What came from the Sky, must inevitably return to the Sky. Within the hour given for it do so. To fail to do so is to inevitably perish.
This page offers insights from study, history, religion and how they pertain to the modern day. It is underpinned by the belief that the earth is not a panacea, in that humanity is given a set period of time within which it must develop the belief, cooperation, economy, reparations, mutual respect, empathy, society, technology and means by which to leave earth and venture into space, to further its existence.
The Philosophy and Legacy page may not be for everyone, if its not for you, by all means stay on the other informative pages of the site where there is plenty to learn. It is for an audience that resonates with its insights, that believes in and wants the best for humanity and is open minded enough to see that the truth can come from unexpected sources.
Modules convening in Space |
Remember Yahushua is pronounced Eye-Isha [Issa, Eh-yehn-Sha] |
Eye-Isha |
In the Spirit of Truth, the Body of Christ, As we prepare for the Rapture - Are you Eligible for Salvation?
If you or your ancestors participated directly or indirectly in the ill treatment of Africans, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Jim Crow and Colonialism, Scripture states you are ineligible for Salvation
It is important to identify this problem before it’s too late, because it’s easy to assume that you are on the path to salvation today having followed certain rites in Christianity. This mistake and misinformation could cost you your Salvation and it is therefore important that you be properly educated on this matter. It would be irresponsible to leave things as they are.
In your dealings with Africans be discerning because different rules apply to the An[n]a Aake. Don’t look at their difficult circumstances and be tempted to assume this makes them easy to exploit, deceive, ill-treat, unjustly incarcerate and discriminate against without there being profoundly dire consequences. This scenario is like a trap used to test and judge you by. Scripture refers to Jesus as the Son of God, the 1st born Son, higher than Kings (meaning spiritually he is considered above the highest leader or leaders) of earth (Psalm 89:27). The Ana Aake are the Children of God, from which the term 1st born is derived. The 1st born of whom? Of God’s Children, his Sons and Daughters, namely the Ana Aake. Does this make sense now why they burned libraries and defaced statues to keep this from you? Scripture states earthly leaders and Kings are expected to bend the knee and bow down before the An[n]a Aake, so high is their spiritual stature (Romans 8:29). They are considered of the priesthood and are messianic. It is only the Ana Aake who by birth right are allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, and are hence referred to as being of Melchizedek line. Jesus is called the 1st born of the Ana Aake. He is the first born Son of the dead, meaning those without sin, because they have already been observed by the Watchers, have come through, been tested and found to be true or sound. So where in this hierarchy does this place the Ana Aake themselves? Think about it. Scripture is telling you, you are dealing with a people who are of the same stock and similar in stature to Christ himself, as it is with siblings. Amongst them he is called the 1st born, their High Priest. They are the Elo-im (Elohim), the higher powers who own and control the universe, who Gensis says were present at Creation. Know the truth, don’t be deceived by their circumstances, because these are the people you are dealing with therefore be mindful in your dealings with them. You are on the path to becoming like them. Even though you may appear the same, you are on earth for different reasons.
It is important to understand that where Ibhri is concerned there are 4 qualified categories: the People of God (the Ab[ba] An_tu or Abantu) or the Children of God (the An[n]a Aake, who are black Africans and their bloodline descendants (even those of mixed race), of the qualified there are also their direct descendants, those who are of the branch Abraham. The 3rd category is an open one for non-bloodline descendants that are referred to as Gentiles, which consists of people who are not descendants who embrace these religions. The fourth category is people of any creed and any other faith with the qualification that they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Their Salvation is guaranteed by Calvary, they come under the protection of this powerful Covenant given to you by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus made it clear that there is an exclusion list from the Salvation it was his mission to offer to humanity. First you have to understand that this Covenant is based on Jesus’ own experiences.
It is important to understand that Moses was dark skinned, of An[n]a Aake descent, as was Abraham, so too was Jesus and his family. Moses was adopted and accepted amongst the Egyptian royals, because his race was indistinguishable from theirs. There would have been nothing unusual about his presence amongst Egyptian royals. Moses, Jesus, Mary and the holy family were of Ana Aake descent making their African features distinct, this is evident in that during the time of the census they were required to travel back to Egypt. A dark skinned African was amongst the Three Wise Men who looked for and found Christ when he was born. The libraries and literature that would have taught you this truth about Christ and his visage were deliberately torn down and burnt, and his appearance later misrepresented. Jesus would be expected to be aware of his dark bronze African skin tone, tightly curled, woolly hair. His roots impacted his teaching in his day. This was a time when the demographics in this region were changing, the wealth and power of the Roman Empire was moving into this space as were Europeans placing a strain on race relations and this affected his message. He emphasized that before God all are equal without discrimination, a message similar to civil rights and affirmative action today. This was a time of rising dominance of the Roman Empire and the European influence with a waning African presence and influence, this social climate strongly influenced Jesus' message and Ministry. In this changing demographic Jesus preached civil rights, tolerance and love free of discrimination, e.g., "Love your neighbor as you love yourself". Even in these early days Christ's message was against the ill treatment of those of African descent whom he identified with as his people (the Elo-im), who in those days would have been increasingly sidelined as ethnicity moved increasingly toward that which is Roman and European or Western, race and influence rose in the Middle East and North Africa.
