Thursday, February 29, 2024

Vehicles with 300,000Km to 500,000Km on single charge...

.....Without the need for a bigger battery pack.

Friday 1st March 2024

The ability to control net energy gain (NEG) or the Q-Factor of an energy source will significantly increase the efficiency with which a power plant is able to supply electricity, whether it is to a grid or to power a vehicle. It has been explained at length how C-Drives convert centrifugal force into thrust and torque using the Three (3) Simple Steps. The thrust created by C-Drives is very much like that created by jets and rockets, however, while jets and rockets eject their exhaust,  C-Drives are unique in that they are designed to recycle exhaust as has been shown using HD-SRMF. Therefore, C-Drives are zero emission in line with current climate change objectives being pursued around the world. In order to generate propulsion that streams the mass flow (HD-SRMF) in a net direction C-Drives change polarity every 180 degrees of rotation. Whether C-Drives are used as air taxis to more safely create highways in the sky, or for entry and re-entry in the aerospace sector or to improve the efficiency of energy generation the positive impact on climate they can have through transportation and improving energy efficiency can be quite significant. See the rational for the 300,000Km to 500,000Km range.

Normally this kind of range and long life is associated with submarines fitted with nuclear reactors  as the vehicle's power plant. These can remain submerged for months without the need to resurface. They can continue to operate for up to 30 years without the need to refuel. However, as we have seen, using angular momentum to control net energy gain (NEG) or the Q-Factor of an input energy source demonstrated by the Three (3) Simple Steps, C-Drives can compete and in some conditions even outperform nuclear energy gaining attributes of longevity and high electrical output observed in kind of power plants kitted on nuclear submarines. Technically it is generally accepted that the source of nuclear energy is the mass excitement of particles that themselves gain their energetic state emerging or launched from orbitals or angular momentum (like the experiment that demonstrates a fission chain reaction using ping pong balls launched from mousetraps with springs except in a C-Drive energy like, orbitals, is stored in a centrifuge instead of spring). It should therefore come as no surprise that precision controlled angular momentum (seen in Step 1 of the Three Simple Steps) such as that observed in centrifugal force will share similar attributes with nuclear energy, because its the same mechanism simply engineered to a larger scale.

When you attach a rock to a string and begin to spin it, this mimics an orbital in an atom (angular momentum in a C-Drive), when you cut the string and release the rock this mimics the chaotic release of nuclear energy in a given mass. Materials that have weak strings that easily snap and release the rock (energy) are called fissile materials e.g.  highly enriched uranium and plutonium. Nuclear energy is formidable because of the innumerable particles in a given mass participating in the process of a chaotic release of energy, other than this, fundamentally, the process is very basic and simple. 

The magnitude of the release of energy is governed in part by angular momentum in orbitals of particles. The higher the angular momentum the more energetic the release, the greater the nuclear energy. Energy is really just a manipulation of mass and angular momentum on a nuclear scale that can be mimicked using C-Drives. Therefore, C-Drives can use mass and angular momentum to control the Q-Factor of any input energy source by increasing or decreasing angular momentum (rpm) be it solar, hydro, wind and so on, the input source is referred to as the exciter and gives this kind of system the properties thought "special" in nuclear types of energy .i.e. long operational life and high energy output. Hence, the huge amounts of thrust, torque, electricity, range, horsepower (HP) C-Drives can produce when understood are not "special" either.

Once this energy becomes available from angular momentum (centrifugal force) all the C-Drive does is convert it into thrust (Step 2) or torque (Step 3). C-Drives have the added advantage of being a clean energy source. See the six figure  Q-factor of a 2m diameter C-Drive.

C-Drive Advantages over Jets and Rockets

Which is the best propulsion tech of the future?
Air and Ejected Gas Vs Recycled Solid Mass Flow_ 

Why has this taken so long to understand? It has taken this long because science and physics globally, to this day, believes in fields, and that a given mass cannot gain buoyancy without the presence of a medium to rest on, which is false. Hence, a C-Drive could only be designed by debunking this belief using an alternative approach that dismisses the existence of fields e.g. "no medium, no fields" referred to as the FDNEH. See proof of concept. A scientist upgrading his or her theoretical frame work from fields to no fields is by no means an easy task. This can be viewed as a break with tradition or customary thought therefore there will be a significant amount of internal struggle involved in "exorcising" fields from the mind, analysis and thought process. However, once fields are shaken off and the perception of no-fields opens the mind, it is without doubt that an elevated perception is gained by a scientist now able to function at a lower handicap.

