Thursday, March 21, 2024

G-Force Exploits

 Friday 22nd March 2024

If you are in the aerospace industry and working with propulsion technologies C-Drives are without doubt the very cutting edge of propulsion science. When a rocket blasts off its platform and starts to move toward escape velocity it is burning tremendous amounts of fuel. 

We have discussed Gravity Assist (GA) which is the capacity of C-Drives to redirect the downward pull of gravity and instead convert it into an upward thrust that neutralizes gravitational force. This is referred to as buoyancy. C-Drives can use internal efficiencies to magnify gravitational force to generate buoyance, something usually only observed in dirigibles that contain vast amounts of gas that is lighter than air. C-Drives can use mechanical engineering to achieve this same effect.

This is not where it ends. C-Drives also have G-Force Assist (GFA). G-Force assist is what the aerospace industry will find very interesting. Acceleration unleashes G-Forces. Every time you step on the pedal in your car and you feel yourself pressed against your seat, these are G-Forces at work. If a car can produce significant G-Force, what more a rocket accelerating its way to speeds higher than the speed of sound.

A conventional rocket generates tremendous G-Force, however, it cannot exploit it. In the same way that C-Drives can take gravity and exploit it to create Gravity Assist, they can also exploit the G-Forces being created by a rocket or any vehicle, point and re-deploy them in any direction. When they point them in the same direction of acceleration this is called G-Force Assist (GFA) when they point them in the opposite direction this is referred to Braking Assist (BRA). 

G-Force Assist acts somewhat like the turbo-boost on a car that compresses air and feeds it into the combustion chamber. C-Drives can compress G-Forces and feed back into the direction of travel thereby increasing the propulsive force by which a ship is heading into Space. This means less fuel is used during launches and yet the acceleration available is more significant.

Rockets fight their way through escape velocity burning vast amounts of fuel.
However, unlike C-Drives which use HD-SRMF they cannot exploit the G-Forces they produce
during this flight. C-Drives can use G-Force Assist (GFA) by using the G-Forces churned out
during acceleration to produce even greater thrust. These G-Forces are like additional fuel
that can be processed or redirected toward even greater thrust with fuel economy.

This advanced propulsion technology has never been seen in the aerospace industry.

How G-Force Assist (GFA) Works

The rate of acceleration can exceed earth's gravity, however, 
the g-forces produced are fuel C-Drives redirect into forward thrust
further enhancing acceleration. This concept is not new in the sense that 
it is used in afterburners to make jets more powerful and in turbos to make
engines to do the same. With the HD-SRMF this procedure is referred to as an "assist"
gained from manipulating mass and acceleration.

Intro to C-Drives

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Gravity Assist (GA): Launching from Earth with 75% or more Efficiency

 Monday 18th March 2024

C-Drives process mass flow for propulsion and therefore master gravity.

When rockets launch they do so precariously balancing the mass of the fuel required to achieve escape velocity, the mass of the vehicle with its payload against gravity. The nemesis they face that attempts to prevent the exit from earth is gravity. In addition to this they are problematic in that they leave a very messy, noisy and primitive wake of exhaust, that spreads ominously from the launch pad with a significant potential for spreading vast levels of pollution that may impact negatively on climate change. The maximum velocities they can achieve are simply too slow to make sense when it comes to the long term plans to venture into space. Nevertheless, there is a need to respect that rockets and similar propulsion technologies are the status quo and technology of the day. 

Technically C-Drives are simply an evolution of a rocket or action-reaction propulsion technology with the main difference being that C-Drives recycle their high density exhaust while current propulsion technologies eject low density exhaust from the vehicle. What is significant is that the know how and technology gap between ejecting exhaust and recycling it is very wide due to the exceptionally high degree of difficulty associated with how to achieve a recycled mass flow.

