Early results of first C-Drive Tests

C-Drive Preliminary Test Results

Originally tests were slated to be performed on the large C-Drive which consists of a turbine of diameter 1.2 meters mounted on a large chassis/vehicle, harnessed to a Mitsubishi 1.5 litre 4G15 engine. The C-Drive and chassis combined weight including the power-plant (which is a 100 HP engine) is approximately 1.5 tonnes. The large construction and fabrication process was proving expensive, cumbersome to work on and this was frustrating and delaying testing the fundamentals of the method and apparatus. Initially having a larger mechanism was practical because it was easier to piece together. When a very large sprocket required for the large C-Drive proved too expensive to have machined than was budgeted for this was the last straw and it was decided to scale down the project because the large size of the C-Drive though initially easy to work on was becoming cumbersome and a hindrance to moving to actual tests of the apparatus and mechanism.


It was consequently decided that the C-Drive be scaled down to a size that would be more manageable in terms of fabrication and that would go directly to testing the apparatus and method to expedite the process. The C-Drive was scaled down from a 1.2 meter diameter to 0.37 meter diameter and the mass of the C-Drive and vehicle scaled down from 1.5 tonnes to 18 kg to create a smaller replica of the larger C-Drive, the motor was scaled down from 100HP to 600 Watts. This decision was not only a relief, it was practical and has allowed the mechanism and method to be tested more effectively in a manner that is much easier to manage. Although scaled down to a diameter of 0.37 it should be noted that this same diameter is life-size in that although the power-plant is tiny the turbine diameter is at the scale appropriate for a vehicle's wheel well, and a car is expected to need only four C-Drives of this size and dimension, but of course with a much more robust build quality and much larger motor.


Thus far, although much more extensive testing is required and these results are simply preliminary, the results so far on the smaller C-Drive comply with the predictions of Collision Drive Theory and can be summarised as follows:


Three tests on the C-Drive were performed

1.     1. Spin Test

2.     2. Drive (thrust) test with no mass/weight (attached to turbine)

3.     3.Drive (thrust) test with mass/weight (attached to the turbine)


Spin Test: This test performed on 04-05-2021 was successful. This is where the drive is neutral and it is rotated using a 600 watt motor. It is spun up and capable of rotating with no thrust. Zero thrust despite significant spin up and spin down was predicted by Collision Drive Theory (CDT).

Drive test with no weight on turbine: This test performed on 04-05-2021 was successful.  This is were the C-Drive is engaged but with no mass placed on the turbine. The results were exactly as predicted. It was propelled, but in reverse. The reason it was propelled in reverse is because the amplified mass of the turbine was lower than the chassis/vehicle. This gave it a Thrust To Weight Ratio (TWR) of less than 1. CDT predicts that a TWR of less than 1 will not cause forward thrust but residual backward propulsion. This was confirmed as being true. The backward residual thrust was a prediction of Collision Drive Theory based on the how the mechanism works and occurs when there are no weights on the turbine. This makes the vehicle heavier than the C-Drive which causes an Elastic Collision which in turn causes a backward residual thrust due to insufficient mass to push the vehicle. This was predicted and proven accurate yesterday.

1st test: Drive test with weights: This test was performed on 05-05-2021 for the first time. Weights were attached to the turbine amounting to 9Kg in comparison to the C-Drive and Chassis weighing 18 Kg without the turbine mass.  Each rotation propelled the C-Drive forward. RPM was kept low. However, a weld broke disrupting the device due to a light temporary weld that required attention not being noticed and reinforced before the test was performed but enough rotation was viewed and recorded to confirm forward thrust through the 360 degree rotation.

