Sunday, December 10, 2023


 Monday, 11th December 2023

Any net gain in energy greater than 1 causes a lot of excitement when it comes to the growth of fusion energy, for instance the recently announced breakthrough on Dec 5, 2022 at California's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory using lasers. More on this here.

C-Drives are designed to convert centrifugal force directly into thrust/lift force and from this into torque which can be used to produce energy using generators.

However, C-Drives are expected to outperform any fusion reactor today in terms of Net Energy Gain. C-Drives are ingeniously designed. Fortunately they lack the high degree of complexity in the science and technical knowledge that makes it stupendously difficult to build credible fusion reactors at this stage of development. Nevertheless, C-Drive technology will likely accelerate the development of fusion energy.

See how a 95KWh C-Drive only 1 meter in diameter could peak at 6 Gigawatts (which is the equivalent of 6 fully operational nuclear power plants) at 4,316 rpm read NET ENERGY GAIN & PEAK RPM for 95KWh Input.

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