Relativistic mass and the speed of light

The C-Drive is not a conventional propulsion system like rockets etc, it is reverse engineered from gravity, therefore, it is by its very nature scientifically designed to dismantle this kind of light-speed limit or obstacle. When it keeps being said that the laws of physics do not allow a person sitting in a chair to pick himself up, or they don't allow a fan in a sail boat to blow air into sails with a flat surface to move a ship, this is understood perfectly (although anyone savvy enough knows sails can be designed to redirect air from a fan backward to achieve propulsion e.g. reverse thrust on a jet airplane). These illustrations can be interpreted as a scientist saying "how to generate negative mass is unknown". In other words, its not that its impossible, rather the reality is that how to do this is currently unknown in physics. Therefore, it becomes necessary to lean on or use the concept of fields as the means of action at a distance to explain how a magnet or planet remains suspended in mid-air or space. However, as has been explained the approach and analysis applied is one where "Fields do not Exist". Therefore, a workaround for how to do this had to be developed to make the C-Drive do what is thought impossible. It does this by reversing polarity of the turbine head every half rotation to create and maintain unidirectional thrust. In other words it generates negative mass mechanically. It uses energy, momentum and mass to generate thrust or lift without the need for a field, however, when this movement is observed it will be described as a "field effect". This is what is meant and implied when it is stated that gravitational force is created by mechanical engineering not fields. The procedure for alternating the polarity of a mass is extensively explained in the patent and is the means by which negative mass is generated using mechanical engineering to create a gravitational signature. The inference is that rotation or spin, with changes in polarity, is what particles use to create gravitational force or what is observed as "field effects".  This can be demonstrated mechanically. Therefore, every action and outcome of the C-Drive and how it works can be predicted and explained scientifically.

If relativistic mass is the reason why no object can travel faster than light, then this in and of itself means that superluminal velocity is in fact possible and an  αlpha and βeta experiment/test in Space with C-Drives will prove this. To understand this you have to understand, not just be able to measure how gravity creates per second, per second acceleration i.e. m/s^2. If a physicist cannot explain how and why gravity does this then it also explains why its difficult to understand how faster than light travel is possible, quite simply its beyond the learning curve of this approach and mindset if it cannot pivot from "fields are fundamental and indispensable" to "fields do not exist" in order to sharpen analysis. This is true especially if a physicist does not understand the implications of the "fields do not exist" approach as a brute force method of analysis. It proposes that gravity, like the C-Drive, is a mechanical process deployed by particles to generate momentum which when observed is described as being created by a non-existent field. This is like a car with a mechanical or physical limit of 150 km/h. Its then incorrect to say this limit is cosmic, the same applies to electromagnetic forces.

If gravity is not a field but a mechanical process, then what mechanical means does it use to give matter the ability to travel faster than light? Travelling faster than light is not about velocity, its about the method of acceleration that determines whether the kinetic energy created by momentum is capable of per second, per second acceleration (m/s^2) taking place despite the energy applied remaining constant. Gravity is capable of m/s^2 in terms of mechanical engineering or efficiency, which is why gravity is capable of inducing faster than light velocity in matter or what can appear as jumps from one location in Space to another due to very high, faster than light velocities. If this is the case, then the statement has to be adjusted to - any object, particle or matter that cannot deploy the mechanical efficiency of gravity or m/s^2 will not be able to exceed the speed of light due its source of propulsion lacking the mechanical efficiency and therefore the energy with which to do so. This means no matter how fast particles in a hadron collider are accelerated using an m/s process they will not exceed the speed of light because the method employed to accelerate them .i.e. "magnetic fields" lacks the propulsive efficiency required to achieve superluminal velocity. This method of propagation can demonstrate acceleration through variances in m/s and even reproduce per second, per second acceleration, however, its method of propagation remains inefficient as it cannot generate constant acceleration with energy efficiency as seen with the mechanics of m/s^2. This is why it cannot exceed the speed of light, but this does not mean a scientist should then extrapolate from this that the speed of light cannot be exceeded.

