Degrees of Complexity in achieving Net Energy Gain: Could C-Drives be the next big thing?


10th January

Source Financial Times: for the full video click here

In the fusion industry, so far, firstly, none of the 35,000 private companies and 81 research organisations working on fusion have broken even in a very convincing manner. In addition to this, for fusion to become viable it needs to extract more usable electricity than it takes to run the whole fusion power plant.

One of the biggest challenges faced is that fusion companies know how to heat a fusion fuel, they know how to put energy in, but the challenge is they don't quite know how to get more energy out than they put in, .i.e. how to achieve commercially viable Q-Factor or Net Energy Gain (NEG). 

The problem explained above is exactly what the C-Drive solves. It accomplishes what the 35 companies and 81 research institutions are battling to understand and achieve. C-Drives are amplifiers, this means the very core of what they do is produce Net Energy Gain, precisely what is being sought, right now, to make the fusion industry commercially viable today. They accomplish this by converting centrifugal, pan-directional, non-propulsive force into uni-directional force that can be further converted into torque.

C-Drives complement fusion energy

As an amplifier C-Drives are more similar to fusion energy than other types of energy applications. Fusion energy rides on Net Energy Gain to achieve its objectives as does the C-Drive. The clip above is candid in that we see David Kingham the Executive Vice-Chairman of Tokamak Energy describe the stages of fusion energy as the pilot sending energy to the grid will take until 2032, scaling up for global deployment by 2040, with potential full deployment in 2050. Director General of ITER, Pietro Barabaschi laments about the degrees of complexity in achieving Net Energy Gain (NEG). Dr Kim Budil, the Director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory says she believes fusion energy is still decades away due to the need for a robust system of drivers. She is quite right. C-Drives, are likely to be the component or "driver" fusion energy needs to become commercially viable, today.

C-Drives although in their infancy demonstrate very little complexity in terms of how to achieve Net Energy Gain. This means C-Drives have the potential for very rapid piloting, scaling up and full deployment. In addition to this C-Drives complement what fusion energy does and may enable shorter deployment times for fusion itself. 

It can be done, we ready....

If our C-Drives are introduced to fusion as a part of the distribution process, then technically Kingham, Barabaschi and Budil will see the supply and distribution of fusion energy in their lifetime. They do not have to wait decades or until 2050 to begin supplying fusion energy, their energy plants can start supplying electricity today. They can become going concerns by generating income, earlier than they anticipated since C-Drives, with potential for net energy gains as high as x70,000 or more, offer the NEG component they require to become fully operational and move straight into commercialisation. 

Offering a NEG of 1:70,000 is no mean feat especially where the fusion processes of these companies can barely break even at 1:1. It should also be noted that 1:70,000 is for a small C-Drive and barely scratches the surface of NEG fusion companies will be able to access. From a technical standpoint based on how C-Drive's work, there are zero degrees of complexity, therefore, the wait for the supply of electricity from fusion energy to come online is practically over. 

The income from the early supply of energy can contribute to the acceleration of further research into fusion. More importantly these fusion projects can become fully viable commercial projects with no further delay. The compactness of C-Dives combined with their capacity for high levels of net energy gain (NEG) also means that they offer a more affordable technology for the distribution of energy. 

Fusion projects are capital intensive and can cost hundreds of millions or billions of dollars in revenue to build, C-Drives offer these projects an opportunity for a turn around as they can begin to generate the billions of dollars in revenue that leads not only to profits and a return on investment, but importantly to sustainability.

Zero Degrees of Complexity:

There are only 3 key steps in the transmission of energy with NEG where C-Drives are concerned:

Step 1: The first stage is centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is already widely accepted science.

Step 2: The conversion of centrifugal force from being pan-directional and non-propulsive to being                   unidirectional propulsive. See the proof of concept video showing the C-Drive convert                           centrifugal force into thrust that moves it.

Step 3: In this stage this thrust is converted into torque by securing the C-Drive.

  see graphic illustration of the 3 steps

See the calculations of a 1 meter C-Drive with a NEG of approx. x70,000 producing electricity equivalent to 6 fully operational nuclear power plants.

Although yet to be testes all of these steps are simple to understand. They do not violate any laws in physics. There is no overwhelming degree of complexity to design working devices and implement the technology.

Every now again there comes a company with compelling new technology or innovation that could revolutionize how humanity lives, works and plays to create a most valuable brand: we have seen entities like Apple, Google, Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Toyota, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Louis Vuitton, IBM, SpaceX etc. capture the imagination of people and markets across the world. Is the C-Drive the next patented cutting edge technology that has the potential to eclipse this entire stage combined? When last did you come across such a simple technology, able to do something we have been unable to do before, with such wide applications? C-Drives are on their way and its been a long time since there emerged a technology that captures the imagination to this extent that will have a crazy impact on how humanity lives, works and plays. 

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