Mass energy equivalence and the "fields do not exist" hypothesis

When it comes to mass energy equivalence there are a number of  incongruities or apparent flaws in modern physics when what is currently understood is analysed using the "fields do not exist" hypothesis. [This part 3 is best understood after reading 1 & 2]

For instance E=pc where p is momentum and c is the speed of light, where technically all matter is intangible and therefore mass-less, E=pc means all matter "moves" at the speed of light.

E=pc is, therefore, not a reference to a wave being a "field", rather it is a reference to matter being or appearing to be inert or at rest at the speed of light rather than light capable of having and not having mass or being both a particle and a wave - which is inaccurate. Dualities such as this in physics that lack a succinct explanation are usually red flags for misinterpretation of observed phenomena.

It is a reference  to all matter in general. Light being "mass-less" is nothing special because technically all matter is "mass-less". Where mass is measured, like the boat "floating" on water and cup "resting" on the table, or even a weight placed on a scale - this is a misinterpretation of what is being observed if it is understood that none of these objects have mass, the belief that they have a weight that rests on something should be considered uninformed, a "primitive" or unscientific view of what is being observed. What our primitive mind observes and misconstrues needs to re-interpreted by our more informed, enlightened mind to increase the accuracy of the science associated with certain phenomena.

Light appearing mass-less and matter appearing to have mass are all merely "field-effects" created by the autonomous nature of matter that form laws in particle physics. What does this mean? It means that detecting the Higgs Boson (T4) will take place in a particle collider and may be accurate, however, the "fields do not exist" hypothesis corrects the interpretation of what is being observed. Interpreting the detection of the Higgs Boson as the discovery of mass created by a "Higgs-field" is in this sense not possible, because technically "fields do not exist". The conventional explanation for the detection is likely less accurate than interpreting this detection as the discovery of the ability of particles to position themselves using internal motive force. This explanation of these disparate interpretations is no different from the primitive unscientific interpretation which states that the cup is held up by or rests on the table (Space-Time creates gravity - which is expressly false) and the informed or enlightened scientific interpretation that states that the cup positions itself with the table (Gravity is created outside of the Space-Time framework - which is expressly accurate). The fundamentals of these two interpretations lead to two completely different sciences which explain the origin of gravity, one does so correctly and leads to answers (and a device that can be built to demonstrate how this works e.g. the C-Drive), the other incorrectly and to a dead end in physics (the continued search within Space-Time for something that does not exist or originate within the Space-Time framework).  

Mass (m) in E=mc2, however, is not created at the level of particle physics. Mass (m) represents the science behind the interactive nature of particles through which they negotiate where and how to position themselves relative to one another (in the absence of a Higgs-field) which is controlled at sub-particle levels, which we will not delve into here just yet - as was mentioned in the earlier section on quantum mechanics, this is outside what is currently understood in modern physics as sub-particle-physics is a completely different science from particle physics

                    The Spandex Experiment Error

The Spandex Experiment Error:
Teaching and spreading misinformation in the sciences

The 1st Part of the Error

The spandex experiment error shown in the video above very easily demonstrates 
how Einstein's Space-Time is flawed. In the 1st part of this error the weight resting on the
spandex that causes it to stretch is not created by the spandex. If the
spandex material represents geodesics, lines of force or Einstein's Space-Time
then this experiment forthrightly shows that mass exists and originates
from outside of Space-Time. To then say Space-Time is responsible for gravity
is not only unsound and theoretically incorrect, the logic applied is flawed. What this error does is that it inaccurately finalizes the explanation for gravity at the "spandex" or Space-Time, even though it is not responsible for stretching the fabric, which effectively 
cripples any further effort to find answers beyond this.
The metal ball stretches the spandex, therefore, the spandex cannot be 
responsible for inducing gravity in the ball, the experiment is technically and logically flawed.
However, this error is ignored and students to this day are 
given this experiment as an explanation for gravity
which is basically mis-education and spreading misinformation. 
Einstein himself does not correct this flaw in his analysis.

There is no spandex, only the metal ball intelligently and autonomously 
suspending itself, by means of the internal activity of the 
atoms of which it is comprised, 
it does not move through, rest or ride on any external medium,
as is the case with all the other balls it 

The most significant criticism of this error is that
the misinformation and miseducation confines a student's logic 
and ability to analyse processes in physics
to the Space-Time framework basically crippling their ability
to solve problems in science by thinking outside it, potentially 
for the rest of their academic and professional lives.  