Therefore, its not just about velocity, its about the process by which that velocity is being created or the efficiency of the method used for propulsion that will determine whether it can or cannot exceed the speed of light. If the way gravity works or mechanical efficiency is present (.i.e. m/s^2) the speed of light can be exceeded, however, if it is absent (m/s) it cannot be exceed the reason being the lack of mechanical efficiency then demands extraordinary or infinite energy to do so, making superluminal velocity seem impossible. Since "magnetic fields" function on an inefficient meters per second (m/s) process they too cannot exceed the speed of light and this is why magnetic fields can accelerate particles up to 99.99% the speed of light in an accelerator, but they lack the propulsive efficiency to exceed it and if they tried they would consume enormous amounts of energy trying to do so. Light itself faces this same problem and limit. The fact that it is a constant implies that light or photons travel with low mechanical efficiency - m/s, that is, without gravitational efficiency, which would explain why light has a limited velocity. Identifying this simple reason as the cause for why light cannot exceed the speed of light seems practical, to then take this limitation of magnetism and ascribe it to the cosmos seems a bit over the top, almost as myopic, primitive and misleading as believing the earth was the centre of the universe before Galileo proposed it wasn't. It is indicative that light is created and propelled by a limited mechanism or mechanical process, i.e. magnetism rather than a less limited one i.e. gravity.  Basically, photons cannot slip-stream or the light particles cannot generate the m/s^2 efficiency required to exceed the speed of light. Compared to particles able to access propulsion with gravitational efficiency .ie. m/s^2 the speed of light must be phenomenally slow.  

Meanwhile black holes which bend Space-Time can accelerate objects and light itself faster than the speed of light which makes them appear as though they are able to bend Space-Time. When this is observed its due to the fact that the objects and light itself is being slip-streamed using m/s^2 efficiency that describes gravity as a "bending medium", when that medium does not exist. A physicist will say faster than light velocity is only possible due to bending the medium of Space-Time to bridge two locations or can only occur as a result of manipulating the medium causing this acceleration .e.g. using the Alcubierre Warp Drive, but the "fields do not exist" approach will refute this by saying, the medium you're talking about does not exist. If this is the case the engineering of C-Drives, which is derived from how particles naturally use mechanics to induce velocity, which when observed is described as gravity, can indeed achieve superluminal velocity because there is no medium and they internally deploy the necessary propulsive efficiency. 