2nd test: Drive Test with Weights: May 7th 2021 (07-05-2021) After the test on 5th May 2021 had to be halted due to a weak temporary weld breaking apart time had to be taken to repair the C-Drive. With it repaired the C-Drive Test with Weights (i.e. a C-Drive turbine with 12Kg mass attached) was conducted once again. The lowest rpm setting was placed on the 600 watt motor. In addition to this a 12 Kg  load was placed on the vehicle chassis. When launched the C-Drive propelled the vehicle rapidly and with significant force. Concerned that it was moving too quickly an additional 5Kg was added to the chassis/vehicle. The vehicle was propelled with the same or greater force and speed with the additional 5Kg having no effect on its forward movement. Concerned that it was still moving too quickly an additional 42Kg was added to the small C-Drive's chassis/vehicle. When launched/started it still advanced with the same force and acceleration. The additional weight seemed to have no effect on the C-Drive forward acceleration. The mass of the C-Drive (12Kg) and chassis (18Kg) together they come to 30Kg the additional load in the final test was 59Kg. If the weight of the chassis and vehicle is added to this the total load was 77Kg. The mass of the C-Drive moving the 77Kg was only 12Kg. The C-Drive was therefore effortlessly shifting 6.4 times its weight. If the 12Kg mass of the turbine is added to this figure as is required by Collision Drive Theory equation the C-Drive was rapidly accelerating a total of 89Kg (7.4 times its weight) using a 600 watt motor. The motor setting was not increased and being left on low used only 30% of its rpm. The C-Drive was rotating at 2.03 rotations per second or 122 rpm. It was not increased due to the fact that even on this low setting the thrust was too aggressive and there was a fear raising it any higher may damage the device that had only recently been repaired. Though it appeared capable of shifting more mass than this no further weight was added to avoid damaging the device.

3rd Test

The 3rd test will be the 1st Recorded Lift Test for C-Drive: 

Date to be performed (slated for 22nd-24th July) : Currently on Schedule

The official test will be tethered for safety of equipment. First official test of Collision Drive Theory and its ability to create lift without a medium.

Specs of test to be performed: 

C-Drive minimum required rpm (In lift position)  294 rpm

Minimum watts required for motor                      1,632 watts

Collisions per rotation                                                 2

Total weight                                                            60kg - 90kg

TWR (minimum) generated by C-Drive                      2.25

Lift Force capacity available                                   1,590 Newtons

Lift force capacity of C-Drive configuration            162 kg-force

Results to be posted: The results of this test will be posted the same day

Lift Test Results 22nd-24th July:

On 23rd July 2021 the lift test for the C-Drive was performed. The specs for the test are listed above with one difference two additional motors (each with 1010 watts) were added to the configuration increasing available power by 2,020 watts from 1,632 watts to 3,652 watts in total (3x1010 watt motors and a 1x632 watt motor). When weighed each of the new 1,010 watt motors weighed 2kgs.

When the C-Drive was spun each collision lifted the C-Drive upward from the ground. After each collision (between collisions) the C-Drive moved downward due to gravity. This caused it to rise and fall, whilst held in place by the tether. Is the C-Drive able to generate lift? The answer to this is - yes. 

Despite applying 3,625 watts worth of torque the C-Drive was unable to achieve the minimum rpm, that is, 294 rpm and maxed out at approximately 140 rpm. This was well short of the minimum rpm Collision Drive Theory and the test stipulated was required of the C-Drive, that is, a force greater than gravity (9.8N) that allows it to transition from lift to buoyancy (flight). 

The rational during the test was that doubling the available torque or watts from 1,632 watts to 3,652 watts at this stage would make it unnecessary to (mechanically) configure it to take advantage of its maximum operating efficiency. What does this mean? It means that its mechanical ability to generate thrust was not maximized during the test and consequently this increased the resistance to rotation which in turn burdened the motors supplying torque making them fall short of the required rpm despite doubling the wattage (this is like a rocket that rises from the launch pad, but comes back down due to insufficient thrust).

The lift force produced by the C-Drive is internally generated, just like that of jet engine, it does not push off anything except reactional forces  based on Newtonian laws induced by its collisions. 

Therefore, the simple fact that it demonstrates lift (rises) is ample evidence that it is without doubt capable of buoyancy. Parts of the C-Drive have since been dismantled and it is being reconfigured and welded into place to operate at maximum mechanical efficiency [for lift] with the focus being to first allow it to generate the minimum required rpm or more for gaining buoyancy. 