C-Drives bring significant new advantages to rocket science. Propulsion experts and scientists working on state of the art propulsion systems today are not familiar with a high density static recycled mass flow (HD-SRMF), predominantly due to the fact that the science fraternity for the most part believed this technology did not exist or could not be possible because it violated laws of physics. However, C-Drives prove that  ejected mass flow in rockets and jets can be advanced to a recycled mass flow without violating any laws of physics whatsoever, what was simply lacking was the skill, know how and technical expertise to achieve this, as the degree of difficulty concerning design was exceptionally high. Therefore, this represents a paradigm shift in this technology, and physicists and engineers will have to familiarize themselves with it due to the fact that it is their role to ensure that not only is their expertise in rocket science or propulsion up to date and cutting edge, but they are looking into how best it can serve the projects they are currently working on, the rockets they are building, the businesses and government institutions that rely on them to bring the best and most advantageous propulsion technology to the table. They do this in the interests of efficiency, profitability and staying abreast of trends.  Trends will affect a pubic institution or company's future performance in the industry. For instance leading public institutions and companies in the aerospace industry will want to know how they will work with this new technology, the advantages it will bring them and what the financial gains will be. They will expect their propulsion experts to provide this information. C-Drives are a patented technology therefore accessing the technology requires reaching out.

Firstly HD-SRMF does not produce any exhaust whatsoever. 

Secondly, C-Drives can deploy a procedure called Gravity Assist (GA) during launches that is able to reduce the energy required to achieve escape velocity by 75% or more. This means launches use less fuel and can be considerably more cost effective. This is due to the fact that C-Drives can take the downward pull of gravity and convert this into a source of energy for upward thrust. Assists from gravity and G-Forces make C-Drives exceptionally powerful, manoeuvrable and versatile.

Imagine a launch where, rather than gravity trying to prevent your vehicle from leaving earth, instead gravity provides the force that helps your vehicle exit earth. Buoyancy in C-Drives is gained from their ability to take the high density mass flow, recycle it and deploy it in any direction, even in the opposite direction of the source. When it is employed in the opposite direction to gravity, the term usually applied to this opposite force is anti-gravity. C-Drives can use the Gravity Assist procedure or anti-gravity* to make launches painless and significantly cheaper.

How this is done is illustrated in the animation below: 

*If HD-SRMF can create a propulsive force indistinguishable from gravity without the use of "fields" and without the need for an external medium for propulsion, then it follows that like gravity, anti-gravity can just as surely be generated using mechanical engineering.

C-Drives can redirect the downward pull of gravity (green arrow)
forward or upward (blue arrow) cancelling or neutralizing the resistance vehicles 
face in achieving escape velocity as shown in the animation.
This procedure could reduce fuel or energy spent on launches by as 
much as 75%. While x represents a swinging action around the head
of the mass-turbine, this exploits
principles of moments while the sliding action of the collider arm 
is a battering ram-like impact that generates propulsion in the wing,
showing two types of action or force namely collision theory and principles of 
moments at play to redirect gravitational force. 
The force is cushioned by the parabolic nature of the impact.

The downward pull of gravity is converted into a more
intense upward collision of the collider arm (blue arrow) against the circular wing
consequently increasing thrust in the direction opposite to 
the pull of gravity. At 100% the vessel and its payload is buoyant (weighs nothing).
100% buoyancy is possible due to the fact that C-Drives amplify force,
the same applies to the amplification of the downward pull of gravity that is redirected upward. 
Buoyancy allows a vehicle to be weightless on the ground or to remain suspended in mid air
using the minimum amount of energy. If the vessel and its payload is weightless the
energy required to move it or launch it
into space is minimal. 

The ability of C-Drives to neutralize gravity in this
way introduces buoyancy or a weightlessness in vehicles that will
counter the problem of achieving escape velocity and that will
generally enhance launches.

As a space craft approaches earth this process can be reversed. C-Drives
can convert deceleration into the energy required to slow the vehicle down
until its velocity is synchronized with that of the earth. This means that
the vessel expends very little energy to perform cold re-entry. 
This procedure is referred to as Breaking Assist (BrA) see the
list of C-Drive efficiencies. Easy Gravity Assisted launches and
easy BrA assisted Cold re-entry will be standard
on spaceships propelled by C-Drives. See the collider
arms hauling more than 6 times their mass in the 
proof of concept video using extremely powerful unidirectional force 
that pushes off nothing, being internally propelled means
this motive force will work in any environment be it in the vacuum of space, 
on earth, in the air or underwater with the capacity to move at extreme velocities
not witnessed in the propulsion industry.

