going to
electricity generation. Freeing the C-Drive to move increases amplified Lift/Thrust (∞ y)  but
reduces torque. This is the trade-off .

300,000km - 500,000km range on a single charge,
without the need for a bigger battery pack
(without gravity assist)

When you see this kind of range from a single charge being discussed concerning C-Drives
what should automatically register in your mind is that this is a discussion about the early stages of space travel. This is because this kind of range could consist of 15 to 20 years of driving for a conventional vehicle on earth driven on roads today, whereas in terms of space travel
it could be a single one way drive. Although it is worth noting that vehicles with C-Drives
could routinely cross continents and use up a great deal more miles or km since people 
have the capacity to travel further, in shorter estimated travel times, more cost effectively so they can tour and explore parts of the world they wouldn't have been able to visit so easily in the past. Before, with a full tank or charge you had to limit the places you could visit to within roughly 500Km, when there is technically no limit to where you could go on earth with a full tank or charge and can drive or fly your personal car at very high speeds that are now considered conventional, you could drive to any place on earth. Bear in mind that the circumference of the earth is only 40,075Km and you have a 300,000Km range at your disposal. You could live in Chicago and work in Lusaka or vice-versa, which is a distance of 13,251km, which, if your car is equipped to travel  at circumnavigation benchmark speeds, would take you roughly 10 minutes, unless its designed to travel faster. Although this sounds rather futuristic, distances and speeds like this for C-Drives will be child's play. The social dynamic of how humanity works, lives and interacts could be advanced to the extent that the world does indeed become like a global village.

C-Drive flight will be very different from conventional flying where a vehicle rides on air. It is more like magnetic levitation, therefore, lets refer to it as c-levitation or c-lev. Levitation is much more controlled and precise than flying by riding on air. A course plotted for a vehicle using c-lev can be adhered to with as much as 99% accuracy, since it can maintain its course shrugging off even the worst weather and poor atmospheric conditions, this is useful as, like roads on the ground,  it allows for the design or creation of lanes or pathways in the sky vehicles are required to adhere to when being operated in this way.

The rationale for extra-ordinary range

 Amplifying energy is increasing net energy gain (NEG) or the Q-Factor of  an energy source. C-Drives amplifying  torque dramatically reduces the work required of a battery pack to move a vehicle. (See Three Simple Steps where how C-Drives increase the Q-Factor by 70,000 is explained in detail  with equations). If a 95 KWh battery pack will give a vehicle on the road a range of 560 km, then amplified to 82.6 MWh it should be considered that this increase in efficiency would theoretically give the vehicle a range of around 300,000 km from a single charge. Also if a 95 KWh battery pack which can generate 1,420 Nm will give a vehicle on the road a range of 560 km, then then 556x times more torque (789,546/1,420=556x560km=311,360km)  it should be considered that this increase in efficiency would theoretically give the vehicle a range of around 311,360 km from a single charge. This may seem incredible, however, the reality is that it isn't. C-Drives can move cars using wheels on roads through amplified torque, but they can also generate lift and thrust for flight. When it comes to covering the very long distances in Space 300,000 km on a single charge is nothing. Vehicles (personal or mass transportation, private or commercial vehicles and airlines) will one day routinely travel across continents and cities in minutes or seconds rather than hours using civilian benchmark speeds or travel routinely through the solar system and through Space at large for business or leisure. The compulsion is to assume 1Nm/s=1watt, therefore, 789,546Nm/s = 0.8MWh, however, sense checking the result shows this is incorrect. Increasing Torque 556x times should as a baseline be able to generate similar power of at least 556x95KWh= 52,820KWh = 52.82MWh or 1Nm/s = 95KWh/1,420= 0.0669014= 66.9014watts therefore 789,546Nm/sx66.9014watts = 52,820KWh which helps sense check 82.6MWh with the variance from rps to rpm. This is a useful rule of the thumb method for sense checking the potential megawatt output level for accuracy. 

C-Drives will have the thrust capabilities and fuel economy to easily perform cold re-entry (re-entry into the atmosphere without heat). The demand for fuel will remain high despite this advantage, which will only benefit earth bound commuters laboriously moving on roads, if or when proven accurate.  

Using the equations above you should be able to work out for yourself how a C-Drive
can amplify 95KWh into 82.6MWh. All of this is based on the mechanics
of the device also illustrated above.

300,000 km - 500,000 km range on a single charge
may seem "infinite" on earth, however, in space it only 
gets you as far as the moon, before you have to recharge 
a vehicle. If tiny and large, both personal and commercial vehicles begin to routinely
travel into and between these locations (remember C-Drives can operate in a vacuum,
they do not need a medium for propulsion) and to destinations in the solar system, this gain in range 
may seem huge on earth, but in space it doesn't get you very far.
The easier it becomes to get into space, the more activity and infrastructure
there is, the greater the ongoing demand for energy.

The future of space travel, leisure and exploration may look quite different from
what might be expected. If you can hop on your bike or into your car, simply exit earth to meet friends or family in some off-world location of interest in the solar system, and if most vehicles, be it your personal car or family sedan or national airline are designed to be capable of travelling into space then movement within the solar system may lead to levels of  activity that are more intense than anyone currently anticipates. Especially where these vehicles can easily exit earth's atmosphere to access high civilian benchmark speeds and can perform cold re-entry. It also cannot be ruled out that people
could begin to build orbital homestead communities with artificial gravity and simply opt to live off world, visiting earth only occasionally to work or see friends and family. This would reduce overpopulation leading to more sustainable population levels on earth.  The life, aspirations  and desires of a more advanced Stage 3 civilization (one using Tier 1 gravity) may be completely different from a backward Stage 2 civilization that is doomed to fail.

The advantage with C-Drives is they can propel very small
vehicles as effectively as larger ones. Vehicles leaving or
taking off vertically to quickly exit the atmosphere in order to 
access high velocities may become common.

Let's look at the basic methodology by which this kind of range is achieved, and see if we can dumb it down. If you have a 95 kWh battery pack that provides the energy to a 1,420 Nm motor that goes directly to a vehicle's wheels, this is a system engineered on the basis of the limitations of fields, where the energy is applied at a ratio of 1:1.  As a result, to travel 560 km the vehicle requires 95 kWh. However, if the vehicle's motors do not take torque directly to wheels, but first amplify it using a C-Drive (using the FDNEH), then instead of 1,420 Nm of torque to turn the wheels at - z, the vehicle @1,000 rpm has 789,567 Nm of torque at its disposal at - o. To match its previous performance the vehicle's motor now technically need only apply a fraction of the torque available to it to perform the same task, 1,420 Nm/789,567Nm*100 = 0.1798%. Whereas the battery pack previously required 100% of the 95 kWh available to it to travel 560km, with amplified torque in this scenario it now only needs 0.1798% of the 95 kWh to travel 560km. This is potentially how after a single charge its range is extended from 560km to 312,849 km. Note that this increase in range from a single charge is being understated as it does not factor in gravity assist.