Normally the shift from lateral or horizontal movement (which in earlier tests recorded a 74.4% increase in mechanical efficiency that increased velocity despite an increase in load) to vertical lift would simply require actuators/servos. The decision to increase the number of motors and torque instead of re-configure the C-Drive was pragmatic, but ultimately proved in the test the very real advantages of mechanical efficiency over torque, wattage/horsepower.

The successful lift test was made with a single rotation I-Formation rotated upward by 90 degrees to vertical, although this caused a significant loss in efficiency that over-burdened the motors. The diagrams above explain why. This was done for expediency because it would have been too costly and problematic to disassemble and reconfigure the C-Drive for gravity assist, so it was felt  additional motors should instead be used. Normally the changes would take place through actuators.

Collision Drive passes the lift test

The illustration above demonstrates that the C-Drive rpm has to 
exceed the rate at which gravity acts on the device. Therefore, the frequency of
and force of collisions has to be greater than the resistance to lift
caused by gravity during the intervals between collisions. Even if there is
sufficient power or torque being applied e.g. 3,265 watts, if the rate at which 
collisions occur is too low [140 rpm] gravity will pull the launch back to ground
and alternating between gravity and collisions will cause vacillation (up and down
movement or bounce) that when observed can be described as the device being
in a "field" or lifted by one when in fact not. With the additional motors the
total weight of the C-Drive during the test was 45 Kg. The fact that it was moving upward 
demonstrates lift capable of launching the entire 45Kg load. The 
3,265 watts from the motors may have been enough power to 
 lift 45kg or more (the entire device/vehicle), however, the motors
maxed out with insufficient power to reach the minimum rpm for buoyancy
due to not being calibrated for maximum mechanical efficiency
(i.e. the 74.4% efficiency observed during horizontal/lateral tests
was not available for vertical lift and the overburdened motors
though generating lift did not have enough power to achieve
minimum rpm). The test was conducted this way as it was
more pragmatic for power from additional motors to
provide the lift force instead of re-calibrating the C-Drive.

Having passed the lift test it becomes moot to try to determine if the C-Drive will pass the buoyancy (flight) test after being reconfigured, since the lift test is a precondition for buoyancy already satisfied by the device.

The implications for science of the C-Drive passing the lift test will raise a number of questions for modern physics and science in general. For one, it confirms the "fields do not exist" hypothesis which states that both magnetism and gravity are created by internal dynamics taking place at atomic and subatomic levels within materials, not outside them. 

Its also interesting to note that the vacillation of the C-Drive at lower rpm will make it appear to move as though it is in a magnetic field, when not. These vacillations will reduce in amplitude as rpm increases and at high rpm will disappear causing it to appear as though it is standing still due to the fact that the intervals between collisions are too short to allow for vacillation (see diagram above). 

[It should also be noted that the only limit to acceleration and speed attainable by a C-Drive is the build quality of the mechanism and the torque it is supplied (power plant).]

1st August 2021

The challenge has never been proof of concept, so having achieved this objective is rather arbitrary. The real challenge arises mainly because the C-Drive is a simple a device: how it works and its mechanical properties are easy to understand (which is one of the reasons why its still too early to show the actual device yet), but its design and what it achieves is what is unusual and consequently constructing it with a good build quality is what has been particularly hard.

Building the much smaller but still life-size version of C-Drive (1/4th) began with a 600 watt repurposed motor. We then added three additional repurposed motors rated at 1010 watts. After trying several methods of delivering power from the motors to the C-Drive's main or primary drive shaft we found that using a sprocket and chain system was the least problematic and just stuck with it. Therefore, the 4 motors deliver their power through a system of sprockets and chains. Three of the repurposed motors are mounted on a removable rack that can be described as the "engine" while the 600 watt repurposed motor is on the C-Drive itself set apart from them as the starter.  The removable rack or engine has 21 sprockets attached to it in a straight line along a secondary drive shaft. It can accommodate 3 engines/racks each with 7 motors allowing it to be expanded to a total of 21 motors. For instance, the current engine (rack) has 3x1010 watt motors already in place, therefore it has room for 4 more motors. 