Jesus makes it very clear in Scripture that those and the descendants of those who participated directly in evils against Africans directly or indirectly, for example, in the Trans-Atlantic Save Trade, Jim Crow, Colonialism and ill-treatment of Africans anywhere in the world - people like him, will be ineligible for his Salvation. His message and teaching were to stop this kind of behaviour which was on the rise in his own time. When they face this ineligibility today, he said they will be shocked and astounded; they will say they followed his message and teaching, preached, attended and built churches, sang his praises, were baptized, are born again therefore why are they not eligible despite all these accomplishments in his name? When did we see you in prison, when did we see you in chains Lord, when did we ill-treat you that you should deny us the protection of your Covenant? To this Christ responds - look at me - e.g., my hair, my skin, my eyes - these people whom you victimized look like me, hypocrite, how then can you claim you didn't and still don't see me? To this group Jesus is emphatic in that in Scripture he says "I never knew you. Depart from me." You are ineligible for Salvation. Therefore its important to be aware of the caveats that come with salvation. God offered happiness, prosperity, wealth and abundance as well His presence in the Garden of Eden, He said do not eat the forbidden fruit. Following this, Christ lays down a similar caveat for those who seek salvation through him, Christ says all of humanity will gain salvation from his covenant, sealed with his blood on the Cross except those who are racists, who practice discrimination, slavery, caste systems, colonialism, especially against the Children of God, that is, those who look like him, they, their beneficiaries and the generations who have reaped gains from it are not granted access to salvation that comes from him. They are excluded from the sanctuary and salvation that comes from the Blood of Christ. Anyone who does not make this explicit and does not reveal this truth to you, honestly, does not love you.
For example, look at what your ancestors did to the Children of God in the Congo, to mention but one place, the suffering, murder and mutilation, even of little children for which there is no remorse, no penance and no reparation to this day. They appeared helpless; however, they are the Children of the Elo-im, the most-high, the most advanced and most powerful beings in the universe (the owner of the Vineyard), who were present at Creation in Genesis, whom you will have to answer to. Jesus understood the gravity of this sin, and consequently removes himself from association with it. Jesus recognizes the Elo-im are not to be trifled with and to brutalize their kin, the Children of God, has very frightening consequences. You had his teaching and his message but still went down a heinous, evil path against his people. Look at the ill treatment, subjugation and atrocities committed across the world. Look at what was done to victims of discrimination on nearly all the continents. Jesus says very clearly that the Salvation he offers will have nothing to do with it, saying - "Depart from me. I never knew you”
To therefore continue to believe you are eligible for Salvation from the Cross as you sit in church or in your home or work place, places you on a very dangerous path as you have been misinformed. You need to correct this. You must seek a new covenant today, as you are excluded from the Salvation offered by Christ, excluded by Christ himself. However, knowing this problem would arise he made provisions for universal redemption through a new covenant that would come from the Holy Spirit, whom he would send. This new covenant requires asking for forgiveness, remorse, giving back what you and your ancestors seized from their victims, paying restitution to the people for imposing unfair prison sentences and regions destroyed and ransacked, this new covenant brings you before the Holy Spirit today, such that an intersession may begin, made on your part that will place you amongst those counted to receive Salvation in this day as Christ intended.
Anyone who tells you, you are eligible, regardless of their status, is deceiving you. Your post or position and how far you have come is of no consequence. It’s important to address the fact that if you or your ancestors participated directly or indirectly in the ill-treatment of Africans and their descendants, participated in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Jim Crow and Colonialism you are ineligible for forgiveness or Salvation and are not covered by the redemption offered through Jesus Christ by his blood and his death on the Cross and Resurrection. Christ himself excluded you. To teach those whom Jesus thus excluded due to this sin will still gain his salvation, is an abomination, trying to deceive the faithful while standing before the pulpit, the screen and congregation, a holy place, a wolf in sheep's clothing pursuing self interest, whitewashing history to lead the unwitting flock from true redemption into an unanticipated final condemnation because they believed the path on which their feet hurried along in earnest was true.
