Sunday, December 31, 2023

The next major impact on demand for energy

2nd January 2024 

The next major impact on demand for energy will be the vast distances in space

      Rapid & Affordable Exploration of Space

The next major leap in the demand and supply of energy will come from ventures into space. One of the most significant developments in this regard will be the Collision Drive (C-Drive). By bringing down the cost of travel into space and allowing nearly everyone the ability to access and explore space, from large corporations, mass transportation to households, C-Drives are likely to be the single greatest contributor to the demand and supply of energy in the years ahead. As humanity makes this next giant leap into the unknown and unexplored it affects nearly every industry on earth, from mining to tourism, construction to travel and all this activity and industry will require unprecedented amounts of energy be it solar, fission, or any other kind of industry, what energy is available and the role it plays in humanity successfully moving into space will be be critical. Continue reading on why Energy Suppliers need to remain aware.

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