The array of sprockets placed on a shaft in a straight line allows us to attach and remove any motor at will to repair or make adjustments to it. These motors can be of different ratings. This way the amount of power available for the C-Drive can be increased or reduced easily, which is useful at this stage of development. Having a number of motors also helps to reduce redundancy, for instance, if one motor fails the C-Drive can keep going. 

The idea behind having an array of motors rather than just one powerful motor to drive the C-Drive is taken from how electric cars have hundreds of  small lithium batteries in their battery pack rather than just one large battery - so why not have many easily attachable and detachable motors driving a single secondary drive-shaft? It just made design/engineering sense. When a motor fails the device just keeps going. Having an array of small motors rather than just one very large and powerful motor means that when a single motor fails or becomes defective, it can just be swapped out and replaced by another one in a slot-like fashion and even when it is removed from a rack, its absence does not affect the over-all operability of the engine. Having an array of small but powerful internally air cooled motors "per wheel" so to speak  is also something that is often seen in [quad]-copters etc. The concept of using an array of small powerful motors "per wheel" can be just as useful for electric cars as it is for copters. There is also the option of being able to turn each motor on or off independently.

In addition to this a motor in the array with a smaller rating can be swapped  for one with a larger rating to easily and dramatically increase torque, scale up or scale down each engine in a hassle free manner.

C-Drive detachable Rack/Engine during construction
showing the secondary drive shaft, motors and the
array of sprockets. The drive shaft can accommodate
3 racks/engines, each with 7 motors .i.e. 21 motors
in total. Motors can be added, removed, swapped in 
and out easily and deployed according to the
number required for the work to be done.

Having passed the lift test the focus now is to optimize rotations per minute (rpm) to initially achieve a standard operating speed of between 600 to 1,000 rpm. At low rpm the frequency of collisions is low and intervals are far apart. For the C-Drive to operate and move smoothly it needs to idle at much higher rpm. Since 290 to 300 rpm is the minimum speed for buoyancy irrespective of mass, it makes sense to have a higher idling rpm capable of delivering adequate torque for a smoothly operating mechanism even where the direction of force is lateral/horizontal, as it is with cars.

4th August 2021, Next Level: Moving the C-Drive from Low to High RPM

Propulsion in a C-Drive takes place with each rotation. The current design has two impacts/collisions  per rotation. With each collision the C-Drive moves forward. This motion, like a rocket or jet engine, is an internal and independent reactive force based on Newtonian Laws. The force it exerts will take place in whichever direction the drive is pointed, whether this is lateral/horizontal or vertical. The mechanism is designed to mimic the manner in which atomic and subatomic particles create gravitational force. In other words it is a reverse engineering of gravity. When you see the C-Drive move it is mimicking gravity and can therefore be referred to as a inaugural/entry level or tier 1 gravitational device.  

Like a newborn baby trying to learn to walk the C-Drive at present moves hesitantly as it only moves in response to each collision. Since the rpm the device can produce at present is low the forward movement is paced between intervals as a result of low frequency of collisions. The movement observed, though paced due to low rpm, is in fact an introduction to what is the most advanced propulsion system of its kind based on sound physics and related theory. The C-Drive's movement is best understood using Collision Theory. At present, as mentioned earlier, our focus is to move from low rpm to higher rpm. 

The design of the C-Drive [patented] which is based on Collision Drive Theory offers empirical evidence using the "fields do not  exist" hypothesis that states the forces observed in gravity and magnetism are not created by "fields" but by internal mechanical processes taking place at the atomic and subatomic level. The C-Drive is designed to emulate these processes to generate a propulsive force. This hypothesis is now proved accurate beyond reasonable doubt by the movement observed in the C-Drive at low rpm, even in its fledgling state of development.  

