Friday, December 1, 2023

Ready for the World: The C-Drive gets CAD treatment prior to production in 2024/25

1st December 2023

See how patented C-Drive amplification should be capable of 556x boost (55,600%) net energy gain from conversion of centrifugal force into torque continue on to  C-Drive torque amplification

C-Drives are designed to not only amplify energy, they will also generate airless lift for flight using Tier 1 (mechanically engineered gravitational force) and are expected to significantly extend the range of vehicles. See how C-Drives can be configured to use amplified force to achieve a range of 300,000 Km on a single charge, read about how this is done here 300,000km - 500,000km range on a single charge

The gist behind this approach is that nuclear, atomic and fusion energy all gain their massive energy advantage from angular velocity acting as an internal catalyst or mass amplifier on an atomic scale. How this process works is fundamentally a mechanical engineering problem. Identifying, conceptualizing and reverse engineering this process makes it possible to create a C-Drive. C-drives are consequently able to not only replicate a Tier 1 gravitational force, they can also catalyse any source of energy and give it the massive energy advantage usually only associated with atomic forms of energy. 

This means that technically C-Drives can achieve net energy gain being earnestly sought in fusion and other nuclear industries today, economically and affordably. The example used here is a net energy gain x556 times greater than the input source by the C-Drive converting centrifugal force into thrust and torque.

This technology is far less complicated than that in use today, because it uses a more competent approach to understanding how these forces work called the FDNEH. It uses an input source of mechanical energy that can be drawn from any type of energy e.g. fusion, electricity, battery, hydrogen, petroleum, wind, solar etc., it applies angular velocity from it as the catalyst (or amplifier), it then uses a patented apparatus to convert the equivalence of the amplified mass into thrust or torque. The process is straight forward, can be readily understood and calculated.

It is possibly the most transparent, flexible and accessible method for catalysing and achieving the sought after net gain in energy. See the Science of Collision Drive .

The C-Drive is protected by 2 patents

It has undergone proof of concept testing and has demonstrated unidirectional thrust

It is currently undergoing computer aided design (CAD) 

It is expected to debut 2024/25

All the expectations of what C-Drives will do are backed with relevant diagrams, calculations, videos and animations leaving little to no room for doubt, see the website

Its only impossible, until its possible....

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