Tuesday, April 2, 2024

No need to wing it

 3rd April 2024

The C-Drive design, which uses HD-SRMF is 6,424 times more efficient than an aircraft wing which uses air to generate lift due to the variance in density. A wing requires air or an atmosphere to function. C-Drives can generate the same lift in a vacuum and will not need an atmosphere for flight. 

This allows C-Drives to transition from space into earth atmosphere and vice versa seamlessly, with the additional ability of C-Drives to perform a cold re-entry with fuel economy.

In the animation below the C-Drive, generates lift through 0 - 360 degrees of rotation (shown by the red arrows). The red arrows also represent 2 collisions per rotation (2CPR). Rather than processing air, it is processing mass and riding on collisions for propulsion (shown by the blue arrows). The higher density mass flow allows even very heavy vehicles to appear weightless and travel at extremely high velocity.

The diagram below illustrates the similarities between the C-Drive circular wing and flat shaped aircraft wing or airfoil and how mass flow is processed above and below the wing into thrust and lift. Air (6,474x), gas from a jet (6,747x) and rocket have different densities. 

The additional weight of the wings can be completely removed from the overall weight of the aircraft. This further improves fuel economy.

Without the need for wings there are likely to be dramatic changes in how aircraft appear. HD-SRMF will also redefine what is considered "too heavy to fly" into space, also expect astonishing speeds that current air dependent aircraft and rockets, even those considered cutting edge that are on the drawing boards or being tested by industries best, to come face to face with a new more advanced propulsion technology.

....time for the real deal
in aerospace engineering

No need to wing it.

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