Commentary on C-Drive tests results thus far

The tests today (May7th 2021) have revealed significant new insights on how gravity works. The small C-Drive can be tweaked to improve performance. For instance, normally when the load on a vehicle is increased it causes the vehicle to move more slowly. However, when the mass on the C-Drives chassis/vehicle was increased each time, so did its speed. When its load was increased by 42Kg (doubled), at the same rpm it accelerated 74.4% faster. This is repeatable and easily demonstrated. It was initially unusual/shocking to see, because we expected the opposite, i.e. the C-Drive to move slower due to a heavier load, not faster. Nevertheless, going back to Collision Drive Theory the scientific basis and reason why this was happening is clearly explained. 

PATENT GRANTED:  30th September 2021

Post review by experts the patent for the Collision Drive has been granted as Industrial Property.

7th October 2021

Steps toward further development, advancement and commercialization of the C-Drive have now began in earnest. 


A C-Drive is not a conventional propulsion system. In the same way that there are fluid dynamics and aerodynamics there are gravitational dynamics that have to be understood concerning how the device generates propulsion. This will require seasoned physicists able to begin to map and stretch out this new science and use this to determine how it integrates with the engineering required to gain the most efficient application of the forces produced by the C-Drive. It is very likely that this will be a new area of study for schools, colleges and universities. There will be a significant amount of new science, technology and valuable intellectual property to unpack and secure in the course of building and testing C-Drives that will very likely affect a diverse range of industries, from nano-tech to large scale industry.

The propulsive force a C-Drive can generate will be greater than any other net propulsive force presently in use such as rockets, jet engines, propellers ion drives and so on. One of the major advantages of the C-Drive will be its ability to gain efficiency over gravity possibly as high as 60% to 78%. This means that it is likely to be able to lift heavier loads than conventional propulsion systems.

Another significant advantage of the C-Drive is that its base technology is very simple. Its difficult to understand how the C-Drive generates thrust by watching the video, however, a seasoned engineer will only require a few technical drawings to very quickly grasp how it works and it will be very easy for engineers to understand the mechanics by which it generates thrust and lift. However, controlling these forces for maximum efficiency in different conditions will require actuation, servos and the use of position sensors often seen in robotics. Though the base device itself is simple, as you have seen in the video clip of the C-Drive in action, controlling and directing its propulsive force is what will add to its complexity.  However, this kind of complexity is really no different from the way that flaps, and other flight control surfaces used to guide planes add to the complexity of a basic source of thrust from propellers and jet engines. The base device being simple is very likely to mean the C-Drives will not take long to enter the market.

A major advantage of the C-Drive will be its ability to work in a vacuum and the fact that it does not need to displace any air whatsoever to generate thrust and lift. This means that it can have versions where it operates with zero emissions. Nevertheless, when it comes to propelling vehicles anything that can supply vast amounts of torque at minimum rpm can be hitched to a C-Drive including jet engines, and rocket engines designed to produce a turning force.

The tests thus far confirm and the conform with Collision Drive Theory which predicted that when the mass/weight is placed on the turbine the collisions change from being Elastic to Inelastic consequently causing the C-Drive to thrust the vehicle forward which corresponds with a TWR greater than 1.

Thus far the three basic tests on the Collision Drive were for lateral movement on the ground. They show it is able to fulfill the fundamental lateral propulsion operations predicted by Collision Drive Theory. For vertical propulsion the lift test was successful through vacillation, which is sufficient proof for gaining buoyancy.

The next stage for the C-Drive is development, advancement and commercialization.

Its interesting that we can weld together some parts, throw together some repurposed motors and demonstrate C-Drive technology generating significant propulsive force as seen in the clip, but what will be truly amazing is seeing what C-Drives built by seasoned engineers, with specialized equipment and precision tools will be able to do, this will be nothing short of extraordinary.

The first videos from 2021

Where it began...

It all started at the very bottom, not very glamorous work, with nothing but a concept to test.

Here the C-Drive was too high up and thrust from the Collider Arms was 
threatening to tip it over because the wheels, which were not turned to face fully forward,
and the crack in the concrete floor, were getting caught and prevented from fwd 
movement causing the tipping motion. Later it was decided to lower its centre of gravity.
It was also decided that the swivelling front wheels where hindering and resisting fwd movement and 
needed to be changed.