Its important to understand that the position "fields do not exist" is a method of analysis, referred to as brute force analysis. It is just a tool, it is no different from a wrench is from a screwdriver in a toolbox. It is intended to to force a shift in mind set and change the dialogue in the hope that it will yield answers and solutions to questions that have proven difficult to resolve especially because the knowledge paradigm has become stagnant or myopic. It is not intended to disparage or cast aspersions on fields which remain important to science and physics, except that the context in which fields are scientifically understood needs to be refined and improved. For example, if a group of individuals were to get together and agree to work together and interact on the basis of certain rules and guidelines their coordinated action would allow them to act in harmony. The results of their harmony which allows them to act with a single mind creates what can be described as a field or team. Technically the field does not exist as a single entity independent of the individual elements communicating and acting together, hence the "fields do not exist" approach forces recognition of the fact that its the mechanics of independent elements, like atomic and subatomic particles communicating and interacting that attention should be paid to not just the result or sum of their harmony, which would not exist without the individual elements. Most importantly the wave function or fields are a harmonic and therefore are not sufficiently refined to contain complete information about the individual moving parts or particles from whose effort waves are created. The catch is that since the wave function is a harmonic or field effect it is a summary or summation of what particles are doing. Therefore, the wave function is fundamentally missing information and finite details about what particles are doing to create a signature. This entails that the wave function cannot accurately describe what particles are doing no more than a summary of of a book can reveal every paragraph, word, letter and numeral in a book. The wave function is not designed to contain all this information, which is why there tends to be an ongoing ambiguity and incongruity between the wave function and what particles are actually doing. An example of this is where a field is unable to identify an individual or fundamental particle and instead observes it as a wave. Instead of a physicist identifying that the magnifying glass or "field", which is the means of measurement being used, is inadequate to make a measurement beyond the units required to see the particle, instead the assumption made is that matter can be in two states, that of a particle and a wave. The belief by physicists that matter can be both a particle and a wave led to what can be described as the exotification of matter. Particles can display a myriad of wave properties and functions or field effects which can be mistakenly described as being a fundamental particle - such as gravity, anti-matter, gravitons, bosons, negative mass and so on. However, accurate, predictable, measurable and empirical these may be, a rule of the "fields do not exist" hypothesis or method of analysis forces a physicist to reject these as "field effects", conclude they are not fundamental and instead describe them as merely a by-product of the mechanics or activity of atomic and subatomic particles. In other words they are simply field effects produced by simple particles and sub-particles using mechanical engineering. This means that any of these "field effects" can be reproduced using mechanical engineering when the "fields do not exist" method of analysis is applied, the example at hand being the ability to generate negative mass from spin which the C-Drive is designed to use to generate continuous thrust and lift. When it comes to the Standard Model applying the "fields do not exist approach", an element with a different mass, for instance a muon, is unlikely to be evidence of a "new particle", but evidence of the same simple atomic particles and sub-particles with different applications, mechanics, spin or signatures. There may be one type of particle or sub-particle and the elements that make up the Standard Model are simply different signatures. If this were accurate this implies that physicists using this approach and mechanical engineering could create particles that exhibit any property and wave function they desire. The fact that the focus is on "field effects" rather than the activity of particles or their signature, generating negative mass is something physicists have no idea how to create, yet how to create it is quite simple and obvious using the "fields do not exist" approach which demonstrates the advantages of a shift in mind-set. The ability to think differently and apply a different approach is just a tool for solving problems as a surely as different types of exercises are a means of physical fitness. Being flexible becomes useful for solving problems.

Does it not make more sense to improve the method of magnification using the "fields do not exist" approach rather than assume the field, wave or "blur" is fundamental and refuse to delve any deeper into the anatomy of atoms and particles because the assumption is that "there could not be anything more to add to the phenomenon being observed"? A wave function is a form of short-hand or a shortcut and cannot be relied upon to reveal the complete signature of what each individual particle in the harmonic is doing. To therefore believe that the fundamental state of all matter in the universe is a wave, which is basically a field, rather than a particle which is what creates the "field effect" explains why understanding gravity has eluded physics. This potentially makes fields a blunt or blurry instrument that cannot be relied upon by scientists to provide adequate data on how matter and forces in the universe function. Relying on fields to try to understand physics is precarious because the fields, that appear to be able to act at a distance, being a sum or harmonic do not contain detailed information on the atomic and subatomic particles that create them. Therefore, they cannot be relied on to find definitive answers about how gravity works and the be all and end all will be a search to find a unified field theory of everything, which leads to a dead end simply because fields cannot yield the required answers. They fail to do this, the reason being they are not fundamental, rather, the particle is fundamental. However, seeing this requires a physicist adopt a new mind-set. This is where applying the fields do not exist hypothesis becomes useful, it is just a tool for analysis that can be used to find new pathways out of the maze of unanswered questions. In other words fields are an area of science that cannot be understood until the particles and sub-particles creating them are observed and or their behavior .e.g. m/s or m/s^2, is accurately predicted. A floating magnet is made to float by the internal activity of atomic and subatomic particles therefore the consequence of their activity - which appears to act at a distance, for example by floating, is external and secondary to its cause. It is not the field holding up the magnet and making it float, in this sense "the field does not exist", its just a by-product, therefore, don't be distracted by it when forming scientific conclusions. 

