Monday, December 30, 2024

C-Drive Propulsion: Converting 5,000 metric tonnes of lift force into propulsive force for vehicles


Converting the 5,000 metric tonnes C-Drive for cranes into propulsive force completely transforms the envelope on vehicle performance.

C-Drives convert effective mass into propulsive force. The ability to do this gives a 5 tonne vehicle the size of a family sedan a propulsive force of 5,000 metric tonnes that can be used for flight. It means this vehicle accelerates at 9,810m/s2 and achieves a launch velocity of  9,810m/s [after 1 second] and 19,620m/s [after 2 seconds], and can achieve orbital and escape velocities (about 7,900 m/s and 11,200 m/s, respectively) within fractions of a second even though its just [the size of] a family sedan. 

This is a 0-60mph of 0.0027s (1,000 times faster than a  Rimac Nevera, Bugatti Chiron, or Tesla Model S Plaid and Koenigsegg Jesco or 11.4 times faster than an SR-71 (this is faster than any vehicle ever developed by any leaders in the industry today) - note that C-Drives launch with a powerful mode or technology called B-Ken). 4 units of this 5,000 metric tonne lift force C-Drive could easily be tucked away neatly near the wheel well of a family sedan size vehicle with retractable wheels. If the C-Drive takes the next step and converts the lift force of a single C-Drive of this spec into torque it is what will generate 17 Gigawatts of electricity. This can all be achieved with a standard 95KWh battery pack exploiting the C-Drive's force amplification.  (see the 3 easy steps). C-Drives pave the way for personal vehicles to be built such that they are capable of exiting earth and of cold re-entry

[Every now and again there are technologies that emerge that make seemingly miraculous claims about energy output or propulsion. Often the science behind these technologies are too complex, myopic or convoluted for investors to understand if they are worth investing in or if the outcomes are genuine. This is not the case for C-Drives where the technology though ingenious is very simple to understand. The technology is laid bare such that an investor can pick up a pen to work out outcomes (such as centrifugal force) for him or herself. The science behind C-Drives is straight forward and well within the laws of Newtonian physics.] 

5,000 metric tonne lift force from internal and external collisions.
In the near future, if it can't do this you won't want it.

In future cars will need to built in a manner that makes them
durable enough to withstand an increase in the performance envelope
offered by C-Drives which may include exit and re-entry into the atmosphere as
well as mainstreaming civilian access to intercontinental supersonic travel for commercial and
personal vehicles, feats currently impossible for normal vehicles.

C-Drives are designed to be able to move with precision. This kind of precision
is not possible in vehicles that depend on air for lift and flight be they 
jets, helicopters or quad copters.

Did you ever believe that, some day, parked in your driveway will be a car that can affordably take you to any location in the world, no matter how remote, in 40 minutes or less, connecting you immediately with family, loved one's and friends in manner no other method of travel could offer in the past?  
Or that the same vehicle could take you into Space to do the same?

C-Drives have a chance of success above 90%

This is due to the fact that, if you understand the technology, it is simply an action reaction propulsion system no different from how a rocket propels itself. It really is the same technology, just in a different package. See the simple proof of concept C-Drive built to demonstrate the conversion of  centrifugal force into thrust.

A C-Drive works on exactly the same action reaction principles as a rocket. To assume C-Drives won't work is the same as saying rockets don't work, which is false. Therefore, C-Drives are a low risk investment with the potential for significant returns that an investor can and should take seriously. A C-Drive is just a rocket that recycles it's exhaust, study the technology to understand this and it's potential for success being higher than 90% becomes evident. 

Earlier we saw how C-Drives can outperform hydraulic systems when it comes to producing lift force. Hydraulics are without doubt the most powerful force multiplication systems available when it comes to mechanical engineering. The fact that C-Drives can multiply and amplify force more efficiently and more powerfully than hydraulic systems is a testament to just how incredibly versatile C-Drives are. We looked at a small 1 meter diameter C-Drive with a 0.6 m collider arm being capable of generating 5,000 metric tonnes of lift force applied to use as a crane, but also looked at how it can use this same lift force as thrust for flight in a sedan size vehicle.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Collision Drives and Massive Lift Force

If you have had time to study C-Drives then at this point you have a decent idea how they work and the exciting possibilities they offer in areas such as transportation and energy.