This is of-course theoretical and a broad estimation, nevertheless a significant increase in range is predictable.

High Speed C-Drives are designed to 
withstand very high rpm and will
provide civilian and HDMF benchmark velocities.

C-Drives can create lift, generate thrust, produce torque provide propulsion without the need for 
air or any other type of external medium. They can use various efficiencies designed
to amplify energy and work done. Consequently, they can be deployed in any 
kind of terrain,  under water, on roads, in the air and in space.

The belief a medium exists reduces efficiency

What you are taught in primary, secondary and tertiary education is that there is a medium (magnetic or geodesic) consisting of the blue area "B" in the above diagram, the disruption of which causes the object "D"  to move in the direction "C". You are taught that this movement is induced by fields if it involves magnetism or is electrical in nature or by Space-Time if it is gravitational, the spandex experiment is used inappropriately to demonstrate this. To say that electromagnetic waves do not require a medium because they move through the vacuum of Space is inaccurate because they still need Space-Time to function. Space-Time is a field, therefore, it is a medium present even in a vacuum. Once a scientist understands that fields do not exist (Stage 3), then an observation, for example, LIGO detecting gravitational waves should be referred to as the detection of a "field effect" , which is technically the correct term. The term "field effect" in FDNEH demonstrates that a scientist is enlightened or aware and not being fooled and deceived by the observation. Light bending near strong gravity is not evidence of fields and therefore not evidence of Space-Time being factual. This is a misinterpretation of the observation, and is why Einstein's prediction that light would bend near massive bodies due to Space-Time or geodesics is accurate, but technically flawed because the field proposed to be doing the bending, namely, Space-Time does not exist, it is imaginary. If according to the FDNEH gravitational lensing is not caused by Space-Time this implies that there are also problems concerning time dilation and how it is understood by physicists, which leads to other "accurate" inferences that are in fact flawed such as time travel into the past, in order to alter the future, both of which, technically, like "Space-Time" do not exist: there is only the present. Technically, this infers that dilation, which is fundamental to modern physics, is an illusion. As surely as a physicist understands that a perfectly straight rod placed in water that appears to bend beneath the waters surface in fact remains straight, light which is observed as bending or experiencing gravitational lensing remains for all intents and purposes, perfectly straight and what is observed as the "stretching of time" or dilation remains an illusion.

Does the straw bend in water? Does light bend in strong gravity?
Or do both remain perfectly straight?

When refraction is observed it is understood that though the
"rod", in this case a straw appears to bend it does so as a result of 
moving from one medium into another. The uninformed stage 2 scientist will
state that the rod bends because it moves from a medium of lower density (air)
to a medium of higher density (water), water being the gravitational "field" and will
state that the bent straw aka bent light is evidence of gravitational waves.
. However, the enlightened stage 3 scientist recognises that all matter is intangible, therefore the illusion is not simply the straw bending, the greater illusion being created is in fact that there is a change in density, or that
there is any external "air" or "water" present at all. Simply by bending (which is autonomous matter i.e. an internal action
of atoms) the straw can project a non-existent external force, material, medium or field (water or air), 
when in fact that external medium (i.e. Space-Time) does not exist and gravitational waves are a field effect. Therefore, the air and water (i.e. Space-Time) do not bend the straw. Rather by appearing to bend (internal action) the straw creates the illusion that there is air and water (i.e. Space-Time), when in fact there is no medium or field, i.e. no external tangible material or force. It is only after this is recognised by a scientist, that the science actually begins. 

In other words
water does not hold up the boat (as is assumed with Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy) rather, the 
boat and the water assume positions relative to one another. The stage 3 scientist "walks on water" - so to speak, because he or she is not mislead by the observation, to the point of misinterpretation that creates a false narrative or shallow science. Hence, a scientist must learn to walk on water. He or she must see through the illusion. The rod appearing bent is in fact an illusion or veil that conceals a deeper illusion. It is a mystery, within a mystery, unravelled by the stage 3 scientist able to elevate his or her level of understanding. The same applies to light moving passed massive gravitational fields. By a scientist appreciating there is no medium or gravitational "field", it is then understood that the light "bending" is in fact an illusion as is time dilation. The curvature being observed conceals Time Cartography. In other words curvature is the second veil or illusion that acts as a form of containment that conceals an adjacent universe, consequently supporting multiverse theory. If where the rod resides were observed without being bent by this illusion, what would instead be observed is a different location, in the same Space existing in the same present in what would
have previously been assumed in time travel is the past, yet it is an adjacent universe that is unaffected
by dilation. In other words the FDNEH inference is that matter can exist in and occupy the same Space or location, in the same present, but at different times.
Variances in Time are therefore used to separate universes is fact, while 
the appearance of going backwards or forwards in time, that is, moving outside the present
is the illusion that causes dilation and light to appear to bend. This means that curvature which 
effectively contains human knowledge and perception in one universe whilst excluding others
is the illusion. When LIGO measures gravity waves, it is in fact measuring the amplitude
of containment
(refraction) by which this universe (Cx0) excludes  other adjacent universes (Cxn- and Cxn+), that will appear for all
intents and purposes as a "field", when in fact the field, like a cloak or veil, is technically an illusion
because it in fact hides or conceals something underneath it, namely, Time Cartography. In Einstein's Relativity Theory Time Travel, is the illusion or deception that ultimately leads scientists away from
Time Cartography.

This analysis is covered in more detail here.