As explained in the last paragraph a C-Drive may look like a simple device, however, what it can achieve will surpass most of what is known, practiced and built today, for example in energy and propulsion. This is because technically it could not be rationalised and therefore could not be built by current levels of knowledge in physics and the sciences in general, which is referred to as Stage II levels of knowledge or understanding whereas reasoning and knowledge that is produced without fields as the lower handicap applied to analysis is referred to as a more advanced and accurate Stage III level of knowledge and understanding. 

For instance, a Stage III scientist on observing a field, for example, gravitational field around a star or a magnetic field around a bar magnet will know that what is observed is in fact a field effect, meaning he or she knows the field does not exist and what is being observed is in fact illusory, there is no field there whatsoever, which entails their powers of observation are keenly above that of a lesser Stage II scientist or physicist. When a Stage II scientist sees an asteroid attracted by a planet, he or she sees a distortion of Space-Time around the planet which creates geodesics that alter the course of the asteroid causing it to slingshot into a new direction. A Stage III scientist recognizes that this presence of a medium or field is an illusion and what is being observed is a field effect, there is no medium or field that alters the asteroid's course making it slingshot. The Stage III scientist recognizes that the Stage II scientist is making observations based on a flawed theoretical framework, possibly indoctrinated, imbued or inculcated by the education regime imposed on them. Therefore, he or she, is by design incapable of reading and solving observations or clearly understanding certain aspects of the sciences, especially related to physics where gravity is the subject being studied.

Stage II scientists are easy to identify as they operate with a flawed theoretical framework. The consequence of this is that they make many false assumptions some which they can test empirically and believe are accurate and consequently mislead the general public. For example, they believe in time travel, that a person from the future can arrive in our present, a person can go into the past and make changes that will alter the future and so on. They believe in time dilation. They think that an object floats on water because it displaces its mass (Archimedes Principle). They believe a coffee cup rests on top of a table or that matter is tangible due to magnetic fields. They believe in gravitational lensing (that light bends in a non-existent gravitational field). They believe there is a magnetic field around a bar magnet. They believe gravity is a pervasive geometry or field that fills space, when that field does not exist. They believe in time, when in fact what they believe in is not time but motion. These flawed primitive science models are easy to identify, all that is required is to remove the field content to see that the assumptions are flawed, the science or thought is simply primitive or backward. And of course they continue to teach this content to students across the world even at advanced levels of the sciences.

Intro to C-Drives

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Airless Flight and Gravity

Monday 26th February

The engineering of C-Drives provides first hand evidence that gravity does not require a medium to function .i.e. it does not require Einstein's Space-Time to exist. This is debunked as demonstrated in the diagram below under misconception.  

For instance, raise your hand if you've been told a Warp Drive distorts Space-Time by contracting space in font it (A-B) and behind it thereby creating a "bubble" that can travel faster than light. If Space-Time doesn't exist this concept is attractive, but rather pseudo, i.e. uses "field effects". Okay, you can put your hand down now...

There is no external medium (e.g. Space-Time), the distortion of which generates a gravitational force that moves a vehicle. When this is observed it is referred to as a "misconception" "illusion" or "field effect" because scientifically and empirically there is no medium. 

This applies to planets, stars, asteroids and so on. They do not float in a medium called Space-Time illustrated by A-B in the diagram. That medium does not exist. As the C-Drive shows in the diagram below, they float using internal processes (HD-SRMF) e.g. the conversion of pan-directional force into uni-directional force by which they gain propulsive force using the Three (3) Simple Steps. Stars, space stations, astronauts float using this internal motive process. When we observe this phenomenon we call it gravity.

The entire foundation on which modern science attempts to understand gravity stating it is produced by "fields" is technically bogus or can be referred to as "pseudo-science". Even the common teaching that there is a magnetic "field" around a bar magnet is not science, it is technically bogus, pseudo-science. This may sound a little harsh, however, the medium or " field "being referred to around a bar magnet does not exist, fields are like a scientists "imaginary friend". For an in depth analysis see the Science of the Collision Drive and how misinformation about gravity is spread in education by the Spandex Experiment Error.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Thrust, Torque & Electricity Stats expected for a 1.6m collider-arm C-Drive

 Monday 19th February 2024

Let's upsize the C-Drive to the specs listed below. Note that the C-Drive converts centrifugal force into thrust and torque, if you want the equations for each step use Three (3) Simple Steps. At this stage you should know what the C-Drive does to get the answers to the questions below. Whatever energy it can store in its centrifugal stage (Step 1), it can convert into thrust (Step 2) or Torque (Step 3). 