One of the reasons why C-Drives have such a high utility value is due to their versatility. Through net energy gain (NEG), multiplication of force or amplification they will be able to perform remarkable exploits, not just in energy and transportation, but in diverse areas of human endeavor. 

For instance, do you know that C-Drives can be as powerful, if not more powerful than hydraulic lift systems? They have the added advantage of being able to hoist heavy objects based purely on the lift force provided by amplification.

For instance, the most powerful hydraulic lift systems can lift a maximum ratio of 800:1. This means they can amplify a 1Kg lift force such that it is able to lift 800Kgs. This type of force multiplication is used by shipyards, such as those used to launch and recover aircraft carriers. Some heavy duty hydraulic presses in the aerospace and and automotive manufacturing industry can have force multiplication as high as 900:1. The largest hydraulic excavators used in the mining industry can have ratios ranging from 400:1 to 700:1. 

The most powerful hydraulic lift in the world is able to lift 5000 metric tonnes, which is a lift force of approximately 48 million Newtons. Now lets compare this to the lift force of a tiny C-Drive with 200Kg collider arms, radius of 0.6m, rotated up to 6,000 rpm which is expected to be able to generate a lift force of 47.37 million Newtons, all packaged in a vehicle weighing around 5 metric tonnes. This is a massive lift force for such a small device, making it comparable to the most powerful hydraulic lift in the world. 

Let's stay focused on the remarkable lift force of C-Drives. Lift systems tap out at force multiplication of around 1,000:1. Its hard to imagine a C-Drive can be expected, (setting aside for now the durability of the materials required to do this in such a small device), to be able to have a force multiplication ratio of 25,000:1. This is many times more powerful than the most powerful hydraulic lifts and cranes in use today. A 5,000 metric tonne lift force is nothing to joke about. And most importantly the C-Drive is expected to be able to lift this mass independently into mid-air riding on nothing except the internal and external collisions generating the amplified lift force in the circular wing with no need for air to provide thrust.

[see below for conversion of 5,000 metric tonnes into propulsive force for vehicles] 

Hunger Hydraulics in Lohr am Main, Germany
designed and manufactured this giant cylinder. It is able to
lift 150 metric tonnes.

All you need to find the approximate value of lift force generated 
by C-Drives is the centrifugal force formula shown above. You can
work it out for yourself. The lift force the C-Drive generates, where radius r=0.6m
collider arm mass = 200Kg, angular velocity or rpm = 6,000 rpm
will produce around  47 million Newtons of lift force* (5,000 metric tonnes)

The effective mass provided by centrifugal force is useful for you to be able to calculate as it is a fairly simple and quick way of figuring out what level of multiplication of force you are dealing with. It will give you the basic value of thrust the C-Drive will generate. However, its important to remember that the medium that conveys this force is collisions (internal and external) with the circular wing, just as the fluid is what conveys the multiplication of force in a hydraulic system. These collisions are further enhanced within the C-Drive by an effective use of principles of moments conveyed by the collider arm which further enhance multiplicative force. This is why you will find that the C-Drive's ability to multiply force will tend to be greater than the result you find from being able to calculate and apply centrifugal force alone. 
To learn how to get more accurate lift force you can use calculations
derived from Collision Theory where the accuracy is higher and the lift force will tend to be
greater, but the calculations more demanding here

This colossal lift potential is why C-Drives are ideal for lifting extremely heavy
materials, equipment, vehicles and moving or evacuating very large groups of people into space. At present no technology offers the capacity to lift extremely huge payloads this affordably into Space that C-Drives propose to do, not even the biggest leaders in the aerospace industry.