To believe the illusion is real is to stray from the facts and to misinterpret the observation in a manner that is misleading to science. Hence, Time Cartography is fact whilst Time Travel is illusory. For example, iron filings arranging themselves into a pattern around a bar magnet are referred to as being evidence of the presence of a field (Stage2). This is incorrect. It is not evidence of the presence of a field (Stage 3).  It is a "field effect" due to the fact that the scientist has understood there is in fact no medium or field present, the field is an imaginary construct used as a crutch to rationalise theory, it is just an illusion or effect taking place and this illusion is not only observable, it can also be detected using scientific instruments like LIGO, in the same way you can detect iron filings being moved in proximity to a magnet, it infers that dilation itself should be handled with caution as it is connected to empirical evidence for conditions that scientists should have the wherewithal to identify as illusory; as neither of these is scientific evidence fields exist. For instance Relativity Theory may show going back in time is possible and provide evidence of how its possible, a scientist is able to see that though appearing accurate this too is illusory (see Time Cartography). To say a wave, which constructs a non-existent field exists, in these circumstances is not science, neither is it the truth but the propagation of a fabrication by misinformed Stage 2 scientists (see below) peddling outdated theories as modern science at great cost and loss to humanity. It should also be considered that mass energy equivalence cannot take place without amplification determined by rates of acceleration within atoms around which the rpm of a C-Drive that generates thrust is modelled, which requires dispensing with the external medium and attributing gravity directly to electrons, protons and neutrons. If your education system is "correct" and there is a medium at B then the disruption of the medium must be equal to the mass and degree of displacement of the object D to cause it to move (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, 1:1). However, if you identify that the medium, that is, the "field" does not exist which is made very clear in the C-Drive mechanism and diagram, then the object must move as a result of activity within its material or atomic structure. To move in this way this activity must be equal to or greater than its own mass, 1:. This means that amplification (net energy gain -NEG, or Q-Factor) is fundamental to both gravity and electricity, neither can take place without it. It must be considered that almost everything you have been taught concerning an external "medium" or "field" in primary, secondary and tertiary education to this day concerning magnetism, electricity, gravity and Space-Time is fundamentally wrong, and at best misinterpreted or misconstrued by your education system.  In order to make real progress these need to be corrected.

What has been described above provides an explanation for how a device like Zimbabwean Maxwell Chikumbutso's "Microsonic Energy" works. It is harnessing radio waves and somehow amplifying the tiny amounts of energy from these waves. This amplified energy can be used to recharge batteries in a vehicle in real time (that would never need to be charged at station) and can be used directly as an energy source. This is an example of amplified energy that the FDNEH predicts is possible as a result of dismissing the existence fields. If this is the case "Microsonic Energy" is not an "over unity" device and it is not a perpetual motion device as amplification does not violate laws in physics. Therefore, it should be granted the patents it requires to protect Chikumbutso's intellectual property so his innovation remains commercially viable. Even fusion energy exploits a form of amplification or net energy to work. 

No doubt about what C-Drives are designed to do:
As shown by the action/reaction forces depicted below C-Drives 
meet the necessary technical specification required for independent thrust and lift. Though 
more advanced, it is a similar
if not the same fundamental  action reaction specification ascribed to rockets and jets for 
thrust and lift.

Action Reaction Forces
Note that in order for the mass flow (collider arm and attached mass) to move from right to left it must collide with (push forward) the vehicle or wing. Technically, it cannot flow from right to left (reaction) without pushing the vehicle (action) due to collisions. At its maximum sliding length any residual backward force the collider arm has is carried forward into the next collision by the change in mechanical polarity. This means that mechanically during the mass flow there can be no backward vector and the vehicle will move independently in the forward direction 
shown by the red arrow (action). The fact that the collisions are inelastic means that the
collider arm and wing are propelled in the same direction.

C-Drives produce action/reaction forces, however, the mass flow is recycled
every 180 degrees of rotation by the collider arm switching mechanical polarity -+ (each time it switches between internal and external collisions) at the head
of the mass turbine (see patent) to create a continuous high density unidirectional mass flow with no
backward acting vector. It has some similarities with but is more advanced
than the same continuous action/reaction mass flow of a rocket or jet engine.
This is illustrated above by the collider arm sliding continuously from right to left
across the head of the mass turbine (labelled vehicle) , which occurs during
360 degrees of rotation.

The high density static recycled mass flow (HD-SRMF) from the C-Drive 
flowing from right to left above is x6,747 times more efficient
than the very low density hot gases of a rocket engine or jet engine shown below and can operate
with zero emissions. See the
will keep being added.

Since the HD-SRMF removes the need for exhaust to generate thrust and lift, it has a huge untapped  potential on climate change as a result of action against ejected non-recycled exhaust which produces extraordinary amounts of pollution.

The C-Drive is currently the most powerful and readily accessible 
technology design for propulsion in the world. Rockets and 
jet engines are simply backward in comparison.

A C-Drive could not be designed with current levels of knowledge

The two C-Drive animations above are a simplified rendering of the Force
Vectoring diagram below. The blue arrows stabilize a vehicle,
the red arrows propel it (the red arrows and the vehicle move in the same direction).

The red arrows flowing upward represent lift/thrust [can be converted into torque].
Equations show C-Drives are capable of using this flow to produce levels of thrust required to exceed benchmark velocities namely Civilian (0-Lightning), Patrol & Supervision (0-HDMF)
and Deep Space (0-FTL). The predicted ability of C-Drives to produce levels 
of thrust several times greater than that required for FTL with the ability to 
Slipstream, should it be demonstrated
will confirm their status as a "Mechanical Warp Drive" (MWD).

Two different propulsion systems, travelling at
thousands of kilometers per hour, one leaving a trail of exhaust,
the other moves with surgical precision does not depend on air for propulsion,
 has zero emissions and
provides absolute air dominance over traditional
air and gas vehicles in the sky, were cloaking technology
deployed there would be no way of knowing what caused
the malfunction.

When a vehicle is observed flying without wings, noiselessly with no visible source of
propulsion the public and authorities may be baffled as to how these vehicles gain lift and how they 
display superior methods of propulsion. These vehicles are therefore referred to as unidentified 
flying objects "UFOs" or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). However, if you have taken the 
time to understand how C-Drives generate lift and thrust on this website it, it offers a 
succinct and helpful explanation for how these vehicles may be moving and how they have air superiority. Often it is believed these vehicles are using a special form of anti-gravity "field"
to move, however, C-Drives prove that this "field" is not necessary to generate this same
kind of advanced propulsion.

Despite having no visible propulsion mechanism it can be assumed that the 
ball shaped vessel is x6747 times more efficient at propulsion, which is why 
even powerful jets cannot keep up with it.
The advanced methods of propulsion often 
observed in UFO and UAP encounters whether real or illustrative cannot be explained.
However, C-Drives help to explain superior propulsion, with no need for air,
is a science.

The collider arms flow continuously
in one direction by resetting mechanical polarity every half rotation 
at the head of the mass turbine at the very moment the collider arm reaches its maximum length.
This creates a powerful unidirectional High Density Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF).
Notice how this continuous flow resembles the burn emerging from a rocket or jet engine?
As the collider arms slide back [reaction] due to collisions they push the vehicle forward
which is the vector force [action] depicted by the red arrows allowing C-Drives
to generate lift and thrust without a field or medium. C-Drives apply 
action - reaction forces to create propulsion. Although the action/reaction forces
demonstrated in the animation above resemble that of a rocket or jet engine there are
efficiencies that make C-Drives more powerful, for instance HD-SRMF alone
makes C-Drives x6,747 times more efficient at producing lift or thrust. 

