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Space.Aviation.Marine.Land C-Drive Propulsion |
The Collision Drive
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Is it a bird .....is it a plane.....It's |
You're only the biggest & the baddest,
until the biggest & baddest arrives.
Soon introducing:
C-Drives, the first pure propulsion system.
The C-Drive lives up to expectations
When you first read this page that described what the C-Drive would do, you may initially have doubted the claims. Now that you have had a chance to see the proof of concept prototype in action and read the Science Behind the Collision Drive where the technical advancements in propulsion are described in detail it must be clear that we were dead serious.
The belief that fields exist has prevented humanity from transitioning from a Stage II Civilization to a Stage III Civilization C-Drives will require most of what is understood today about civilian transportation revised, especially where ETAs and speed is concerned. The advantage of C-Drives is that the engineering, how they work and generate propulsion is reasonably simple to understand. There's no smoke and mirrors or over-the-top levels of sophistication where the science is concerned, therefore, its relatively easy for nearly anyone to make an informed decision about the device. The C-Drive configuration above produces approx. 22,624 kg-force per 1kN.m of torque, capable of vtol, force vectoring and acting as an independent lift force. It would be able to move, shift and lift x13.4 times the vehicle's total mass. This thrust to weight ratio applied through C-Drive efficiencies, which include constant acceleration, could easily and safely exceed speeds of Mach 16* with fuel economy, although civilian vehicles would need to be redesigned to withstand velocities this high. C-Drives may very well allow not so impressive supersonic and hypersonic speeds to be relegated to civilian modes of public and private transport. Since C-Drives technically have the capacity to challenge FTL velocities, they are focussed on lightyear distances to far off destinations in Space, instead of shorter kilometer journeys. However, they will likely have a Mach level minimum benchmark for earth bound travel (estimated at Mach 320*) with civilian cargo, personal, public and mass transportation systems envisaged as not being allowed to arbitrarily exceed certain speeds, with higher velocities required to be accessed at higher altitudes. Where C-Drives are concerned, supersonic and hypersonic speeds are like child's play, are really nothing to write home about and will most likely be relegated to civilian use to shorten local travel times. C-Drives also offer safety in 3D, even if there is no contact between the wheels and the ground the vehicle remains fully in the driver's control at all times. *Its tempting to try to dumb down these velocities, to make them seem less radical, however, any propulsion system designed to tackle FTL, even an Alcubierre Warp Drive will seem highly practical as a hypothetical means of traversing the impossibly long distances in Space. The 0 to Lightning, circumnavigation benchmark (Mach 320 - Mach 1,947 ) can be allocated to civilian use, which can include civilian commutes for locations and modern Space infrastructure (e.g. space stations, research centres, hotels and resorts, mining centres etc.) between earth and the moon and regions in Space in close proximity. The 0 to HDMF benchmark (Mach 6,747 - Mach 337,350) can be used by authorities to patrol, intercept and supervise the civilian circumnavigation benchmark, for instance vehicles like the F-22 would move to this higher benchmark. The 0 to FTL benchmark (Mach 874,040**) can be reserved for long distance travel in deep Space (see the proposed Earth bound minimum travel time benchmark ). Though theoretical, C-Drive configurations show they can generate the thrust required to launch a vehicle at velocities several times greater than the speed of light. The advantages of FTL applied in Space are innumerable, however, little attention is paid to the impact these kinds of propulsion systems will have on life on earth. Applying FTL technologies is likely to have as profound an effect on life on earth as it will have on Space exploration and settlement. It implies shortened travel times and almost instantaneous access to destinations on earth regardless of how far apart they may be at reasonable cost. How this will affect work, culture, economics, trade, commerce, and life in general to advance human society on earth presents an interesting thesis. What is is also noteworthy is that once a vehicle begins to travel beyond Mach 50 it becomes practically undetectable or "invisible" to the naked eye, yet C-Drives show mathematically that they can exceed this velocity many times over should they move at the civilian 0-Lightning benchmark, which entails this traffic, even if abundant may not be visible to the naked eye when traveling to destinations at civilian benchmark velocities. **Rather than dumb these velocities down once again its best to address what would be anticipated if higher velocities were attained using the FDNEH that enabled the design of the C-Drive. These velocities are of-course theoretical. However, from a theoretical viewpoint C-Drives using efficiencies such as CCV, AWSD, B-Ken, HDMF examined using the C-Drive equations are theoretically capable of fairly easily inducing FTL rates of acceleration, bearing in mind current speed of light caveats for vehicles are not scientifically verified, especially for a propulsion system of this design which is capable of redirecting increases in mass into increases in velocity. see the following headings on the pages in these links; Note that RPM is able to bridge the gap from HDMF to C See Tables in the Appendix here |
Stage III energy generation which is created by resistance which opposes the movement of the vehicle can be likened to re-generation when brakes are applied to oppose onward movement in EVs. |
The low gear ratio e.g. 1:5 is applied to the Wing-gear, which forcefully rotates the Wing-gear upto the required angular velocity (rpm) e.g. the Wing-gear in this example may peak at 4,000 rpm (2,147,028Kg-force or 21,055,156N) . At 1,000 rpm the Collider Arm which weighs 200Kg will generate Thrust/ Lift Force or Torque which can be used to turn generators. C-Drives will convert centrifugal force from angular velocity into amplified thrust/lift force or torque. |
through counter-rotation or rotation in the same direction but out of phase.