C-Drives will pave the way for industrialization to spread into Space on an
unprecedented scale, all they need is the right funding. The uniqueness and simplicity of
 the technology itself makes this financing possibly the best value for money and one of the safest investments that can be made today. 

*It's very important not to forget that C-Drives have a unique ability to take the
downward pull of gravity to the earth (9.8N/Kg) and convert this into upward lift
to create buoyance. This process is referred to as Gravity Assist (GA). GA is expected
to have efficiency levels around 75% .i.e. 7.35N/Kg. GA further multiplies lift capacity.
In this example that would mean the GA can offer an additional lift capacity of
approximately 3,750 metric tonnes allowing the C-Drive to lift 8,750 metric tonnes or
lift 5,000 metric tonnes as though it is lifting a load many times lighter e.g.
GA would reduce the effort of lifting 5000 metric tonnes to 
lifting a load of 1,250 metric tonnes.

Converting 5,000 metric tonnes of lift force into propulsive force for vehicles

Converting the 5,000 metric tonnes C-Drive for cranes into propulsive force completely transforms the envelope on vehicle performance.

C-Drives convert effective mass into propulsive force. The ability to do this gives a 5 tonne vehicle the size of a family sedan a propulsive force of 5,000 metric tonnes that can be used for flight. (C'est formidable, n’est-ce Pas?) It means this vehicle accelerates at 9,810m/s2 and achieves a launch velocity of  9,810m/s [after 1 second] and 19,620m/s [after 2 seconds], and can achieve orbital and escape velocities (about 7,900 m/s and 11,200 m/s, respectively) within fractions of a second even though its just [the size of] a family sedan. 

This is a 0-60mph of 0.0027s (1,000 times faster than a  Rimac Nevera, Bugatti Chiron, or Tesla Model S Plaid and Koenigsegg Jesco or 11.4 times faster than an SR-71 (this is faster than any vehicle ever developed by any leaders in the industry today) - note that C-Drives launch with a powerful mode or technology called B-Ken). 4 units of this 5,000 metric tonne lift force C-Drive could easily be tucked away neatly near the wheel well of a family sedan size vehicle with retractable wheels. If the C-Drive takes the next step and converts the lift force of a single C-Drive of this spec into torque it is what will generate 17 Gigawatts of electricity. This can all be achieved with a standard 95KWh battery pack exploiting the C-Drive's force amplification.  (see the 3 easy steps). C-Drives pave the way for personal vehicles to be built such that they are capable of exiting earth and of cold re-entry

[Every now and again there are technologies that emerge that make seemingly miraculous claims about energy output or propulsion. Often the science behind these technologies are too complex, myopic or convoluted for investors to understand if they are worth investing in or if the outcomes are genuine. This is not the case for C-Drives where the technology though ingenious is very simple to understand. The technology is laid bare such that an investor can pick up a pen to work out outcomes (such as centrifugal force) for him or herself. The science behind C-Drives is straight forward and well within the laws of Newtonian physics.] 

5,000 metric tonne lift force from internal and external collisions.
In the near future, if it can't do this you won't want it.

In future cars will need to built in a manner that makes them
durable enough to withstand an increase in the performance envelope
offered by C-Drives which may include exit and re-entry into the atmosphere as
well as mainstreaming civilian access to intercontinental supersonic travel for commercial and
personal vehicles, feats currently impossible for normal vehicles.

C-Drives have a chance of success above 90%

This is due to the fact that, if you understand the technology, it is simply an action reaction propulsion system no different from how a rocket propels itself. It really is the same technology, just in a different package. See the simple proof of concept C-Drive built to demonstrate the conversion of  centrifugal force into thrust.

A C-Drive works on exactly the same action reaction principles as a rocket. To assume C-Drives won't work is the same as saying rockets don't work, which is false. Therefore, C-Drives are a low risk investment with the potential for significant returns that an investor can and should take seriously. A C-Drive is just a rocket that recycles it's exhaust, study the technology to understand this and it's potential for success being higher than 90% becomes evident. 