Some may still try to beguile you, they will rail against this kind of restitution and reparation saying, Africans are not the only people who were taken into slavery and made victims, people of any race and ethnicity were ill-treated in this way. Everyone deserves apology and restitution. However, it is also important to understand the Ana Aake are not any race or ethnicity. They are Elo-im (Elohim), they are called the Children of God, they are not descendants of Adam and Eve, they preceded Adam and Eve, they are citizens, not just of earth, but also of heaven through the Elo-im. Their existence predates Creation and they are on earth for the Rites of Ibhri, not for observation by the Watchers as is expected of a new creation. When human beings where created (Adam and Eve), before they can eventually join the Elohim in heaven as a new civilization, they must first be observed on earth for thousands and thousands of years, this is because genetics is so complex field that any alterations that produce new creations require these new creations be observed patiently over very long durations to ensure that they can be trusted to be safely incorporated into advanced civilizations, which as you can see is where humanity is headed as its next step in this age. However, if a creation exhibits wayward or incompatible behaviour it becomes a failed crop and law requires it not be allowed ascendancy into heaven at the end of each incubation cycle, this ascendancy is called the Rapture -it is evident in Scripture which describes Noah and the floods of that time. For example, when dogs savagely bite or kill a person or child, it does not matter how nice the pet was before or after, it must be put down or isolated indefinitely; the trigger that caused the behaviour is unknown – it may be too complex to fix, there is the safety of others, the danger of this happening again, and there is punishment for sin. Christ acknowledges that his appointment was to provide mercy and Salvation for all of humanity, however, this appointment cannot be arbitrarily extended to those who have sinned against the Children of God who are Elo-im as in this sin they have breached or committed a sin outside what he was appointed to heal in his Ministry. Understanding this he says, I cannot stay, I must leave because in so doing I will send the Holy Spirit, as only the Father himself, has jurisdiction to oversee this remaining loose end and thus ensure the Salvation intended for the world is complete and consummate.
It is also important to understand the sin of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, and Colonialism, the evils of Jim Crow and other similar transgressions, the brutality poured upon the Son's and Daughter's of God around the world. These unfortunate events will naturally be very grave and emotive in heaven amongst the Elo-im (Elohim) especially, it is a worse sin than that committed by the Watchers who produced the Nephilim that angered heaven and which caused the earth to be flooded. It is worse than the sin for which Michael, on Gabriel’s (G-ibhri-l’s) instruction, removed Lucifer forcibly from heaven, whose fate is chains and the lake of fire. Chains represent forceful isolation or confinement and the lake of fire is a special punitive hardship, removal of the soul and suffering. Therefore, for anyone since that time to this day to give you the impression that you are saved is very irresponsible on their part. You can understand this, even just using your own faith, reasoning and rationale, that to take the Children of God, the Elo-im on earth as slaves, to brutalize them, imprison them, murder them, exploit them, discriminate against them, segregate them, place them in chains, take their lands and natural resources, colonize them is a much greater sin than that of both Lucifer and the Watchers, therefore the judgement against this implemented from heaven will be exceptionally and profoundly harsh – trust in what you are being told, it has been seen. Some may doubt this advice, and choose to downplay it or ignore it. They may say to you where in scripture is one group singled out in the end time for sins against others considered more heinous than the works of the devil? Understand this and pay attention: there should have been only one end of time judgement, this is the Judgement of of the Seat of Christ intended for all humanity. By Christ's stature it should have been sufficient. However, the unprecedented ill treatment and suffering of the Children of God created such wrath in heaven that it initiated a second greater and graver judgement. This judgement is called the Great White Throne Judgement, which accurately translated is The Great Throne Judgement of whites. So grave is this lake of fire judgement that God's People are required to first be evacuated from earth prior the execution of this judgement. Every lamb that seeks redemption, that can be saved is loved and is important to the Father. You can still seek forgiveness and redemption whilst it may still be found. This knowledge is not to arbitrarily point fingers. It is meant to help you understand the predicament at hand concerning the end times, to help you prepare and receive how to escape something that is technically inescapable without intervention - Romans 12:19-21, for this is the law. It is a heavy burden, but heavy only if you value illicit material gains more than the soul, more than your people. It is important to get this done long before the Great Throne Judgement. It will be heavy handed, unlike anything you have ever witnessed on earth.
