14th April 2024
For many years the concept of a Warp Drive has been the staple of science-fiction television series and shows such as Star Trek. The unsuccessful Helical Engine proposed by NASA was expected to have the ability to achieve light-speed. One of the Warp Drive concepts that gained popularity in recent years is the Alcubierre Drive. What is an Alcubierre Warp Drive? According to Wikipedia:
"The Alcubierre drive ([alkuˈβjere]) is a speculative warp drive idea according to which a spacecraft could achieve apparent faster-than-light travel by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it, under the assumption that a configurable energy-density field lower than that of vacuum (that is, negative mass) could be created.[1][2] Proposed by theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994, the Alcubierre drive is based on a solution of Einstein's field equations. Since those solutions are metric tensors, the Alcubierre drive is also referred to as Alcubierre metric."
In order to design a collision drive, a specialized approach had to be developed called the "Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis" or in short the FDNEH. In conventional science fields act as a medium or conduit for such phenomena as Time, Gravity and Space. However, in the FDNEH approach fields are regarded as a figment of a scientist's imagination. They simply do not exist. Space-Time is a field. Therefore, technically a warp drive cannot be created from something that does not exist. Building the C-Drive and gaining proof of concept validated this FDNEH analysis.
The math shows that a C-Drive is a propulsion system that can easily generate the thrust required to accelerate a spaceship several times faster than the speed of light allowing it to gain Warp Drive credentials, that are possibly the most practical and achievable to date.
The diagram below shows the circular wing of a C-Drive. The blue arrows represent the collisions from the collider arm against the circular wing that create propulsion - referred to as Tier 1 Gravity, or mechanically induced gravitational force. Upon observing this propulsion in action it may be assumed that the spaceship is distorting Space-Time, that is, compressing Space-Time ahead of it while expanding the same behind it. However, the FDNEH would regard this explanation of propulsion as a misconception (labelled below).
The collision-drive is likely to be the first propulsion system capable of arbitrarily achieving and attempting to exceed the speed of light.
A study of C-Drives will determine that the belief a warp drive needs to be created from exotic physics and requires incomprehensible amounts of energy is misplaced. C-Drives should be capable of achieving everything expected of an Alcubierre Drive using shear brute force. Despite C-Drives being a mechanical device there is the strong likelihood they will be the first mechanical propulsion system in human history to gain warp drive credentials. The math shows that Boss-Drives will be capable of generating sufficient thrust to accelerate a spacecraft faster than the speed of light, in a short duration, at will. The ability to do this is referred to as "Slipstreaming". Generating the thrust to do this may be impossible for current propulsion technologies, however, this is where it becomes necessary to separate what C-Drives are expected to be able to advance in propulsion and what present day propulsion systems have to offer. Calculations show it should prove relatively easy for Boss-Drives to accomplish superluminal acceleration mechanically. These new velocities will allow scientists to determine if the boundaries of travelling close to or faster than the speed of light can be tested at this level. Fortunately, C-Drives can accomplish this with zero emissions (no exhaust whatsoever).
Vehicles propelled by C-Drives are expected to be the first propulsion technology capable of challenging FTL boundaries. The science concerning how this acceleration is achieved is discussed at length. They can be envisaged as moving across the sky faster than the naked eye can follow, releasing some form of harmless blue Cherenkov Radiation that illuminates the clouds when they accelerate and slipstream, which makes them seem to move astonishingly fast as they perform a B-Ken maneuver that creates a superluminal "boom" of lightening.
Slipstreaming is the view that all forms of matter that form mediums have a cause and effect boundary or limit which when crossed separates cause from effect. For instance, if a vehicle travels faster than the cause and effect boundary of air it will not generate a sonic boom. If it travels faster than the cause and effect boundary for Space-Time (moves faster than the speed of light) it will cause a separation of cause and effect causing changes in time cartography around the vehicle referred to as a sequestration or warp bubble. This means scientists do not need the equipment or technology to create or generate a warp bubble, they can do so using brute force, that is, they simply need a zero emission propulsion system capable of superluminal velocity, as it will form a warp bubble around the vehicle naturally when FTL is achieved. This cannot be performed by a vehicle that is gas or ion propelled because at FTL the exhaust will become trapped in the bubble with the vehicle and turn it into a barbeque. C-Drives are the more practical path to warp drive since the math shows they are easily capable of FTL. In essence a C-Drive is a warp drive. Read more on slipstreaming here.
As a follow up to "No need to wing it" where it was shown how C-Drives are thousands of times more efficient at generating lift than an aircraft wing, one of the assumptions was that this would revolutionize aircraft design. Discarding wings will lead to different airframe designs such as the teardrop shaped spacecraft in the animation above and below.