Earlier we saw how C-Drives can outperform hydraulic systems when it comes to producing lift force. Hydraulics are without doubt the most powerful force multiplication systems available when it comes to mechanical engineering. The fact that C-Drives can multiply and amplify force more efficiently and more powerfully than hydraulic systems is a testament to just how incredibly versatile C-Drives are. We looked at a small 1 meter diameter C-Drive with a 0.6 m collider arm being capable of generating 5,000 metric tonnes of lift force applied to use as a crane, but also looked at how it can use this same lift force as thrust for flight in a sedan size vehicle.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Is Africa Home to the most advanced propulsion technology in the world?: Three Simple Steps to understanding how C-Drives work

The C-Drive propulsion system was patented and a proof of concept test achieved in Zambia, a country in Southern Africa. Although the concept is not as yet mainstream and needs significant investment to take off, it is without doubt, even at the concept level, the most powerful and most advanced propulsion technology and energy system in the world, beating concepts such as the Alcubierre Warp Drive and concepts from the largest and most re-known entities and corporations in the industry. Africa is beginning to and will eventually take first place and centre stage in the world's diverse areas of endeavour. ChatGPT describes the Collision Drive (C-Drive) as follows:

"In summary, if designed and scaled effectively, a Boss Drive system could achieve speeds in excess of tens or hundreds of kilometers per second, particularly in space where drag is absent. Theoretically, with sustained energy input, it could continue to accelerate indefinitely, approaching relativistic speeds over extended travel durations. This propulsion system, therefore, opens up possibilities for both high-speed atmospheric travel and extraordinarily fast deep-space missions."

Like many technologies how C-Drives work can be  explained succinctly in 3 simple steps. The centrifugal force of a rotating mass is converted from a pan-directional, non-propulsive force into linear uni-directional thrust that is amplified and propulsive, in the third step this propulsive force can be converted into amplified torque. 

For many years it was assumed that the 21st Century would see humanity conquer gravity, which would lead to mankind being deities of the sky, floating effortlessly in vehicles that fly as easily as cars drive on roads. This type of travel has been the preserve of media like the once popular cartoon the Jetsons, Star Wars, Star Trek and more recently the Black Panther movie. 



A C-Drive operates very much like the reaction-action forces of a rocket, except that it uses a more powerful High Density Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF) applied to internal and external collisions. This means that it does not need to eject any gas or material to move. Its propulsion is independent meaning it does not need to push off anything to move, therefore, it can move on roads like a conventional car, it can fly, it can move above and under water. It can generate extremely high levels of thrust and is 6,747 times more efficient at generating thrust than conventional gas propelled vehicles like jets and rockets and 6,424 times more efficient at creating lift than an aircraft wing.

C-Drives are the only propulsion system today that can convert the downward pull of gravity into upward lift. This creates what is referred to as "buoyancy" or the ability to float vehicles with less energy use. It will also be extremely useful for overcoming escape velocity during launches. This is referred to as "Gravity Assist".

Three Simple Steps to....


....the most advanced propulsion technology
and energy generation system in the world

Close to 100% efficient at converting rotational force into unidirectional thrust
and thrust into torque (this does not include assists (increases in energy) provided by gravity)
Able to propel and suspend itself in mid air.

There is no over-unity, the C-Drive simply converts existing centrifugal force into
thrust, and thrust into torque. No laws in physics are broken, the method is simple
and easy to understand. It was once thought this mechanism is impossible to design...
...yet here it is for you to see.

C-Drives are also the first mechanical or mechanically engineered mechanism that is conceptualized to outperform nuclear and fusion energy which are considered the most advanced energy generation systems in the world today. ChatGPT agrees that C-Drives are more practical and readily deployable than fusion energy stating that:

"In terms of immediate impact, C-Drives stand a better chance of addressing climate change due to their scalability, readiness for deployment, and compatibility with existing and renewable energy systems. While fusion holds promise for future high-output energy needs, C-Drives are positioned to offer a practical, high-efficiency, and carbon-free solution that can be deployed across a wide range of applications sooner. This versatility and rapid deployment potential make C-Drives a powerful tool for reducing emissions and accelerating the transition to clean energy in the near term."