C-Drives can take any mass (e.g. kg) and amplify it using rpm to kg-force. It takes this pan-directional kg-force and converts this into uni-directional thrust. It then further refines this kg-force into
a balanced and harmonized force that can be applied to propulsion or power generation.
C-Drives can generate levels of thrust from recycled high density mass flow greater than
 that required for a vehicle to achieve FTL. It may therefore be referred 
to technically as the first "Mechanical Warp Drive" (MWD). 
Fight without air is a science:
The diagram shows Action Force Vectoring from a C-Drive's high density 
static recycled mass flow (HD-SRMF) from
two displaced counter rotating collider arms. Not only
do the arms generate lift and thrust, they also
generate lateral stability or 'isolation' depicted
by the arrows. C-Drives can be designed to easily
exceed hypersonic velocities.

There is no need to wonder how
a ball shaped UAP reconnaissance drone
could fly at great velocity without air or sound.

Nevertheless its important to understand 
that this is comparable to a Stage 3 propulsion technology,
whereas humanity has only advanced as far as
a Stage 2 propulsion technology in its sciences.

Technically this means that these UAPs being sighted around the world could not possibly have been
created by any known country or known human civilisation in existence today.

Even if the rising ball shaped UAP went into Space, a vehicle with a C-Drive 
propulsion system could still pursue, catch up with it and bring it back.

UAP encounters such this caught on camera by the public 
offer clear evidence that the need to advance our propulsion technology
from Stage 2 air/jet based systems to Stage 3 C-Drive Tier 1 gravity systems
is quite serious and imperative.

For flight and lift to be used for propulsion unidirectional force needs to be further refined 
by being directed such that lateral vector forces are applied to stabilization/lateral isolation whereas vector forces pointing in the required direction of travel are merged and allowed to proceed
thereby providing propulsion. This is achieved either by counter rotating collider arms
or by rotating them in the same direction, but out of phase.  This force vectoring, "calibration" or "tuning" of paired collider arms is critical to the ability to effectively create flight and control propulsion.

C-Drive Advantages over Jets and Rockets


FTL          MACH 0 - 874,040  (DEEP SPACE)
CxN                No Limit

* rule of the thumb, holding the mass flow rate constant at the maximum velocity for jets and rockets (Mach 30) and factoring in higher density of C-Drives (6,747), C-Drive mass density advantage Mach 30x6,747 = Mach 202,410 or 23% of FTL benchmark out of the gate, without applying remaining C-Drive efficiencies. Combined with HDMF other C-Drive efficiencies 2CPR, CCV, and AWSD can be exponentially more effective at inducing and sustaining higher velocities with fuel economy.

For example 2CPR with HDMF is able to achieve 23% of the FTL benchmark. 2CPRxBossDrive, e.g. 2x16=32 collisions per rotation (202,410x16=Mach 3,238,560 or 3.7xSpeed of Light [FTL benchmark moving to CxN (Cx3.7)] for Mechanical Warp Drive (MWD) credentials. Efficiencies can have a powerful influence on velocity and acceleration. This illustrates why C-Drives are capable of achieving and sustaining speeds that have never been recorded in history, and do so conventionally.

C-Drives move a vehicle using controlled parabolic collisions. Collision Theory is used to determine velocity. The paragraphs above explain why it is easy for C-Drives to test the light speed caveat and the accuracy of Einstein's theories in this regard.

Unidirectional vector force,
propulsive action is shown

(Tier 1 Gravity is created by mechanical action and internal/external collisions
that generate propulsion).

The vehicle's total mass represents only 7.5% of the thrust and lift
force generated by this C-Drive configuration.
 (∞ = amplified force). Without the ability to amplify mass an atom
would be unable to create the strong force observed in its nucleus.

The output torque from the mass turbine drive shaft will be amplified and will be greater than
the input torque from the motorized drive shaft gear creating a net gain in torque
that can be used for amplification. 

The lift force area B is generally unaccounted for in engineering due to the belief in or misunderstanding concerning fields in physics.
The projected area B is the source of Tier 1 Gravity and amplification that 
can be used to either amplify (increase) power generation or alternatively
generate thrust/lift force (Tier 1 Gravity). Make note that this is not an "over unity"
device,  the thrust/lift force has to be traded/sacrificed in exchange for the 
 the generation of enhanced or amplified electricity from the conversion
of pan-directional force into uni-directional force. 

If you're an engineer and can read the mechanisms in the above diagrams,
this puts this issue to rest.

Supplying electricity from an energy installation based on field theory (1:1) means that a large volume of energy is required to do equal work, there is no advantage therefore the supply and use of energy is highly inefficient, and the amounts of wasted energy due to inefficiency is horrendous. When energy is supplied based on FDNEH amplification is identified and can be applied to the generation, distribution and use of energy (1:∞), this means any given amount of energy of any type (renewable or non-renewable) from any source becomes more valuable because it can do more work, go further and last longer - there is much more bang for your buck and the huge unnecessary wastage of valuable energy is curtailed. Importantly it means energy suppliers can use existing power generation capacity to 
significantly increase their ability to supply more electricity, which being economical, profitable, cost and price effective is beneficial to both energy suppliers and consumers.

(Whether it is nuclear fission, fusion, battery, wind, solar, hydroelectric power etc, this electricity generally should not be supplied and distributed without first being amplified as this will represent extremely high levels of waste/inefficiency and underutilization of important strategic resources in the energy sector. It also means energy companies are not as yet applying a technology that allows them to maximize output of their power generation plants, to distribute larger volumes of electricity more efficiently with higher returns and economy that benefits investors in the energy sector, as well as benefitting both industrial and household consumers. For non-renewable energy these tremendous levels of inefficiency mean that oil and gas industries are wasting, rapidly using up and depleting a finite resource on rudimentary distances and with minimal work done. They are wasting huge amounts of valuable energy on minimal work, shallow productivity or low output. Natural resources such as these ideally will prove more profitable when used to cover long distances in Space, which will become routine, even for households, hence increasing more appropriate use of and demand for energy.)