The term "Anti-Gravity" refers to a hypothetical phenomenon of creating a place or object that is free of the force of gravity, this definition applies to C-Drives due to the fact they create this phenomenon without the presence of a medium or field. This is the case whether it is mechanically engineered or taking place in the atomic structure of materials. Gravity Assist (GA) may not qualify as antigravity by this definition due to the fact that it interacts with earth gravity to cancel gravity. However, the term antigravity is a misnomer which demonstrates the ignorance of the term according to its current definition. The term does not actually convey an understanding of how gravity works. This is due to the fact that the process that creates antigravity is the same process that creates gravity. For instance, a sky diver falling toward earth is not falling because the mass of the earth is attracting him, but because the atoms in his body are positioning him using their internal motive force relative to the earth (see the slingshot explanation). In other words the sky diver and the earth use the internal mobility of atoms to negotiate how they move in proximity to one another. There is no such thing as "balancing the force of gravity with some other force such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift". This definition only demonstrates it is ignorant of what gravity is and how it works. Technically, neither magnetism nor aerodynamic lift move objects, all objects move primarily as a result of activity in their atoms which on observation may appear like magnetism or aerodynamic lift, when in fact technically neither of these two forces exist. As earlier discussed, the same applies to an object being buoyant in water is not caused by Archimedes Principle. Matter is intangible and intrinsically has no mass therefore any attribute or phenomenon it is observed to exhibit, even if empirical, must be orchestrated by swarming. What is being observed is atoms using internal mobility to enact or mimic these forces which the Stage II mind and primal intellect believe or conclude are sacrosanct forces. Once again these are Stage II and Stage III interpretations. 

X-Formation of Collider Arms for launch and efficient buoyancy
Enhances Gravity Assist (GA)
The downward pull of gravity is redirected into  an upward collision with the circular wing that generates upward lift or thrust, hence creating what would appear as a mechanically engineered antigravity  using counter-rotating collider arms. Since proof of concept for HD-SRMF has already been gained, this "antigravity" like force is not just a concept but has been proven accurate.

As the diagram above illustrates anti-gravity can be created using mechanical engineering, without the need for fields, and since this force consists of High Density Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF) instead of ions it is extremely potent. C-Drives can create a form of antigravity since they can point HD-SRMF in any direction and do not require a medium to function.

The ability to keep a large vessel buoyant with minimal expenditure of fuel
is very useful. Dirigibles use a gas that is lighter than air to gain this buoyancy. C-Drives
can achieve the same by harnessing gravity and redirecting it upward to create buoyancy cheaply.
C-Drives will be capable of floating extremely heavy and massive
structures at low cost.

C-Drives have a number of efficiencies at their disposal for deploying Gravity Assist successfully such as Net Energy Gain form angular momentum, principles of moments and so on and will not face many of the challenges vehicles attempting to launch and exit earth are seen to experience today.

Intro to C-Drives

Monday, March 11, 2024

Newtons 3rd Law of Motion

12th March 2024

Top View of the 3 Simple Steps
Top View of a C-Drive in Action, the Collider Arm is
shown in black/blue striking the Wing shown in green. The red and blue
arrows show impact with the Wing and direction of force. There are two
impacts or collisions per rotation (2CPR) with the Wing per rotation creating
powerful propulsion throughout 360 degrees of rotation.

This is the most powerful zero emission propulsion technology.
The impossible machine, working and rationalized.

In terms of design the C-Drive is more advanced and more powerful 
than NASA's Helical Engine for a few reasons:

1. The C-Drive Collider Arm produces forward thrust continuously, that is, close to 100% of the 360 degree cycle while moving forward and backward, the Helical Engine produces thrust only when moving forward (to the right)

2. The Helical Engine uses very low density ions for mass flow, which perpetuates the 
problem of low levels of thrust that limits usefulness, C-Drives use a High Density recycled mass flow.