After balance and harmonization the C-Drive can convert lift, thrust or torque into
propulsion or energy.
equivalent energy or electricity as 6 fully operational nuclear power plants.
The Three (3) Simple Steps....
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The vector forces that create the force grip or Ki depicted by the blue arrows can secure the Circular Wing with greater force in newtons than the earth grips the maglev's girder. This makes C-Drives safer off the ground, in the air and in the sky. See how these forces counter rotate around the Circular Wing. In a maglev train the passenger cabin can only go where the girder or rail track has been lain and fixed to the ground. A C-Drive incorporates both the cabin or train and the track into one vehicle (the way a tank lays its own tracks) and can therefore go anywhere, travel close to the ground or launch from the ground directly into space. |
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Mach II, Bridges not required |
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C-Drive Dragon Trains will be able to land on conventional train tracks or take-off from them due to having very precise navigation. |
As mentioned earlier |
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Does the straw bend in water? Does light bend in strong gravity? Or do both remain perfectly straight? When refraction is observed it is understood that though the "rod", in this case a straw appears to bend it does so as a result of moving from one medium into another. The uninformed stage 2 scientist will state that the rod bends because it moves from a medium of lower density (air) to a medium of higher density (water), water being the gravitational "field" and will state that the bent straw aka bent light is evidence of gravitational waves. . However, the enlightened stage 3 scientist recognises that all matter is intangible, therefore the illusion is not simply the straw bending, the greater illusion being created is in fact that there is a change in density, or that there is any external "air" or "water" present at all. Simply by bending (which is autonomous matter i.e. an internal action of atoms) the straw can project a non-existent external force, material, medium or field (water or air), when in fact that external medium (i.e. Space-Time) does not exist and gravitational waves are a field effect. Therefore, the air and water (i.e. Space-Time) do not bend the straw. Rather by appearing to bend (internal action) the straw creates the illusion that there is air and water (i.e. Space-Time), when in fact there is no medium or field, i.e. no external tangible material or force. It is only after this is recognised by a scientist, that the science actually begins. In other words water does not hold up the boat (as is assumed with Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy) rather, the boat and the water assume positions relative to one another. The stage 3 scientist "walks on water" - so to speak, because he or she is not mislead by the observation, to the point of misinterpretation that creates a false narrative or shallow science. Hence, a scientist must learn to walk on water. He or she must see through the illusion. The rod appearing bent is in fact an illusion or veil that conceals a deeper illusion. It is a mystery, within a mystery, unravelled by the stage 3 scientist able to elevate his or her level of understanding. The same applies to light moving passed massive gravitational fields. By a scientist appreciating there is no medium or gravitational "field", it is then understood that the light "bending" is in fact an illusion as is time dilation. The curvature being observed conceals Time Cartography. In other words curvature is the second veil or illusion that acts as a form of containment that conceals an adjacent universe, consequently supporting multiverse theory. If where the rod resides were observed without being bent by this illusion, what would instead be observed is a different location, in the same Space existing in the same present in what would have previously been assumed in time travel is the past, yet it is an adjacent universe that is unaffected by dilation. In other words the FDNEH inference is that matter can exist in and occupy the same Space or location, in the same present, but at different times. Variances in Time are therefore used to separate universes is fact, while the appearance of going backwards or forwards in time, that is, moving outside the present is the illusion that causes dilation and light to appear to bend. This means that curvature which effectively contains human knowledge and perception in one universe whilst excluding others is the illusion. When LIGO measures gravity waves, it is in fact measuring the amplitude of containment (refraction) by which this universe (Cx0) excludes other adjacent universes (Cxn- and Cxn+), that will appear for all intents and purposes as a "field", when in fact the field, like a cloak or veil, is technically an illusion because it in fact hides or conceals something underneath it, namely, Time Cartography. In Einstein's Relativity Theory Time Travel, is the illusion or deception that ultimately leads scientists away from Time Cartography. This analysis is covered in more detail here. |
by being directed such that lateral vector forces are applied to stabilization/lateral isolation whereas vector forces pointing in the required direction of travel are merged and allowed to proceed
thereby providing propulsion. This is achieved either by counter rotating collider arms
or by rotating them in the same direction, but out of phase. This force vectoring, "calibration" or "tuning" of paired collider arms is critical to the ability to effectively create flight and control propulsion.
