Monday 18th March 2024
C-Drives process mass flow for propulsion and therefore master gravity.
When rockets launch they do so precariously balancing the mass of the fuel required to achieve escape velocity, the mass of the vehicle with its payload against gravity. The nemesis they face that attempts to prevent the exit from earth is gravity. In addition to this they are problematic in that they leave a very messy, noisy and primitive wake of exhaust, that spreads ominously from the launch pad with a significant potential for spreading vast levels of pollution that may impact negatively on climate change. The maximum velocities they can achieve are simply too slow to make sense when it comes to the long term plans to venture into space. Nevertheless, there is a need to respect that rockets and similar propulsion technologies are the status quo and technology of the day.
Technically C-Drives are simply an evolution of a rocket or action-reaction propulsion technology with the main difference being that C-Drives recycle their high density exhaust while current propulsion technologies eject low density exhaust from the vehicle. What is significant is that the know how and technology gap between ejecting exhaust and recycling it is very wide due to the exceptionally high degree of difficulty associated with how to achieve a recycled mass flow.
C-Drives bring significant new advantages to rocket science. Propulsion experts and scientists working on state of the art propulsion systems today are not familiar with a high density static recycled mass flow (HD-SRMF), predominantly due to the fact that the science fraternity for the most part believed this technology did not exist or could not be possible because it violated laws of physics. However, C-Drives prove that ejected mass flow in rockets and jets can be advanced to a recycled mass flow without violating any laws of physics whatsoever, what was simply lacking was the skill, know how and technical expertise to achieve this, as the degree of difficulty concerning design was exceptionally high. Therefore, this represents a paradigm shift in this technology, and physicists and engineers will have to familiarize themselves with it due to the fact that it is their role to ensure that not only is their expertise in rocket science or propulsion up to date and cutting edge, but they are looking into how best it can serve the projects they are currently working on, the rockets they are building, the businesses and government institutions that rely on them to bring the best and most advantageous propulsion technology to the table. They do this in the interests of efficiency, profitability and staying abreast of trends. Trends will affect a pubic institution or company's future performance in the industry. For instance leading public institutions and companies in the aerospace industry will want to know how they will work with this new technology, the advantages it will bring them and what the financial gains will be. They will expect their propulsion experts to provide this information. C-Drives are a patented technology therefore accessing the technology requires reaching out.
Firstly HD-SRMF does not produce any exhaust whatsoever.
Secondly, C-Drives can deploy a procedure called Gravity Assist (GA) during launches that is able to reduce the energy required to achieve escape velocity by 75% or more. This means launches use less fuel and can be considerably more cost effective. This is due to the fact that C-Drives can take the downward pull of gravity and convert this into a source of energy for upward thrust. Assists from gravity and G-Forces make C-Drives exceptionally powerful, manoeuvrable and versatile.
Imagine a launch where, rather than gravity trying to prevent your vehicle from leaving earth, instead gravity provides the force that helps your vehicle exit earth. Buoyancy in C-Drives is gained from their ability to take the high density mass flow, recycle it and deploy it in any direction, even in the opposite direction of the source. When it is employed in the opposite direction to gravity, the term usually applied to this opposite force is anti-gravity. C-Drives can use the Gravity Assist procedure or anti-gravity* to make launches painless and significantly cheaper.
How this is done is illustrated in the animation below:
*If HD-SRMF can create a propulsive force indistinguishable from gravity without the use of "fields" and without the need for an external medium for propulsion, then it follows that like gravity, anti-gravity can just as surely be generated using mechanical engineering.![]() |
C-Drives can redirect the downward pull of gravity (green arrow) forward or upward (blue arrow) cancelling or neutralizing the resistance vehicles face in achieving escape velocity as shown in the animation. This procedure could reduce fuel or energy spent on launches by as much as 75%. While x represents a swinging action around the head of the mass-turbine, this exploits principles of moments while the sliding action of the collider arm is a battering ram-like impact that generates propulsion in the wing, showing two types of action or force namely collision theory and principles of moments at play to redirect gravitational force. The force is cushioned by the parabolic nature of the impact. The downward pull of gravity is converted into a more intense upward collision of the collider arm (blue arrow) against the circular wing consequently increasing thrust in the direction opposite to the pull of gravity. At 100% the vessel and its payload is buoyant (weighs nothing). 100% buoyancy is possible due to the fact that C-Drives amplify force, the same applies to the amplification of the downward pull of gravity that is redirected upward. Buoyancy allows a vehicle to be weightless on the ground or to remain suspended in mid air using the minimum amount of energy. If the vessel and its payload is weightless the energy required to move it or launch it into space is minimal. The ability of C-Drives to neutralize gravity in this way introduces buoyancy or a weightlessness in vehicles that will counter the problem of achieving escape velocity and that will generally enhance launches. As a space craft approaches earth this process can be reversed. C-Drives can convert deceleration into the energy required to slow the vehicle down until its velocity is synchronized with that of the earth. This means that the vessel expends very little energy to perform cold re-entry. This procedure is referred to as Breaking Assist (BrA) see the list of C-Drive efficiencies. Easy Gravity Assisted launches and easy BrA assisted Cold re-entry will be standard on spaceships propelled by C-Drives. See the collider arms hauling more than 6 times their mass in the proof of concept video using extremely powerful unidirectional force that pushes off nothing, being internally propelled means this motive force will work in any environment be it in the vacuum of space, on earth, in the air or underwater with the capacity to move at extreme velocities not witnessed in the propulsion industry. |
C-Drives have a number of efficiencies at their disposal for deploying Gravity Assist successfully such as Net Energy Gain form angular momentum, principles of moments and so on and will not face many of the challenges vehicles attempting to launch and exit earth are seen to experience today.
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