Overall diameter: 2m

Collider arm length: 1.2m

Rotated mass: 600Kg

Exciter (Input power) 95Kw

Available 1:1 torque: 1420N

Target rpm: 3,960 rpm in 30 seconds

Step 1

How much force will it take to spin the C-drive upto 3,960 rpm? 3,979N @ gear ratio 1:3

How long will it take the motor to spin the C-Drive upto 3,960 rpm? It will take 30 seconds

What is the centrifugal force that will be generated at this rpm? 123,691,442N 

Where does the energy come from? [Once the target rpm is achieved as centrifugal force (N) the requisite energy or force in newtons is acquired, all the C-Drive does is convert this same centrifugal force into thrust, torque or electricity .e.g. Watts, Horsepower etc Technically this means that, in terms of the figures below, what you see is what you get.]

Step 2

What is the thrust this C-Drive will be capable of producing at this rpm? 123,691,442N*

What are the emissions of this huge amount of thrust? Zero emissions, none

Step 3

How much torque can the C-Drive produce at this rpm? 148,429,731Nm/s

How much Horsepower will the 2 meter C-Drive produce at this rpm?: 111,915,791 HP

How much electricity can it generate at this rpm: 61.55 Gigawatts of electricity**

What is the Net Energy Gain (NEG) or Q-Factor of this output of energy? 647,919 Q

*For comparison SpaceX Starship is more than 9 meters wide and produces thrust of 74,300,000N, this C-Drive is only 2 meters wide and creating thrust of 123,691,442N

**For perspective South Africa uses a total of 58 Gigawatts of electricity. This single C-Drive's generation capacity is equivalent to 54 fully operational 1.07GW nuclear powerplants. C-Drives will make it easier to increase the supply of electricity, prevent load shedding thereby enhancing energy security. 

The moderate cost of increasing energy supply using C-Drives means improved reliability and profits for energy suppliers and lower electricity costs for energy consumers.

A C-Drive and Rocket side by side

A comparison of a C-Drive and Rocket below shows that the thrust created by the C-Drive converting centrifugal force from pan-directional force to unidirectional force creates thrust vectors that are identical. However, with the C-Drive there is no exhaust as there are zero emissions. This is because it uses a High Density - Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF)

                          123,691,442N of baby safe thrust                              74,300,000 thrust  
                                            Zero emissions                                             with pollution

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


 14th February 2024


According to NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the Africa Energy Chamber  there are 600 million Africans without access to electricity and 900 million without access to clean cooking technologies. When it comes to what C-Drives do, which is enhance net energy gain or the Q-Factor the potential to bring an end to the energy crisis becomes very real. 

Dele Kuti, Global Head of Energy and Infrastructure at Standard Bank CIB, during the inaugural episode of Blue Space pod cast speaks to the importance of Energy Security. Energy Security is hinged upon the capacity of governments to be able to ensure their businesses and citizens have uninterrupted access to energy, which is critical not only for driving industry, but also sustaining the standard of living households across Africa and the world at large deserve. During the pod cast the presence of Sarah Collins, founder of Wonderbag speaks to Standard Bank's commitment to playing a major role in solving the energy crisis.  Watch episode 1 of the podcast here.

C-drives can be likened to accessing fusion or fission energy in terms of atomic  power and capacity without the downside usually associated with nuclear power such as radiation and fallout. This is achieved by focusing on angular velocity as the natural source of net energy gain and using the C-Drive technology or device efficiently to make the conversion from centrifugal force to thrust, and thrust to torque with which to drive generators creating electricity more efficiently than has been possible in the past. This innovation conceptualized and designed in Zambia is a first. Though this innovation easily complements fusion energy which struggles to achieve a Q-Factor greater than 1, it is versatile and useful in that it lacks the complexity that tends to be associated fusion technologies. C-Drives as a new innovation need only three (3) Steps to generate power, steps that are easy to understand and implement. 

The phenomenal capacity for C-Drives, as a recent innovation, to drive up the availability of energy sufficient to solve the energy crisis today makes them a bankable investment and potentially one of the most exciting prospects for development in the energy sector.  See how to work out NEG at peak rpm for a 95Kwh system

Saturday, February 3, 2024

B-Ken Maneuver

Build Up of Kinetic Energy When in Neutral 

Monday 4th February

In an earlier example we calculated how a 200Kg, 0.6m Collider Arm C-Drive would need 4s to spin up to 4,316 rpm at which it will have built up 24.5 million Newtons of kinetic energy.

However, a vehicle that is in stand-by can spin up to 4,316 rpm while in neutral. Having stored 24.5 million Newtons of kinetic energy as centrifugal force it can apply this force in milliseconds (instantly) achieving rates of acceleration it is unlikely any air propelled vehicle can duplicate. read on

Intro to C-Drives

38 Concepts in Science Negated by the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH)

There is a need for African countries and public to be wary of the Western Knowledge Paradigm (WKP) as it is riddled with mistakes, misinter...