If a physicist believes gravity is a "field" which is basically the same as a "wave" and not a mechanical process then it explains why he or she must believe the speed of light is a limit and cannot be exceeded in the same way that you cannot move faster than the medium in which you are contained, you can't outswim the swimming pool. Why? Because the medium, pool, wave or "field" like Geodesics is everywhere. Therefore, outswimming the swimming pool is logically offensive and impossible, which is why it is described as a "Cosmic Limit" and even intelligent critical analysis in physics fails to process anything travelling faster than light. Since waves are basically just fields, the problem of wave particle duality ends when a physicist recognizes that technically "waves" do not exist. It is not an impossibility of, or a weakness of the laws on which the universe functions but a weakness of the model upon which thought and analysis is programmed to understand and solve problems, as it is with any flawed belief that does not in reality fit the science or phenomenon it is trying to explain. However, in order to design the C-Drive the "fields do not exist" approach has to be deployed which views gravity as a property of mechanical engineering, not a "field". Therefore, if gravity can induce faster than light velocities then this too is merely a property of mechanical engineering and not a medium, neither is it a property of Euclidean Space or Geodesics. It has to do with the manner in which atomic and subatomic particles harness momentum and therefore space craft can deploy the same mechanical properties to achieve superluminal velocity, its that simple. 

The fact that gravity can travel faster than the speed of light and the hypothesis that it does not use fields implies there are particles capable of traveling instantly across the universe by a m/s^2 mechanical process,  and that there may also be such particles that behave like waves capable of using this process for unfettered communication across the entire universe, which then provides a practical explanation for entanglement. This analysis would mean that from the "fields do not exist" hypothesis the belief the speed of light is a Cosmic Limit is a primitive myth born out of ignorance about how gravity actually works and observers of such phenomenon being mislead by the belief that gravity and magnetism are created by "fields", waves or a medium. It may in fact offer the opposite proposition to a speed limit, which is that there is no limit to how fast an object or particle accelerated by the efficiency of the mechanics of gravity can travel and that if it is accelerated in this manner it will simply continue to move faster and faster toward an infinite velocity, adding further substance to how entanglement can facilitate real time or instantaneous communication between particles regardless of how distant they are from one another in the universe. If this is true the alpha and beta vessels in the proposed accelerator rings experiment in Space would continue to accelerate in the loop using m/s^2 until they continually exceed the speed of light with no limit concerning a maximum velocity they can reach, in which case even the furthest regions of Space become accessible in a short duration. Physicists would need to recognize the importance of the interplay between mass, momentum and energy at any level from the subatomic, to the atomic and at the normal scale. This interplay creates a signature. The signature determines whether what is observed is gravity or magnetism. What is observed is the "field effect", that is, the wave function, medium or harmonic. The catch is that since the wave is a harmonic representation of an observable phenomenon, like gravity or magnetism, it cannot fully explain what each individual part or particle is doing to create it. This absence of information technically means that waves are not the fundamental state of matter and the consequence of this is that physicists have to understand matter through the signatures created by moving mass, momentum and energy around as well as the role each individual atomic and subatomic particle plays in this process. 

For instance, lets refer to propulsion with mechanical efficiency as "slip streaming", i.e. propulsion with mechanical efficiency that creates m/s^2 signature. Any object like a rocket or particle in an accelerator, propelled by m/s does not have the propulsive efficiency with which to travel faster than light. Using the inefficient m/s signature or method it would experience infinite mass not because its mass is getting bigger but because the amount of energy it needs to keep moving the same mass past this threshold will become infinite .i.e. it would need extra-ordinary amounts of energy to push passed the speed of light. If a person holds a weight over their head it may be perceived as getting heavier over time (increasing in mass) as a struggle ensues to keep it aloft, when in fact it is the arm that is getting tired or weaker not the weight getting heavier, until the arm can no longer hold it up and the weight is consequently described as having reached infinite mass. However, an object that is propelled using the mechanical efficiency of gravity (e.g. a C-Drive), recognized as accelerating with m/s^2 will exceed the speed of light due to the fact that this efficiency absolves it from requiring infinite energy to travel beyond the faster than light threshold. Technically this efficiency is preventing it from being stopped by infinite mass, which is better described as a constant mass that needs infinite energy to go ever faster. 