3. The Helical Engine is designed primarily for propulsion, C-Drives not only offer advanced
propulsion, they are also capable of advancements in the generation and supply of energy

4. The Helical Engine is somewhat impractical as it requires "field" based technologies in
physics that have not been invented yet and its accelerator concept needs 165MW of
electricity just to get started, the technology behind C-Drives is pragmatic, it needs much smaller and lower levels of input power (exciter) to run rpm, it uses Q-Factor to generate more electricity than it consumes and everything needed to build C-Drives is currently available.

A top view of the C-Drive Circular Wing shows the Collider Arm make internal and external collisions with the Wing. The question is, how does the arm, which is moving backwards create a forward collision or propulsive force? As has been mentioned before this problem cannot be solved without advancing from a Stage II to Stage III approach to physics, where fields are dismissed as the means of gaining unidirectional force. A belief in fields would require the Collider Arm that is shown above moving back and forth, to gain mass as it moves to the right (forward) to generate a collision that pushes the wing and then lose mass as it moves to the left (backwards) in order not to create a backward acting force that nullifies or neutralizes the forward push. The "field" based method recommended for achieving this using the Helical Engine is based on relativistic effects that occur at the speed of light that make this mass "disappear" when it moves backwards and reappear as it moves forwards. This is something that it is considered impractical, unproven or impossible to achieve. Using the FDNEH approach that dismisses fields, would dismiss this method as unnecessary. If fields do not exist there is a method in engineering by which a unidirectional force can be created mechanically. C-Drive design shows that a mechanically engineered C-Drive reverses polarity every 180 degrees of rotation. It thereby exerts a continuous propulsive collision to the right of the Circular Wing, to the outside as it moves back and to the inside of the Wing as it moves forward as seen from the Top View of the C-Drive shown above. 

Both the Helical Engine and the EM-Drive face the same problem as modern day rockets and jets, which is that they use a very low density mass flow for propulsion. The Helical Engine proposes ions, while the EM-Drive proposes the use of microwaves. Low density mass in these kinds of devices very likely cannot be used in earth's gravity, it has to be used in space due to the fact that the effectiveness of the mass to generate propulsion is limited. C-Drives use a High Density Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD-SRMF) which significantly enhances propulsive force, as stated many times, C-Drives are x6,747 more efficient at generating propulsion than a fuel ejected as exhaust due to the  advantage of having a highly dense recycled mass flow. In the proof of concept video the C-Drive Collider Arms are moving six times their mass demonstrating the robustness of a high density mass flow, even in earth's gravity.

By reversing polarity every 180 degrees of rotation the Collider Arm converts pan-directional force into unidirectional force. The top view makes it easier to see how collisions generate a propulsive force in one net direction. A C-Drive is not a reactionless propulsion system, and it obeys Newton's 3rd Law of Motion when it converts non-buoyant and non-propulsive centrifugal force into a buoyant and propulsive unidirectional force using a recycled mass flow. See the C-Drive proof of concept video where the it moves 77Kg.

Often first proof of concept designs are simple because they are an attempt to prove the validity of a principle on which a technology will be built (for instance, see Boston Dynamics first one legged and two legged robots and compare them to their state of the art robots). The C-Drive for instance only needed to demonstrate the ability to convert pan-directional force into unidirectional force or thrust, which it was able to do successfully as seen in the video. In the video the collider arms are moving more than 6 times their mass pushing off independently (against nothing other than the internally generated vector force).