The Economics of Amplified Energy

Let's put it this way: A barrel of oil contains approximately 1,700KWh of energy when used directly. It produces approximately 159 litres of petrol or gasoline. A litre of petrol contains approximately 9KWh to 10 KWh of  energy. However, as you will see later a 1,700KWh of energy can be amplified as much as 500 times, for example, 500x1,700KWh=850MWh per barrel. In energy terms this will be equivalent to gaining 79,500 litres of petrol per barrel (1:500). So does it make sense to sell 159 litres per barrel than it does, in terms of energy, to sell the equivalent of 79,500 litres per barrel?
In other words does it make sense selling 1,700KWh per barrel or is it more sensible to sell 850MWh per barrel  at a much lower, more affordable price but for a considerably larger gain or profit? .i.e. much lower energy costs for consumers, but higher profits for energy suppliers. When sold at 1,700KWh the barrel of oil is only realising 0.2% of its utility value(1,700KWh/850,000KWh*100)

It can be considered that amplified energy is priced on a sliding scale that depends on the distance travelled or the magnitude of the work done. For instance, shorter distances associated with travel on earth attract a higher price for the same fuel or energy e.g. 0 - 40,0000 Km (domestic use) while longer distances such as 300,000 Km - 400,000 Km (moonshot fuel - earth to the moon) attract a lower price point  per litre of fuel or charging energy. The further the distance, e,g, 80 million Km to 150 million Km (solar system) attracts an even lower price point, the further the designated distance the lower the cost of charging the vehicle or refueling it. If a vehicle is travelling on earth using roads or flying the cost of fuel or recharging is based on the sliding scale of the distance travelled, which is then applied to the price of fuel or the price at a charging station. These price points are for the same fuel, except that it is placed in grades or a sliding scale linked to distance to be travelled e.g. domestic, moonshot, solar system, galaxy etc). This way energy producing nations and companies can continue to enjoy the supply of energy with much greater market scope with new opportunities for increasing earnings quite significantly, while consumers enjoy generally much lower more affordable fuel prices and can travel with relative ease on earth and throughout Space. This offers exciting new opportunities for energy suppliers and a dramatically improved standard 
of living for energy consumers. Basically because amplification is a form of value addition energy companies selling amplified energy (be they non-renewable e.g. a barrel of oil or renewable e.g. wind/solar/tidal) should be able to significantly earn more more per unit of energy sold than they did in the past, even though consumers experience lower more affordable energy prices.  

 Amplification is very much like the final stage in refining or processing any type of power generation product be it renewable or non-renewable, it simply makes no sense selling it without factoring in amplification as a form of value addition. In the case of the barrel of oil it represents a lack of maximization and a massive underutilization of a natural resource that must eventually run out some day.

If oil is a national resource does it make sense for any company or government in an oil producing country to incur huge unseen losses as a result of failing to apply appropriate technologies to the tail end of the refinement process, especially for a natural resource that is finite and running out? This applies to any genre of energy supply be it solar, hydro, nuclear or fusion energy. 

If 200kg can be amplified it to 134,189 kg-force using angular velocity, then 1 litre of petrol can be made to do the work of 500 litres of gasoline. Rotational force can be converted into a unidirectional force. Unidirectional force can be converted into torque. The mechanism, engineering required to do this and the science convening how it works is straight forward. This same procedure can be applied to battery technologies to significantly extend the range of electric vehicles. 

As the table below shows amplification is gained from rpm that is commonly identified in the increase from 200 kg to 134,189 kg-f. Normally this x670 fold increase in mass, with which most scientists and lay-persons are familiar, cannot be harnessed. The breakthrough innovation is therefore the C-Drive which can harness this amplification by converting it from a pan-directional force into a unidirectional force conveyed through thrust, lift and torque. The gains in efficiency, increases in energy and mechanical advantage are related to the x670 times 200kg to 134,189 kg-f increase in mass. The energy gains are not from over-unity, neither are they from "perpetual motion". Rather they are derived from amplitude demonstrated by the x670 increase in mass. Therefore, the gains are being transferred from an existing source and being conveyed as energy and propulsive force. The mechanism is simple enough to understand such that to refute the the technology by saying that the gains in energy and propulsion are impossible, is to refute basic laws of physics that amplify mass from angular momentum. The amplification and gains are therefore common sense, scientific, straight forward and for the most part can be expressed as shown below. If time is taken to understand how C-Drives work and how the amplification in torque, lift, thrust and energy is gained, to continue to believe that this may not be possible is simply to live in denial.

At 1,000 rpm the C-Drive will put out 150,336 Horsepower. 
Horsepower = Engine Speed x Torque / 5252
= 1,000 x 789,567 / 5252
= 789,567,000 / 5252
= 150,336HP

*The improvement in ICE range can be estimated as follows
*60Lx = 500Km 
x=500/60=8.3Km, therefore; 
1Litre = 8.3Km
75L x 4,150 =  311,250Km
(Oil producing countries lose billions by not pricing oil in terms of 
its amplified energy content.) 

The future of energy will be determined by investments in space exploration:
Long distances will demand large amounts of fuel for space travel

Since C-Drives can operate in vacuum, they can transition seamlessly between earth and space, which entails that they will play a critical role in growing the demand for energy. While the energy cost of local and continental  travel may fall, the energy costs of travelling through space will not be cheap.

When it comes to dramatic fuel economy it should be remembered that a C-Drive can run on stored kinetic energy for significant durations during a journey without the need to constantly apply fuel to propulsion. The vehicle also  needs only a fraction of the power the C-Drive can produce when driven conventionally. In the example above the 95KWh battery pack and 75 litres of petrol are estimated to gain a similar range. Since cars burn much less fuel per kilometer using C-Drives this has the capacity of making oil propelled vehicles (potentially x500) less polluting per vehicle than they are today and to meet strict  emissions standards. However, higher levels of affordability are likely to offset this gain by a surge in demand for oil due to it becoming more competitive. Amplification allows energy producers and suppliers across the board to earn a higher income and consumers to access energy more affordably. The long term solution for oil dependent economies remains its use in Space (Any personal or commercial vehicle leaving earth is likely to have to refuel at the nearest feasible location, which will be the moon before moving on to its next destination - covering vast distances in space will continue to make energy highly commercially lucrative). It may need to be accepted that amplification is a missing element of energy economics necessary to make heating, transportation, travel and the many applications of energy affordable to a vast number of people across the world who cannot afford the various uses of energy or who can afford them but not at a level of quality and quantity commensurate with their needs. 
The improvement in EV range has already been estimated,

Though the C-Drive can amplify 1,000HP to 150,336HP it is designed so it can very
delicately choose how much of this power to tap into and apply to lift, thrust or torque.
150,336HP from a mechanism with a 30 inch diameter represents a significant 
achievement in engineering. This delicate movement is not without power, for instance, it is unlikely that a vehicle equipped with sufficiently powered C-Drives could be moved from a holding position even by cross-winds as high as 209km/h - 260km/h, it could hold its position impervious even to hurricane force winds, with the additional benefit of not requiring air for propulsion. Note that this is not the maximum performance of a C-Drive of this size which should reach peak performance at an engine speed of 4,316 rpm (Gigawatt system).