This elementary error in analysis has had huge
consequences for physics, basically halting any meaningful 
development in the scientific understanding of gravity.
This problem persists to this day.

The gist of the problem is that the moment a field is introduced
as what creates gravity (as it is with the spandex or Space-Time), 
from that point onward gravity can neither be fully understood
nor accurately identified and explained.

The 2nd Part of the Error

In the 2nd part of the spandex experiment error, according to the 
"fields do not exist" hypothesis and autonomous matter theory
the spandex as it is demonstrated and shown to students above
in the video - does not exist. Not only is it wholly made up 
by physicists it mis-explains how gravity is created.
It is both imaginary and conceptually inaccurate.

Some of the consequences of this flaw is the inability of the sciences to reconcile 
Newtonian gravity and "action at a distance", General Relativity's "Space-Time curvature"
 and quantum gravity. 

The 3rd Part of the Error

Not only is the spandex a complete fabrication (no pun intended, okay - maybe a little one), creating this deception has consequences. Its existence must be rationalized by being ascribed
a non-existent tangible form or volume (3 Dimensions: x,y,z), e.g. "Space". Having volume requires it also have a 4th Dimension*, velocity or motion, which in error is labelled as "Time", but since it is ubiquitous, everywhere at once, this velocity or motion that accommodates "mass" must be prescribed as a constant, e.g. the Speed of Light "C". Yet all of this is conjecture, as we identified earlier, the spandex to which all these attributes are being prescribed does not
exist. Therefore, not only is Space-Time a grand illusion or delusion that deceives 
the whole world as to what is defined as reality, it is a significant misdirect that conjures potential 
falsehoods, such as the speed of light being a universal limit or barrier. Take a moment to consider, even if it is only from a hypothetical position, if Space-Time is a "field effect" (does not exist), then what is the scientific explanation for light bending near black holes and gravitational lensing?* How can 
a barrier that in reality only exists in the imagination bend or stop anything? It can 
only bend or stop the mind, especially that of a physicist, and prevent it from thinking or seeing beyond mistakes in the interpretation of empirical evidence in order to reliably and accurately interpret the phenomenon being examined. The fabrication becomes real, at least in the mind. Unfortunately, this is where it will do the most damage due to its propensity to make false or inaccurate inferences about facts. Therefore, Einstein's Space-Time (SeTe) needs to be handled with special attention paid to its inherent limitations so as
not to be mislead by them. It was brilliant and a work of genius in Theoretical Physics for
its time. However, it must now naturally begin to make room for more accurate theories and concepts
that will supersede it, just as it superseded what was known and understood in that day.

Now consider that electromagnetic "fields" are no different from the spandex
and the masses have been subjected to the same kind of deception. What do you think would 
be the extent of the damage these mistakes would have on the sciences
and the world you live in today? 

*The tendency is to focus on what the 5th, 6th, 7th dimension, and so on. However, in this scenario you don't get to the truth and greater clarity by increasing the complexity or adding more and more to the spandex (contemplating 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th dimensions, tesseracts and so on as people are often seen doing). Instead the complexity must be reduced by dispensing with existing dimensions, especially when the labels associated with them have been incorrectly applied, for example, when Time is mistakenly labelled as motion. Therefore, the approach used in FDNEH is different. It proposes that to get from the current 4th dimension to the 5th dimension or to the tesseract the procedure is as follows: Remove the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions (x,y,z), that is, Space (i.e. distance does not exist - we did this with Heisenberg's equation). Then remove the 4th dimension, Time (.i.e. time is not motion). Once this is done, the 5th dimension which is in fact not a dimension but the next adjacent tesseract in line is revealed and entered into. Therefore, the "5th" dimension is not a dimension but a universe in an of itself. Keep performing this procedure and you move from one tesseract or universe (Cxn) with its own 4 dimensions, i.e. Space (x,y,z) & time. These in turn must be removed to enter into the next tesseract. Technically, this means there are no more than 4 dimensions in a single universe or tesseract. Any system of dimensions higher than four is deceptive or potentially misleading and should be handled with caution because to allude to a 5th or 6th dimension, for example, means two universes or more are being combined to form a non-fundamental 5th, 6th etc dimension that are created in blended forms in between universes. From this point onward each tesseract or cube is a universe, and the number that can exist can be considered infinite i.e. a multiverse (that is, the universe or Cx0, is designed and created purely from computational physics or science, quantum bits and information: Cxn+ and Cxn-, that is, purely from spirit where the number of universes "n" in Cxn can be infinite). Interpretive accuracy in the sciences is consequently restored. This knowledge is not new or strange. 
Earlier we identified that when the fundamental basis of reality is created from quantum bits and these are understood to be what is meant by the term spirit in religion, then religion has been right in what it preaches all along: that there is more to what humanity sees around it, spirit presides over the "physical" world, hence prescriptions such as: "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added onto ye", when contextualised in the sciences, advises the scientist to see beyond the physical (distance, mass, time=motion) and instead see the physical universe in its genuine non-physical form and anything you seek from it can be realised. "Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you." In other words "there is no distance" - there is nothing out there, everything exists in one location or point because everything consists purely of computational science. Making this connection with religion is necessary to ground science as it moves from quantum mechanics into the next phase of advancements which appear unfamiliar, inorganic, strange, surreal and more ephemeral. Its not strange and its not unfamiliar, because its what you were told from the very beginning, before the labs and test tubes - knowledge and science is all just coming full circle.