Kepler 22b is 620 lightyears away from earth. The equations for Collision Drive Theory will show that with 2nd stage amplification, even a destination as far away as Kepler 22b can be reached in a short duration. With 3rd stage and 4th Stage amplification other locations further than Kepler 22b are within reach in short periods of time. This allows migration to habitable planets to take place in earnest, in this age, as something feasible. The proposed alpha and beta ring tests would provide the evidence for whether this level of velocity is accessible. The history of flight, shows that initially people observed birds in the air and knew flight was possible. So they made wings and built all kinds of flapping contraptions that vigorously beat the air but none of them worked. This did not mean flight was impossible, birds demonstrated it could be done. It was not until the first official flight of the Wright brothers in 1907 that it was  definitively proven that human flight was possible. What made the Wright brothers successful was a deeper understanding of aerodynamics. In other words flight through air, is a science. The same applies to gravity today. We know gravity exists, objects fall to the ground on Earth and they float in Space or on the Moon. Creating flight requires knowledge of aerodynamics, similarly creating gravity requires knowledge of how mass interacts with momentum and energy to generate lift. Its a science. Look at the introductory equation for Collision Drive Theory. This equation should be enough to describe or tell you mathematically how to generate gravity using mass, momentum and energy. The equation states that if a given mass does this (applies this signature), it will generate thrust or float and it can do so by simply using mass, momentum and energy without the need for air or magnetism or a "field".  Gravity, just like flight or aerodynamics is a science. It has dynamics that need to be followed to be achieved. If you can accurately predict how particles in an atom use mass, momentum and energy to generate lift without fields, this lift is the "field effect", it is what is observed and described as gravity, you can then develop the science with which to recreate it at will and have tier 1 gravity at your disposal. The equation further uses a Thrust to Weight Ration(TWR) to emphasize this. The science should be able to tell you and predict what the device will do, even before you see, build or test it. 

The 1st important flawed assumption in contemporary physics is the misinterpretation of fields that inclines steeply into electromagnetism and leans deeply into the "Geometry" of Space-Time. This can be corrected or better understood by using the "fields do not exist" method of analysis. The consequence of this is the requirement that all observable "field effects" are caused by the behaviour of particles, the wave function or fields in and of themselves do not exist in the sense that they are simply a by-product of the harmony or harmonic created by the activity of particles, both gravity and electromagnetism are created by this atomic and subatomic activity.  The 2nd flawed assumption in contemporary physics is that particles cannot accelerate beyond the speed of light. If the "fields do not exist" method or tool of analysis is applied to this belief the speed particles can reach becomes dependent on the pattern or signature created by how it moves and gains velocity. This would imply that the main difference between gravity and magnetic fields is the signature subatomic particles are using to generate the harmonic, the harmonic of course being the "field effect" or wave function observed by scientists. 