The C-Drive also has to develop composites capable of withstanding these extreme forces. Nevertheless, multiple collider arms (Boss Drives) can achieve the same outcome at lower rpm with reduced levels of stress in materials. 

A knowledge gap causes losses in efficiency due to lack of amplification:
The engine in the truck could be as powerful
as the engine its carrying on the flatbed.

The RT-flex96c is one of the largest and most powerful engines in the world. It 
is four stories high and produces 107,000 Horsepower and more than 5.6 million
 foot pounds of torque ( 774,227.7 kg-f). It is used to power massive cargo ships. The size of this engine, though impressive, demonstrates the problems created by fields which has lead to the absence of amplification applied to mechanical advantage. If the objective is to generate 100,000 horsepower
then the inference is that amplification could reduce the size of the engine required to do this to a 
diameter of just 1m. Earlier we explained and did the math for how a 1 meter C-Drive could generate 
150,336 Horsepower using amplification. Nevertheless, an engine the size of the 
RT-flex96c hitched to a C-Drive of comparable size can similarly be expected to 
use amplification to multiply horsepower as a propulsion system for super-massive vessels
many times bigger than today's cargo ships, with the additional bonus of flight.
The strong force in the nucleus of atoms applies the same principle of amplification
from angular velocity to generate great force from a smaller volume or lower size.
Efficiency in terms of the size of the two engines, the one in the truck and on the flat bed is 
indicative of the impact of a significant knowledge gap in the sciences, that you have now
been taught how to identify.

As far as the 
science and engineering is concerned, if a physicist can take 200Kg mass and use
angular velocity to amplify it x670 times to 134,189Kg-f, then riding on the same process
1000HP can be amplified to 150,336HP. The problem of course is how to harness 
amplified mass was generally unknown (Stage 2 civilization).
This can only be done by converting pan-directional vector force
into unidirectional vector force, which the C-Drive is able to do. Without 
the ability to convert pan-directional force into unidirectional force to produce
107,000HP the 1000HP engine must be scaled up in size as is seen in the picture above.
However, as already mentioned, instead of scaling up in size the alternative is to use
C-Drives to increase mechanical efficiency through amplification. This 
is fairly straight forward making it easy to dispense with incredulity 
and disbelief of what is mechanically possible that may arise from
the proposition that the engine in the truck in the picture above can be
amplified to have as much power as the engine it is carrying on the flatbed,
which can be understood easily with a little mental effort.

Imagine a world in which the advantage of levers and principles of moments where unknown and
therefore could not be applied to physics and engineering. Devices would still work but would need more energy and be of greater size to perform the same tasks we see machines do today.
They would be greatly inefficient. How much bigger would 
machines and devices have to be to work in this 1:1 scenario? The same conundrum can be applied
to a world in which amplification is missing from the sciences, which is the case or scenario today.
A characteristic of the advancement of technology is that over time devices or machines
become smaller yet more powerful than their earlier versions.

This increase in horsepower can be used for flight or to drive a vehicle on roads. For
conventional driving on roads a car only requires a fraction of this power (e.g. 150HP), however, it would be stuck in slow moving traffic crawling on the ground. Considering that the vehicle in the example weighs 2.5 tonnes, the additional horsepower becomes more useful for flight. Though the amplification shown is for 1 C-Drive of 30 inch diameter, 4 C-Drives with these kinds of proportions and power could fit snuggly unto the wheel well of modern vehicles, which means four wheel wells could deliver 150,336HPx4=601,332HP or each wheel well could deliver150,333/4=37,583HP  depending on the spec and design required for a vehicle.

The jump in performance between stage 2 and 3 shows the knowledge gap that exists
today that is evident in the misapplication of fields. At this juncture, having been openly equipped with
the workings of the mechanism and math, you should have little to no doubt
about authenticity, amplification and what C-Drives are designed to do.

1.2m Boss Drive with
provisions for 16 collider arms
showing main gear to be connected to a high speed motor. Gear teeth
can also be mounted and driven internally for compactness.

Four vertical C-Drives like this could fit snuggly into a car's wheel wells
alternatively single large C-Drive can be deployed vertically and placed
beneath a vehicle at its centre.

Alternatively  a large single 10m in diameter  C-Drive can can be deployed horizontally beneath
a vehicle with the cabin and crew riding atop. A simple tilt action
of the C-Drive would generate vertical lift.

Note that the earlier example uses 1,420Nm of torque to supply 33,547 kg-force of amplified thrust (matching the thrust of the F-22 twin engines) with only 10% of its weight. At 1,000 rpm the C-Drive is expected to supply 134,189 kg-f. Its important for engineers to understand how the belief in "fields", foundational to physics drops the efficiency of the engine or electric motors from 1: to a very mediocre 1:1. The rationale is quite simple. The belief, for example, in a magnetic field (as it is taught in schools and universities today) will require the learner to assume that a magnet "floats" on a [non-existent] medium, in the same way that they are mistakenly taught that the earth rests on a [non-existent] medium referred to as "Space-Time". Both the magnetic "field" and Space-Time, which is also a geodesic or "field" do not exist. Focusing on the [non-existent] field discourages the student from identifying that the floating or moving object behaves as it does as a result of internal action or mechanisms within the materials of which it is comprised. A field consists of a geodesic or balanced system (1:1) which the interacting object impinges on or misshapes to move or float, spandex is [incorrectly] used to demonstrate how this works. Therefore, there is no impetus to identify a source of power. For instance, when a boat floats on water no-one is surprised, it is assumed the water holds up the boat; the source of power or mechanism by which the boat floats is the medium or field where displacement is equal to mass on a one to one basis (1:1). However, for the correct explanation, which is that the source of buoyancy or movement occurs within materials without a medium, the object must somehow generate its own power or mechanism capable of overcoming inertia and moving its own mass (1:) commonly referred to as gravity. It must amplify its own mass internally and convert this amplification from a pan-directional force into a vectored unidirectional force (1:). What is observed as "mass" being influenced by a "field" is not a field, but a field effect, that is, a projection of force that appears to behave as though it is an independent external medium often mistakenly attributed to geometry or curvature, when in fact it is created by action or activity within materials - as is demonstrated by the C-Drive. [The problem goes even deeper when it is understood that matter is fundamentally intangible, therefore particles and atoms must swarm, that is, orchestrate their movement intelligently through handshakes to create what appears as matter having mass, being solid or tangible, which consequently are also field effects. See the comparison between particles, atoms, nano-technology and drones here]  

Crossing from Stage 2 to 3,
is a civilization level transition
and transformation

The wing or circle represents matter. The diagram above illustrates why C-Drives are so powerful. Your current level of understanding, education and analysis ends at Stage 2. At Stage 2 you are taught to believe that an external medium must be responsible for gravity. In physics this medium is introduced as a "Field" be it magnetism, electricity, Space-Time or geodesics. Ending this analysis here gives birth to the entire foundation of modern physics as it is understood and practiced today, which is built on a foundation of field theory. The consequence of this is your analysis and intellectual ability ends at Stage 2 where everything you understand about the properties of mass and matter begins and ends.