For more on this scroll down to the heading Atoms and therefore matter in general navigates intelligently and autonomously

The "m" in E=mc2 is better described as a driving force, motive force or thrust rather than mass. This is because mass viewed as "weight" is a "field effect", which is basically an illusion caused by a primitive view or primitive science, i.e. a misinterpretation of what is being observed (e.g. as mentioned earlier the cup's weight does not rest on the table, it is merely positioned there). If mass is a "field-effect" and therefore all matter is mass-less then E=pc is accurate for general use in mass-energy equivalence whereas E=mc2 is not due to the fact that physics has no genuine scientific knowledge of "m" and therefore no genuine technological access to "m" or mass in this equation. Though mass-less the object exerts a motive force of 10 kg giving it the "appearance" of having mass.  Understanding this is critical to accurately interpreting the physical forces at play in what is observed.  In this equation c2 is a factor of the amount of force being applied by m. For instance, when an object weighs 10kg, this means the object or given mass is only using 10 kg (m) or 98 Newtons of the driving force, mobility, motive force or thrust c2 available to it with which to negotiate its position with other particles. There are no fields involved in this explanation as is the current belief in particle physics. The empirical evidence for this is the ease with which a collision drive (shown in the video clip) moves the device or vehicle forward by generating or replicating a "Higgs-field-effect", T4 tier-1 gravitational force using mechanical engineering without the primary use of fields whatsoever.

In Space-Time matter is limited to E=pc and therefore the speed of light is a limit as a result of the factor c, however, where mass (m), which exists outside Einstein's Space-Time framework, is concerned matter only begins to be constrained at a velocity approaching the square of the speed of light or the factor c2, that is seen in E=mc2. This is the energy and velocity or "force" with which atoms position themselves relative to each other (that is not accessible to current particle physics, even though it may be believed that it is, when in fact it is not). 

This is a significant amount of force. With this kind of propulsive force in matter it becomes clear why atoms must negotiate how and where to position themselves and do so delicately and with significant maneuverability.

Though the speed of light is limited by c in Einstein's understanding of his Space-Time framework and this may be true if mass energy equivalence viewed as E=pc, it may be unfortunate and patently inaccurate for him to then go on to generalize this to matter "m" outside this framework inferences show is able to function at a velocity that only experiences this same constraint at a factor of c2. This once again becomes an unfortunate misinterpretation of what is being studied. The damage and negative consequences to physics of imprecisely generalizing this caveat are beyond profound.

The diagram above illustrates how both matter and mass (in red) do not
originate from within the Space-Time framework (shown in blue). To the Space-Time
framework matter is both intangible and mass-less, described by
E=pc. Therefore, influence of this framework on matter and mass cannot
exceed the speed of light "c" shown in the diagram. However, mass and matter
exist outside and beyond Einstein's Space-Time framework.
Therefore, this implies they easily and readily exceed it shown in the
diagram by "c2". Einstein's assumption is that 
nothing can exist outside of or exceed the Space-Time framework. 
Matter and mass cannot be constrained by the speed of light limitation
of the Space-Time framework "c", because, quite frankly, as the 
diagram illustrates, matter and mass do not originate form within it and 
are not contained by it. It cannot constrain what it does not contain,
as this would present as a violation of wider laws of physics

Tragically, though matter and mass originate from outside Einstein's Space-Time.
framework, even a physicist's imagination and formulation of theory is trained not 
dare venture beyond the speed of light "c" caveat limiting the heights to
which physics is potentially able to soar, physicists are then like a child unable to
enter a candy store, as they have been warned that's where the
boogeyman lives. This wayward position, limiting thought in physics
in the present day, appears more uninformed than the
belief the earth was the centre of the universe overturned by Galileo.
Physicists, it seems, are trapped by this caveat
working in fear, superstition and stagnation reminiscent of a
medieval era. Its noticeable how nobody ever talks about anything
travelling conventionally faster than 99% the speed of light,
where some of the greatest break-throughs in new physics
may be found. 