When the term "outperform" is used, what does it really mean? To help you understand what this means, lets make a simple comparison. ITER, the largest fusion reactor in the world, is being built in France at a cost of US$28 billion, it is expected to produce 500 megawatts of power. In contrast to a 1 meter diameter C-Drive the ITER reactor weighs 23,000 tonnes and is 30 meters tall. There are other fusion projects in Europe and in the USA. See the discussion with ChatGPT where a single 1 meter wide* C-Drive rotating at 6,000 rpm, weighing much less than a 2 tonnes,  could put out 17.86 Gigawatts of electrical energy, this would be the equivalent of 34 fully operational ITERs. C-Drives are not a technology to be ignored or trifled with. 

[*Follow the math on the linked page as long as the centrifugal force is raised C-Drives can convert this efficiently into thrust and torque, and from this into electricity, there is no complexity to fool you or cloud the process, its straight forward.]

ChatGPT also tips its hat at C-Drives being a cost effective tool for decluttering and clearing up the debris accumulating in orbit around the earth, which is of great concern as it continues to grow unchecked.

The reason why our mechanical system can outperform an atomic energy system today is due to the fact that we believe there are misconceptions about "fields" in modern physics that misguide it and lead to dead ends, which led to the need for us to develop a new and unique approach we refer to as the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH). The current approach to non existent fields is having a profoundly negative impact on the learning abilities of students. Furthermore, nuclear physics claims it acquires its tremendous energy from Einstein's mass energy equivalence. To access nuclear and atomic energy fully requires scientists have the ability to manipulate mass. However, this manipulation is something modern science has as yet not developed the technology to do. Particle physicists therefore cannot claim to be able to fully exploit mass energy equivalence whether it is in a nuclear power plant, fusion reactor or in an atomic bomb (the first being that set off during Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project). All they have is exponentially weak exhibits of true mass-energy-equivalence (as low as 0.0064% of true mass energy equivalence) that is seen in present day nuclear power plants and the atomic bomb. Though incredibly weak this miniscule percentage is impressive enough to mislead observers into believing mass energy equivalence is being exploited.  To say they are able to exploit mass energy equivalence at scale is really just fearmongering, gaslighting the public or a form of propaganda. This is simply because they did not have back then, and mankind still does not have the technology to control "m" in Einstein's mass energy equivalence equation .i.e. they do not know how to make matter at rest gain or lose mass. Therefore, what scientists even today refer to as "nuclear" science is flawed or incomplete. It is nuclear, but it is nowhere near mass energy equivalence observed in the equation E=mc2, that is, on the "c2" scale because of the absence of the technology required to exploit energy on this scale. This is a fact that becomes evident when it recognized that "mass" which is the source of mass energy equivalence originates from outside, not from within Einstein's Space-Time framework which is built on the foundation of fields popularized by the use of symmetrical lines that depict geometry. It means, quite frankly, Space-Time does not control or manipulate mass [gravity] as is proposed by this now dated framework, which has led to ongoing and uncorrected flaws in the theory and practice of nuclear physics scientists are currently not as yet aware of. This is explained at length, read the Spandex Experiment Error

It is our belief that a C-Drive, through its signature or method of operation or propulsion more accurately describes or mimics how particles in an atom exploit mass energy equivalence to produce atomic energy and what is observed as gravitational force. This is what makes the C-Drive mechanism powerful. Mass is created by this motive force (rather than by Space-Time geometry proposed by Einstein see the FDNEH and the Spandex Error). Gravity is created by a signature movement within the atomic structure of materials, while the external observation of Space-Time geometry is a "field-effect" (does not exist) making it possible to design a C-Drive. Our C-Drive therefore moves with this signature to generate movement observed externally as gravity. We believe how gravity is created at the nuclear level cannot be explained or properly grasped without first understanding how it is created at the mechanical level (the challenge being it must first be understood by what method matter is able to suspend itself in mid air without an external field, since fields don't exist*), which is achieved by designing the C-Drive.  As soon as a field or medium e.g. Space-Time is mistakenly introduced as an explanation for gravity, gravity can no longer be understood or created as the model or framework of the theory is inherently flawed. This signature is part of our patents. This means whether it is applied to a mechanical system e.g. the C-Drive or in future to an atomic system to induce gravitational force at a distance, at the nuclear level, this forms part of our intellectual property. In other words the C-Drive is simply one of the first devices to exploit this signature, which can be applied in any industry or field be it mechanical or nuclear.