However the FDNEH refutes Stage 2 as misunderstood and rejects the external medium or "fields" as being an imaginary construct and instead proposes that gravity is created within materials not outside them. The science on gravity must as a consequence delve deeper and more critically into the problem. It replaces "fields" with the FDNEH. An alternative, more critical explanation must be provided for buoyancy and gravity. This gives rise to a new mechanism which advances pan-directional force which is non-propulsive and therefore cannot adequately explain gravity, to uni-directional force which is propulsive and gravitational providing the framework and methodology that makes it possible to rationalize and design the C-Drive. Consequently, the understanding and intellect breaks away and advances from Stage 2 to Stage 3. From Stage 3 to Stage 5 amplification is harnessed and efficiency is enhanced.*

Even though a C-Drive looks like a simple device what it does, how it works and how to create it cannot be theorized and designed by intellect that is only trained to rationalize outcomes up to Stage 2.

* For a  technical explanation for this increase in range see the explanation for conversion of non-propulsive pan-directional force into propulsive uni-directional force and the associated equations (c-drive, centrifugal force and torque) applied. The ability of C-Drives to increase range is self evident. You do not need to be convinced it is factual, you can work it out for yourself.

By the academic system, even at tertiary levels of education,  dwelling on the non-existent external medium it becomes impossible for the student, scholar or academic to identify the mechanism and method of amplification  (1:) instead the education system teaches and focuses on the non-existent field (1:1) hence the mediocrity in performance for electric motors, electricity generation and other mechanical systems that persists to this day. Even a 1,000bhp engine or motor, with 1,420Nm of torque at 1:1 (0-60 in 1.99 seconds) barely generates any propulsive force in comparison to a C-Drive (33,547kg-force or 0 to Supersonic). If students are being miseducated and misinformed by their country's own education system, it becomes all the more difficult for them to accurately identify problems and accurately decipher how to formulate solutions to them. 

This same problem is identified in economics and finance as what causes resource constrained economies, scarcity and the abstinence of poverty that unnecessarily prolongs human suffering.

Flight will still require significant energy requirements

The efficiency in propulsion offered by a Collision Drive will inevitably create an increase in demand for energy. A 1,000 - 2,000 Horsepower high performance vehicle may have flight capabilities like a modern day F-22 Raptor fighter jet, which may seem like a significant jump in performance for civilian vehicles (this fancy comparison with a Raptor may seem outlandish (admittedly it is a little tongue in cheek), but the comparison is an attempt to emphasize the gap in performance of a C-Drive and a jet engine). The admittedly cheeky comparison is basically to show that an entry level C-Drive will have v-tol capabilities and maneuverability that could easily outperform a state of the art jet engine. 

C-Drives will improve transport sector

The improvement in thrust is not very significant for vehicles that expect v-tol capabilities and flight to be their standard mode of travel from location to location. Vehicle owners can enjoy increased fuel efficiency if they move on the ground with a C-Drive, but who would want to crawl on the ground when they have the option to fly? Being "airborne" consumes more energy than driving on the ground even with a C-Drive's capacity to be designed for buoyancy (Gravity Assist), however, most drivers will prefer flight over congestion and crawling speeds on the ground where they can. A 4 hour journey in heavy traffic can be cut down to minutes increasing convenience. Consequently, with the introduction of a Collision Drive energy consumption, be it in the form of battery power or petroleum will increase. It increases the scope for achieving net zero emissions due to increases in efficiency nevertheless there is still a need to continue to look for cheaper sources of energy, higher energy densities and how to make cleaner use of these products to make them environmentally friendly. The increased efficiency of a Collision Drive does not solve energy problems, it solves travel time and transportation problems. [For instance, there is a dramatic drop in fuel consumption and increase in range vehicles using a C-Drive can gain travelling on the road. However, if  a C-Drive can cut travel times by as much as 90% due to v-tol then using its lift capability will cause an increase in energy consumption to cover the same distance so there will be an opportunity cost. Nevertheless a C-Drive will have a significantly greater thrust to weight ratio and will consume far much less fuel/energy than a jet engine] 

C-Drives will work flawlessly in a vacuum

A Collision Drive can be sealed in a vacuum and it will function more efficiently, it will not raise any annoying dust when throttled for movement and when it uses its v-tol or flight capabilities it will appear to move as though it is floating using a magnetic or gravitational field making it not only very easy to pilot (because it is not balancing precariously on air) but much more responsive to micro movements when being steered and considerably safer than aircraft that require air and an atmosphere for flight. If the powerplant is electrical it will make hardly any noise as is seen with electric cars. 

Riding in C-Drives will be like riding on maglev rather than air

It will have maglev properties without the need for a track, be able to remain perfectly still suspended above the ground and will resist being displaced by air currents making it safer than vehicles like quad copters that require fans to remain aloft. It will be able maintain its position even if its just inches above ground, can be maneuvered in close proximity to people and buildings as well as through tight spaces. Where there are open spaces, in any mode of travel, it will be able to move at exceptional speed.

Game ovr

Nod to iconic scenes

C-Drives will be able to move seamlessly between space and earth atmosphere

For airlines, a Collision Drive does offer higher levels of fuel efficiency since the comparison is between vehicles designed for flight. Pilots will find a C-Drive not only safer and faster, but easier and more stable to operate. Being operable in a vacuum it is very likely pilots will see themselves increasingly deployed on routes outside earth's atmosphere and beyond significantly increasing the opportunities in the profession.

 Gravity Assist amplifies propulsive force

The amplification of propulsive force has been verified in the C-Drive proof of concept tests.

The limitations of a jet engine is that it requires an atmosphere to operate. Depending on what it will be used for a Collision Drive should be able to be configured to amplify thrust  75% and above or 10x greater thrust than that from exhaust gases exiting a jet engine. This is why jet engines are more useful as a power-plant harnessed to a C-Drive than for providing direct thrust as they are currently used. Electric motors with a battery pack can also be used as powerplants. The performance of C-Drive with a 30,000 horsepower powerplant seen in modern jets will be beyond impressive. 