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Unidirectional vector force, propulsive action is shown (Tier 1 Gravity is created by mechanical action and internal/external collisions that generate propulsion). The vehicle's total mass represents only 7.5% of the thrust and lift force generated by this C-Drive configuration. (∞ = amplified force). Without the ability to amplify mass an atom would be unable to create the strong force observed in its nucleus. The output torque from the mass turbine drive shaft will be amplified and will be greater than the input torque from the motorized drive shaft gear creating a net gain in torque that can be used for amplification. The lift force area B is generally unaccounted for in engineering due to the belief in or misunderstanding concerning fields in physics. The projected area B is the source of Tier 1 Gravity and amplification that can be used to either amplify (increase) power generation or alternatively generate thrust/lift force (Tier 1 Gravity). Make note that this is not an "over unity" device, the thrust/lift force has to be traded/sacrificed in exchange for the the generation of enhanced or amplified electricity from the conversion of pan-directional force into uni-directional force. If you're an engineer and can read the mechanisms in the above diagrams, this puts this issue to rest. Supplying electricity from an energy installation based on field theory (1:1) means that a large volume of energy is required to do equal work, there is no advantage therefore the supply and use of energy is highly inefficient, and the amounts of wasted energy due to inefficiency is horrendous. When energy is supplied based on FDNEH amplification is identified and can be applied to the generation, distribution and use of energy (1:∞), this means any given amount of energy of any type (renewable or non-renewable) from any source becomes more valuable because it can do more work, go further and last longer - there is much more bang for your buck and the huge unnecessary wastage of valuable energy is curtailed. Importantly it means energy suppliers can use existing power generation capacity to significantly increase their ability to supply more electricity, which being economical, profitable, cost and price effective is beneficial to both energy suppliers and consumers. (Whether it is nuclear fission, fusion, battery, wind, solar, hydroelectric power etc, this electricity generally should not be supplied and distributed without first being amplified as this will represent extremely high levels of waste/inefficiency and underutilization of important strategic resources in the energy sector. It also means energy companies are not as yet applying a technology that allows them to maximize output of their power generation plants, to distribute larger volumes of electricity more efficiently with higher returns and economy that benefits investors in the energy sector, as well as benefitting both industrial and household consumers. For non-renewable energy these tremendous levels of inefficiency mean that oil and gas industries are wasting, rapidly using up and depleting a finite resource on rudimentary distances and with minimal work done. They are wasting huge amounts of valuable energy on minimal work, shallow productivity or low output. Natural resources such as these ideally will prove more profitable when used to cover long distances in Space, which will become routine, even for households, hence increasing more appropriate use of and demand for energy.) The Economics of Amplified Energy Let's put it this way: A barrel of oil contains approximately 1,700KWh of energy when used directly. It produces approximately 159 litres of petrol or gasoline. A litre of petrol contains approximately 9KWh to 10 KWh of energy. However, as you will see later a 1,700KWh of energy can be amplified as much as 500 times, for example, 500x1,700KWh=850MWh per barrel. In energy terms this will be equivalent to gaining 79,500 litres of petrol per barrel (1:500). So does it make sense to sell 159 litres per barrel than it does, in terms of energy, to sell the equivalent of 79,500 litres per barrel? In other words does it make sense selling 1,700KWh per barrel or is it more sensible to sell 850MWh per barrel at a much lower, more affordable price but for a considerably larger gain or profit? .i.e. much lower energy costs for consumers, but higher profits for energy suppliers. When sold at 1,700KWh the barrel of oil is only realising 0.2% of its utility value(1,700KWh/850,000KWh*100). It can be considered that amplified energy is priced on a sliding scale that depends on the distance travelled or the magnitude of the work done. For instance, shorter distances associated with travel on earth attract a higher price for the same fuel or energy e.g. 0 - 40,0000 Km (domestic use) while longer distances such as 300,000 Km - 400,000 Km (moonshot fuel - earth to the moon) attract a lower price point per litre of fuel or charging energy. The further the distance, e,g, 80 million Km to 150 million Km (solar system) attracts an even lower price point, the further the designated distance the lower the cost of charging the vehicle or refueling it. If a vehicle is travelling on earth using roads or flying the cost of fuel or recharging is based on the sliding scale of the distance travelled, which is then applied to the price of fuel or the price at a charging station. These price points are for the same fuel, except that it is placed in grades or a sliding scale linked to distance to be travelled e.g. domestic, moonshot, solar system, galaxy etc). This way energy producing nations and companies can continue to enjoy the supply of energy with much greater market scope with new opportunities for increasing earnings quite significantly, while consumers enjoy