Sunday, January 28, 2024

How C-Drives Can Easily Achieve a Q - Factor of ≈70,000

Monday 29th January 2024

click here to go to the IAEA website

The IAEA promotes safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technologies and is led by Dr Rafael Mariano Grossi as the Director General of the IAEA. Fusion energy is one of the areas the IAEA is involved with. Fusion energy is considered "clean energy" and is therefore sought after the world over. Technically most fusion energy processes involve the use of heat, for example, to convert water into steam that will drive a turbine. 

Achieving Net energy gain, or a satisfactory Q-Factor has been the Achille's heal of fusion energy that has stood in the way of its promise to transform human civilisation and launch into a new era of increased availability of energy. The reality is that nearly all fusion labs and investments around the world today grapple with achieving a Q - Factor greater than 1. 

C-Drives on the other hand, are able to explain, how they can quite easily achieve the equivalent of a Q - Factor of  ≈70,000 in Three (3) simple Steps, a process anyone with a reasonably technical mind can understand. Read about this here.  

Many people tend to forget that the energy in an atom is derived from angular momentum, whether it is using fission or fusion as the process by which to generate energy. A C-Drive simply goes directly to the source: angular momentum: to provide what is today the most efficient device for achieving net energy gain.

Monday, January 15, 2024

What is the Input Torque required to rotate the C-Drive upto 4,316 rpm to obtain 6.6GWh of electricity?

 16th January 2024

0 to 24.5m Newtons in 4 seconds.

Can it really be done? Can the 1 meter diameter C-Drive produce enough torque to rotate the 200Kg collider arm up to 4,316 rpm in order to generate 6.6GWh of electricity?

Lets do the math for producing the Torque required for generating these gigawatts of electricity. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Degrees of Complexity in achieving Net Energy Gain: Could C-Drives be the next big thing?


10th January

Source Financial Times: for the full video click here

In the fusion industry, so far, firstly, none of the 35,000 private companies in the fusion industry and 81 research organisations working on fusion have broken even in a very convincing manner. In addition to this, for fusion to become viable it needs to extract more usable electricity than it takes to run the whole fusion power plant. continue

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Enter the Dragon Train: How C-Drive technology is more advanced than Maglev Trains

 5th January 2024

Enter the Dragon...

The ability to deliver passengers and cargo from sky to rail....

.......and rail to sky.

C-Drives can be applied to train technology. In fact the characteristic of flight and movement of a C-Drive will resemble that of magnetic levitation. Whether a C-Drive is on the ground or in the air it will have a grip over its position, movement and flight as tight if not tighter than the grip a maglev train has to its rail track. This grip can be determined in newtons. Since train cabins equipped with C-Drives lay their own track, they can go anywhere, allowing a C-Drive train to rise from the ground like a dragon riding Ki from the ground into the sky, and from the sky, into space if its cabins are DUS (Designed to be Uitilzed in Space). Read more about the comparison between C-Drive and Maglev technology here.

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