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Cx15 Pre-B-Ken launch to Mars escort probes cross-verification of route clearance (scanning the route to ensure it is free of any debris) |
There are 3 specialist efficiencies that close attention needs to be paid to when it comes to C-Drives:
1. Boss Drives: Boss drives allow C-Drives to achieve, at low rpm rates of acceleration, that which can only be achieved at exceptionally high rpm
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Boss Drives are C-Drives with multiple collider arms. |
2. 2CPR: 2 Collisions per rotation, per collider arm. To understand just how incredibly powerful 2CPR is, imagine a rail gun (RG) were a propulsion system. A rail gun can launch a projectile (or mass flow) instantly at 8 times the speed of sound. However, this force only represents 1 (one) collision in a C-Drive, which will initiate 2 per rotation. From the moment the RG projectile is launched it begins to lose speed, whereas, with C-Drives, from the moment the ship is launched it is capable of accumulating instead of losing speed. Boss Drives can generate this as propulsive force hundreds of times per second (with each push or collision cumulatively accelerating the vehicle as is described by AWSD below). This kind of monstrous acceleration in a ship has never been observed in aviation history.
While the projectile leaves the RG, in C-Drives the propulsion technology is superior since HD-SRMF never leaves the rail (or circular wing). Basically, the RG's rail becomes the Circular Wing, and the projectile assembly becomes the collider arm. Instead of firing a projectile that separates from a vehicle, the entire assembly becomes navigable vehicle with a versatile and potent high density mass propulsion system, in the same way that a railway track and train can be reconfigured to create a tank, where the railway line and train are essentially one vehicle. This allows C-Drives join in tandem in what can be referred to as the Dragon [Train]. See Enter the Dragon.
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The Business: 2CPR allows C-Drives to be built to outrun railgun projectiles and easily out-perform rail gun technology, with a more efficient and more powerful propulsion technology that is required to make space more accessible, especially to developing countries. Ion propulsion, jet and rocket propulsion - its important to come to terms with the fact that these dated methods of propulsion are simply no match for this more advanced propulsion system, however, they can still be useful as engines and sources of torque with which to power C-Drives, which then provide the required propulsion, the main drawback being that unlike electric motors, there are concerns over pollution. As implied and stated earlier C-Drives can convert the ballistic force of the RG into HD-SRMF and multiply a single RG shot hundreds of times per second, using 2CPR, AWSD and Boss Drives, into formidable propulsive force. Even a fleet of the most advanced 6th generation aircraft currently in design that rely on dated air dependent propulsion technology stand no chance against one C-Drive, especially due to the fact that C-Drives will be able to internally manipulate mass and gravity which is more effective allowing them to brake more efficiently, bounce back in the opposite direction, and make right angle turns instead of banking, and perform zero length take-offs at will that air based propulsion systems are simply incapable of performing, see G-Force Assist. For a jet airplane to reverse direction of flight, it must first use its engines to decelerate, reduce its momentum to zero then continue to engage thrust in the opposite direction. C-Drives will be able to use Braking Assist, to do the same with a "bounce", i.e. reverse direction almost instantly with minimal expenditure of fuel. The truth is that there is no vehicle that operates under water, on the ground, in the air or in space in use today that stands any chance whatsoever against C-Drives, this technology is at the very top of the food chain, able to effortlessly wield complete domination in any area of engagement. |
3. AWSD (Always Within Striking Distance): this means that the collider arm is designed to always be within striking distance of the circular wing. This allows the C-Drive to be capable of constant acceleration. AWSD is like a Penrose staircase, no matter how fast the spaceship is traveling, as far as the collider arm is concerned [in its reference frame] the spaceship is standing still, therefore, its always 0 to 60, as the striking distance that induces propulsion remains the same or constant. This will allow for unimagined or hitherto unheard of feats of acceleration.
It should be interesting to note that an object falling to the ground under the influence of gravity accelerates (falls ever faster) at 9.8m/s2 or 1g. A C-Drive is designed to mimic the process by which atoms navigate, therefore, the C-Drive propulsion system is described as generating motive force in the same manner as atoms, which allows them to move matter creating the perception of mass. The implication is that when an object falls to earth, it is actually not falling but, moving itself (using its atoms), while navigating its way toward earth on an agreed upon trajectory, see slingshot. You can be an astronaut on a billion dollar space station, that is a marvel of human technological advancement, in Zero-G, yet be generally misinformed by headquarters about why you're floating. Using handshakes objects position themselves intelligently in relation to one another, which in effect makes primitive scientists or people in general "see" and "experience" gravity, which is consequently a field effect (i.e. its not real). The fact that C-Drives generate two collisions per rotation while applying a Penrose system (AWSD) and can accelerate at 1g or more is akin to the per second per second feature of gravitational force, this is not a coincidence. It points to the two mechanisms deploying a similar working mechanism or propulsion system.
These three efficiencies give C-Drives unparalleled performance when it comes to propulsion, that will be essential in cutting down vast distances in space (12 seconds to Mars should limits to FTL be found inaccurate.)
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In memory of E.M. Nkoloso |
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