Thursday, March 21, 2024

G-Force Exploits

 Friday 22nd March 2024

If you are in the aerospace industry and working with propulsion technologies C-Drives are without doubt the very cutting edge of propulsion science. When a rocket blasts off its platform and starts to move toward escape velocity it is burning tremendous amounts of fuel. 

We have discussed Gravity Assist (GA) which is the capacity of C-Drives to redirect the downward pull of gravity and instead convert it into an upward thrust that neutralizes gravitational force. This is referred to as buoyancy. C-Drives can use internal efficiencies to magnify gravitational force to generate buoyance, something usually only observed in dirigibles that contain vast amounts of gas that is lighter than air. C-Drives can use mechanical engineering to achieve this same effect.

This is not where it ends. C-Drives also have G-Force Assist (GFA). G-Force assist is what the aerospace industry will find very interesting. Acceleration unleashes G-Forces. Every time you step on the pedal in your car and you feel yourself pressed against your seat, these are G-Forces at work. If a car can produce significant G-Force, what more a rocket accelerating its way to speeds higher than the speed of sound.

A conventional rocket generates tremendous G-Force, however, it cannot exploit it. In the same way that C-Drives can take gravity and exploit it to create Gravity Assist, they can also exploit the G-Forces being created by a rocket or any vehicle, point and re-deploy them in any direction. When they point them in the same direction of acceleration this is called G-Force Assist (GFA) when they point them in the opposite direction this is referred to Braking Assist (BRA). 

G-Force Assist acts somewhat like the turbo-boost on a car that compresses air and feeds it into the combustion chamber. C-Drives can compress G-Forces and feed back into the direction of travel thereby increasing the propulsive force by which a ship is heading into Space. This means less fuel is used during launches and yet the acceleration available is more significant.

Rockets fight their way through escape velocity burning vast amounts of fuel.
However, unlike C-Drives which use HD-SRMF they cannot exploit the G-Forces they produce
during this flight. C-Drives can use G-Force Assist (GFA) by using the G-Forces churned out
during acceleration to produce even greater thrust. These G-Forces are like additional fuel
that can be processed or redirected toward even greater thrust with fuel economy.

This advanced propulsion technology has never been seen in the aerospace industry.

How G-Force Assist (GFA) Works

The rate of acceleration can exceed earth's gravity, however, 
the g-forces produced are fuel C-Drives redirect into forward thrust
further enhancing acceleration. This concept is not new in the sense that 
it is used in afterburners to make jets more powerful and in turbos to make
engines to do the same. With the HD-SRMF this procedure is referred to as an "assist"
gained from manipulating mass and acceleration.

Intro to C-Drives

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