Why has quantum mechanics failed to comprehensively explain and control gravity? Although quantum mechanics is a leap ahead in physics, the answer to this is quite simple. The term "quantum" in quantum mechanics speaks for itself. The term quantum is a reference to energy bands, energy bands are nothing more than another acronym for waves, which are an acronym for fields which leads back to the same general problem of an approach that cannot intimately and accurately describe what individual particles are doing and therefore cannot fully divulge the mechanics of how they work. Particles that apply velocity using an m/s signature are likely to be electromagnetic in nature and will not have the efficiency with which to exceed the speed of light, whereas particles that create an m/s^2 signature are gravitational, can move entire atoms creating a gravitational "field effect" and will be engineered at the subatomic level in a manner that enables them to move more efficiently, the consequence of this being that they are able to exceed the speed of light. The problem that arises is that once particles such as this exceed the speed of light they must obviously move out of the spectrum of what is observable or tangible to physicists. However, particles that mysteriously appear and suddenly disappear are not a new phenomenon and may very simply be explained by particles accelerating beyond and decelerating to below the speed of light using s/m^2. Technically physicists do not as yet have the technology to directly detect or monitor anything that exceeds the speed of light. This does not rule out the possibility that these s/m^2 or slip-streaming particles when jolted as a result of collisions by subluminal particles in an accelerator can slow down to velocities below the speed of light at which they may suddenly become detectable as though they appeared or dropped out of no-where. For instance the "new force" recently discovered  by scientists is very likely to simply be the s/m^2 signature of disrupted particles dropping out of superluminal velocity to slower velocities closer to electromagnetism they do not normally operate in. These particles will be stumbled upon because they will not always be slowed by bombardment of particles in an accelerator, and they may only be affected by such bombardment when they already happen to be travelling at low superluminal velocities close to the speed of light making them more susceptible or more tangible to a disruption of their momentum or spin. This means that scientific experiments of this nature will have tendency of not being perfectly repeatable, since gravitational particles (particles with an m/s^2 signature) of which little is known, will appear randomly or by chance. One of the only direct means of accessing these gravitational particles will be by a lab that can access superluminal velocity. Applying the "fields do not exist" method of analysis to gravitational fields or Space-Time Geometry would require a response that states that "Space-Time Geometry" itself does not exist. It is merely a "field effect" of particles acting at the atomic and subatomic levels capable of superluminal velocity. If this is true, then what are these particles doing? The answer to this is that unlike particles that create electromagnetic "field effects" using m/s, these particles have a movement or flow pattern that uses an s/m^2 signature. If this signature is reverse engineered or "mimicked" the resulting propulsive mechanism is a C-Drive or Collision Drive Theory. 

The C-Drive is the only straight forward method known using mechanical engineering which shows mathematically that it is able to achieve superluminal velocity. It should come as no surprise that this mechanism and its method is reverse engineered from a clearer understanding of what gravity is, what particles are doing to create it and how it actually works to generate what can be described as a "field effect".  C-Drives as a propulsion system demonstrate the potential to accelerate a lab to superluminal velocity where the presently unknown full array of new physics is likely to be found and can be studied comprehensively. C-Drives may be a very simple mechanism, however, they are possibly the only viable 1st generation (or tier 1 gravity) means for accessing superluminal velocity by which more complex gravitational forces, "field effects", waves and how they work can be accessed, tier 1 or 1st generation gravity enabling physicists to unlock all the remaining higher forms of gravity, gravity particles, gravitational energy, beams, waves and field effects etc (tier 2 to tier 5 Gravity) was and is a predictable consequence of unlocking simple 1st generation gravity because it is likely to be the only practical means of enabling physicists to see and go beyond the speed of light into a completely new universe of science. This goes back to the alpha and beta tests, where this new physics can become more accessible. If only tiny traces of these particles can be observed why not venture to wherever it is they are coming from and study them more closely? In order to study matter outside the m/s signature the best approach is very likely to be to move the lab to the m/s^2 signature itself where new discoveries are imminent.  Collision Drive Theory, like any new area of research can be difficult to understand, frustrating to decipher and time consuming, but so too was aeronautics, aerodynamics and other similar sciences. Although the C-Drive can be described as a very simple entry level device it is a first for understanding and recreating gravity, it is at best a precision instrument, with a technical build and working mechanisms that have never been seen or done before and there will be a learning curve to find how best to engineer the mechanism and find the best methods of application.   

The analysis or argument that gravity is created by mechanical engineering, not by fields, is appreciated by anyone who understands the "fields do not exist" hypothesis. If fields do not exist, then neither does the limit attributed to the speed of light for masses propelled by gravity because there is no medium to create resistance. The velocity limit for conventional matter (m/s) is then viewed as being set by a mechanical process, not a medium. The Collision Drive, which could not have been designed without understanding this approach, will provide the evidence for this. This is the argument for superluminal velocity and the need to further ascertain whether the speed of light is indeed a limit or is simply an inadequately understood area of science that needs to be tested.

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