generally much lower more affordable fuel prices and can travel with relative ease on earth and throughout Space. This offers exciting new opportunities for energy suppliers and a dramatically improved standard of living for energy consumers. Basically because amplification is a form of value addition energy companies selling amplified energy (be they non-renewable e.g. a barrel of oil or renewable e.g. wind/solar/tidal) should be able to significantly earn more more per unit of energy sold than they did in the past, even though consumers experience lower more affordable energy prices. Amplification is very much like the final stage in refining or processing any type of power generation product be it renewable or non-renewable, it simply makes no sense selling it without factoring in amplification as a form of value addition. In the case of the barrel of oil it represents a lack of maximization and a massive underutilization of a natural resource that must eventually run out some day. If oil is a national resource does it make sense for any company or government in an oil producing country to incur huge unseen losses as a result of failing to apply appropriate technologies to the tail end of the refinement process, especially for a natural resource that is finite and running out? This applies to any genre of energy supply be it solar, hydro, nuclear or fusion energy. If 200kg can be amplified it to 134,189 kg-force using angular velocity, then 1 litre of petrol can be made to do the work of 500 litres of gasoline. Rotational force can be converted into a unidirectional force. Unidirectional force can be converted into torque. The mechanism, engineering required to do this and the science convening how it works is straight forward. This same procedure can be applied to battery technologies to significantly extend the range of electric vehicles. As the table below shows amplification is gained from rpm that is commonly identified in the increase from 200 kg to 134,189 kg-f. Normally this x670 fold increase in mass, with which most scientists and lay-persons are familiar, cannot be harnessed. The breakthrough innovation is therefore the C-Drive which can harness this amplification by converting it from a pan-directional force into a unidirectional force conveyed through thrust, lift and torque. The gains in efficiency, increases in energy and mechanical advantage are related to the x670 times 200kg to 134,189 kg-f increase in mass. The energy gains are not from over-unity, neither are they from "perpetual motion". Rather they are derived from amplitude demonstrated by the x670 increase in mass. Therefore, the gains are being transferred from an existing source and being conveyed as energy and propulsive force. The mechanism is simple enough to understand such that to refute the the technology by saying that the gains in energy and propulsion are impossible, is to refute basic laws of physics that amplify mass from angular momentum. The amplification and gains are therefore common sense, scientific, straight forward and for the most part can be expressed as shown below. If time is taken to understand how C-Drives work and how the amplification in torque, lift, thrust and energy is gained, to continue to believe that this may not be possible is simply to live in denial. |
Amplifier: |
1.2m Boss Drive with provisions for 16 collider arms showing main gear to be connected to a high speed motor. Gear teeth can also be mounted and driven internally for compactness. Four vertical C-Drives like this could fit snuggly into a car's wheel wells alternatively single large C-Drive can be deployed vertically and placed beneath a vehicle at its centre. |
Crossing from Stage 2 to 3, is a civilization level transition and transformation |
The wing or circle represents matter. The diagram above illustrates why C-Drives are so powerful. Your current level of understanding, education and analysis ends at Stage 2. At Stage 2 you are taught to believe that an external medium must be responsible for gravity. In physics this medium is introduced as a "Field" be it magnetism, electricity, Space-Time or geodesics. Ending this analysis here gives birth to the entire foundation of modern physics as it is understood and practiced today, which is built on a foundation of field theory. The consequence of this is your analysis and intellectual ability ends at Stage 2 where everything you understand about the properties of mass and matter begins and ends. However the FDNEH refutes Stage 2 as misunderstood and rejects the external medium or "fields" as being an imaginary construct and instead proposes that gravity is created within materials not outside them. The science on gravity must as a consequence delve deeper and more critically into the problem. It replaces "fields" with the FDNEH. An alternative, more critical explanation must be provided for buoyancy and gravity. This gives rise to a new mechanism which advances pan-directional force which is non-propulsive and therefore cannot adequately explain gravity, to uni-directional force which is propulsive and gravitational providing the framework and methodology that makes it possible to rationalize and design the C-Drive. Consequently, the understanding and intellect breaks away and advances from Stage 2 to Stage 3. From Stage 3 to Stage 5 amplification is harnessed and efficiency is enhanced.* Even though a C-Drive looks like a simple device what it does, how it works and how to create it cannot be theorized and designed by intellect that is only trained to rationalize outcomes up to Stage 2. |
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A Collision Drive harnessed to a small power plant will be sufficient for the prototype's functionality. |
the wing or wheel that use kinetic energy to generate propulsion and amplification .).