Collision Drive Theory on the other hand shows that a
custom built C-Drive can hypothetically generate the thrust
necessary to exceed the speed of light, making
it possible to test whether this limit is indeed factual.

To understand how difficult this is to understand and accomplish,
scientists at the most advanced propulsion laboratory
in the world do not really know how to achieve this using
conventional methods. At present they are working on EM-Drives and have unveiled the 
first conceptual model for a physical warp drive using floating bubbles of Space-Time, 
which require nearly impossible amounts of energy.
In other words its completely beyond current knowledge and ability.
The fact that the most financed and resourced, most intelligent and highly educated
institutions in the world can't achieve this is evidence of flaws in the approach to physics.

However, as you can see from the clip showing the C-Drive in action,
and Collision Drive Theory 
the basic technology and means for how to achieve this conventionally
has been designed and is already at hand.

The other important aspect of mass energy equivalence is the general and primitive belief that matter by having mass is tangible. The reality is that matter can be made to appear "tangible" by the manner in which autonomous particles orchestrate their movement and take positions relative to each other. Matter being both tangible and having mass are "field effects" and therefore when observed from within the Space-Time framework can be considered illusions the inner workings and functions of which are misinterpreted by the primitive mind. 

For a particle physicist to say that atomic and nuclear energy harness Einstein's E=mc2 is misleading, deceptive or simply misinformation. Particle physics at present has no control or access to "m" in this equation. If it believes it does, this is an example of failing to understand and clearly interpret phenomena being observed.

The science and technology required to access mass "m" is completely different from particle physics,  (it resides outside the limitations of particle-physics and Einstein's Space-Time, for example, this is illustrated simply, in the spandex experiment error: the spandex cannot offer an accurate scientific explanation of mass or gravity as it is not responsible for the mass or weight stretching it). 

At best atomic and nuclear energy observed today can harness E=pc or energy at a factor of "c", which though powerful and being used in various applications today is exponentially weaker than E=mc2, that harnesses energy at a factor of "c2" that applies to the propulsive force harnessed by autonomous matter as a sub-particle science.

In other words an atomic or nuclear explosion such as that created by Oppenheimer is impressive and frightening to observe, however, the reality is that it can only harness (E=pc) a percentage of "c" in terms of the energy it releases, the public, however, is lied to or misinformed that the explosion has equivalence with E=mc2, which is technically impossible as the technology required to access "m" in this equation does not currently exist. This means that even though impressive this represents a relatively weak or lethargic explosion or application of nuclear technology. On the other hand gravity has access to c2 of this energy for purposes of positioning atoms, with greater precision and control concerning how this energy is released, directed and applied. 

The release of energy from "c" proven by Oppenheimer and presently in use is unsophisticated and uncontrolled, it is like lighting a match-stick in comparison to what is actually possible with corrected knowledge in physics that actually provides access to "c2". What this means is that the explosive  nuclear potential of a copper wire is E=pc. However, the gravitational potential (propulsive force) of a given mass of the same copper wire is E=mc2, that is, the copper wire's inherent propulsive force is greater than its incorrectly assumed mass equivalency or "nuclear energy". This is an example of levels of gravity higher than Tier 1 (C-Drive), i.e. mechanical forms of gravity. However, higher Tiers of gravity simply consist of mechanical gravity (Tier 1) harnessed by atoms at the nuclear level, the science is simply a change in scale. When it is understood that both gravitational and electric fields do not exist and are merely a figment of a scientist's imagination (are a field effect) then it becomes possible to demonstrate and rationalize that electricity and gravity are in fact one and the same force, and that a gravitational "field" is in fact just an electrical "field" vice-versa, its the faulty physics and faulty general science of the present day that causes them to be misunderstood, mislabelled and consummately seen as completely different forces. This leads to a very mediocre understanding of electricity and how to generate it applied in industry today. For more on this click this link and scroll down to Force Vectoring Not Magnetic Fields here

Technically the nuclear and atomic age, has not really began and at best can be described as being only in its infancy.


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