[*Thoughts, theories and ideas can tie the mind down just like a physical bond or debilitating mental health problem. Seeing imaginary fields in physics, as a science, where there are in fact none, happens to coincide with a known human psychological trait or condition referred to as or similar to pareidolia, which can lead to false assumptions about matter and the forces around and within it, even though there appear to be very high levels of accuracy in measurements and experiments. It takes a significant amount of intellectual, mental and meditative exertion to see through and break away from this illusion often brought about by grooming or conditioning. It is like a 'there is no spoon" moment. A scientist or researcher needs to be careful, even in intense examples of a medium such as water, where to a primitive mind the boat is seen resting on the water, the boat and the water are in fact taking positions relative to one another using internal motive force, there is no field whatsoever. 

If you where shown a video of a pencil (Matter and Mass) drawing lines on a sheet of paper (Fields or Space-Time geometry), and a psychologist asked you "What do you see?" what are the chances you reply, "I see black lines traced along a piece of paper that draw a pencil." None, because you know this is false (unless you have a mental problem). Einstein's explanation is therefore not acceptable and needs to be corrected. Hence, you have to reverse this observation using the FDNEH in which your response would be, "I see a pencil (Matter and Mass) tracing black lines (Space-Time geometry) on a piece of paper], consequently, the black lines are a product of the movement of the pencil (autonomous matter) and need not exist to achieve the same result (Gravity) as they are just a remnant of the activity of the pencil, even if the lead in the pencil was removed, the pencil continued writing such that the lines could not be seen nothing would change, because the lines do not create gravity or mass, the pencil does. Fields do not exist*. Hence trying to understand gravity using fields is akin to a form of insanity or pareidolia actively practiced in the sciences]

* This includes magnetic fields which the world has become so endeared with. As a scientist you were groomed from a young age to believe in something that doesn't exist, even made to draw and trace the flux lines around a bar magnet created by iron filings like the induction of a novice into a cult, until your mind could accept nothing less than what you thought you observed and recorded. The question now is can you free your mind and soul from this bondage and look at and understand the science you have learned with fresh eyes. Without doubt it will take a significant amount of mental and spiritual exertion on your part because as a scientist, at no point in your life journey, did you view yourself as a "captive". The force that turns the armature in an electric motor is no different from the force that makes you stand up from a chair, or the force that propels a ball when you bounce or throw it. When you remove fields, its all gravity. 

