Friday, September 9, 2022

Big Bang Theory, how we predicted the James Web Telescope would find issues with the Big Bang by using Slipstreaming and Time Cartography


Applying the Fields Do Not Exist (FDNEH) hypothesis made it possible to identify many critical errors or misdirects in modern physics that are ongoing and that will likely need to be revised. Importantly the analysis using the FDNEH was essential in making it possible to design the collision drive.

Read about how the FDNEH is used to identify fundamental misdirects or problems with Einstein's basic method for understanding Space-Time, with emphasis on viewing or labelling Time as Motion, an approach that is fundamentally flawed. Time as Motion needs to be corrected or advanced to Time Cartography. 

Also read about how fields in physics can be described as a "figment of the imagination" yet currently form the grand foundation of modern physics. This includes magnetic fields. 

These faut pas in critical areas of the sciences have been a stumbling block to the advancement of the sciences and have hindered the capacity to identify what gravity is, how it actually works and how it can be used to enhance modern technology.

As you read this critical analysis of assumptions in physics that form the very foundation of the sciences, understand that they are being tested using a simple counter hypothesis  (FDNEH) and found wanting. 

Many  blindly follow and accept the knowledge paradigm offered by what are considered advanced economies often usurping their own capacity to think, understand and find solutions to problems they face. However, in this analysis flaws are found in simple aspects of the sciences such as fields,yet  these potentially erroneous theories and their consequences  are taught to millions of students in developing countries at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. 

To consider that something as basic as what a "magnetic field" is, can be misconstrued at the highest levels of education is food for thought. This critical analysis should encourage many to begin to exercise powers of discernment and begin to value their potential to contribute to the evolution and advancement of the sciences in an independent manner that will have a profound influence relevant to their destiny.

Follow these links for more in depth analysis

1. Issues with the Big Bang - Slipstreaming

2. Fields do not exist - an analysis of the concept of autonomous matter 

3. Mass energy equivalence and the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis - an analysis of the "Space-Time" Framework

4. A deeper analysis of the interior of the Atom

38 Concepts in Science Negated by the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH)

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