Rocket or Jet Propulsion with HD-SRMF

Proof of concept: 
Note that the wheels would simply move back and forth if thrust
was not unidirectional, this is a gif see the video for a clearer image. Also note that the
C-Drive is generating a fwd moving thrust despite rotating backwards. Perhaps most 
importantly for physicists, this proof of concept validates the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH) offering the first practical evidence that gravity is a mechanically engineered force [in the anatomy of an atom] that does not need fields to exist or exhibit force displacing the belief that buoyancy or gravity requires a medium, Space-Time geometry or fields to function or exist. It offers evidence for how iron filings can use this internal motive force (gravity) to position particulate around a bar magnet to create what appears to scientists as a field, when in fact what physicists observe is a field effect, that is, because fields in and of themselves do not exist. Furthermore, it demonstrates that a smaller mass (Collider arms of 12Kg) can move a larger mass (vehicle of 77Kg) using angular momentum indicating the potential for Net Energy Gain (NEG) or Q-Factor of 6 or higher.
Technically, this humble experiment rewrites the very foundations of physics.

Skateboard wheels have ball bearings to reduce friction
and are bi-directional, were the propulsive force generated by 
the C-Drive not uni-directional these wheels would have
simply rocked back and forth. 

The C-Drive is independent in that it does not have to push-off any medium
for propulsion. This technology is key in that it means the C-Drive will propel itself
in any environment including the vacuum of Space.

This finding would require that, in order to make more accurate assumptions or interpretations concerning empirical evidence, physicists would be required to upgrade their theoretical framework from that of Stage II to Stage III, otherwise false assumptions or mistakes that are regarded as proven facts will be publicized or emerge in their analysis which would be invalidated by the dated framework they have applied to understand phenomena being studied and that is under examination.

Like the C-Drive, Boston Dynamics first robots
were very simple compared to the 
state of the art robots they
have become today.

Like the C-Drive early innovations focus on
proving it is
possible for technology to work. 

Gravity Assist (GA) in C-Drives redirects gravity making it possible to neutralize it which is especially useful during launches.  Click the link to discover how this technology works. Instead of resisting getting your payload into space GA can use gravity to help instead of hinder launches.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

C-Drive - Airless Elevation, Lift, Flight & Thrust: Have we figured out how it works?

6th March 2024
Yes, we have.

Lift and thrust is provided by a High Density - Static Recycled Mass Flow (HD - SRMF). Collisions take place inside and outside the circular Wing as demonstrated below.

Counter rotation focuses the force generated .

The lift and thrust generated is not very different from that created by an aircraft wing
as shown by the cross section of the air foil below:

The HD-SRMF is more efficient at generating lift force than an aircraft wing.
Wings on aircraft will become a thing of the past. Since the C-Drive generates this lift force from collisions it does not need air for
thrust and lift. HD-SRMF is zero emission and does not create pollution. It offers the single greatest opportunity to provide a technology for use in transportation
and energy sectors that is an answer to the climate change problem.

Although the procedure for and methodology for generating lift and thrust using mass and collisions instead of air may seem simple and easy to understand after-the-fact, a new approach to physics had to be developed to make this design possible. This approach is called the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH). FDNEH moves analysis from Stage II which being limited by the belief in fields cannot conceptualize and therefore cannot design the working mechanism of a C-Drive to Stage III levels of analysis which makes it possible to both conceptualize and design a C-Drive. For more on how the C-Drive was designed and developed see the Science of a Collision Drive.

While most aerospace companies and entities today are chasing urban mobility, Vtol, supersonic and hypersonic flight and are trying to make these mainstream, this objective is limited by the propulsion technology at hand that sets the bar far too low when it comes to C-Drives, which will achieve propulsion at this kind of level without getting out of bed in the morning and bothering to yawn. For instance, the most advanced, state of the art jet engine moving an aircraft at Mark II uses a gaseous, very low density mass flow and uses this as propulsive force. Simply by swopping the propulsion content of this mass flow out with that of a C-Drive that has a recycled density x6,747 greater, ceteris paribus, it can easily be acknowledged by "rule of the thumb" that C-Drives comparatively are capable of an entry level velocity of Mach13,494 or 16,652,391 Km/h, which is 1.54% the Speed of Light, yet HD-SRMF is really only just one of the very basic C-Drive efficiencies.

Intro to C-Drives

38 Concepts in Science Negated by the Fields Do Not Exist Hypothesis (FDNEH)

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