0 - HDMF
The velocity C-Drives can reach is determined by build quality and powerplant
* A C-Drive is designed specifically for propulsion. Technically it has no thrust/lift (lbf, Kg-force etc) limit or speed limit, therefore at times these will have to be capped for safety [of passengers] and purpose. The limit is determined by the horsepower of the engine/power-plant to which it is harnessed, size/proportions and stress levels the build quality/strength of the materials from which it is manufactured can withstand. Gains in thrust are from amplification (not over unity). This amplification is genuine and how it works will be evident in the design specifications of the technology - see Gravity Assist in The Science of the Collision Drive. 

C-Drive will be capable of moving vehicles it propels 
into diverse environments. (Did you know it only takes
30.6 tonne-force to make the jump close to light-speed in 1 second? And
that this is well below a C-Drive configuration?)

Tier 1 gravity (S^2).

A C-Drive can be used to propel any
kind of vehicle. Expect to be able to drive
from your garage straight into space with your 
personal vehicle, dock with a hotel in Space
 or to travel into Space on a commercial
ship. The choice will be yours. Traveling to 
Space will  become as routine as travelling across 

You Ready?

Gravity Assist creates C-Drive buoyancy

C-Drive buoyancy entails that no matter how heavy any structure built on earth is, a custom C-Drive configuration can be built to make it buoyant (float) and heavy lift it into orbit or space. This is also straight forward and will be essential to developments in space. 

C-Drives can work in a vacuum and will be ideal for use in space

Space stations and very large space ships, large scale industrial mining equipment destined for space with self sustained environments and echo-systems can be assembled in space or built and assembled on earth. The C-Drive will become useful as the technology allows these to be lifted into orbit or space regardless of how heavy or large they are. This will have a significant impact on space exploration, tourism and habitation. This is where industrial know how on building space vehicles and habitations, which is often on a small scale and ship building which is large scale, would need to find synergy.

CCV - will allow C-Drives to accelerate quickly and reach high velocities

The other important aspect a Collision Drive  shows it can deliver is velocity. The thrust a C-Drive can generate is exceptional. The device can operate in a vacuum. A C-Drive offers speeds and rates of acceleration no other man-made propulsion device can currently match. It offers the opportunity to go faster and further in Space than has been possible before. At present the biggest hurdle to exploration in Space and the search for earth-like, habitable planets is speed. With the propulsion offered by a C-Drive it is possible to seriously begin to look at exploring the universe beyond earth's solar system with means of not only finding habitable planets, but being able to travel to them in acceptable time. Since a C-Drive is cost effective to build and can be built to purpose for vessels of any size, the scope for exploring Space is expected to be much greater than what currently prevails.

C-Drives are a Tier 1 gravitational device, this is just the first rung on the ladder, there are 5 more advanced Tiers in this technology 

A C-Drive is a simple entry level device. Its not very difficult to build. This will make it widely accessible, especially in terms of cost. Over time when how it works is understood it can be applied to developing faster and more ideal technologies for this kind of exploration. It can be referred to as a device that uses tier 1 gravity. However, what this means and how it relates to gravitational force needs to be explained.  

For how the C-Drive achieves these new advantages in propulsion read here.

Prototype: We built the proof of concept prototype and it works

The prototype is near completion. The C-Drive itself is complete, the engine it will be harnessed to is what remains to be worked on. Initially it will be powered by a 90-100 horsepower engine that is already mounted and in place. The C-Drive was built here from local materials, its power-plant is a Mitsubishi 4G15 1.5 litre Mivec engine imported from Japan. [The engine can easily be swapped out for an electric motor]. The prototype is slated to be up and running by mid 2021.

The Collision Drive in terms of design is simple but with a high degree of technical difficulty when it comes to the objective it needs to achieve which is to generate propulsion. This objective requires high levels of ingenuity. If it were easy to create, it would have been designed long ago. Science and Technology Institutes, even at tertiary levels, have not successfully been able to design this device to date. It can be classified as a device that uses tier 1 gravity. How it emulates or is linked to gravitational force also needs a sufficient understanding of how gravitational force works.


A study of its technical designs is sufficient for anyone with a reasonable knowledge of mechanical engineering to understand how it works and what it does, even without having seen the device in operation.

Obstacles to implementation

The advantage of the Collision Drive is that it does not face the obstacle of being too technically advanced that it cannot be designed and built locally. It also does not have to be accepted by technocrats before it can be tested or piloted as is often the case with breakthrough innovations that are difficult to believe because they are so far ahead of what may be considered the "learning curve" or "cutting edge" of an industry, be it finance or engineering.  Therefore, patience, more time is naturally and inevitably required to get these off the ground.

Clear path

Fortunately, as mentioned earlier the Collision Drive has already been built and its power plant is already in place, what is left is for the remaining work required to have the engine running effectively and harness the drive to it, which is slated for mid 2021, with testing to last for the remainder of the year. When this is done a working prototype can be demonstrated. A working prototype that can be viewed and examined will make it easier to secure investors and interest the following year (2022) able to bring the new propulsion system to a wider audience.

The 100 HP 4G15 engine is a small power plant, however, it is more than sufficient to run a prototype and allow an assessment of levels of thrust as well amplification of force. It should not be forgotten that a Collision Drive [Patented] does not simply provide thrust it also amplifies propulsive force.  It can also be a very powerful device depending on how it is configured and at this early stage  a low 100 HP will be safer to work with and to control.

Ki - The Science of Airless Flight 

If you are a mechanical  or aerospace engineer the chart above tells you enough to understand how thrust is vectored. The C-Drive thrust from reaction forces (shown above as red arrows) spreads out like the wings of an eagle, whereas the reaction force in red from the primitive jet is not as powerful, neither is it as sophisticated as that of the C-Drive Wing (Wheel). While the rocket uses gas as the conduit for its reaction force, the C-Drive uses zero emission Ki.

Hovering over water, desert sands and debris a C-Drive will cause absolutely no disturbance beneath it (not even a blade of grass will be stirred) whereas air breathing  propulsion systems including quad copters will cause a massive air disturbance and agitation underneath them.

The C-Drive does not need air, can be emissions free and does not generate noise pollution. The fact that the C-Drive does not need air for propulsion makes it ideal for space exploration.

The C-Drive is capable of amplification to increase range, the primitive rocket/jet is not, as it is with other primitive air dependent propulsion systems.


A Collision Drive harnessed to a small power
plant will be sufficient for the 
prototype's functionality.

To see the full details of how the tests on the proof of concept C-Drive went read here.

(Tier 1 Gravity is created by mechanical action and internal/external collisions in
the wing or wheel that use kinetic energy to generate propulsion and amplification .).

Assembling the power transmission, drive and navigation unit

1 En: 24.2,3...and it excelled them in height.

The Scientific Pursuit of a Propulsion Method Capable of Superluminal Velocity

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