The reason why we can get the C-Drive to work with only one collider arm is because
the weight applied on the device acts as the dampening force (lateral isolation or stabilization vectors) that would normally be provided by the counter-rotating arm. This is why it bounces as it moves. With counter-rotating collider arms this bounce is eliminated and the vehicle moves smoothly. There is a need to understand how Ki (force vectoring) works to drive this device. Understanding Ki force
vectoring is essential to figuring out the propulsion process, especially during the build.

The first few times we tested the C-Drive in 2021 the objective was to 
to prove it could generate propulsive force. This worked better than we 
anticipated. So we said lets see the maximum load it can move as a 
rolling mass. Despite placing a heavy cement block on it, then an
additional 5kg weight on it the propulsive force just kept going. 
So I asked my assistant, how much do you weigh? He replied
"About 60kg". I said, "Why don't you hop on, there's no way it will move
forward with your additional weight on it". So he did, and to our amusement
the C-Drive kept pulling forward. It banks because his weight is to one side.

This may look like a silly test, but the science behind it is quite remarkable. The
C-Drive here provides proof of concept for Tier 1 mechanically engineered gravitational force (the conversion of non-propulsive centrifugal force into propulsive uni-directional force)
as described in the first patent. The device here was simple, but good enough to provide
proof of concept. The C-Drive's propulsion is internal, it is not pushing off any surface.

Proof of Concept: Here the C-Drive is shown using HD-SRMF to convert centrifugal force into unidirectional thrust, which is transferred through the Collar or Circular Wing or Harness (painted red on the C-Drive in the video). As the Collider Arms spin they collide with the Circular Wing. The
collisions push the vehicle forward converting Pan-directional Force, into Uni-directional Force or Thrust. Unidirectional Thrust is converted into Torque should the 
objective be to generate electricity.

Its important to note the C-Drive is not a "reactionless" propulsion system, read 
Airline Industry: Flying without wings How C-Drives change polarity.
where the angular velocity (rotation) of the C-Drive is converted into linear movement
to make it easier to understand. The linear continuous left to right movement of
the collider arm is the same as the action/reaction force of exhaust that propels a rocket or jet,
except that it is of much higher density (6,747x more dense) with no emissions. For instance,
as a rule of thumb estimate you can increase the mass flow density of a rocket or jet's
exhaust 6,747 times to assess how much more thrust the C-Drive
will put out using the same amount of fuel, bearing in mind that this is 
a rule of the thumb estimate that leaves
out many other C-Drive efficiencies.

C-Drives are similar to magnetic levitation. The Circular Wing is, in essence, the Girder or Rail Track
used for maglev propulsion. However, it is not fixed into the ground but rather incorporated into the vehicle the way a track is made part of a tank. Collisions or Ki vectors then hold and direct how the 
vehicle moves. This is achieved using counter rotating Collider Arms that generate a High 
Density Static Recycled Mass Flow. These Force Vectors grip and propel the Circular Wing
the way the earth grips the maglev's Girder or Rail Track. The forces that grip and propel
the C-Drive are shown as blue arrows cycling the Circular Wing in this animated
Adjusting these forces creates propulsion and navigation.

See Ki - Force Vectoring is a Science . Also have a look at Chart Showing Ki as a Vectored Force or using Net Direction. These are the forces that create propulsion. Just like placing a wing or vehicle in a wind tunnel to study collision theory, Ki or Force Vectoring has a methodology that must be understood. It is also important to appreciate that these vectors and the propulsion they create is Tier 1 Gravity. 

The C-Drive was built using local materials and equipment, the most cost 
effective that was available. Nevertheless, what it proved at the time, even  
at this very rudimentary stage is that Tier 1 mechanically engineered gravity
was accurately predicted. As seen above it was decided that it would be better to lay it
flat to prevent the forward thrust or the collider arms from attempting to tip it over.