The judgement against you, in its observation, is far worse than chains and the lake of fire. The intention, instead of Rapture, re-uniting with Christ and a new life is to devolve you to humanoid creatures, lower than apes with a pitiful existence, but one that will allow you to revisit certain behavioural traits in a bid to correct them. It will emerge like a disease that is selective and incurable. Don’t let your soul arrive at this place. There is grace still, but the window is small and time is short. In this day complacency is not your friend. You have children you love and care for, therefore, you can empathize with what was done to Africans and how the Elo-im (the owner of the Vineyard in the Parable of the Tenants) and their laws will treat the transgressions against the Ana Aake. Jesus himself knowing the gravity excludes this sin from Salvation that comes from him - he makes this very clear, if you and your descendants did this, he does not know you. (Mathew 7:21-23/25:44-45)
Nevertheless, there is hope still. There is no need to wait for your leaders, consensus, people tied up in invisible strings and red tape or some authority to do this for you, what is at stake is your Salvation, your soul, therefore, take matters into your own hands – make it official. Seek forgiveness, seek reparation by any means you can personally with what you have, your money and your time, give back the wealth you took and what you stole, write off their debts quickly, repay what you owe them from your period of iniquity against them, as a Christian or any other faith seek forgiveness from them and God, show and give remorse that it be received by your victims and their descendants living today, do it for yourself, and for those you love and care for even if they may not understand and may disapprove of your actions. If those that were victimized and their descendants hear, receive and accept your penance in this last day your petition will be borne by the Holy Spirit, as Christ intended with his mission, that the Father himself may intervene on your behalf and set you free, so that all is not lost, that all of humanity may have access to Salvation. But you must begin to act today and not be misled by anyone who has thus far given you a false sense of redemption and consequently led you astray, it is your turn to tell them - Get away from me! You evil-doers! Act, stand with Christ, reclaim the Salvation he intended for you, remove the deception from your eyes and mind, that you might truly rejoice in the redemption that awaits you. There are so many Africans and leaders willing to work with you. Why should you lose your opportunity to be soon reunited with Christ, in Salvation rather than in condemnation, to be told "Depart from me!" instead of have Christ’s wide open arms saying as you meet in the air "Come to me!", simply because someone you do not know, even to this day, places illicit material gain from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Jim Crow and Colonialism above your soul, who therefore tells you - it happened to us, it happened to so many, they benefited from slavery, they benefited from being colonized, forget about it - it’s in the past, we don’t owe them anything, it was nothing, it wasn’t us it was those guys - today, because they want your gentle, loving, soul to pay the price for their wealth, greed, insanity and evil doing. They want the whitewashing and your deception to go on indefinitely, they prefer you remain a simp, continue to be a schmuck who is deceived until it is too late so that your beautiful soul pays the price for their dirty greed and illicit gains. This is not fair to you. Don't accept this fate. Never accept this fate.
Someone who does love and care about you, will tell you the truth as has been done here. Why would anyone want to make you believe Jesus and the holy family was white, when he was black, unless they are not interested in your personal safety and fate, and are using you for fodder, for their own personal power, ends or gain. They would rather deface statues, burn the truth in libraries right down to the ground several times over so you remain in a bubble of false security, subject to them, whitewashed with falsehood, where you can be easily manipulated and exploited even if it means you will eventually lose your way and opportunity for Salvation. This may be difficult to hear, it will be difficult to do but search your heart, read Scripture and it will become evident that you are lost lambs being ushered to safety by this advice before it’s too late. It shall be well for those of you who in sincerity listen and obey, you will find Salvation, Christ made a provision for you in the Holy Spirit, you will stand amongst the counted and will not be lost, you will not share the fate of those Christ himself in Scripture describes as the damned by being excluded from his grace despite their faith, earnestly sitting in church every weekend or weekday, listening to sermons, doing good works, performing miracles and driving out demons in his name, being born again and how far they have come this day. Your works in his name mean nothing with this particular sin that came from hate hanging over your head, Jesus himself said this, come out of the deception.
Be strong, don’t let pride constantly and continuously get in your way, free those you have unjustly imprisoned, give Africans, African countries and their people around the world on all the continents the wealth and dignity you took and raped from them. The hate, forced labour, hangings, lynchings, mutilations and unspeakable acts that violated Africans went in a wayward direction that by default removed the protection of Christ’s covenant from you. You are not safe child. The judgement that has been placed on you and yours by your predecessors is not only unpleasant, it is a fearfully chilling one – escape it, flee from it. Today make penance on your behalf and on behalf of those that went astray, ask for forgiveness from those Africans living today and God; because what you lose in doing so cannot be worth losing your dignity and personal Salvation, in a fate worse than chains and the lake of fire meant for those who do evil. There is no need to wait for a common consensus from people who don’t care about you or what you believe, begin to do what you can, with what you have to correct this, save your soul from condemnation before it is too late.
Someone who loves humanity, who loves you; who understands what you stand to lose will not let something like this, that guarantees you are placed at great risk for condemnation, be swept under the carpet as has been done thus far. Someone who does not love you would rather allow your mind and spirit to be lulled, distracted, misinformed, whitewashed and fooled into complacency. They will want to avoid inconvenience and the need to address a difficult subject because they worry more about their bank account, still harbour hate, the material things they have accumulated, the authority it gives them, the lifestyle they have become accustomed to, their possessions - than the fate of your soul. They do not genuinely care about your soul as Christ did. They do not care what lies ahead of your soul, they do not have the ability to see what is behind them (enuma) and what is coming (elish).
Don’t be deceived and don’t allow people who don’t care about you to lull you into complacency about this.
Reclaim your Salvation, save your soul.
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