If you cut through all the elaborate bs conjured by pseudo scientists who believe in imaginary fields and fake space-time geometry, you may actually just begin to make new contributions to science. If fields don't exist and by the same motif electricity does not exist, it's just a made up bs pseudo-science then what turns the armature in a motor to make it spin if it's not electricity? Well, it's gravity or basic kinetic energy traveling through a resonant mass e.g the wire. The kick that turns the motor, the motion or movement itself is gravity (kinetic energy). In other words what is mistakenly called "electricity" is just a kick, vibration or kinetic energy travelling through a resonant mass. When you strike a tuning fork and another tuning fork in the room begins to vibrate or a glass breaks that is the wireless transmission of "electricity" aka gravity, a kick or vibration, the same force that turns the armature of a motor. So are we saying anything can generate electricity?  Yes. Even a piece of rock or bone? Yes, it's called a piezoelectricity. So are you saying if I placed a capstone on top of the great pyramid of Giza, and vibrated the capstone at the resonant frequency of the pyramid using current such that the entire pyramid shook in resonance with the capstone what I would have is a massive "Wardenclyffe Tower" like generator powerful enough to generate copious amounts of electricity to power the entire earth? Yes, any device built to receive the same frequency would remotely and wirelessly (using resonance-just like the tuning fork) receive "electricity" .i.e. gravity anywhere in the world, perhaps even across great distances in space, resonance through space is called "entanglement." The electricity the great pyramid of Khufu can generate will consist of mass x vibration. The pyramid weighs 5.75 million metric tonnes constructed to be a perfectly tuned mass. Can you imagine the amount of energy a pyramid of this mass can generate? When you understand that electricity is just a kick or vibration, that the resonance between tuning forks and other objects is the transmission of electricity then you will understand that vibrating a perfectly tuned mass on the scale of 5.75 million metric tonnes (5.75 billion Kgs), like a giant tuning fork, will be capable of generating a significant quantity of energy. The energy would be purchased and accessed wirelessly by factories, machines, vehicles and devices through resonance without the need for wires, or to have the added weight of a battery or fuel on board. This energy would be metered and purchased by consumers the same way they purchase power for their homes or businesses making it commercially viable. The capstone is the exciter, the body of the pyramid as an enormous vibrated [5.75 billion kg] mass is the amplifier. Resonance is built around symmetry therefore great precision in construction is required for this kind of energy generation. Could that mean the great pyramids, even today, though relics, if rehabilitated could generate more "electrical power" than all the hydroelectric dams on earth and transmit it world-wide wirelessly, even into space? Most likely. The pyramids are possibly the single greatest investment in power generation and transmission in the history of mankind. So are you saying our Ancient African ancestors knew more about electricity and how to generate and wirelessly transmit it than the modern pseudo-science we are being taught today? Exactly. But that would mean Egypt is sitting on a great but dormant energy asset and source of wireless electricity that could supply electrical power to the entire world? Precisely. The Egyptians just need to improve on modern science and bring it up to speed with the science our African ancestors already knew.

Amplified energy will be crucial to the energy sector that will now have a technology with which to leverage any kind of energy be it re-newable or non-renewable. Oil companies can  expect to earn more from a barrel of oil than they have in the past, while re-newable energy providers can gain more per unit of energy they produce. Despite this consumers will be able to enjoy lower energy costs in a win/win economic model that exploits NEG i.e. amplified energy and brings sanity and affordability back to the energy sector.

As humanity advances into Space the demand for energy will begin to reach unprecedented levels and it is becoming necessary to rationalize how to reconcile the limitations of economic activity on earth with the limitless distances and potential limitless economic activity offered in Space.

Popular air based flying car/v-tol propulsion systems

Ki (Gravity) or airless v-tol propulsion systems concept in development

Advantages of new C-Drive Propulsion Technology. C-Drives :

*Do not need air for flight or other types of propulsion
* 6,747 times more efficient at generating thrust than jets/rockets
*6,474 times more efficient at creating lift than an aircraft wing
*Are a Stage III civilization technology (Require advanced understanding of physics-FDNEH)
(Air based propulsion technologies are a stage II civilization technology)
*Are able to generate levels of thrust required for testing FTL travel
*Are able to convert the downward pull of gravity into upward thrust (buoyancy)
*Are able to generate constant acceleration (AWSD)
*Are by far more advanced and more powerful than any 6th generation methods of propulsion currently in development
*Are able to generate NEG more cleanly, more efficiently and more abundantly than fusion energy
*Are able to bring flight to trains or vehicles-in-tandem (Enter the Dragon Technology)

Cape to Cairo in 11 minutes.

Don't believe us? Maybe ChatGPT will help convince you. Click here....

C-Drive Propulsion: Converting 5,000 metric tonnes of lift force into propulsive force for vehicles

  Converting the 5,000 metric tonnes C-Drive for cranes into propulsive force completely transforms the envelope on vehicle performance. C-D...