This was good enough to provide proof of concept, however, what a precision engineered
counter-rotating C-Drive with powerful enough torque can achieve is beyond remarkable.

Considering LIGO cost over US$1.1 billion dollars, but can only "detect" a gravity wave,
the fact that a C-Drive can generate Tier 1 gravity is remarkable.

What is also remarkable is that NASA, arguably one of the most advanced and admired aerospace institutions in the world tried without success and could only conceptualise, in a fanciful way, how this technology could possibly work, see the Helical Engine.

Importantly, for physics, the C-Drive proves predictions and inferences of the FDNEH are correct
and that an external gravitational "field"
is not required to create gravity disproving Einstein's description of gravity as being
created by geodesics or the Euclidian geometry of Space-Time. This
experiment technically proves that the use of spandex to explain how Euclidean
geometry creates gravity is a fabrication, read about this here

The C-Drive is mounted on two skateboards, with wheels that move freely back and forth on ball
bearings. Note how, when the C-Drive gets going, it appears as though it is very firmly locked out of any backward movement. If the C-Drive could not generate uni-directional thrust, the wheels would simply push back and forth. The rotating C-Drive therefore demonstrates uni-directional thrust. It also demonstrates that the propulsive force (Ki) does not need a back-ground to push-off from in order to move forward. In other words, if the C-Drive were in Space or under water (e.g. submarine) it would still move forward, and if it were on earth it could drive on roads like an ordinary car. If it had sufficient power it could suspend itself in mid-air and fly. Its source of thrust and buoyance is internal. 

The same forward movement or thrust, when the vehicle is restrained, will instead cause an 
increase in turning forces (torque) that can be used to propel a car or to turn a generator using
amplified force. Amplified force will be able to extend the range of a vehicle per charge or increase (amplify) the amount of electrical energy being generated from any given source e.g. fusion, solar, petroleum, battery, hydroelectric etc See the calculations where the example used is for 556x 
increase in range or power, C-Drive torque amplification.

See the  Stage II to Stage III diagram to understand how the C-Drive converts centrifugal-force into amplified torque or thrust. Amplified torque will extend the range on vehicles (556x in the example used), it increases the amount of power available from any given source of energy, and it will also significantly increase the the weight (payload) many times over a vehicle such as a car, aeroplane or rocket can carry, see the simple comparison, Comparison between Falcon 9 and C-Drive (single collider arm) 

Its also important to note that the forward movement of the C-Drive is being created by collisions between the Collider Arm and Wing. If there is no propulsive force created by the collision between the Collider Arm and Wing (Circle) no forward movement whatsoever should be generated. For instance, if the device was on a slope, and not generating any forward moving propulsive force, then simply
by shaking the device it would appear to move forward. To prove that the Collider Arms are indeed generating a propulsive force that is working against gravity, this forward movement created by 
the Collider Arm hitting or pushing the wing would need to act in the act opposite direction 
of gravity. To do this the C-Drive would have to push upward against gravity. If there was no propulsive force there would be no forward lunge (such as that indicated in the first video were the wheels were getting caught and the device tilting forward) and therefore no lift force being generated. 

However, when the C-Drive was placed on a cushioned surface with the direction of thrust or movement facing upward toward the sky, each collision of the Collider Arm against the circular Wing attempted to lift the  entire C-Drive upward showing that it was generated by a lift force in the opposite direction of gravity. The motors were of course not powerful enough to generate the rpm required to lift the entire device all the way off the ground, the C-Drive falls back to the ground and attempts to rise again between collisions. However, the fact the C-Drive was bobbing upward against gravity is sufficient evidence that it is generating a continuous thrust and a lift force, that we have already determined is unidirectional .i.e. moves fwd but also locks out backward movement. Once again, to even bob up and down the C-Drive has nothing to lift itself upward except unidirectional thrust, the source of this upward force or  trajectory must be internal, that is, the Collider Arm repeatedly pushing the Wing in the upward direction.

Where its going....

Better with computer aided design (CAD), more powerful motors, better engineered for precision.

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